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Forbidden Seductions: His Forbidden Passion / Craving the Forbidden / Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger
Forbidden Seductions: His Forbidden Passion / Craving the Forbidden / Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger
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Forbidden Seductions: His Forbidden Passion / Craving the Forbidden / Girls' Guide to Flirting with Danger

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‘I was happy in England, believe it or not. Six months ago, I hadn’t a care in the world.’

Well, that hadn’t been precisely true. But everyone had problems, even a wealthy woman like Lily, who must have been as devastated by her husband’s betrayal as Cleo herself.

‘I—I had a good home,’ she’d continued, a little huskily. ‘A loving family; a job I like.’ She paused. ‘When my parents—the only parents I’d ever known—were killed, I was shattered. I didn’t think anything worse could happen to me. And then—and then Serena turned up and told me that my whole life up until that point had been a lie.’

‘I’m sure Lily didn’t mean to offend you, Cleo,’ Serena had broken in anxiously, evidently aware of the bigger picture here. She’d known Jacob wouldn’t be at all pleased if he thought the other women in his household had been upsetting his granddaughter.

‘Is that true?’

Cleo had held Dominic’s mother’s gaze, her own eyes dark and sparkling with unshed tears. And, with a little shrug, Lily had given a little ground.

‘Perhaps I have been a little hasty in judging you, Ms Novak,’ she’d conceded, tracing the rim of her plate with a purple-tipped nail. Her shoulders lifted again. ‘We shall see.’

Her reluctance to admit anything had been apparent, but to avoid any further unpleasantness, Cleo had let it go. Besides, how could she sustain her animosity towards a woman who had been as innocent a victim as herself?

In any case, Serena had smoothed the waters with a comment about the lobster pâté she’d been spreading on wafer-thin biscuits. Dominic’s mother had seemed equally eager to change the subject and that was that.

Not that Lily had spoken directly to Cleo throughout the rest of the meal, though she had considered her from time to time from behind the shelter of her wine glass. What had she really been thinking? Cleo had wondered. Did Lily still believe she’d wanted to come here?

The rest of the day had been something of an anticlimax. Serena had offered to take her shopping in San Clemente, but Cleo had politely refused her invitation. She was fairly sure the offer had only been made as a kind of sweetener, and she had no desire to impose her company on anyone else.

Instead, she’d spent some time by the pool before returning to her room and flaking out for a couple of hours. Her sleepless night had caught up with her, and it was nearing dinner time when she’d gone downstairs again.

Only to find there was just to be Serena and herself for the evening meal.

‘My father sends his apologies,’ Serena had said. ‘But that trip into town has worn him out. He tries to do too much and his body betrays him.’ She’d forced a smile. ‘He’ll be all right tomorrow.’

‘You’re sure?’

Cleo had found she was really concerned, and Serena had given her a reassuring look.

‘Oh, yes,’ she’d said. ‘He wants you to join him for breakfast. Believe me, nothing will stop him from spending as much time with you as he can.’

And now, as proof of that statement, Jacob took Cleo’s arm.

‘Come along,’ he said. ‘We can talk over breakfast. I thought you might like to try Luella’s maple pancakes. They’re Dominic’s favourites.’ He gave her a calculating sideways glance. ‘It’s a pity he’s not here.’

Cleo permitted herself a slight smile of acquiescence, but she didn’t say anything. If her grandfather had known what had been going on, he might not have been so generous towards the younger man.

She contemplated for a moment what Jacob might say if she told him. But she’d never been a sneak and she wouldn’t start now.

They ate in the morning room, as they had two days ago, and Cleo did her best to do justice to the pancakes Luella had supplied. They were delicious, but once again she wasn’t hungry. She thought ruefully that if she stayed here long, she’d soon be as thin as Serena.

‘I thought I’d take you into San Clemente today,’ Jacob said, pouring himself more coffee. ‘We’ll have lunch with Dom. On the yacht, I think. It’s time you learned a little more about the Montoya Corporation.’

‘Oh…’ Cleo’s throat dried. The last thing she wanted to do was spend time in Dominic’s company. ‘Um—will your grandson’s girlfriend be joining us, too?’

Jacob pulled a wry face. ‘Do you mean Sarah?’ he asked. ‘No, I shouldn’t think so. Why?’ His brows ascended. ‘Did you and she get along?’

Cleo bent her head over her plate. ‘I only spoke to her very briefly,’ she murmured, and her grandfather gave a mocking snort.

‘I didn’t think you two had much in common,’ he said, and, glancing up, Cleo found him grinning. ‘’Cept maybe Dom himself, hmm? How about that?’

‘What do you mean?’

The words were out before she could prevent them, and Jacob arched a sardonic brow.

‘Well, you like your brother, don’t you, Cleo? It seemed to me when you arrived that you’d come to depend on him, quite a lot.’

Cleo pressed her lips together. ‘He’s not my brother.’

‘As good as.’ Jacob was dismissive. ‘Why’s it matter, anyway? You’re both my grandchildren. And when I’m gone and Serena’s married, you’ll be the only Montoyas left.’

