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Home Free

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Connor shifted to block the entrance to Todd’s shop. His Ken-doll looks were puffy around the edges now, but he had the same mean glint in his baby blues. “What the hell? Arch Hoffman?” He pulled a phone out of his pocket. “I guess I need to call the sheriff so he can finally arrest you.”

Arch stopped where he was. If he got too close, he might throw a punch, just for old times’ sake. Connor was the son of a rich rancher, and when they were kids he’d made it a point to taunt Arch at every turn, mocking his old clothes, his too-long hair, his poverty. He’d kept the insults coming until freshman year of high school, when Arch had grown about a foot and started working out. And broke Connor’s nose.

“Didn’t expect to run into you at a repair shop, Connor.” Arch kept his voice casual. “Didn’t realize you even used machines—don’t you worry that they’ll get your pretty hands dirty?”

Connor stared at him blankly. He’d never been one for complex thoughts. If there wasn’t a straightforward insult coming at him, he got a little stuck. Arch smiled at the thought, which evidently unnerved Connor further, because he muttered, “I’m calling the sheriff,” and pawed at his phone.

“Go ahead,” Arch offered mildly. “Have him come over. I’d like to meet him.”

Connor flopped back onto the bench with the phone to his ear, calling his bluff. Well, Arch had to make himself known to the sheriff sometime this week, so in a way Connor was helping him with that errand. Though he was glad he’d parked Wade’s truck across the street. He’d been an idiot to drive. But... Mandy. That same urgency gripped him. He stepped into the shop. “Todd, you here?” he called. “It’s Arch. Arch Hoffman.”

He heard the grinding of wheels across cement, as if Todd had been somewhere under the big tractor Arch could see in the back of the building. And then his brother-in-law emerged from the gloom of his shop, wiping his hands on a rag he pulled from his back pocket.

“Arch.” His friendly expression changed to concern when he saw Connor’s scowling face behind him. “Is there a problem here?”

“Connor’s upset about me being here in town. So he’s calling the sheriff.” Arch kept it matter-of-fact.

“Oh!” Todd looked at Connor, who was apparently on hold. “Arch is my brother-in-law. He’s welcome here.”

Connor shook his head. “You don’t know him. He’s nothing but trouble. He’s been hiding from the law down in Mexico. If he’s here, justice can finally be done.”

Arch smiled a little. He couldn’t help it. The universe must have a hell of a sense of humor to make Connor Purcell his Benson welcoming committee. “Hey, it’s okay,” he assured Todd, who was looking pretty uncomfortable. “When I first decided to come back here, I was afraid I’d get run right out of town. So this is good. You know what they say about facing your fears head-on.”

Todd’s lean face creased into smile lines. “You’re not worried?”

“I’m pretty sure my parole officer already gave the sheriff a heads-up that I’m here.” Arch glanced at Connor, who was spouting indignant words into his phone. “Look, can I talk to you about something? Privately?”

“Sure.” Todd led him across the parking lot, stopping out of Connor’s earshot.

Arch explained about Mandy’s behavior the day before. How it had been bothering him ever since. “In jail I learned to trust my gut when I felt like there was a problem. And something definitely wasn’t right with Mandy yesterday.”

Todd looked at him carefully. “Huh. Seems like she’d have called me if she needed anything. But if you’re worried like you say...” He trailed off. Shook his head. “I can’t go out there. Not now. I’ve got Connor breathing down my neck to get this tractor going again. The job’s taking longer than I thought it would, and he’s decided to stay put until I finish.” He glared at the rancher. “I guess he feels like I’d slack off without his imposing presence.”

Arch couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, he’s always been real helpful like that. He spent junior high gluing my locker shut and pouring soda on me at lunch.”

“I imagine you gave him a run for his money eventually,” Todd said.

“Well.” Arch grinned at the memory. “The tires on the fancy truck his daddy bought him for his sixteenth birthday had the strangest habit of going flat every Thursday like clockwork.” He shook his head in mock wonder. “It was the damnedest thing.”

Todd laughed and clapped him on the back. “I would have liked to see that.” Then he sobered. “Look, I’m gonna need you to go out there and check on Mandy. Can you do it? I doubt I’ll be out of here until feeding time tonight. My horses will get a late supper as it is.”

