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The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow
The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow
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The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow

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“Any one of them could fall in love with you.”

With difficulty, Ellen restrained her laughter. “That’s unlikely. They see me as their mother.”

The corners of his mouth formed deep grooves as he tried—and failed—to suppress a grin. Raising one brow, he did a thorough inspection of her curves.

Hot color flooded her pale cheeks. “All right—a sister. I’m too old for them.”

Monte sauntered into the kitchen, followed closely by Pat who muttered, “I thought I smelled breakfast.”

“I was just about to call you,” she told them and hurried from the room, wanting to avoid a head-on collision with Reed. And that was where this conversation was going.

Fifteen minutes later, Ellen returned to the kitchen. She was dressed in cords and an Irish cable-knit sweater; soft dark curls framed her small oval face. Ellen had no illusions about her looks. Men on the street weren’t going to stop and stare, but she knew she was reasonably attractive. With her short, dark hair and deep brown eyes, she considered herself average. Ordinary. Far too ordinary for a man like Reed Morgan. One look at Ellen, and Danielle would feel completely reassured. Angry at the self-pitying thought, she grabbed a pen and tore out a sheet of notebook paper.

Intent on making the shopping list, Ellen was halfway into the kitchen before she noticed Reed standing at the sink, wiping the frying pan dry. The table had been cleared and the dishes were stacked on the counter, ready for the dishwasher.

“Oh,” she said, a little startled. “I would’ve done that.”

“While I’m here, I’ll do my share.” He said it without looking at her, his eyes avoiding hers.

“But this is your home. I certainly don’t mind—”

“I wouldn’t be comfortable otherwise. Haven’t you got a class this morning?” He sounded anxious to be rid of her.

“Not until eleven.”

“What’s your major?” He’d turned around, leaning against the sink and crossing his arms. He was the picture of nonchalance, but Ellen wasn’t fooled. She knew very well that he wasn’t pleased about her living in his home, and she felt he’d given his permission reluctantly. She suspected he was even looking for ways to dislike her. Ellen understood that. Reed was bound to face some awkward questions once Danielle discovered there was a woman living in his house. Especially a woman who slept in his bed and took charge of his kitchen. But that would change this afternoon—at least the sleeping in his bed part.

“I’m majoring in education.”

“That’s the mother in you coming out again.”

Ellen hadn’t thought of it that way. Reed simply felt more comfortable seeing her in that light—as a maternal, even matronly figure—she decided. She’d let him, if it meant he’d be willing to accept her arrangement with Derek and the others.

“I suppose you’re right,” she murmured as she began opening and closing cupboard doors, checking the contents on each shelf, and scribbling down several items she’d need the following week.

“What are you doing now?”

Mentally, Ellen counted to ten before answering. She resented his overbearing tone, and despite her earlier resolve to humor him, she snapped, “I’m making a grocery list. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No,” he answered gruffly.

“I’ll be out of here in just a minute,” she said, trying hard to maintain her patience.

“You aren’t in my way.”

“And while we’re on the subject of being in someone’s way, I want you to know I plan to move my things out of your room this afternoon.”

“Don’t. I won’t be here long enough to make it worth your while.”

CHAPTER TWO (#uf7b8ab33-98c7-58ae-8584-8fcd71c58a23)

SO REED WAS LEAVING. Ellen felt guilty and relieved at the same time. Derek had told her Reed would probably be sent on another job soon, but she hadn’t expected it to be quite this soon.

“There’s a project Boeing is sending me on. California this time—the Monterey area.”

Resuming her task, Ellen added several more items to the grocery list. “I’ve heard that’s a lovely part of the state.”

“It is beautiful.” But his voice held no enthusiasm.

Ellen couldn’t help feeling a twinge of disappointment for Reed. One look convinced her that he didn’t want to leave again. After all, he’d just returned from several months in the Middle East and already he had another assignment in California. If he was dreading this latest job, Ellen could well imagine how Danielle must feel.

“Nonetheless, I think it’s important to give you back your room. I’ll move my things this afternoon.” She’d ask the boys to help and it wouldn’t take long.

With his arms crossed, Reed lounged against the doorjamb, watching her.

“And if you feel that my being here is a problem,” she went on, thinking of Danielle, “I’ll look for another place. The only thing I ask is that you give me a couple of weeks to find something.”

