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To Catch A Wife
To Catch A Wife
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To Catch A Wife

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To Catch A Wife
Lee McKenzie

He'll prove he's back for goodDetective Jack Evans will keep proposing as many times as it takes. He never expected to come home to Riverton, Wisconsin, let alone to find himself lost in a night of passion with reporter Emily Finnegan–and he gets an even bigger surprise when he finds out she's pregnant. Now he's determined to marry the beautiful brunette. It took a world-shaking surprise to make him realize what was missing in his life. But Emily has been hurt before, and isn't convinced his desire to marry her is about love. He'll do whatever it takes to prove his heart is hers… for as long as they both shall live.

He’ll prove he’s back for good

Detective Jack Evans will keep proposing as many times as it takes. He never expected to come home to Riverton, Wisconsin, let alone to find himself lost in a night of passion with reporter Emily Finnegan—and he gets an even bigger surprise when he finds out she’s pregnant. Now he’s determined to marry the beautiful brunette. It took a world-shaking surprise to make him realize what was missing in his life. But Emily has been hurt before and isn’t convinced his desire to marry her is about love. He’ll do whatever it takes to prove his heart is hers...for as long as they both shall live.

“We’ll get married,” he blurted. “Right away, as soon as you want.”

The declaration caught him completely off guard and he added, “You can move to Chicago. I’ll take care of you and the baby and...”

Horrified didn’t come close to describing her expression.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh, gee, Jack. We hardly even know one another, for one thing.”

“Emily, we’ve known each other for years.”

“All right, then,” she said. “What’s my favorite color?”

He looked her up and down, as though her wardrobe might offer up a clue. “Yellow?”

“Wrong. What’s my middle name? When’s my birthday?” she asked, relentlessly hammering her point home.

Again, he had no idea, none whatsoever.

“See? You don’t know anything about me, but you think getting married is a good idea. You think I should walk away from my family and my job and everything I’ve ever known, follow you to Chicago, waiting for you to get unbusy enough to be a husband and a father?”

“I don’t know, Emily. We’re going to be parents, and I’m trying to do the right thing.”

Dear Reader (#ulink_8142a58e-3325-5947-81a0-ba79d2aaa0ad),

Welcome to Riverton, Wisconsin! This (fictional) small town, steeped in the culture of America’s Heartland, is home to the Finnegan sisters—Emily, Annie and CJ—and I’m delighted to introduce them to you.

I grew up in a close-knit family, always knowing there was someone there to celebrate the good times and to offer support when the going got tough. I cherish all the memories of afternoon picnics and Sunday dinners, so it’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that those are the things I love to write about.

To Catch a Wife is about coming to terms with the past, learning to cope with an uncertain future and discovering that love is all about the compromise. This is middle sister Emily’s story, and I hope you enjoy it. I love to hear from readers and invite you to visit my website at (, where you can send me an email, sign up for my (mostly) monthly newsletter and find out about my other books, including future books in this series. Happy reading!



To Catch a Wife

Lee McKenzie (

From the time she was ten years old and read Anne of Green Gables and Little Women, LEE McKENZIE knew she wanted to be a writer, just like Anne and Jo. In the intervening years, she has written everything from advertising copy to an honors thesis in paleontology, but becoming a four-time Golden Heart® Award finalist and a Harlequin author are among her proudest accomplishments. Lee and her artist/teacher husband live on an island along Canada’s west coast, and she loves to spend time with two of her best friends—her grown-up children.

For Johanna Raisanen, editor extraordinaire

Acknowledgments (#ulink_41e3a724-d880-5bda-8bdb-9df35b324de5)

Many thanks to Melanie Backus for entering my Name This Furry Friend contest and suggesting the name Tadpole for Emily’s hamster. It was a hands-down favorite with the judges.


COVER (#u60ee4d72-d5cb-52b1-b613-a4ff8d079caa)

BACK COVER TEXT (#uff1847e3-22c9-50f1-9eeb-aaacb03ca88d)

INTRODUCTION (#u57bbbc96-eb20-5939-b52c-536dcd71cbc3)

Dear Reader (#u663e539f-8741-5346-bcb3-59f2639da6b6)

TITLE PAGE (#uef80f250-d5f8-519a-9cc8-a9ce44be6b3c)

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (#u7df3dfb7-c7f5-5567-9317-b7512a59b389)

DEDICATION (#u9027acf8-6719-5195-a56b-db3095cbe38e)

Acknowledgments (#ud0015ddf-fdb9-5bb2-b849-9ec38bdf897b)

CHAPTER ONE (#ud3516250-1b94-5aff-9d86-fd65938387f9)

CHAPTER TWO (#ua0622a9e-2363-5b66-8719-44a1a7f2ca2d)

CHAPTER THREE (#u2645f3c8-cf93-5467-bde3-2d5f72c11c85)

CHAPTER FOUR (#uc3a52087-822e-5147-9479-3e5f5f2e18a2)

CHAPTER FIVE (#u3292d93b-aa2e-5d3e-96b4-17435d901715)

CHAPTER SIX (#uaaa4aef9-9885-5200-9754-f8553f40e8b3)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE (#litres_trial_promo)

EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)

EXTRACT (#litres_trial_promo)

COPYRIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_b545c7ff-0408-5c43-90b9-b56d44c87aa8)

EMILY FINNEGAN SETTLED onto the middle stool at the big kitchen island, sliding comfortably into her place as the middle sister. No matter what was wrong with the world—floods, famines, personal freak-outs—here in the heart of the Finnegan family farmhouse, everything felt right.