Arch recalled Mandy’s fake smiles and hasty retreat. “I don’t know if I can help. She doesn’t seem to like me very much.”

“Mandy?” Todd shook his head. “Nah. She’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met. I’m sure it’s nothing personal.”

“When I stopped by yesterday, she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.”

“Maybe you just make her a little nervous,” Todd said. “You’re a big guy, fresh out of prison, and let’s just say your reputation precedes you. As our friend the sheriff’s speedy arrival demonstrates.” He pointed to the patrol car pulling into the parking lot, lights flashing. “C’mon. Let’s get this over with.”

Todd walked toward the car and Arch fell into step next to him. “Just tell Mandy I sent you,” Todd went on. “And that you’re there to make sure she’s all right.”

“Will do.” Arch tried to ignore how much he wanted to see Mandy again. He didn’t expect her to smile at him like she had the day they met. But at least he’d find out if she was okay. It would be good to ease this worry that plagued him.

They were near the sheriff’s car now, and Arch swallowed hard. Those flashing lights set every cell in his body on edge.

“Deputy.” Todd shook hands with the man who stepped out of the car. “Thanks for coming by. Though I think you’ve been called out here for nothing. One of my customers was just a little concerned to see that my brother-in-law is back in town.”

The man looked straight at Arch, and Arch’s stomach turned. Patrick Norris. Connor’s best bud and partner in crime in high school. Now deputized.

“Well, look who’s crawled back to town.” The deputy’s voice was rich with menacing glee. He glanced at Connor, who was approaching eagerly. “He’s been giving you trouble?”

“No, he hasn’t.” Todd spoke before Connor could get a word in. “Connor got upset the moment Arch set foot on my property. But Arch has as much right to be here as any of us.”

Deputy Norris stuck out his chest enough to strain the buttons on his uniform. Arch could see the bully’s gleam in his eye. The deputy was loving this moment of power, and it was clear he was going to make the most of it. “With all due respect, Todd, you weren’t around back when Arch and his family wreaked havoc in this town. So I’ll ask you to step away while I deal with him.”

“With all due respect, Deputy, I won’t see a man illegally detained for crimes he’s already served his time for.” Todd stepped forward, a little in front of Arch.

The deputy’s pale little eyes shot back and forth between Todd and Arch. And to where Connor was standing a few feet farther back. “Where are you staying?” he asked.

“Out at Marker Ranch.”

“Humph. We’ll need to search it, then. Make sure you aren’t setting up any more drug labs out there.”

“You’re welcome to. Just come with a warrant.” Arch forced his voice to stay even. Searches were a part of parole, and he had to remember that the occasional property search was a hell of a lot better than prison. But the thought of Patrick Norris doing the searching made him uneasy.

“How’d you get here? To Benson?” The deputy pulled a little notebook and pencil from his pocket and wrote something on it.

“I caught rides from Los Angeles.”

“How’d you get to town today?”

There it was. His first mistake on parole. Possibly his only one, because Norris was looking for a reason to lock him up, and Arch had given him one by driving here. Cold sweat trickled down his back. He could lie like a coward. Or tell the truth and lose his freedom for sure.

“He rode the bike I loaned him,” Todd offered suddenly. “It’s parked around the back of the shop.”

“Humph.” The deputy eyed Arch. “Is that true, Hoffman?”

Arch stilled his features to mask the gratitude he felt for his brother-in-law. “Yup. That’s how I’ll travel, until I get my license back. My parole officer should have called your office already to fill you in on all that.”

“Parole officer, huh?” The deputy’s eyes went thoughtful in a way that chilled Arch’s bones. “I didn’t talk to him. But I know we have to be extra careful when we have an ex-convict around.” He pulled the handcuffs off his belt. “Considering that you’re a parolee, I’m sure you’ll understand why I need to put these on you while I give the office a call.”

“No, I don’t understand at all.” Arch eyed the cuffs with loathing. “I’m not causing any problems. Go call your office and see what my parole officer had to say. I’ll stay right here.”

“I’ll vouch for him,” Todd said.

But Deputy Norris had devolved into Patrick Norris, and Patrick couldn’t resist the chance to show his power. He shook his head. “I can’t be too careful. Arch knows the drill. Parolees are second-class citizens. Plus, you’ve spent plenty of time in cuffs, right, Arch? So it’s no big deal.” He waddled closer to Arch. “Turn around,” he ordered.

