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I Сan Always Stop Drinking
I Сan Always Stop Drinking
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I Сan Always Stop Drinking

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I Сan Always Stop Drinking
Max Marshall

It is a heartwarming and engaging story that follows the life of a fat fluffy black cat named Mateo living in a big city. Working as a shop assistant, Mateo develops a troublesome habit of stealing food and beer, leading to a downward spiral of alcohol addiction and reckless behavior.As Mateo’s excessive drinking starts to impact his health, relationships with friends, and job performance, he faces a series of challenges and consequences.

I Сan Always Stop Drinking

Max Marshall

Illustrator Ideogram


© Max Marshall, 2024

© Ideogram, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-6732-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

I Сan Always Stop Drinking

Max Marshall

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

I Сan Always Stop Drinking

First edition. January 8, 2024.

Copyright © 2024 Max Marshall. Written by Max Marshall.

This book was written partially using AI and Ideogram content in the text and illustrations.


It is a heartwarming and engaging story that follows the life of a fat fluffy black cat named Mateo living in a big city. Working as a shop assistant, Mateo develops a troublesome habit of stealing food and beer, leading to a downward spiral of alcohol addiction and reckless behavior.

As Mateo’s excessive drinking starts to impact his health, relationships with friends, and job performance, he faces a series of challenges and consequences. From losing friends to facing an accident due to drunk driving, Mateo’s journey is filled with highs and lows that ultimately lead him to a pivotal moment of realization.

About the Author

Max Marshall creates stories that transport readers to far-off lands, immersing them in rich cultures and inviting them to experience the full spectrum of human emotion.

Nestled within the pages of countless masterpieces lies a writer whose name evokes thoughts of passion, creativity, and boundless imagination.

With an elegant command of language and a deep understanding of the human soul, this writer creates characters whose triumphs and struggles resonate deeply with readers of all ages. Whether exploring the complexities of love and loss or delving into the depths of the human psyche, this writer’s prose is as beautiful as it is insightful, revealing truths that stir the heart and inspire the soul.

Chapter 1: Black cat thief in the supermarket

In a bustling city filled with bright lights and busy streets, there lived a chubby black cat named Mateo. Mateo was not just an ordinary cat – he worked as a salesman in a small cozy supermarket called Lucas Store.

With his fluffy fur and big round eyes, Mateo charmed everyone who got in his way. But behind his charming facade was a mischievous secret: Mateo had a tendency to steal food from store shelves when no one was looking. He couldn’t resist the temptation of a delicious treat, especially when it came to such delicious snacks as fish crackers and cheese puffs.

One sunny afternoon, when the clock struck noon and the store was crowded with customers, Mateo took his chance. With imperceptible grace, he stole a juicy sausage from the deli counter and ducked into a quiet corner next to the cash register.

Hidden from prying eyes, Mateo gleefully savored the stolen snack, licking the chops, enjoying the forbidden feast. But his thieving ways did not end there. You see, Mateo had a more unpleasant habit that caused even more trouble-his insatiable thirst for beer.

Whenever the clock showed closing time, Mateo said goodbye to his fellow salesmen and went to the nearest bar called Whisker’s Lair. There, amid the clink of glasses and the chatter of customers, Mateo enjoyed his favorite drink – a glass of cold beer with foam.

But Mateo had no idea that his love of beer would soon lead him on the path of mischief and lawlessness. When the sun set on another day in the city, Mateo’s adventures were just beginning…

Chapter 2: At the Bar with Tommy’s friend

In the very center of the city, where neon lights shone brightly and the streets were boiling with activity, Mateo the black cat and his work buddy Tommy entered the Barbel’s lair. The cozy bar was filled with laughter and chatter, and the air was filled with the warm aroma of freshly brewed drinks.

Tommy, a sleek gray cat with a friendly smile, preferred fruit juices to beer. He believed in staying healthy and taking care of himself, unlike his noisy companion Mateo, whose love of beer knew no bounds. When they sat down at a table, Tommy sipped his favorite apple juice, while Mateo greedily ordered portion after portion of frothy beer.

With each glass of beer that disappeared down his throat, Mateo’s restraint melted, and soon he found himself standing on his feet, awkwardly dancing to the live music that filled the bar. His bushy tail swayed to the beat, and his whiskers twitched with delight as he whirled with reckless abandon.

As the night drew to a close, Mateo’s joyful dance turned into a raucous song, his voice echoing through the bar as he sang meaningless lyrics with gusto. His antics drew laughter and raised eyebrows from other patrons, but Mateo was too engrossed in the moment to pay attention to it.

However, not everyone was amused by Mateo’s drunken revelry. Jackson, a burly bulldog who served as a vigilant bouncer at the bar, had his limits. After several warnings and a few overkill, Jackson finally decided that he had had enough. Grabbing Mateo tightly by the collar, he escorted the tipsy cat to the door and gently nudged him outside into the cool night air.

