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The Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
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The Twelve Dancing Princesses

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The prince stared at his wife, naked except for the chastity belt from her waist down. Her little triangle of curls was the first thing he noticed. She was quite bare to his view except for the dainty straps that held the contraption in place around her waist and upper thighs. Upon closer inspection, which he immediately set to by kneeling before her, the prince noticed the little barrier that closed her off from him.

“The question is how we get it to open,” he murmured.

“What?” she gasped, becoming excited to have him examining her so closely.

“The inscription said it would ‘open of its own accord at the opportune time,’” he reminded her. “I’m just wondering when the ‘opportune time’ is.”

“I don’t know,” she admitted truthfully, although she was beginning to wonder. Could this be the answer to the many nights of unfulfilled passion, where she was always so close but never able to find her release before it was all over? Perhaps there was something to there being an “opportune time.” The princess was eager to find out. “Shall we test it to see?” she asked.

“I imagine we will think of nothing else until we do,” he agreed, and with his usual enthusiasm the prince hastily removed his clothes. Then he removed Princess Attentia’s dress. But as he stared at the leather straps that bound her and kept him out, he abruptly came to a halt.

Normally this would have been the ‘opportune time’ for the prince, but the chastity belt was still closed up tight.

The prince led his wife to their bed. She lay down on her back nervously, not sure what was expected of her. He stared at her for several minutes, taking in every detail of her body as she lay there waiting for him, wearing nothing but the chastity belt. This simple pause for contemplation was exquisite for the princess. To be looked at, studied and wondered over, like an intricate machine that had to be figured out, was in itself quite gratifying.

The prince approached his wife tentatively, trying to think of what she liked but realizing suddenly that he really didn’t know. He decided it was high time he found out. He lay on his side next to her, leaning up on one elbow. His body was hardened with arousal, but he mentally checked himself, using self-control to hold back the urges that threatened to overwhelm him. He knew that he would need to concentrate on the task at hand in order to maintain that control. He would take his time, moving slowly and carefully, so as not to miss the secrets that his wife had so far kept hidden from him.

He leaned over her and brushed his lips very lightly over hers, teasing her with the hint of a kiss and then moving away to do the same along her cheeks, forehead and shoulders. She delighted in the feel of his warm breath on her skin as she waited and anticipated his next move.

While his lips covered her with feathery kisses from the shoulders up, the prince’s fingertips began to lightly caress his wife’s body from the shoulders down in the same teasing manner. He circled his fingers nimbly over her skin, not grasping or rubbing, but merely hinting at touches to come. As he traced over her form, he took the opportunity to admire the curves and bends in her flesh, and the silky feel of her skin. Each time his lips came back to brush over hers, he noted her increased breathing and little gasping noises, and from these little signs he measured her readiness for more. He had decided that each and every advance from him should be craved before it was received. As his hands circled lower and lower, lightly flicking over every part of her, the princess arched her body and moaned, telling him without words that she was longing for a more lingering touch.

Once he was absolutely certain that the princess was truly longing to be kissed, the prince took her lips thoroughly in a deep, penetrating assault with his mouth and tongue. He realized now what the chastity belt was all about, and he guessed that it would not open quickly or easily. But he did not mind this in the least.

The prince continued to kiss his wife passionately until she clung to him, trembling. He broke the kiss then and whispered huskily, “Now we will find out what you like. Will you tell me or will I have to try everything and see what works?”

She was speechless.

He laughed and kissed her again. The touch of his hands came steadier and firmer, tracing the curves of her body as if to sculpt them. As he brought his hands up over her breasts he lovingly molded them in his palms before abruptly pinching the tips. At this, Princess Attentia moaned loudly.

“Ah,” he sighed with satisfaction. “There is something you like.” And he pinched the tips of her breasts again, a little harder this time. She moaned again and writhed beneath him. He leaned in close to blow on the reddened tips. She shuddered. He continued to play with her breasts in a leisurely manner, trying one thing and then another, and gauging her responses to everything he did. She reveled in the attention, but more than that, a passion was building inside her that she had never felt before.