Hot bile convulsed up Arch’s throat and he was sure he’d be sick all over Patrick’s shiny brown shoes. Somehow he held it in.

“This is not okay.” Todd started forward. “It can’t be legal.”

“Just leave it.” Arch shoved the words out over the nasty taste in his mouth. The last thing he wanted was for his brother-in-law to get himself in trouble defending him. Todd had already lied to cover Arch’s mistake with the truck, and even that wouldn’t go over well with Nora. “Let Patrick get his rocks off. The sooner he has his fun, the sooner we can all get on with our day.”

He put his hands behind his back and offered them to Patrick. “Try not to get too excited, Patty. I’m assuming you and Connor usually reserve these kinds of games for your private time together.”

Connor came at him with fist raised, but Todd caught his arm before he made contact. “ need him cuffed so you can get up the guts to hit him? Back off, Connor.”

Connor brought his hand down reluctantly, settling for spitting on the ground near Arch’s feet instead.

The cuffs wrapped hard talons around Arch’s wrists.

Todd pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it up. “I’m going to take a video of whatever the hell you two clowns try next. So just keep in mind that whatever happens here may go viral.”

Patrick gave Todd a look of fury, and Arch braced himself for what was sure to be a rough pat down. Anxiety and shame warred. The claustrophobic cuffs felt like they were snapped around his lungs as well as his wrists.

Patrick bent down to start his search at Arch’s ankles. Todd leaned right over his shoulder with his phone camera and started narrating. “Deputy Patrick Norris has cuffed an innocent man simply because he is on parole,” he intoned in a solemn voice. It sounded ridiculous, as Todd clearly meant it to be, and Arch’s stress was replaced by an overwhelming urge to laugh. Norris ran his hands up Arch’s legs and patted around, while Todd continued his narration. “Deputy Norris is now feeling the innocent man’s crotch.”

The breath Arch had been holding came out in a hoot of laughter, and Patrick dropped his hands and stood up, running his hands over the pockets of Arch’s jeans. “Empty your pockets!” he barked.

“The deputy is asking the man to empty his pockets,” Todd said.

“And I can’t,” Arch added. “Because I’ve been handcuffed.” His eyes met Todd’s and the two men burst out laughing.

Patrick shoved his hands into Arch’s pockets and brought out Arch’s car keys, holding them up triumphantly. “Ha! Explain these!”

“Deputy Norris has found a set of keys,” Todd proclaimed, his laughter breaking through his words. He brought his phone close to the deputy’s hand. “I am zooming in on his discovery.”

“Back off!” Patrick yelled, his voice sounding like the teenager Arch remembered.

“They’re my brother’s house keys,” Arch answered. Which was the partial truth.

The deputy set them on the ground and gave Arch a few more pats on his torso, Todd closely documenting each touch. “Satisfied with your little movie?” Patrick sneered when he’d finished. “Just what we need, a hippie activist in our town.”

“Sorry, Deputy.” Todd looked as if he was enjoying this entire exchange mightily. “But you’re stuck with me. We’ll just have to find a way to get along. Peace and rainbows and all that.”

Patrick shook his head and stomped over to the patrol car to call his office.

Arch stared at Todd in admiration. “What the hell, bro? I’d high-five you if I could.”

“This sucks.” Todd nodded toward Arch’s trapped hands. “But I’m saving this video. We’ll laugh about it for years to come.”

“You’ve been in these types of situations before,” Arch said.

“I was an environmental activist for a long time.” Todd dropped his voice low, glancing over to make sure neither Connor nor Patrick could hear. “I’ve been arrested a time or two for protests, things like that.”

“And my sister married you?” Arch knew that Nora had an understandable horror of anything unlawful.

“It took some convincing.” Todd smiled like a guy who really did believe in peace and rainbows. “She’s an amazing person.”

Deputy Norris was off his call and scribbling furiously in his notebook. Arch could tell he hadn’t gotten the information he’d hoped for. His face was puckered and red like he’d taken a shot of moonshine.

Arch leaned over so Todd could hear his whisper. “Keep that video camera ready. These guys are definitely carrying an old grudge. Maybe they finally figured out who was behind those Thursday flat tires.”