When Mateo stumbled onto the sidewalk, dizzy with beer and a whirlwind of emotions, he realized that perhaps his love for beer had led him astray again. But amid the laughter and chaos, one thing was clear -Mateo and Tommy’s adventures were far from over, and there were even more surprises waiting for them in a city that never slept.

Chapter 3: The bad habit of drinking beer

In the bustling city where Mateo the black cat lived, his addiction to beer turned from a harmless pastime into an unpleasant habit. At first, the appeal of cold beer after a long day at work seemed innocent to Mateo. It brought him joy and relaxation, a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

However, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Mateo began to notice that a pattern was emerging. The next morning, after every night at the bar, he woke up with a severe headache and nausea in his stomach. His fur was disheveled, his eyes were clouded, and his once cheerful spirit was dulled by the lingering effects of a hangover.

Despite his best efforts to get rid of drowsiness and get to work on time, Mateo found it difficult. He came in late, disheveled and out of sorts, much to the disappointment of his boss at the Lucas store. The store manager, a wise old tabby named Mr. Whiskers, couldn’t ignore Mateo’s deteriorating condition.

Concerned about Mateo’s well-being and the store’s reputation, Mr. Whiskers took action. He began by issuing fines for Mateo’s tardiness, hoping that the monetary penalty would serve as a deterrent. When this did not bring results, Mr. Whiskers assigned Mateo additional tasks and responsibilities, believing that being busy would help the cat focus and avoid trouble.

But despite Mr. Whiskers’ efforts, Mateo’s bad habit persisted. The charm of beer and the temporary relief it provided proved too strong for the wayward cat to resist. With each passing day, Mateo’s struggle became more obvious, his once bright eyes clouded with regret and fatigue.

When the sun set on another day in the city, Mateo found himself at a crossroads. Will he continue on the path of self-destruction or will he find the strength to confront his demons and seek help? Only time will tell how Mateo will cope with his inner turmoil and the consequences of his actions.

Chapter 4: Losing Friends

As time went on, Mateo’s love of beer turned into a habit of consumption. Day after day, he found himself sitting on the same bar stool, sipping glass after glass of frothy beer. The once rare self-indulgence had become a daily ritual, and the consequences were taking their toll on his health.

Mateo’s excessive alcohol consumption began to manifest itself in subtle but disturbing ways. His once smooth black coat began to lose its luster, becoming dull and unkempt. His lively green eyes, once filled with curiosity and mischief, now seemed clouded and distant. His springy gait turned into a sluggish shuffle, and his once abundant appetite faded.

As Mateo’s behavior changed, so did the dynamics of his social circle. The cats and dogs that used to be his close companions began to move away, worried about his unpredictable and sometimes inappropriate behavior. Mateo’s once vibrant social life has faded away, leaving him feeling isolated and depressed.

However, despite the discouraging changes in his relationship, one loyal friend remained by his side – the gray cat Tommy. Despite Mateo’s difficulties, Tommy continued to be by his side, offering to listen to him and comforting him with his presence. They still met at the bar, but while Mateo drowned himself in beer, Tommy preferred his usual fruit juices, anxiously watching his friend sink deeper into the addiction.

Despite Tommy’s unwavering support, Mateo’s heart ached as he watched the gap between him and his former friends widen. He longed for the days of carefree laughter and adventures together, but his addiction to alcohol drove a wedge between them.

As the city lights flickered outside the bar, casting a warm glow on the dimly lit streets, Mateo struggled with the realization that his excessive pampering had cost him precious friendships. With a heavy heart, he wondered if there was a way to fix what was broken and regain the trust and friendships he had lost. But deep down, Mateo knew that the journey to redemption would be fraught with difficulties and uncertainty.

Chapter 5: A Hard day after the bar

On a clear Monday morning, Mateo the cat was heading to work, feeling a little overwhelmed after the events of the previous day. As he drove along the familiar road, his eyes were heavy with fatigue. Suddenly, a small squirrel jumped out onto the highway, its tiny paws moving quickly as it tried to cross to the other side.

Mateo’s sleepy eyes widened in surprise when he noticed a small creature in his path. In a moment of panic, he swerved sharply to avoid a collision with a squirrel, but lost control of his car, drove off the road and crashed into a sturdy tree on the side of the road.

The sound of the impact echoed in the quiet morning air, attracting the attention of passers-by. Pretty soon, the flashing lights of the ambulance and the wailing of sirens filled the scene. Concerned passers-by called for help, and firefighters arrived at the scene a few minutes later.

With tender care and expertise, firefighters and emergency responders carefully removed Mateo from the wreckage of his car. Despite his shock and confusion, Mateo found himself surrounded by kind faces and encouraging voices. An ambulance took him to the nearest hospital, where doctors and nurses were ready to provide him with the necessary assistance.

As Mateo lay in his hospital bed, thoughts of the squirrel and the accident raced through his mind. He was grateful to the rescuers for the quick reaction and warmth of their support. Even in the midst of a hard day’s work, Mateo knew that he was not alone and that help was always at hand.

Chapter 6: In the hospital after the accident

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