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Having The Rancher's Baby
Having The Rancher's Baby
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Having The Rancher's Baby

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She grimaced. “No, thanks.”

“Still nauseous?”

“It comes and goes.” She hesitated a moment, then touched his arm in a brief but personal gesture. “See you in the meeting.”

Cole watched her walk away, head held high and shoulders squared as if steeling herself for what lay ahead.

No sense waiting. Holding his plate of sopapillas, he cut across the kitchen to the dining room. That was where most meetings were conducted, along with Sunday and holiday dinners, which Raquel hosted with pleasure.

The house also had an office that once belonged to Cole’s father. Before Gabe became engaged to Reese and started helping at the Small Change, he’d handled all the ranch finances and record keeping, sitting behind the desk their father once occupied.

In recent months, Josh had taken over the task. Cole rarely set foot in the office. He could barely balance his own personal checking account. The ranch finances, already shaky, would suffer further if he were to get involved.

Cole’s brothers and Vi were already gathered in the brightly lit dining room by the time he wandered in. The three floor-to-ceiling windows let in the late-afternoon sun. If not for the air conditioner humming away, the room would have heated to an unbearable temperature.

Everyone glanced up at Cole’s entrance, each of them wearing a different expression. Vi’s was carefully contained, Josh’s piqued with interest and Gabe’s a mixture of mild confusion and curiosity. Then again, he was the only one who didn’t know why Vi had called the meeting.

Cole took the seat beside Gabe and across from Vi. Josh sent him a private look that Cole interpreted as “Good luck.”

Gabe caught the exchange, and his confusion visibly increased. Cole decided to let him stew. It would be better for all if he played dumb. The meeting was Vi’s to run and the news hers to break. He was also still learning his way with his half brother. They’d become friends, which was a huge step from when Cole first arrived at Dos Estrellas. But they weren’t close. Yet.

Gabe had loved their father, and why not? He was the son who’d grown up with August Dempsey. The son their father had taken under his wing and taught the cattle business, and who’d stayed by their father’s side those long eighteen months while he’d been ill. The son who’d been promised the ranch.

For that reason, Gabe hadn’t liked Cole and Josh when they first met, seeing them as unwelcome intruders. But necessity had a way of making allies of would-be enemies. For their own different and very personal reasons, the three brothers had agreed to join forces and run the ranch together for a year. Hopefully, by then it would be operating in the black.

Cole had been waiting patiently for that day, when he’d be able to get his share of their inheritance and leave. With Vi’s pregnancy, his plan might change.

Sweat seeped into his shirt collar, and he absently tugged at it. Was he on edge? Hell, yes. This wasn’t just any family meeting. Vi was getting ready to rock their world.

In response to that thought, more sweat saturated his collar. He hadn’t felt this way since the last time he’d ridden a bull.

Vi turned to a page in her notebook and glanced at the sheet. “If everyone’s ready, we can get started.”

Her statement was met with nods of agreement.

“Let’s do it,” said Gabe.

She swallowed. “I want to thank you for giving me some time off recently. As you know, my parents are getting a divorce, and it’s not going amicably.”

“If you need more time, take it.” Gabe relaxed, no doubt thinking this was the reason for the meeting.

“I do, actually. And thank you.”

“No problem.”

“But not to visit them in Seattle. I, um, have some news. My own news. It’s a bit unexpected. For everyone.” She paused and swallowed again, careful to keep her features neutral. “I’m... I’m pregnant.”

Gabe’s jaw went slack, and he stared, dumbfounded. Josh tried to act surprised and did a passable job.

“You’re right,” Gabe said, and raked his fingers through his dark hair. “This is unexpected. I guess congratulations are in order.”

Vi attempted a smile. “I appreciate it.”

“You’re going to want time off when the baby’s born?” Gabe was clearly struggling to understand. He shot a glance at both Cole and Josh. Neither of them made a comment.

“I saw my doctor yesterday,” Vi said. “She recommended—insisted, really—that I work fewer hours and rest more.” Finally, she glanced briefly at Cole and Josh. “As Gabe knows, I have a history of miscarriages. I’m hoping you’ll agree to let me work half days for the foreseeable future. Naturally, you don’t have to pay me for the time off.”

Gabe didn’t hesitate. Neither did he confer with Cole or Josh. “Of course. And we’ll give you full pay.”

“I can’t ask that of you.”

“You aren’t asking. We’re offering. And that includes after the baby’s born.”