He hesitated as though he was considering the offer, then shook his head, grinning slightly. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“I don’t mind telling you I’m relieved to hear it, but I’m prepared to move if necessary.”

His left brow rose a fraction of an inch as the grin spread across his face. “Having you here does have certain advantages.”

“Such as?”

“You’re an excellent cook, the house hasn’t been this clean in months and Derek’s mother says you’re a good influence on these boys.”

Ellen had briefly met Mary Morgan, Derek’s mother, a few weeks before. “Thank you.”

He sauntered over to the coffeepot and poured himself a cup. “And for that matter, Derek’s right. This house is too big to sit empty. I’m often out of town, but there’s no reason others shouldn’t use it. Especially with someone as...domestically inclined as you around to keep things running smoothly.”

So he viewed her as little more than a live-in housekeeper and cook! Ellen felt a flush of anger. Before she could say something she’d regret, she turned quickly and fled out the back door on her way to the local grocery store. Actually, Reed Morgan had interpreted the situation correctly, but it somehow bothered her that he saw her in such an unflattering light.

* * *

ELLEN DIDN’T SEE Reed again until late that night. Friday evenings were lazy ones for her. She’d dated Charlie Hanson, a fellow student, a couple of times but usually preferred the company of a good book. With her heavy class schedule, most of Ellen’s free time was devoted to her studies. Particularly algebra. This one class was getting her down. It didn’t matter how hard she hit the books, she couldn’t seem to grasp the theory.

Dressed in her housecoat and a pair of bright purple knee socks, she sat at the kitchen table, her legs propped on the chair across from her. Holding a paperback novel open with one hand, she dipped chocolate-chip cookies in a tall glass of milk with the other. At the unexpected sound of the back door opening, she looked curiously up from her book.

Reed seemed surprised to see her. He frowned as his eyes darted past her to the clock above the stove. “You’re up late.”

“On weekends my mommy doesn’t make me go to bed until midnight,” she said sarcastically, doing her best to ignore him. Reed managed to look fantastic without even trying. He didn’t need her gawking at him to tell him that. If his expensive sports jacket was anything to judge by, he’d spent the evening with Danielle.

“You’ve got that look,” he grumbled.

“What look?”

“The same one you said I have—wanting to say something and unsure if you should.”

“Oh.” She couldn’t very well deny it.

“And what did you want to tell me?”

“Only that you look good.” She paused, wondering how much she should say. “You even smell expensive.”

His gaze slid over her. “From the way you’re dressed, you look to me as though you’d smell of cotton candy.”

“Thank you, but actually it’s chocolate chip.” She pushed the package of cookies in his direction. “Here. Save me from myself.”

“No, thanks,” Reed murmured and headed toward the living room.

“Don’t go in there,” Ellen cried, swinging her legs off the chair and coming abruptly to her feet.

Reed’s hand was on the kitchen door, ready to open it. “Don’t go into the living room?”

“Derek’s got a girl in there.”

Reed continued to stare at her blankly. “So?”

“So. He’s with Michelle Tanner. The Michelle Tanner. The girl he’s been crazy about for the last six weeks. She finally agreed to a date with him. They rented a movie.”

“That doesn’t explain why I can’t go in there.”

“Yes, it does,” Ellen whispered. “The last time I peeked, Derek was getting ready to make his move. You’ll ruin everything if you barge in there now.”

“His move?” Reed didn’t seem to like the sound of this. “What do you mean, ‘his move’? The kid’s barely nineteen.”

Ellen smiled. “Honestly, Reed, you must’ve been young once. Don’t you remember what it’s like to have a crush on a girl? All Derek’s doing is plotting that first kiss.”

Reed dropped his hand as he stared at Ellen. He seemed to focus on her mouth. Then the glittering green eyes skimmed hers, and Ellen’s breath caught somewhere between her throat and her lungs as she struggled to pull her gaze away from his. Reed had no business giving her that kind of look. Not when he’d so recently left Danielle’s arms. And not when Ellen reacted so profoundly to a mere glance.

“I haven’t forgotten,” he said. “And as for that remark about being young once, I’m not exactly over the hill.”