Todd gave him a wink and then took a couple of steps closer to Connor, who was lurking near his deputy buddy. “I’m sorry.” His voice mimicked polite apology. “But with the sheriff here today, I’m getting really behind schedule. So your tractor won’t be ready until tomorrow morning. You’ll have to come back and pick it up then.”


Todd cut him off. “There are only so many minutes in a day, and you’ve used a bunch of them up with this bullshit.”

Connor stalked off to lean on his big pickup, parked near the door of the shop. He folded his arms and waited, obviously intent on seeing the end result of the chaos he’d caused.

Deputy Norris’s reluctance to end his big moment was evident in each step he took toward Arch. He clutched the handcuff keys like a toy he didn’t want to share. “My boss says he spoke with your parole officer. He knows you did your time. You’re clear, for now. He said to tell you that he’ll be checking in on you pretty often.”

Relief surged through Arch’s veins. He’d made a huge mistake driving here today. He wouldn’t make it again.

“So unlock the cuffs,” Todd urged. Arch tried to convey his gratitude in a glance. He wouldn’t beg, but he wanted the metal off him with a longing so deep it ached. They were a symbol of every sadistic creep he’d come across in jail. Creeps just like Patrick Norris. He couldn’t count the times he’d been tripped, hands cuffed and unable to catch his fall, by some pissed-off prison guard. This felt way too close to those dark times.

Arch turned, and Patrick unlocked the cuffs. “Better behave yourself, Hoffman, or I’ll be slapping these right back on.”

“I’m getting this all on video,” Todd reminded him.

Arch shoved his freed hands into his pockets, just to keep them under control.

“I think you’re out of line, Deputy,” Todd said. “And I mean to speak with the sheriff about what went on here today. Mike Davidson’s a good man, and he won’t be happy when I tell him how Arch was treated.”

The deputy looked uncomfortable, glancing over at his buddy. But Connor looked away, as if he’d had no part in all of this unpleasantness. It was kind of sad to see how the two men hadn’t changed. “He always did make you do his dirty work, Patrick.” Arch kept his voice quiet, so Connor wouldn’t hear. “I’m surprised you’re still content to be his lackey after all these years.”

“Shut up, Arch,” Patrick sneered, a high school kid again.

Arch gave up trying to reach the humanity in him. “If you’re finished, Todd and I have things we need to do.”

Todd stayed with Arch, watching as the deputy’s car and Connor’s oversize pickup rolled out of the lot. “Not the greatest homecoming.” He clapped a hand to Arch’s shoulder. “I apologize that happened at my shop.” Disgust dripped from Todd’s voice. “It’s obvious those two have it in for you.”

“Well, not for nothing. I did all I could to give them, and everyone else in this town, a hard time when I lived here. I don’t like their vigilante attitude, but I don’t blame them for seeing me as a menace.”

“But they have to realize that ten years in jail can change things,” Todd said.

“A lot of guys are changed for the worse by doing time. And the verdict is still out on me.” Arch’s voice shook even though he tried to hold it still. “I made my first big mistake, driving down here today. It’s my old attitude coming through. Thinking that whatever I want or need is above the law.”

“I don’t see it that way,” Todd said. “You drove here because you were worried about Mandy. To me that’s different. Nora has told me plenty of stories about you. But honestly, now that I’ve met you, it’s hard to connect you with that guy.”

“Oh, I’m him.” Arch felt the bitter taste of it in his mouth. “And he’s me. I live with that every day.”

“Well, maybe if someone I respected got upset about your return I’d have more understanding. But Connor—what an idiot. Throwing his money around like it will buy him anything. If I didn’t want to get his tractor off my property so badly, I’d take it to pieces and leave it for him to put back together. I don’t need his business enough to put up with him again.”

Unfamiliar emotion washed over Arch’s skin. “I wish I’d known you when I was younger,” he blurted out. “I could have used a friend like you.”

Todd’s answering nod was accompanied by a devil’s smile. “You might just change your mind. Because now that I covered for you with that bike story, you have to ride out of here on my bike. I’d bet a hundred bucks that Deputy Norris is waiting around the corner to catch you driving that old truck. You do know how to ride a bike, don’t you?”