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Perfectly Saucy
Perfectly Saucy
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Perfectly Saucy

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Perfectly Saucy
Emily McKay

Jessica Sumners had never been passionately in love. In fact, she's never felt passionately about anything…at least not since high school. But that's about to change. This good girl has decided to go after what she's always wanted– Alex Moreno, the town's baddest bad boy, and her secret high school crush. Only, this time there will be nothing secret about it.…Construction foreman Alex Moreno has come home looking for respect. What he gets, instead, is a saucy minx hell-bent on seducing him. Not that he minds… After all, he's always had it bad for Jessica. But a no-strings affair could ruin their reputations. Still, he knows he can't resist her sensual attacks for long. Something's got to give. And he has a feeling it'll be his willpower.…

Jessica twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Alex, honey, of course I want you—”

Alex inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening.

“To do the shot, I mean.” Jessica grabbed a slice of lime from the bowl atop the bar and placed it on her collarbone. Unsure of what to do with the salt and shot glass, she held the shaker in one hand and the tequila in the other. Then she waited, squirming atop the wooden surface, trembling with a combination of anticipation and fear. She’d just manipulated Alex into doing a body shot off her in the middle of a crowded bar. If this didn’t make her a wild, saucy woman, she didn’t know what would.

Jessica almost felt proud of herself for making it this far, until Alex stepped closer and licked the side of her neck, his tongue—moist and hot—lingering lazily on her skin.

The room began to spin around her, and she shivered, arching toward him.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” Alex’s voice was low, rough, his breath hot.

Jessica swallowed hard, suddenly caught in a wave of panic. What was she doing? But then Alex’s tongue pressed against her pulse point, and all reason and logic were swept away.

“Yes, Alex,” Jessica said with a gasp. “I’m definitely sure.”

Perfectly Saucy

Emily McKay (

Dear Reader,

This is probably my last Dear Reader letter for Harlequin Temptation. I can’t even begin to tell you what an honor it has been for me to write for this line or how sad I am for it to come to an end. Some of my all-time-favorite books are Harlequin Temptation novels. Books that are grown-up versions of my favorite fairy tales, like Janice Kaiser’s beauty and the beast story, Wilde at Heart (#429), and Kate Hoffmann’s ugly duckling story, Love Potion #9 (#487). Books that made me laugh out loud, like Stephanie Bond’s About Last Night…(#751). Books that I love because I felt a deep connection to the heroine, like Barbara Delinsky’s The Outsider (#385) and Selina Sinclair’s A Diamond in the Rough (#688). And finally, there are the books that I just plain love because they’re so darn good, like Lyn Ellis’s Dear John… (#488) and Donna Sterling’s His Double, Her Trouble (#655).

These are the books that I’ve loved as a reader. For the writer in me, each of these books has raised the bar. Every time I sit down at the computer, this is what I aim for. I hope I reached it with Perfectly Saucy.

As always, I’d love to hear from you. You can e-mail me at or write to me at P.O. Box 163104, Austin, TX 78716-3104.


Emily McKay

Books by Emily McKay




For my wonderful family. For my father, who taught me to do the right thing, my mother, who taught me how to have fun, and my sister, who is always there for me.


Prologue (#ufe681911-3772-526c-be29-facfef4d0b39)

Chapter 1 (#u2ea735eb-ff81-5393-ad75-17547209f718)

Chapter 2 (#u97478106-1582-5f53-84eb-b258d727f44b)

Chapter 3 (#ue0d7636f-80b9-5631-8f05-39495ad06b8f)

Chapter 4 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)



—Excerpted from Saucy magazine

1 Find Your Fling—After all, when was the last time you had an affair to remember?

2 Don’t Be a Homebody—Fly away from your nest to live abroad.

3 Go Tribal—Get a tattoo or piercing to channel the wild thing inside.

4 Release Your Inner Dominatrix—Buy a leather skirt and wear it proudly. Whip, optional.

5 Be a Diva in Bed—Don’t just ask for what you want, demand it.

6 Drop the Drawers—He’ll go crazy when he finds out you’re going commando.

7 Live in the Fast Lane—Relive the thrill of the forbidden by having sex in the back seat of the car.

8 Just Admit It—Own up to a big mistake. After all, confession is good for your soul and guilt is bad for your skin.

9 Shake Up Your Space—Because life should be shaken, not stirred.

10 Conquer It—Overcome your greatest fear and you’ll know you can do anything.


ALEX MORENO was the first person Jessica Summers had ever heard say the F-word out loud. By the time she’d heard him say it in the eighth grade, she was fairly certain he’d already done…it several times.

