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Grammars with Context Conditions and Their Applications – Alexander Meduna

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The essential guide to grammars with context conditions This advanced computer science book systematically and compactly summarizes the current knowledge about grammars with context conditions-an important area of formal language theory. According to the types of context conditions, this self-contained reference classifies them into grammars with context conditions placed on the domains of grammatical derivations, the use of grammatical productions, and the neighborhood of the rewritten symbols. The focus is on grammatical generative power, important properties, simplification, reduction, implementation, and applications, most of which are related to microbiology. The text features: * Up-to-date coverage of grammatical concepts based on context conditions * Self-contained explanations without assumption of any previous knowledge * Clear definitions and exact proofs preceded by intuitive explanations * Numerous easy-to-implement grammatical transformations * Realistic applications * Relation to mathematics, linguistics, and biology * Additional material and information about the book available on accompanying Web site (see preface for details) Practitioners and advanced students in theoretical computer science and related areas- including mathematics, linguistics, and molecular biology-will find Grammars with Context Conditions and Their Applications an essential reference for this cutting-edge area of formal language theory.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471736554

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