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Blossom Street Bundle
Blossom Street Bundle
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Blossom Street Bundle

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Lillie frowned. “I have a feeling you weren’t alone.”

Barbie giggled like a schoolgirl. “As it happens, I wasn’t.”

Mark shifted uncomfortably in his wheelchair. “I believe that falls under the heading of too much information.”

“You went with Mark.” Lillie feigned shock.

Barbie laughed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “I’m not telling.”

Mark couldn’t quite restrain a smile.

“What about you, Anne Marie?” Barbie asked, diverting attention away from her and Mark.

“I’m about to accomplish one of my most heartfelt wishes.”

“About to?” Hector asked. “I thought the adoption was finalized this afternoon.”

“It was, and Ellen’s now my daughter in the eyes of the law. But this is another wish.” She opened her purse and removed a thick envelope and showed it to the group.

Ellen dashed over to her side. “Can I tell everyone?” she pleaded.

“Go ahead,” Anne Marie told her.

“Mom,” she said, and looked at Anne Marie. “Is it okay to call you



“Mom bought tickets for us to fly to Paris for our first Christmas together.”

“Paris,” Elise repeated slowly. “What a perfect idea.”

Anne Marie slipped her arm around Ellen. “I’m going to Paris with someone I love.”

Barbie’s eyes were soft. “That’s just beautiful.” She glanced at Mark, who grumbled something about not getting any ideas. She ignored him and reached for the brochure Anne Marie handed her.

“Barbie, I’m warning you right now, I’m not going to Paris.” Mark hesitated. “Go if you like. I’ll even encourage it. But I’m staying right here.”

“Yes, Mark.”

“I mean it, Barbie.”

“I know you do.” Apparently she had no intention of arguing with him. “I’m perfectly capable of traveling to Europe for two weeks on my own.”

“Two weeks?” Mark said, frowning. “That long?”

“It would hardly be worth my while to travel all that way for less than that.”

Mark groaned. “Why do I have the feeling that I’m going to be staring up at the Eiffel Tower and wondering how I got there?”

Everyone smiled.

Ellen walked over to where Anne Marie was sitting and climbed onto her lap. “One of my wishes came true, too,” she told the group.

“Which one was that?” Hector asked kindly.

“I found a mom,” Ellen announced. “I thought Anne Marie would just be my Lunch Buddy but now she’s my mom. Forever and ever.”

“Forever and ever,” Anne Marie repeated.

It was a solemn moment, broken only by Ellen’s happy shout. “Hey, Mom! You have to start a new list of Twenty Wishes now, don’t you?”

Anne Marie smiled. This truly wasn’t the end but a new beginning for them all.

Summer on

Blossom Street



To Delilah

My God-given friend



© 2009 Bev Galeskas/Fiber Trends, Inc.

Size: About 8" wide by 60" long, relaxed after blocking.

Materials and Supplies: 5 skeins Harmony 8 ply 100% merino wool (50gr–130 yds per skein) or other DK weight yarn to equal gauge.

U.S. size 6 needles; cable needle.

Gauge: 21 sts = 4" (10 cm) in garter stitch.

Stitches and Abbreviations:

Sl-1 (Slip 1): All slip stitches on this pattern should be slipped purlwise with yarn in front of work.

k2tog: Knit 2 sts together as one.

Inc (increase): Lift the stitch below the stitch on left needle and place the loop on the point of left needle. Knit this loop, then knit the stitch. (1 st increased)

Brackets: Work all stitches within the brackets the specified number of times (x).

Asterisks: Repeat stitches between the asterisks, including any repeats within.

C6B (Cable 6 back): Slip 3 sts to the cable needle and hold in back of work. Knit next 3 sts from left needle, then k3 from cable needle.

C6F (Cable 6 front): Slip 3 sts to the cable needle and hold in front of work. Knit next 3 sts from left needle, then k3 from cable needle.

C4B (Cable 4 back): Slip 2 sts to the cable needle and hold in back of work. Knit next 2 sts from left needle, then k2 from cable needle.

C4F (Cable 4 front): Slip 2 sts to the cable needle and hold in front of work. Knit next 2 sts from left needle, then k2 from cable needle.

Notes: Scarf is bordered in garter stitch. These stitches are included in the directions, so there should not be a need to use markers.

Slip the first stitch of every row as if to purl with the yarn held in front of work.


Loosely cast on 43 sts.

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch).

Cable Pattern 1:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k7, [p3, k3] 5x, k5.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p3, [inc in next 3 sts (see above for method), p3] 5x, k5. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p6, k3] 5x, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, p3, [k6, p3] 5x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6B, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 6 & 8: Repeat Row 2.

Work Rows 1 through 8 a total of 6 times, then Rows 1 through 5 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k7, *[k2tog] 3x, k3,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 2:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k4, p33, k5.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p6, [k1, inc in next st, k1, p6] 3x, k5. (46 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Rows 1, 3, 5 & 7: (WS) Sl-1, k10, [p4, k6] 3x, k5.

Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, [k4, p6] 4x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, [p6, C4F] 3x, p6, k5.

Row 6: Repeat Row 2.

Rows 8 & 10: Sl-1, k4, p1, [k4, p6] 3x, k4, p1, k5.

Rows 9, 11, 13 & 15: Sl-1, k5, [p4, k6] 4x.

Row 12: Sl-1, k4, p1, [C4F, p6] 3x, C4F, p1, k5.

Row 14: Repeat Row 10.

Row 16: Repeat Row 2.

Work Rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then Rows 1 through 7 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k11, k2tog, [k8, k2tog] 2x, k12. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 3:

Set Up Rows 1 & 2: Work as for Cable Pattern 1. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p6, k3] 5x, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, p3, [k6, p3] 5x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6B, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 6, 8 & 10: Repeat Row 2.

Row 12: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6F, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 14 & 16: Repeat Row 2.

Work Rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then Rows 1 through 5 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k7, *[k2tog] 3x, k3,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5. (43 sts)