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I learned that in Sunday school. That's why I draw rainbows. I love Bible stories, especially Noah and the ark – 'cause Daddy's name is Noah McKnight.I thought it would be nice to...
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Betrayed by her handsome fiancé, girls' basketball coach Sunny Keegan knew for a fact that fairy tales faded. So when her rowdy team successfully challenged her to appear on Dream...
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Meg Talbot had prayed for Mr. Right, but it seemed she was destined to remain manless.Until her childhood crush – and her best friend's brother – sauntered back into her life…. Reb...
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Who Wasn't Trying To Fix Up Dr. Zack Hemingway?Even his boss had handpicked two of his three daughters as perfect candidates for the position of Zack's wife. But it was the other d...
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В этот день...
19 декабря 1848 года ушла из жизни Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Bronte) (родилась в 1818г.), английская писательница ("Грозовой перевал", "Душа моя не из трусливых").
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