After a while the prince moved his hands lower in a very leisurely manner, pausing to caress her stomach before he moved even lower still, and circled his fingers down closer to the chastity belt barrier. She lifted her hips up to meet his hand, pushing herself into him but he wanted to maintain control over the pace so he circled back up and around over her belly again, causing her to moan in disappointment. He continued to circle his hand round and round, teasing her, and each time his fingers reached down below her belly button she lifted her hips up to meet them, showing him that she wanted to be touched. Still, he refrained from touching her there in order to build up her anticipation to the point that when he did at last touch her, she would indeed be truly ready for him. And even when he finally made contact there, he did it lightly and fleetingly, passing over and around the sensitive area, to heighten her anticipation and excitement even more. His patient efforts seemed to be working, for she was consumed with a desire to be touched, writhing and bucking beneath him without a thought for anything but his hand.

He caressed her with the same fixation on her pleasure, leaning in close to explore her with his eyes as well as his fingers. This is when he happened to notice that each time his fingers flitted over one particular spot the princess moaned a little louder and thrust her hips forward with more vigor. He decided he would like to explore that area further.

The tender little spot was located just above her opening, which was still sealed shut by the chastity belt. However, the place that piqued his curiosity was fully exposed.

With his fingertips he felt all around the area, taking his time, ignoring her moans for the moment, and simply becoming acquainted with her body. He spread her legs wider and leaned in between them as he performed this examination. He leaned in so close that she could feel his warm breath on her skin.

At length the prince became aware of a tiny bump beneath her flesh. He had never noticed it before. As he played with it, it appeared to become more pronounced, seemingly swelling and hardening under his touch. This now, was something he understood!

With further investigation, which the prince continued in a very unhurried and thorough manner that was driving his wife wild with desire, he learned that touching the underside of the hardened and inflamed little protrusion caused her hips to jump and jerk away from him, but touching her just the right distance over the top of it made her entire body melt under his fingers. It was very similar for him, he marveled. But he still had yet to learn the correct rhythm and intensity for handling the little mound of flesh for just the right effect.

The prince experimented with many different strokes and caresses over the tiny bud of flesh, using varying levels of pressure from his fingertips. At length he found just the right combination of tension and pace with which to stroke her, and he settled into a rhythm that had her hips dancing in perfect time with his fingers. As her excitement grew she gripped the bedsheets with her fingers. He watched in astonishment as the chastity belt slowly opened.

The prince’s body ached to respond immediately to this invitation, but he forced himself to hold back just a little longer. He knew now, firsthand, how similar their bodies were, and he could relate only too well to how disappointing it would be for her if he were to stop his titillating caress. He could tell by the way she was writhing and moaning with such abandon that she was very, very close to finding satisfaction. Keeping perfect time with his fingers, he leaned in to kiss her where the chastity belt left her open and exposed for him. He let his tongue linger there affectionately, sliding up and down the length of her. Suddenly her hips stopped moving and she cried out loudly with pleasure. He could feel the pulsing of her inner body with his tongue.

He waited until he was certain she was thoroughly satisfied before rising up over her. Her eyes were shining and she appeared somewhat dazed. Her legs, which were still spread, trembled slightly. The chastity belt was wide open now and she reached her arms out to embrace him.

The prince slid easily into her body, and marveled at the way she felt. Her inner flesh was soft and swollen and soaking wet. He slid in and out of the thick, silky flesh, relishing in the way it clung to and around his hardness. The princess, fully satiated from the initial driving need that had previously consumed her, now found a new pleasure in the feeling that came from simply having her husband moving inside her body. She held him close with her arms and legs, kissing him feverishly. She felt all at once vulnerable and empowered. She savored her husband’s every stroke, without, for once, fretting over how long it would last. When his thrusts came faster and his time drew near, she felt a new and distinct surge of satisfaction, milder to her senses but more intense to her soul. It seemed that they were moving in unison and, for the first time in their marriage, she felt that they truly were one.

Afterward they clung to each other in surprise and delight.

“I did not know,” he said simply.

“I should have told you,” she admitted.

“Why didn’t you?”

“I thought there was something wrong with me,” she tried to explain. “I thought maybe my body wasn’t working right…or fast enough.”

“So you never…?”

“Sometimes…afterward,” she paused. “I would…finish.”

He groaned. “Never again,” he promised her. He kissed her face, ears, lips and everywhere. “I’m pleased with the belt,” he said at last.

“You are?”

“Definitely,” he continued. “It’s not just better for you. It’s better for me, too.”

“It is?”

“Yes,” he said, looking into her eyes. “I never knew it could feel like that.”

“It was different?” She could not believe they were speaking so frankly. Somehow the deeper intimacy they had shared sexually was giving them the freedom to communicate more freely.