Her younger sister, CJ—Cassie Jo as their father affectionately called her—sat on the stool to Emily’s right. CJ was dressed for the stables in dark jeans and a faded denim work shirt, her long blond hair pulled back in a high ponytail.

Across the gleaming white Formica countertop, Annie, eldest of the three sisters, stood with carafe in hand. “Coffee?” She angled the pot over Emily’s mug. If the kitchen was the heart of the home, then Annie was the life force that kept it beating.

“Sure. Oh, wait. No.” Emily hastily withdrew her cup. “Only if it’s decaf.”

CJ clapped a hand to Emily’s forehead.

Emily ducked away from it. “What are you doing?”

“Checking to see if you’re running a fever. Since when do you drink decaf?”

A good question for which Emily didn’t have a good answer. Yet. “I haven’t been sleeping well, so I thought I’d cut back on caffeine, see if that makes a difference.” Only partly true, but at least it wasn’t a lie.

“It’s ten-thirty in the morning,” CJ said.

Emily shrugged.

“Not a problem,” Annie said. “I’ll make a fresh pot of decaf. It’ll be ready in a few minutes.” She looked amazing in a slouchy yellow pullover and crisp white slacks. Given everything she would have accomplished since getting up before sunrise—gathering eggs from the chicken coop, making breakfast, vacuuming, laundry—Emily had no idea how Annie kept herself looking fresh as a summer daisy.

While her older sister turned to the coffeemaker, Emily tried to ignore her younger sister’s scrutiny. Ever since CJ had been little, she’d had a talent for sniffing secrets and wheedling information out of the secret keeper.

“You’re being weird,” CJ said.

“I’m always weird.”

“Weirder than usual.”

“Don’t bug your sister.” Annie, ever the mom, filled CJ’s mug, then her own.

The coffee smelled like a little piece of heaven to Emily. How would she make it through nine whole months without coffee? Although, if the secret thing that had been keeping her up at night turned out to be true, it was now closer to seven months.

Annie set the carafe on the counter next to a basket of muffins. “These are blueberry,” she said. “They should still be warm. I baked the oatmeal-raisin cookies yesterday. I had to send something for the school bake sale, so I made extra.”

“Mmm. Yummy,” CJ said, biting into a cookie. “What are you raising money for this time?”

“A field trip to the geology museum in Madison. Isaac is over-the-moon excited because they’re going to see ‘real’ dinosaurs.”

“He knows they’re just a bunch of bones, right?”

“He does. He also knows the scientific name of almost every dinosaur that ever existed, how big it was, whether it ate meat or plants. Thanks to the set of books you gave him for Christmas, Em, dinosaurs are a very big deal for my little boy.”

“Pun intended?” CJ quipped.

Annie grinned. “Of course.” She poured Emily a mug of decaf coffee. “You seem awfully quiet this morning.”

“I’m always quiet.”

“Okay, quieter than usual.”

Emily shrugged. She didn’t like to keep things from her sisters—hated it, actually—but there was no point in saying anything about this particular thing until she knew for sure. If it turned out to be a false alarm, then they’d be none the wiser.

Time to change the subject. “Where is my favorite dinosaur-obsessed nephew this morning?”

“Dad drove him into town to shop for a birthday present for his friend Matthew. The party’s this afternoon. They’ll be home for lunch, and then Dad will run him back to town for the party. I’d take him myself, but I have a guest checking into the B & B this afternoon, and I need to be here when she arrives.”

“Where’s she coming from?” CJ asked.


“Will she want a trail ride? Maybe a riding lesson or two?”

“I don’t know. She booked online and didn’t request it, but I’ll be sure to ask when she checks in.”

While her sisters discussed the anticipated guest and what her needs might be, Emily’s thoughts drifted, as they often did when the three of them were together in the kitchen, in search of one of her few and fleeting memories of their mother. Few because Emily had barely been four years old the last time they’d seen Scarlett Finnegan, and fleeting because that’s what twenty-five-year-old memories tended to be.

What came to mind was an image of her four-year-old self sitting on the lap of a gaunt-looking woman with dark, soulful eyes and long chestnut hair the same color as Emily’s. Her sisters were blue-eyed blondes like their father, but she had taken after their mother. As always, the memory was tinged bittersweet. Was it real? Or was she simply conjuring the moment that had been captured in the framed photograph on her dresser? She would never be sure. The picture had been taken in this kitchen on Emily’s fourth birthday, only a few weeks before her mother had gone away.