Even at fourteen he’d had his pick of girls and the girls he’d picked were almost always older, more experienced and willing to do all the things Jessica only whispered about at sleep-overs. In high school he’d been the kind of boy girls fawned over, boys picked fights with and teachers disciplined just to prove they were in control.

Apparently things hadn’t changed much. Two weeks ago Jessica had seen him for the first time in more than ten years. He’d been walking down the street with a kind of lazy confidence that declared he was back in Palo Verde to stay and there was nothing anyone could do about it, short of arresting him and physically hauling his ass out of town. Again.

Even after all this time, they were still polar opposites. He was the son of migrant farm workers. She was the daughter of the town’s most prominent family. He was wild, reckless and brash. The ultimate bad boy.

She, on the other hand, seemed doomed to a tragically boring, spinsterlike existence. Unless she did something drastic.

Jessica glanced down at the delicate silver watch on her wrist. Four forty-five. Alex would be here soon and the next hour was going to go either very well or very badly.

Turning, she paced the length of her kitchen, the three-inch heels of her shoes rat-tating across the tile floor, echoing the pounding of her heart. She reached the arched doorway to her living room and kept going, the plush cream carpet muffling the clatter of her heels as she strode toward the sliding-glass door that looked out onto her back patio and pool. She stood for a moment, watching the surface of the water ripple in a breeze and wishing she wasn’t perpetually early. Today, fifteen minutes seemed like an eternity.

Her telephone rang, its shrill clatter piercing the silence. She spun around, lunging for the cordless phone she kept on the coffee table, sure it was Alex calling to cancel their appointment.

Her heel caught on the carpet and she kicked off her shoes, nudging them under the table as she grabbed the handset. For a second she clutched the phone, exhaling sharply so she wouldn’t sound like such a nervous wreck. Would she be disappointed or relieved if he couldn’t make it?

Mustering her courage, she punched the talk button and tried to sound casual. “Hello? Sumners residence.”

God, why did she always sound as though she was answering her parents’ phone?

“What are you wearing?” demanded a feminine voice.


“No, it’s your great-uncle Vernon. Of course it’s Patricia.” Her voice practically rang with exasperation. “He’s going to be there soon, right?”

“Maybe ten, fifteen minutes.”

“So don’t waste my time with pleasantries. If you’d responded to my e-mails at work today, we wouldn’t have to do this at the last minute. Now, what are you wearing?”

Jessica had made the mistake of telling Patricia over lunch about her plan to meet Alex this evening. The other woman had ignored work all afternoon, peppering Jessica with frantic e-mail questions. Most of which Jessica had ignored. “Why does it matter what I’m wearing?”

“You’re going to see Alex for the first time in how many years?”


“And you don’t think it matters what you’re wearing?” She didn’t give Jessica a chance to answer but plowed right ahead with the conversation. “Just tell me it’s not one of your god-awful, prissy little sweater sets.”

“No,” she said through gritted teeth as she made her way to the entry hall. “It’s not one of my practical and comfortable sweater sets. I’m wearing a simple black silk sheath dress.”

“Is it tight?”

Jessica paused in front of the hall mirror just long enough to shoot herself a piercing look. “No.”

“Is it low-cut?”

“No.” She felt a sinking sensation deep in her belly. Had she worn the completely wrong thing?

“It’s at least short?”

Jessica extended her leg to get a better look at the length. “Four, maybe five inches above the knee.”

“Good. That’s good. Your legs are your best feature.”

Please, Dear God, let Alex be a leg man.

“Okay,” Patricia barked, clearly moving beyond the clothing issue. “So what’s your game plan?”

“Game plan?”

“What’re you going to do? Just invite him in and proposition him?”

“No, of course not!” When she’d spoken to Alex on the phone earlier this afternoon she’d said something inane about wanting to hire his construction company to do work on her house. But she’d had no idea how she would segue from “Want to remodel my kitchen” to “Want to go out sometime?” Or, after a date or two, to transition to “Want to tear off each other’s clothes and have mad, passionate sex? Often?”

To Patricia she said, “I just…”

“Just what?”

“I don’t know.” She spun on her heel and stomped back to the kitchen, suddenly irritated with herself. “I don’t really have a plan.”

“Exactly. You don’t have a plan. That’s what worries me. You always have a plan.”

“That’s not—”

“Did you or did you not just send everyone in our team a detailed plan of what to do in case of a tornado?”

“I’m the floor safety manager now. It’s my job to—”

“We live in California. There are no tornadoes in California.”