Cleo’s jaw dropped. ‘I didn’t know Serena was getting married.’

‘Nor does she—yet.’ The old man grimaced. ‘But she and Michael Cordy—that’s Lily’s cousin—have been friends since they were children. And since his first wife died, he’s been looking for a replacement.’

Cleo stared at him incredulously. ‘But does she love him?’

‘Well…’ Jacob considered. ‘She’s turned him down a time or two in the past. Under some mistaken impression that I needed her here. But that was before he married someone else.’ He chuckled. ‘It’s amazing how much more attractive something becomes if it’s forbidden fruit.’ He paused. ‘I guess you know that.’

‘Me?’ Cleo heard the squeak in her voice and struggled to control it. ‘How should I know?’

‘Why—your father and your mother. What did you think I meant?’ asked Jacob innocently. ‘If their relationship wasn’t forbidden fruit, then I don’t know what it was.’

‘Oh…’ Cleo swallowed a little convulsively, not totally convinced that he was being completely honest.

But he couldn’t know about her and Dominic. How could he? Not unless Dominic had spilled the beans, and something told her that that was the last thing he would do.

‘Anyway—how about it?’ Jacob asked. ‘This trip I’ve got planned for us? You’d like to see the town of San Clemente, wouldn’t you? This island’s your home, Cleo. I want you to love it just as much as I do.’

The idea of loving anything—or anybody—was not something Cleo wanted to think about at that moment. Whatever Jacob said, how could she even think of staying here? Apart from all the obvious problems, there was still Dominic. She was not going to become his mistress as her mother had become Robert’s.

Now, however, she chose her words with care.

‘I—I would like to see San Clemente, of course,’ she said. ‘But perhaps we could just drive through the town instead of stopping for lunch.’ She paused. ‘Serena told me you tired yourself out yesterday. I don’t think it’s wise to risk your health by doing too much today.’

‘Rubbish!’ Jacob was impatient. ‘When you don’t know how much time you’ve got left, you don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Believe me, my dear, I have no intention of killing myself. As I say, we’ll have lunch on the yacht. You’ll like that. Then I’ll have a rest in one of the cabins, while Dominic gives you a tour of the town.’

Cleo stifled a moan. ‘Dominic may not want—may not have time,’ she amended quickly, ‘to take me sightseeing.’

‘He’ll make time,’ declared her grandfather confidently. ‘He’s his own boss. No one tells him what to do.’

Except you, thought Cleo unhappily, but Jacob only winked at her.

‘Now, are you finished?’ he asked. ‘Good. Then go and get your handbag or whatever else you need. I’ll have Sam bring the car round, so don’t be long.’

Cleo wanted to protest.

She wanted to say that Dominic wouldn’t want to have lunch with someone for whom he evidently had so little respect.

She wanted to suggest Jacob start making arrangements for her to return to England at the end of this week instead of next.

But over all her objections, she felt an unmistakable surge of excitement.

And how ridiculous was that?

CHAPTER TEN (#ulink_7c10bf18-58ea-54eb-a661-749e9d2e4abd)

DOMINIC lounged in his chrome and white leather chair, one arm hooked over its back, and wished the glass he was holding contained whisky.

Wine was all very well, and his grandfather was something of a connoisseur. But Dominic needed something stronger. Something to stop his eyes from straying in Cleo’s direction every chance they had.

He’d tried to concentrate on his surroundings. They were having lunch on the sundeck of the company’s yacht, shaded from too much brilliance by a huge canopy, and it was certainly a spectacular setting.

The little town of San Clemente climbed the hill behind the marina, colour-washed walls and red-tiled roofs providing a stunning backdrop to the blue, blue water.

A breeze blew up off the water, rattling the ties of the other yachts moored in the adjoining slips. It lifted the fringe of the canopy; caused a silky coil of Cleo’s hair to curl about her shoulder.


The trouble was, she looked so bloody attractive. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder top of some bronze-coloured fabric that hugged her breasts and outlined her hips. Knee-length shorts exposed bare calves and narrow ankles. She wore a gold chain round her ankle, drawn to his attention by provocative four-inch heels.

There were huge gold rings in her ears, too, that brushed her bare shoulders every time she moved her head. Her hair was drawn loosely back from her face and tied at her nape with a chiffon scarf. But that didn’t stop errant strands escaping and causing him no end of grief.

He swallowed the remainder of the wine in his glass and reached for the bottle of Merlot as his grandfather spoke.

‘Isn’t this nice?’ the old man said, including both of them in his sharp appraisal. ‘My two grandchildren and myself, having lunch together. What could be nicer, eh, Dom?’

‘Indeed,’ Dominic said drily, refilling his wine glass with a surprisingly steady hand. Considering the rest of his body was taut with frustration, he thought he managed it very well. ‘What could be nicer?’