“It was…amazing. Everything seemed magnified—your body felt warmer, softer, wetter…it was amazing,” he repeated, at a sudden loss for words. She blushed, delighted by what she was hearing. And then they were both silent. He was thinking about how loving his wife had been, and so eager to please him. He realized now that he had mistaken her eagerness for readiness. She wondered over how he had managed to learn her secrets so quickly and to satisfy her so expertly. If only she had known how easy and worthwhile it was she might have told him sooner.

Still, it perplexed her that his sexual satisfaction seemed to come from activity that was so separate and individual from her own. She had always thought that true love would bring about mutual fulfillment simultaneously. Had she been wrong about that?

These musings followed Princess Attentia throughout the rest of that day and into the evening. She decided this time to confide her thoughts to her husband.

“Do you think it is odd that we both get satisfaction from such different means?” she asked him pointedly when he came to her that evening.

“To be honest I was surprised to discover how similar we are in that regard.” He took her hands in his and kissed each of her fingertips.

“Well, but what I mean is, don’t you think we should come together in that way at the same time?”

“Oh, that.” He thought for a moment. “I suppose we could try,” he said at last with a grin. She laughed. “No, I mean it,” he said, getting serious. “Now that I know what pleases you I will just have to find ways to do that while we’re engaged together.”

“Sometimes when we have been together…before…I have felt pleasure by rubbing against you a certain way,” she began.

“But you never got the opportunity to find out where it would lead, eh?” he finished for her. “I must confess it is pure torture to feel you rubbing up against me like that. I will have to learn to exert more control.”

“And there might be other ways, too,” she mused.

“I am thinking of a few I would like to try right now.”

“Well, but there is still the chastity belt to contend with,” she reminded him.

“By ‘right now’ I meant some time in the next few hours, not this second,” he assured her. “We’re just going to have to accept that our bodies are different. Yours needs warming up, and I’m glad of that. It’s fun warming you up.”

With a giggle she pulled off her nightgown. She was naked except for the belt. They both looked at the dark leather contraption wrapped around her fair skin. There was something very sensual about the look and feel of it. Princess Attentia felt warm under her husband’s gaze, and her skin began to tingle with anticipation.

Once again the prince used his lips and tongue and fingertips to tease his wife into readiness for him. This time she reciprocated, and they both experimented with new ways to excite each other. It became clear that he needed much less encouragement than she, and they proceeded accordingly. She was careful to keep him excited enough so that he did not lose his arousal altogether without causing him to lose control. She found that she could she do this by giving him little bits of attention, such as short strokes from her fingers or little flicks of her tongue. She also discovered that he became quite excited when she showed him openly how his attentions affected her. He loved nothing more than to hear her cry out or to see her body writhing in excitement. There was no good reason to hold her feelings inside, for not only did it enhance the experience for him, but it did so for her, as well.

Soon the prince was once again stroking his wife in just the way she liked best and, low and behold, the chastity belt slowly opened.

“Shall we attempt it together this time?” he asked her.


He stopped stroking her and moved between her legs. “Let’s try it this way,” he said as he slid himself into her slick opening. Once he was settled nicely in her warm, wet body he slipped his hand between their bodies and resumed his stroking, carefully, with just the same tension and rhythm he had used before. It was only mildly awkward for him to do this; just enough, in fact, to keep his concentration on what he was doing to her instead of letting his body overrule his mind. At the same time he moved within her very slowly, so that he could enjoy it, too—but not too much. Soon her hips were gyrating wildly beneath his. Watching her beautifully flushed face thoughtfully, he perceived that this position would, indeed, allow them both to find fulfillment, if not simultaneously, then close to it. But now thatthe prince had learned to reign in his own pleasure in order to enhance Princess Attentia’s, he wanted to draw the experience out even further.

He abruptly stopped his caresses and pulled himself out of his wife’s body, smiling tenderly at her look of disappointment. “I can’t be certain if that was working well or not,” he teased. “Let’s try something else…turn around.”

The princess moved herself somewhat awkwardly onto her knees, but her arousal soon overcame her inhibitions. Her husband helped to arrange her body in the way he thought it might work best. Then he slid himself back into her body from behind, holding very still for a moment, and reminding himself that these little exercises in self-control would prolong the pleasure and intensify his and her satisfaction. He reached his hand around her hips to the place she liked best to be stroked and discovered that he could pleasure her from this position, too. As could she; for her fingers were already there!

