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Business English. Textbook № 2. Грамматика в диалогах
Business English. Textbook № 2. Грамматика в диалогах
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Business English. Textbook № 2. Грамматика в диалогах

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Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form

1. I seldom (to change) my opinion regarding to such


2. I remember he (to tell) us about that incident at lunch time.

3.At lunchtime yesterday we (to discuss) news and (to make)

decision not to start work until September.

4. We (to inform) you as soon as our Supervisor returns.

5. They (to provide) you with everything in future, you no

need worry.

6. Who (to assist) you yesterday?

7. I sometimes (to revise) my opinion if my opponent can

provide me with proved facts.

8. Donald (to explain) us current situation a minut ago.

9. Where (to leave) your car yesterday?

10. I (to conect) with clients after lunch.

How to make your work effective

To evenly distribute the load and complete the tasks on time, always set three goals for the day at least, the goals that you must complete. If you are working on large projects, break down your goals into small tasks. Consistently achieve small goals to fulfill them as best as possible! Goals given to you may include real problems, discussion, updating the project plan, and requesting a project estimate. Be prepared to make extraordinary decisions in the case of a force majeure. If necessary, it is better to involve colleagues to help and distribute the load evenly. Make your goals achievable to set yourself up for success.

Времена группы Continuous

Рис. 2

Present Continuous :


I am comparing samples. – Я сравниваю образцы.

He is holding the meeting at present time. —

Он проводит собрание в данный момент.

This engine is not working. —

Этот мотор не работает. (сейчас)

They are having lunch now. – Они сейчас обедают.

I am trying to write down all new information,

recieving during my practice.-

Я пытаюсь записать всю новую

информацию, полученную

I am not comparing these two tables now.

Я не сравниваю сейчас эти две таблицы.

He is not creating anything at the moment

В данный момент он ничего не создает..

They are not discussing given problem at present.

В настоящее время они не обсуждают данную проблему.


Am I talking now?

Я разве разговариваю сейчас?

Is he asking you about anything?

Он спрашивает тебя о чем либо?

Are they working at the moment?

Они работают в данный момент?

How to describe what you are doing at the moment.

I am currently compiling a report. This is a very important monthly report and that’s why I’m focused. I am now comparing the data received by me during the month. The information I received is sometimes contradictory, so I am trying to be very attentive to details. Oh who’s calling? I can’t stand being interrupted at such an important moment!

– I’m listening. Oh yes, Mr. Green, I’m just now finishing my report. Yes, tomorrow the report will be on your desk.

Now I have to work all night to report back to the chief tomorrow.

Past Continuous :


We were working outside when the rain started. —

Мы работали на улице когда начался дождь.

He was checking his report when i phoned him. —

Он проверял свой отчет когда я позвонил ему.

All engineers were studying a new procedure the whole

day yesterday. —

Все инженеры изучали новую процедуру

вчера весь день.

I was not sleeping when he came.

Я не спал когда он пришёл.

He was not asking any questions on our way home.

Он не задавал никаких вопросов по дороге домой.

They were not looking at me when I was talking to them.

Они не смотрели на меня когда я с ними разговаривал.


What were you doing when she phoned?

Что вы делали когда она позвонила?

Where were they working yesterday from 5 till 7 p.m.?

Где они работали вчера с 5 до 7 вечера?

Was he working when you entered the office?

Работал ли он когда вы вошли в кабинет?

Busy day!

I yesterday was extremely busy we were discussing a new

contract with our partners for several hours. They were

asking so many questions during the talks! I was answeringb

their questions in detail. They were listening to me attentevly.

I am sure they were satisfied with my explanations.

Then I was preparing juridical documentation.


Future Continuous :


I shall be working hard next week. – Я буду много работать

на следующей неделе.

He will be sleeping at this time tomorrow. – Он будет спать

в это время завтра.

They will be discussing this offer in the meeting on Monday.

— Они будут обсуждать это предложение на

собрании в понедельник.

I am sure they will not be signing the contract at this time tomorrow.

Я уверен что они не будут подписывать контракт завтра в

это время.

He will not be correcting his report all day tomorrow.

Он не будет корректировать его отчет весь день завтра.

If you arrive on Sunday afternoon. they will not be

working at this time.