The Blooding (James McGee)
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Hawkwood’s in America for this gripping, action-packed follow up to the bestselling Ratcatcher – for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Igulden and Patrick O’BrianDECEMBER, 1812Britain is locked in a bitter war with America and Matthew Hawkwood, soldier turned spy, is stranded behind enemy lines.A TERRIFYING PLOTHawkwood heads for the Canadian border, along with former comrade-in-arms, Major Douglas Lawrence. But as they men make their escape, the two men uncover a plot that could turn the British Empire to dust.A PERILOUS JOURNEYPursued by a relentless enemy, Hawkwood and Lawrence set off across the Adirondack Mountains. But they are not alone. Buried deep in Hawkwood’s past is an old alliance – one which could save both their lives and turn the tide of war…