Cole noticed Josh struggling to stay quiet. Dos Estrellas wasn’t in a financial position to carry an employee who wasn’t working full-time. Yet Vi had been with the ranch for over ten years. She deserved special consideration for her loyalty.

“No.” Tears welled in her eyes, and she shook her head emphatically. “I won’t accept pay if I’m not working. But I do have vacation and sick time coming.”

“We’ll figure something out,” Gabe said.

“If I...if anything happens, then of course I’ll come back to work full-time as soon as I’m able.”

“Nothing will happen.” Gabe didn’t ask her to elaborate. “When are you having the baby?”

“Seven months. December.”

Gabe furrowed his brows in concentration, as people did when they were mentally counting backward. He, too, must have heard the gossip from Leroy, for he looked directly at Cole and didn’t appear happy.

Cole waited for Vi to say something, naming him as the father, or for Gabe to straight out ask. Neither happened.

Vi continued after consulting her notebook. “The doctor says I can still work. Just no riding and no heavy lifting. I realize that describes about half my job. But I can still run errands, do the paperwork, make phone calls, meet with the vet. I can either work mornings or afternoons or split my shift with a break in the middle. Whatever’s convenient for you.”

“Let’s see how it goes,” Gabe said. “Take each week, each day as it comes.”

“I want to make this as easy on everyone as possible.” She read from her notebook, then cleared her throat. “I have a suggestion, if no one minds.”

“Fire away.”

“Since you’re busy at the Small Change and Josh is tied up covering for you, I thought maybe Cole could take over some of my duties.”

“Me?” He sat up straight. “I’m not qualified to be livestock manager.”

“I’d still be in charge,” Vi said. “Oversee your work like I do now.”

“We’ll all help you, Cole,” Gabe said, as if it was a done deal.

“Sounds good to me,” added Josh.

“Now, wait a minute—”

Gabe cut him off. “You’re the best candidate. You have the most time and you’re one of the ranch owners.”

Cole didn’t like being reminded he had a responsibility to the ranch. He damn well knew it.

“We could possibly find someone else,” Vi said. “I know one or two people looking for work. But you’d have to pay them, and can you really afford another expense?”

Gabe turned to face Cole. “We can’t.”

For a moment, Cole pictured himself flying out of the chute on the back of a bronc, ten feet off the ground, with one hand holding on to the bucking strap for dear life. His harsh breathing and pounding heart drowned out the cheers of the crowd. Then, all at once, the buzzer sounded.

Slowly, the picture faded as reality set in. There’d been so many changes to his life recently. Moving to Dos Estrellas. Cattle ranching. Vi and the baby.

Something told him this was only the beginning. If he was going to back out, now was the time.

“All right. I’ll do it.”

Chapter Four (#u6207a12c-7952-5fe2-a3d5-0b4c0667fd5c)

Cole surveyed the manmade pond, noting that the water level had dropped two inches in the past two days. A total of fifteen inches in the past two weeks. Four months ago, a decrease in the level would have been expected, as Arizona had experienced its worst drought in decades.

But the drought had ended in February with a record-breaking deluge, followed by two more storm fronts passing through. Water levels shouldn’t be a problem. The other livestock ponds on Dos Estrellas were at capacity, providing an ample supply of fresh water for the herds, both mustangs and cattle. The cause of this pond’s depletion had yet to be determined, and Cole didn’t have a clue.

He’d been relieving Vi of her more demanding duties for just under a week, having heard the concerns about the pond before today but not paying much attention. Now he was in charge, which was like expecting a first grader to solve a complex calculus equation.

He could call Vi and ask her opinion, except he didn’t want to appear incompetent. Which he was, at least as far as livestock ponds went.

“Here. Check this out.” Joey, one of the hands Cole frequently worked with, squatted next to the pond’s edge and pointed to a spot in the dark, murky water.

Cole tied Hotshot to a low-hanging paloverde branch. If he didn’t, the horse would probably gallop off to join the mustangs grazing peacefully over the next ridge. This pond was in the heart of Cara’s sanctuary, close to where Cole had first glimpsed Hotshot. He’d been impressed with the horse’s potential, enough to seek out Cara the moment he returned to the ranch and ask to buy him.

She’d refused, striking a deal with him instead. In exchange for Hotshot, Cole helped her train other mustangs, preparing them for either adoption or use in her equine therapy program. Designed to benefit special-needs children, the program was officially launching at the end of the month.

Incredibly, it had already generated enough income from early enrollments to support the sanctuary through the end of the year, including paying the ranch a modest monthly rent. Little by little, they were chipping away at the mountain of bills, reducing it to a small hill.