Before long Princess Attentia was once again reaching the precipice of her desire. The prince watched in fascination as her plump buttocks moved round and round in front of him. All he had to do was kneel before her and enjoy the view. He found himself caressing her buttocks gently as they wriggled about. The pleasure was intoxicating, and it was all he could do to continue holding himself at bay, but through sheer determination he managed it. Time and again he would hold back the surge that threatened to overwhelm him. And each time he held it off it came back the next time feeling even better—and harder to resist.

The princess moaned and writhed about, delighting in the freedom this new position offered her. From this vantage point, it was remarkably easy for her to stimulate herself while fully enjoying the exquisite eeling of her husband moving slowly in and out of her from behind. She leaned comfortably on one forearm while she used her 0ther hand to pleasure herself. This position raised her bottom up 0igher than her head, considerably enhancing the feeling of having her 0usband inside her. And as for her husband, he was trying to find ways 0o not enjoy it quite so much.

But alas, the prince stopped her again, for he had become like a child with a new toy, curious to experience every aspect of it from every single point of view. This time he laid down on his back and had the princess mount him from the top. She gasped to feel him so deep inside her. She settled with her knees on either side of him, sitting straight up, but raised just a bit to ease the first bit of pressure. From this position also she could quite easily stimulate herself, and she slipped her hand down in order to do just that, but her husband’s hand slid in first and took up the task, applying just the right amount of pressure and motion with the thumb and middle finger. This time she rocked back and forth as his fingers caressed her, rubbing herself ardently against his hand. She clung to the hand that caressed her with both of her hands, holding it firmly in place to prevent him stopping again. With his other hand the prince caressed her breasts, pinching the tips the way he knew she liked.

The prince watched in awe as his wife rode him. Her breasts jerked about as her body bobbed forward and back over him. She stared at his face as she moved over him. The leather straps of the chastity belt strained over her opened thighs. He could tell by her movements that she was getting close to her time. And he was ready for her. But he wanted to make sure he waited long enough, and he focused all his concentration on the timing of it.

The time was drawing near. Very carefully, without stopping his caresses, he took her hand and led it to where he was rubbing her. Sheimmediately took up the rubbing with an expertise and vigor that amazed him. He grasped on to the leather straps of the chastity belt and held them firmly, waiting for exactly the right moment. He bit his lip in his effort to hold back the tide of his pleasure.

During this time of waiting for Princess Attentia, which was indeed challenging for the prince, he reached a point where he was able to observe the scene from a spectator’s point of view. The intimacy they were sharing staggered him. It was not just that he found pleasure in being able to please his wife, although this was something he enjoyed very much. But more than that, he had developed a new awareness of his wife’s needs that required from him attentiveness and self-control. His efforts in this regard bore fruit, strengthening his bond with her even as they strengthened her bond with him. How unexpected it was, to receive this kind of pleasure from giving. As the prince caressed his wife he marveled over these things. And she became more beautiful before his eyes as his hands helped bring her to life.

But alas, her time was indeed drawing very near. The prince watched his wife vigilantly now, gauging every movement and sound with a keen and exhilarating awareness.

At length he perceived a sudden change in the princess. Her body stiffened in an immense shudder, even as her fingers continued their frantic stroking. He felt his own excitement mount, barely contained as she cried out, and all at once he yanked on the leather straps of the chastity belt, pulling her forward and back as she had been doing but faster, and with much more force. He joined her cry with a deafening yell of his own. Then she collapsed over him with a sob. He held her firmly to stop her trembling until he realized that he was tremling, too. His body felt weak from the incredible pleasure of hisrelease and he could tell that she felt the same.

Princess Attentia was motionless for a while, but all of a sudden she began kissing him. She kissed his lips, his cheeks, his nose and forehead. She was elated from the powerful emotions that had been released with her passion. “Oh, how I love you!” she exclaimed.

“And I you,” he agreed when he could find his voice.

“It was so lovely,” she cried. “I feel so happy right now.”

He grasped her face in his hands and searched her eyes. “Do you think you might stay here with me tonight instead of slipping out to your father’s castle in your dreams?”

She stared back at him. “I wonder…?” she murmured.

And sure enough, the next morning—and every morning thereafter for that matter—the princess’s shoes showed no signs whatsoever of excessive wear.

Nevertheless, Princess Attentia and her husband have kept the magic chastity belt, and they use it to this very day.