Cleo cast a wary look in his direction. She had few doubts that Dominic wasn’t enjoying the meal. From the moment they’d arrived at the Montoya Corporation’s offices, she’d sensed his resistance to the outing. If there’d been any way he could have got out of joining them without offending his grandfather, she was sure he would have done so.

But, apart from the respect Dominic evidently had for the old man, Jacob was seriously ill, and his time was limited. It would have taken a more ruthless man than Dominic to deny such a simple request.

‘I hope you’re not drinking too much, boy.’ Jacob was nothing if not direct. He nodded to Dominic’s plate, where the better part of his risotto was congealing in the heat. ‘You’ve hardly touched your food.’

Dominic gave a thin smile. ‘I wasn’t hungry, old man,’ he said evenly. ‘It’s too hot for eating.’ He paused before raising his glass to his lips again. ‘Particularly when you’re wearing a suit.’

‘Then get changed!’ exclaimed Jacob at once. ‘You know I’m expecting you to give Cleo a tour of San Clemente later this afternoon.’

‘Oh, that’s not necessary—’ began Cleo hurriedly, but her grandfather ignored her.

‘Me, I’m going to have a rest.’ Jacob blew out a breath. ‘But you’re right. It is hot.’

Cleo turned her head to look at him, aware of an anxiety that was as unexpected as it was misplaced. She hardly knew him, she thought, yet she already felt concerned about him.

Dominic was concerned, too. Putting down his wine glass, he said, ‘Perhaps you ought to get Sam to take you back to Magnolia Hill.’

‘I can rest here just as well as at Magnolia Hill,’ Jacob retorted shortly. ‘Just help me down to the cabin, will you, Dom? It’ll be cooler below deck.’

Cleo chewed anxiously at her lower lip as Dominic got up and helped his grandfather from his chair. One of the crew appeared, possibly expecting to clear the table, but Jacob only waved the man away.

‘Cleo and Dom haven’t finished,’ he said, albeit a little breathlessly as his grandson supported him towards the stairs to the lower deck. ‘Bring my granddaughter some coffee, will you? I think she’d prefer that to the wine.’

By the time Dominic came back, Cleo was sipping her second cup of coffee.

Her eyes darted instantly to his dark face, the enquiry evident in her troubled gaze. ‘Is he all right?’ she asked, putting her cup down as he crossed the deck towards her. ‘The cabins are air-conditioned, aren’t they? He’ll be able to breathe more easily if the air is cooler.’

‘Yeah, he’ll be OK.’ Dominic flung himself back into his chair and regarded her with an intensity of purpose she couldn’t possibly sustain. ‘How about you?’

‘Me?’ Cleo considered picking up her cup again, if only for protection, but she was afraid she might spill its contents. ‘I’m OK.’ She glanced determinedly about her. ‘This certainly is a beautiful place.’

‘Yes, it is.’ Dominic pulled in a long breath and then went for the jugular. ‘I wondered if you’d come.’

Cleo’s eyes widened. ‘Your grandfather invited me,’ she said, and he noted she was back to saying ‘your’ grandfather and not ‘my’. ‘Besides, I wanted to see something of the island before I leave.’

Dominic’s stomach hollowed. ‘You’re leaving!’

‘In a few days, yes,’ said Cleo, concentrating on her finger nudging at her saucer. ‘I’d have thought you’d be pleased. If I’m not here, I’m not a threat, am I?’

‘A threat!’ Dominic’s tone hardened. ‘A threat to whom?’

Cleo pressed her lips together. ‘You know.’

‘What the hell’s that supposed to mean?’ Dominic stared at her, his eyes as cold as green ice. ‘If you’re implying that I might be upset if the old man decides to leave all his money to you—’

‘No!’ Cleo had to look at him now, anguish in her dark gaze. ‘I’d never think anything like that.’ She licked her lips with an agitated tongue. ‘You can’t think I want Jacob’s money! Any of it! I shouldn’t be here. I don’t belong here. I—I just want to get on with my life.’

‘This is your life now,’ stated Dominic harshly. He hated the look of horror he’d brought to her face. But she had to understand that Jacob wasn’t about to let her go, not without a whole raft of conditions. ‘And you do belong here, Cleo. As much as any of us, actually.’


‘Yes.’ With some relucance Dominic got up from his seat and came to take the one his grandfather had vacated beside her. ‘You’re Robert’s daughter. You can’t get away from that. Jacob won’t let you.’

Cleo blew out an unsteady breath and Dominic realised she was trembling. Tiny goosebumps had blossomed all over those pale almond shoulders, enveloping the smooth skin of her throat and puckering the rounded curve of her breasts.

And he had to touch her.

To comfort her, he defended himself. But the minute his hand contacted the fine bones of her shoulder, he wanted to do so much more.

In consequence, his voice was harsher than it should have been when he said, ‘Is the prospect of staying here so terrible?’

Cleo glanced sideways at him. ‘Not terrible, no,’ she said tensely. ‘But, please, let me go. This isn’t helping anyone.’

It’s helping me, thought Dominic unevenly, aware of his pulsing arousal.

But she was right. He was behaving like an idiot.