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Reluctant Witness
Reluctant Witness
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Reluctant Witness

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KERRI HAD JUST RETURNED the last of the breakfast dishes to the kitchen cabinet when Tom’s voice rang out from the front of the house.


The anxiousness palpable in his one word sent her heart lurching into her throat. She spun away from the kitchen counter just as her son cleared the doorway and launched himself into her arms. He buried his head against her denim shirt and she wrapped her arms around him, holding tight, not asking the questions pounding through her brain.

What happened?

Are you all right?

What are you doing back from your route so early?

When Wade stepped into the kitchen, his face ashen, their eyes met and held. In that moment, Kerri knew all she needed to know. Something had gone wrong. Horribly wrong.

Had someone tried to hurt her son—or worse? Had it been whoever called last night? Was it the man who’d set the devices at the Pine Ridge site?

The details didn’t matter.

Her son’s safety did.

“I’m sorry.” Wade spoke the words flatly, in a defeated tone.

Tom pushed away from Kerri’s embrace, his eyes bright with a mix of excitement and fear. “You should have seen it, Mom. This guy in a van, he was out of control. I ditched into the trees and then Wade was there. I think the guy’s brakes were out or something.”

Or something, Kerri thought.

Wade winced when she glared at him and she knew she’d hit the mark.

Her son’s close call hadn’t been an accident.

Whoever wanted Tom’s silence apparently wasn’t going to sit around and give the boy a second chance. Well, she had no intention of giving Tom’s attacker a second chance at her son.

She squeezed Tom’s upper arms. “Run up to your room for a minute, honey.”

“But my route…”

Genuine concern shone brightly in his eyes and she couldn’t help but smile inwardly at his devotion to his paper route.

“I’ll call the paper and let them know what happened.” She tipped her chin toward the hall. “I’ll be up in a few minutes. And pull out your duffel bag.”

Kerri shifted her focus to Wade as she spoke her next words. “You and I are going to take a little trip.”

Tom frowned, but asked no questions, his footfalls pounding up the stairs a moment later.

Wade stepped close and Kerri took a backward step, having no desire to be physically near the man. What little warmth she’d felt toward him earlier vanished, chilled by the dangerous situation into which he’d tossed her son.

“What do you think you’re doing?” A mix of frustration and concern blazed in his eyes.

“Getting my son as far away from here as possible.” The fury in her voice startled her.

Wade narrowed his dark gaze. “You don’t even know what happened.”

She shook her head. “I don’t need to know. It’s plastered all over your face. Someone tried to run him down, didn’t they?”

Wade winced again, guilt washing across his tense features. He nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” Kerri’s voice rose sharply and she hoped Tom had closed his bedroom door. “You’re sorry someone tried to run down my son. He could have been killed, am I right?”

Wade hesitated, his gaze searching her face, gentle now. She ignored the sudden desire to let her anger soften beneath the sincerity of his stare.

He nodded.

Kerri moved to push past him, but he hooked one of her elbows in his grasp. She pressed her lips tightly together, fighting the urge to shove him away.

“The police will protect you. You can’t run. Whoever this is will find you. Let me help you.”

“Help us?” She jerked her arm free of his grasp. “This family has no need for your help. I can take care of my own son, apparently far better than you can.”

“Let me go talk to McCann.”

“McCann? What has he done to protect us? Obviously not enough.” She leaned close, anger heating her cheeks. “Someone in that department leaked Tom’s identity and you want to go back there for help? What’s wrong with you, Wade?”

He straightened as if she’d slapped him. “Maybe I was wrong to drag Tom into this.”

“You’re damned right you were wrong. Now it’s up to me to get him out of this. We’re leaving town for however long it takes.”

His strong features tightened with worry. “Where will you go?”

“It’s better that I don’t tell you,” Kerri answered, leaving out the fact she had absolutely no idea about where to go. “If you don’t know, you can’t tell anyone.”

One dark brow lifted. “You don’t know where you’re going, do you?”

Damn the man. He’d been able to see right through her since the day they’d met. She forced a weak smile and tipped her chin. “Don’t I?”

Wade turned for the door. “I’ll be back in an hour.” He gave her a long look over his shoulder. “Do not leave until I come back. Promise me, Red.”

Kerri nodded in an effort to hasten his departure. The sooner he was in his truck and out of her drive, the sooner she could throw together some clothes and food, grab her son and leave town.

She had no idea of where they were going or for how long, but every instinct she possessed screamed loud and clear. As long as they stayed where they were, Tom was in danger, and that was a reality she wasn’t willing to accept.

She had no plans to wait for Wade’s return.

Not now.

Not ever.

WADE DIDN’T WAIT for Adam McCann to wave him over to his desk, instead storming across the precinct floor. McCann’s eyes narrowed as Wade neared, and he held up a finger while he cut his phone conversation short.

Wade leaned over the desk, dropping his voice so low only McCann could hear. “You want to tell me who on your team leaked word of the Nelson boy being a witness?”

McCann’s eyes narrowed further still. “What are you talking about?”

“Someone called Kerri last night and threatened her to keep her son away from the police.”

“Damn it.” McCann reached for the phone. “I’ll put someone at the house—”

“Not good enough,” Wade interrupted and leaned closer still. “Someone tried to run that boy down this morning.”

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