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Take control of your organization's short- and long-term financial plan Now fully revised, Not-for-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management, Second Edition, offers a financial pla...
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What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements Combining the proven guidance of the previous, bestselling edition with all of the latest regu...
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Take control of your organization's short- and long-term financial plan Now fully revised, Not-for-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management, Second Edition, offers a financial pla...
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What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements Combining the proven guidance of the previous, bestselling edition with all of the latest regu...
В этот день...
25 июня 1903 года родился Джордж Оруэлл (настоящее имя Эрик Артур Блэр) (George Orwell Ч Eric Arthur Blair) (ум. 1950), английский писатель и публицист, автор романа «1984».
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