If only Cole had more time. Training horses, especially roping and cutting horses, was his favorite pastime, next to rodeoing. But covering for Vi had become his first priority. She continued to be sick most days and was always tired.

“What is it?” he asked, going over to stand beside Joey.

“A leak.”

“You’re joking.”

“’Fraid not.”

“A pond can leak?” Cole had never heard of such a thing. He studied the spot Joey had indicated and noticed a small whirlpool, like water draining from a sink basin. Now and then a bubble or two rose to the surface.

“Somehow, the gravel bed’s developed a crack,” Joey said. “Water’s seeping into the surrounding ground.”

Joey was all of twenty-three years old but had been a ranch hand since he was fifteen and knew more than Cole could ever hope to learn. He was also one of two hands who hadn’t quit when Cole’s father died. Another reason to respect the young man.

“How does that happen?” Cole asked.

“One of the horse’s feet could’ve punctured the bed.”

He’d seen horses standing in the ponds, the water reaching their flanks. One rangy old fellow liked to swim. With enough force, it was possible a sharp hoof could puncture the bed.

“How do we fix it?”

“My grandpa used to pour borax into his ponds.”

“Isn’t that a detergent?”

Joey laughed, making Cole feel even more ignorant. “Technically, it’s a mineral. Depending on how big the crack is, borax can plug it.”

“You think the leak’s caused by a crack?” Cole had learned only this morning that there was a complicated engineering system to these ponds. A faulty valve or rupture in the pipe could result in a costly repair, requiring the pond to be drained and reexcavated.

“Good place to start,” Joey said. “And if the borax doesn’t work, you haven’t spent much money.”

Cole was all for economizing. The ranch couldn’t afford another expense, one possibly in the tens of thousands of dollars. While the pond was within the sanctuary boundaries, the land technically belonged to Dos Estrellas. Cost of repairs fell to the brothers.

“Guess I know where I’ll be going this afternoon.” He pushed to his feet. “Will you be ready to ride out again in the morning? Six sharp.”

“Sure.” Without confirming that they were done, Joey walked to where he’d left his horse tied.

Cole had the impression he’d been dismissed. Not the treatment a boss expected from his employee. Then again, it was hard to respect a boss who knew less than the employee about the job. The thought unsettled Cole. Funny, he wouldn’t have cared about Joey’s approval a week ago.

They mounted their horses and started out in the direction of the ranch, a good two-and-a-half-mile trek. Typically, they’d have taken the ranch ATVs when inspecting the pastures, but this particular pond was in a hard to reach location, and the vehicles sometimes got stuck in one of the deep ravines. Horses were simply better suited for this terrain.

Besides, Cole preferred traveling by horse. The scenery on this part of the ranch was spectacular. The distant McDowell Mountains, newly covered in a spring blanket of green cacti and brush, rose up to embrace a glorious, vivid blue sky. Pinnacle Peak, identifiable by its distinct angled shape, sat like a turret on a medieval castle.

If it weren’t for the exceedingly warm temperatures, Cole would consider this paradise on Earth. No wonder his great-grandfather Dempsey had taken one look at Mustang Valley and decided it was the place to build the ranch of his dreams and raise his family.

Someday, Dos Estrellas would belong to Cole’s child, Josh’s two and Gabe’s, if he had any. A fifth generation of Dempseys. But only if the ranch began turning a profit again. Otherwise, they’d be forced to sell at a loss, leaving little for the next generation.

Would it really matter? Money, having plenty or doing without, hadn’t made a difference in Cole’s life. All he’d wanted was a father.

What about his own child? If Cole left Mustang Valley, he’d be no better than his dad. Was that the legacy he really wanted to leave behind?

“If the borax doesn’t work,” Joey called to Cole, “Violet has the name of an engineer—”

“Don’t talk to her yet. Let’s give this a try. How long does borax usually take to plug a leak?”

“Days, if we’re lucky. Could be a week or more. May take several tries, depending on the size of the leak. Good thing there’s no rain in the forecast. That will make the pond level readings more accurate.”

He and Joey continued along the winding trail single file, with Cole in the lead. Several of the mustangs grazing nearby lifted their heads to stare. A yearling colt pranced in circles around his mother, then stopped and reared, front hooves pawing the air. The sight might have been taken straight from history, a hundred years ago when wild mustang roamed this valley.

Cole’s heart suddenly stirred. That, too, unsettled him. Why should he care so much about Dos Estrellas? It wasn’t home.

But it was home to the people he cared about. His brother, niece and nephew and, yes, Vi.