PRINCESS CONSCIA WATCHED HER HUSBAND FROM ACROSS THE KITCHEN table. He was so handsome that it took her breath away when she looked at him. She loved the time they shared together, and this time over breakfast was her favorite. With no pressure, she could simply enjoy his company without feeling she had to participate in things that were awkward or embarrassing in order to please him.

“I wonder what the wizardess will have to say,” she mused as she sipped her morning coffee.

“I can’t imagine,” said the prince. “Perhaps she will wrap your sexy feet in gossamer to keep them from flying off each night in your dreams.”

She smiled stiffly over this, wondering why the undercurrent of “it” had to enter into so many other parts of their life. Why was it so important to him? In the evening, when the lights were out, she could permit and even sometimes enjoy the sensations of it, but didn’t he realize how discomfiting it was for her to talk about it outside their bedroom? It was so humiliating to think about it after the fact. She didn’t think it was appropriate to reference those private matters during the day, especially not in the context of her shoes or feet. But there didn’t seem to be any subject that failed toremind her husband of it, and he enjoyed making comments to that effect.

She particularly disliked speaking of body parts in the context of “it.” What on earth was sexy about feet, for example? Even the parts used during the act, to her mind, were not especially sexy. She disliked the way they looked, in fact, which is why she insisted on doing it in the dark, if they must do it at all.

It was all just so bewildering. She supposed it was the price she had to pay to keep her husband happy, but still, she wished he didn’t want it so often. There were, sometimes, little pleasurable sensations, but the awkwardness made it impossible for her to enjoy them. She felt the positions were degrading and most unflattering. The noises embarrassed her. She shuddered to think what she must look like in the midst of it. And some of the things he suggested she do left her so shocked she could not even respond.

But they had loved each other enough to adjust and had settled into an arrangement where he, for the most part, fulfilled his needs in a timely and conscientious manner, with as little embarrassment to her sensibilities as he could manage and she, in turn, submitted willingly. She did enjoy pleasing him, provided he was considerate enough not to take advantage.

If only he would not persist in these inappropriate comments outside their bedroom, insinuating things from every scenario; things that simply added to her discomfort over that particular subject.

And now here he was again, trying to interject the topic of “it” into their discussion about the wizardess, where it could not be more out of place.

“It is not my ‘sexy’ feet which are wearing out my shoes,” she replied, trying to keep the resentment out of her voice. She did notwant to appear frigid or distraught, but rather, preferred to draw him back to reality with dignity and common sense. “The wizardess has already explained that our shoes are being worn out by our thoughts, not our feet.”

“Yes, but have you never considered what those thoughts might be?” he asked her.

“Why, of course,” she replied. “The wizardess has as much as said that it is homesickness for my sisters and my father’s castle. We had such wonderful times there. I do miss it.”

“I don’t think that is all there is to it,” the prince argued. “You didn’t forget that the wizardess also mentioned ‘discontent’ in your marriages.”

She stared at the prince, shocked by his bluntness. “It does not seem so outrageous that our new lives should be a bit difficult to adjust to after such an enchanted childhood,” she countered.

“Or perhaps it is something else,” he said, with meaning and emphasis.

So here he was, referring to “it” yet again! She ground her teeth and asked, “What else could it be?”

“I’m sure I don’t know,” he lied. “But I am very interested to hear what the wizardess has to say about it.”

She forced another stiff smile. “More coffee?”

Princess Conscia had been looking forward to the wizardess’s visit, but now she was suddenly feeling nervous. Would the wizardess think her a failure as a wife? Or worse, would she be expected to humiliate herself even further to her husband? Surely he would not be so debased as to bring “it” up while the wizardess was here!

She struggled for the proper words to caution her husband while she poured his coffee. “I hope you won’t impose your own ideas aboutthis on the wizardess,” she began. “I think it would be best to listen to what advice she has to give.” A little blush crept up her cheeks as she said this.

“What ideas are you speaking of that have you blushing so, my darling?” he asked her with a teasing smile.

“I don’t have anything in mind,” she lied, wishing she had held her tongue. There was no stopping him anyway, so why had she bothered to ask?

He took her warm, flushed face in his hands and held it until her eyes met his. “I, too, wait anxiously for the wizardess’s advice,” he admitted in a low voice. They were both silent a moment, until the front bell rang out shrilly, causing them both to jump.

The prince went to the door to admit the wizardess while Princess Conscia regained her composure. A moment later the wizardess entered their kitchen, observing the princess carefully.