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A Baby For The Deputy
A Baby For The Deputy
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A Baby For The Deputy

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Samantha’s laser-beam glance said butt out.

Ray, on the other hand, responded with relief. “Aaron. Samantha’s radiator is leaking and her truck won’t start. I offered to help.”

What Ray left out, but Aaron had picked up on, was that Samantha refused any assistance.

Aaron inspected the engine, Samantha peering over his shoulder. “I’m assuming you didn’t drop by Conroy’s.”

“I would if I had the money,” she snapped.

Luckily, Aaron had refilled his water jug the previous night. “My vehicle’s parked over there. Be right back.”

“I’ll pay for the repairs.” Ray reached in his pocket for his wallet.

“You got forty thousand dollars in there?” Samantha asked. “Because I figure that’s my share. Two hundred thousand dollars split five ways.”

Aaron wasn’t surprised Samantha knew the amount Ray had won. He’d chosen not to remain anonymous, an option given to winners. As a result, an article had appeared in the local paper, and he’d been interviewed by several TV stations, during which he’d stated his plans for the money. Links to both had made the social media rounds.

In five minutes of online searching, Samantha would have found out everything. Which indicated she’d known about Ray and her sisters or someone else did and told her. Her mother, for instance?

That still didn’t explain why she felt entitled to a share of the winnings. Perhaps Mel had been close to the truth when she accused Samantha of scamming her father. If not that, then something else. Aaron hadn’t trusted Samantha from the moment they’d met.

He also didn’t believe her motives were entirely bad or selfish. She struck him more like a scared kid. He knew from both professional and personal experience fear could drive a person to behave in ways they normally wouldn’t.

“I’ll give you what’s left of the money,” Ray said to her.

“How much is that?”

“Let’s start with the truck repairs.”

By the time Aaron returned with the water jug, Mel and her sisters were flying across the parking lot, bags and containers jostling at their sides. Aaron couldn’t help thinking here came the disaster Ray had attempted to head off.

“What’s going on?” Frankie demanded, out of breath.

Samantha responded as she had before by going stonily silent.

“Nothing.” Ray moved toward the young woman as if to shield her.

It didn’t go unnoticed, judging by Mel’s widening eyes and Ronnie’s narrowing ones.

“You should have told us.” Tears roughened Frankie’s voice. “We had a right to know.”

“Not here,” Ray said. “We’ll talk at home.”

That triggered a loud debate among all the Hartmans. Aaron heard the words “betrayal” and “lied to” uttered more than once.

“Excuse me.” He squeezed past Mel with the heavy water jug. Ray had already removed the radiator cap. Using his pocket flashlight, Aaron verified that the radiator was once again bone dry.

Mel appeared beside him. “You’re helping her?”

“I’m assisting a stranded motorist by filling her radiator with water. Not taking sides.”

“Sorry. This is tough.” She swallowed and looked around. “As you can see, we’re all a bit rattled.”

“Go slow. Try not to make judgments or rush to conclusions. Give your dad and Samantha each a chance to tell their story.”

Mel glanced over at the others, several feet away, and lowered her voice. “I’m not sure who to be angrier at.”

“What you’re feeling is natural. But it’s important you keep listening no matter what.”

“You sound like you’ve been through this before.”

“I worked on the Phoenix police force for eleven years and responded to my share of domestic dispute calls.”

“Is that what we’re having? A domestic dispute?”

He bent, unscrewed the cap on the water jug and lifted it up to the truck. “You’re a family with a problem.”

“That’s putting it mildly.” She watched him as he filled the radiator.

Finishing, he set the jug down and called to Samantha. “Jump in there and give it a try.”

The young woman fled to the truck cab as if she couldn’t get away from the Hartmans fast enough and shoved the key into the ignition. The engine sputtered twice, then started.

“She really does need to get that radiator leak fixed,” Aaron said to Ray.

“I’ll make sure of it.”

Aaron wasn’t the least bit disappointed this gathering was over. His part in it, anyway. Soon, he’d be home and telling Kaylee another story about her mother.

“You two are on a first-name basis?” Mel asked.

“I met her yesterday when her truck broke down on the side of the road.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“There was nothing to tell at the time.”

“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry.” She scrubbed her face with her hands and groaned. “What a mess. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

“I’ve been subjected to far worse.”

“On those domestic dispute calls?”

He was glad to see her mouth curve in the beginnings of a smile and leaned closer. “How you feeling? Stomach still bothering you?”

“Frankly, I forgot about it in all the, um, excitement, shall we say.”

Only a few inches separated them. Aaron shifted his weight, closing the distance to almost nothing. If they were alone, and oh how he wished they were, he’d gather her into his arms and kiss her over and over until he’d driven every thought of their respective families from their minds.

“What’s going on here?”

They sprang apart, separated by Ray’s voice and the surprise lacing it. Turning, they found not only Ray but Mel’s sisters staring at them.

“Dammit,” Aaron said under his breath. This was his fault. He should have been more careful. He and Mel had been getting laxer and laxer lately.

“Dad,” she started, then faltered.

They were spared from having to explain whatever it was her family thought they saw when Samantha’s truck suddenly quit running. Her attempts to start it again resulted in a horrible grinding sound.

“Shut it off,” Aaron hollered, afraid continued effort might result in severe damage.

