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Evidence-Based Sports Medicine – Domhnall MacAuley

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This second edition of the popular book Evidence-based Sports Medicine builds on the features that made the first edition such a valuable text and provides a completely up-to-date tool for sports medicine physicians, family practitioners and orthopedic surgeons. Updated to take into account new evidence from systematic reviews and controlled trials, Evidence-based Sports Medicine is a unique reference book on the optimum management of sports-related conditions. This second edition: contains sections on acute injury, chronic conditions, and injuries to the upper limb, groin and knee and to the lower leg pays increased attention to the important and emerging area of injury prevention features thoroughly revised methodology sections within each chapter, reflecting changes in technique and application MCQs and essay questions that allow readers to continually assess their knowledge and understanding of the topics covered Additional information and updates will be available upon publication from

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470994214

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