This was ridiculous! With a sigh of annoyance, Ellen sat down again, swinging her feet onto the opposite chair. She picked up her book and forced her eyes—if not her attention—back to the page in front of her. “I’m glad to hear that.” If she could get a grip on herself for the next few days everything would be fine. Reed would leave and her life with the boys would settle back into its routine.

She heard the refrigerator opening and watched Reed pour himself a glass of milk, then reach for a handful of chocolate-chip cookies. When he pulled out the chair across from her, Ellen reluctantly lowered her legs.

“What are you reading?”

Feeling irritable and angry for allowing him to affect her, she deliberately waited until she’d finished the page before answering. “A book,” she muttered.

“My, my, you’re a regular Mary Sunshine. What’s wrong—did your boyfriend stand you up tonight?”

With exaggerated patience she slowly lowered the paperback to the table and marked her place. “Listen. I’m twenty-five years old and well beyond the age of boyfriends.”

Reed shrugged. “All right. Your lover.”

She hadn’t meant to imply that at all! And Reed knew it. He’d wanted to fluster her and he’d succeeded.

“Women these days have this habit of letting their mouths hang open,” he said pointedly. “I suppose they think it looks sexy, but actually, they resemble beached trout.” With that, he deposited his empty glass in the sink and marched briskly up the back stairs.

Ellen closed her eyes and groaned in embarrassment. He must think she was an idiot, and with good reason. She’d done a remarkable job of imitating one. She groaned again, infuriated by the fact that she found Reed Morgan so attractive.

Ellen didn’t climb the stairs to her new bedroom on the third floor for another hour. And then it was only after Derek had paid her a quick visit in the kitchen and given her a thumbs-up. At least his night had gone well.

Twenty minutes after she’d turned off her reading light, Ellen lay staring into the silent, shadow-filled room. She wasn’t sleepy, and the mystery novel no longer held her interest. Her thoughts were troubled by that brief incident in the kitchen with Reed. Burying her head in her pillow, Ellen yawned and closed her eyes. But sleep still wouldn’t come. A half-hour later, she threw back the covers and grabbed her housecoat from the end of the bed. Perhaps another glass of milk would help.

Not bothering to turn on any lights, she took a clean glass from the dishwasher and pulled the carton of milk from the refrigerator. Drink in hand, she stood at the kitchen window, looking out at the huge oak tree in the backyard. Its bare limbs stretched upward like skeletal hands, silhouetted against the full moon.

“I’ve heard that a woman’s work is never done, but this is ridiculous.”

She nearly spilled her milk at the sudden sound of Reed’s voice behind her. She whirled around and glared at him. “I see there’s a full moon tonight. I wonder if it’s safe to be alone with you. And wouldn’t you know it, I left my silver bullet upstairs.”

“No woman’s ever accused me of being a werewolf. A number of other things,” he murmured, “but never that.”

“Maybe that’s because you hadn’t frightened them half out of their wits.”

“I couldn’t resist. Sorry,” he said, reaching for the milk carton.

“You know, if we’d stop snapping at each other, it might make life a lot easier around here.”

“Perhaps,” he agreed. “I will admit it’s a whole lot easier to talk to you when you’re dressed.”

Ellen slammed down her empty glass. “I’m getting a little tired of hearing about that.”

But Reed went on, clearly unperturbed. “Unfortunately, ever since that first time when I found you in your bra, you’ve insisted on overdressing. From one extreme to another—too few clothes to too many.” He paused. “Do you always wear socks to bed?”


“I pity the man you sleep with.”

“Well, you needn’t worry—” She expelled a lungful of oxygen. “We’re doing it again.”

“So, you’re suggesting we stop trading insults for the sake of the children.”

“I hadn’t thought of it that way,” she said with an involuntary smile, “but you’re right. No one’s going to be comfortable if the two of us are constantly sniping at each other. I’m willing to try if you are. Okay?”

“Okay.” A smile softened Reed’s features, angular and shadowed in the moonlight.

“And I’m not a threat to your relationship with Danielle, am I? In fact, if you’d rather, she need never even know I’m here,” Ellen said casually.

“Maybe that would’ve been best,” he conceded, setting aside his empty glass. “But I doubt it. Besides, she already knows. I told her tonight.” He muttered something else she didn’t catch.


“And,” he went on, “she says she doesn’t mind, but she’d like to meet you.”

This was one encounter Ellen wasn’t going to enjoy.