Samantha scrambled out of the truck. Her mouth was set in an identical stern line Aaron had seen all three Hartman sisters wearing earlier. He was beginning to think looks weren’t the only quality they had in common.

By now, evening had given way to night. Above their heads, the parking lot lights flickered and crackled with an electrical hum. A few daring nighttime insects ventured down from the lights. One had the nerve to tangle in Samantha’s hair.

She swatted at it furiously. “What now?”

“I’ll call Conroy’s in the morning,” Ray said. “He’ll send the tow truck. You can leave your truck here. No one will bother it.”

“And in the meantime?”

“Where are you staying?”

Samantha hesitated, wilting a little under the pressure of being scrutinized. “The inn.”

Morning Side Inn, like a lot of establishments in the community, was horse friendly. Behind the main building, the owners had constructed a corral and dirt RV lot for guests to use during their stay, which explained what Samantha had done with her horse and trailer.

The inn was also expensive. If she couldn’t afford to pay for her truck repairs, she certainly couldn’t afford to stay at the inn for long.

“I can drop you off there later tonight,” Ray said. “Once we’ve finished talking.” He fished his keys from his pocket. “Let’s meet at the house. Samantha, you can ride with me and Dolores.” He turned in a circle and frowned, suddenly realizing his wife had been missing all along.

“No way am I riding with you,” Samantha stated frimly. “I’ll walk to the inn. It’s not far from here.”

“I think we should talk tonight,” Ray insisted. “The sooner the better.”

She scrunched her mouth to the side, debating what to do. Suddenly, she pointed at Aaron. “I’ll ride with him.”

Reactions ranged from surprise to displeasure to resistance. Aaron didn’t blame them. He’d already intruded enough on what was a private matter. Besides, someone else needed him more. “I can’t take you. My daughter’s expecting me home any minute.”

“What if I drive you?” Frankie asked Samantha.

The young woman raised her chin like before. “If he doesn’t take me, I’m not going.”

Aaron had witnessed this same stubbornness in Mel, usually when she refused to give up on a sick or injured animal. Also, the one time he’d broached the subject of them dating like a regular couple.

She’d insisted what they had suited them both. Why complicate matters? Lately, he’d been thinking he should have argued more. She deserved better than what they had, even if she didn’t believe so. And he had started wanting more, even if he refused to admit it.

Their gazes briefly connected, and he wondered if she also ever reconsidered their arrangement.

“This is probably best handled by your family,” Aaron said to Samantha.

“They’re not my family,” she contradicted him. “I already have one. My mom and dad and two brothers.”

Again, everyone except Ray seemed taken aback by the news, eyes widening and jaws going slack. What other secrets was he keeping?

Mel was the first to speak. “Maybe you should drive her to Dad’s house. We certainly can’t keep standing here all night.” Before Aaron could refuse, she added, “I’ll go with you.”

No one brought up the obvious. As deputy sheriff, Aaron was familiar with the town and didn’t need directions. Could Mel be trying to find time alone with him? As alone as they could be with another person sitting three feet away.

That wasn’t why Aaron ultimately agreed to drive Samantha. It was the scared look on her face. She was a kid in trouble, though no one else apparently saw it. If his daughter ever needed help, he hoped a responsible and trustworthy person like himself stepped in.

An unofficial vote was taken, and Aaron found himself in his SUV with Mel in the front, Samantha in the back and a heavy silence surrounding them. Guess he’d been wrong about Mel’s motives.

“Take a left,” she instructed when they reached the parking lot exit. “Turn east onto Harvest Street.”

Traffic was never heavy in Mustang Valley, with the exception of holidays when the whole town came out to celebrate. With each occasional vehicle passing them in the opposite direction, the interior of the SUV was illuminated by oncoming headlights.

Aaron caught quick glimpses of Mel’s profile. She was just as scared as Samantha. He also understood why—her entire life was changing—and was glad he’d come along for her, too.

Chapter Four (#ud151f536-92ed-5d70-befb-155275bc3c1c)

The Hartman home was about four miles past where the paved road leading out of town ended and the dirt road began. Mel’s parents had built it soon after her father accepted a head wrangler position at The Small Change Ranch, using the entirety of their meager savings for construction. The house was a short distance from the ranch and until recently, her father had ridden to work every day.

He told people the reason he quit was because his favorite horse had been retired and put to pasture, not that his arthritis had worsened. Mel didn’t have the heart to dispute him. Her father was a proud man.

“What about your friends?” Aaron asked Samantha, glancing again in the rearview mirror. Mel noticed he’d been doing that a lot during the drive.

“What about them?” Samantha said tersely.

“Are they expecting you tonight?”


“Have you called them?”

Samantha gave another terse reply and slouched into her seat.

Mel frowned. Really? Aaron was attempting chitchat? And who were these supposed friends of Samantha’s anyway?

“What if they’re worried?” Aaron asked.

“You always this nosy?”

“Comes with the job.”

Gauging by her tone, Samantha didn’t like Aaron better than Mel or the rest of them. So why insist on him driving her?

The two had another brief exchange, and Mel’s irritation escalated. Perhaps because Aaron had obviously learned details about Samantha and Mel knew nothing. None of them did. Except her father. He’d known her name, at least. And that she existed. He was certainly on good terms with Samantha’s mother. Or, had been at one time.