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Let's Have A Baby!
Let's Have A Baby!
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Let's Have A Baby!

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Let's Have A Baby!
Christy Lockhart

DADDY BY DONATION… ?Jessica Stephens was determined to have a baby of her own, even if it meant raising a child all by herself. And Jessie would do just about anything to make her dream come true, including asking the one man she trusted to supply a small, clinical contribution… .When Jessie asked him to father her child, Kurt Majors did the sensible, gentlemanly thing - he kidnapped her. At his isolated ranch house, he set out to teach Jessie a couple of important truths. First: babies should only be conceived the old-fashioned way, with two committed parents. Second: Jessie was so desirable, no man could resist her - including Kurt himself.Bachelors and Babies: These men get more than they ever expected when they connect with the woman of their dreams… .

“Let’s Get This Straight, Jessica Stephens, Right Here, Right Now,” (#ua8c6f98c-dd9b-58ab-a6e6-bec26ad6e049)Letter to Reader (#u9ba85133-2e18-5b77-9bdc-728cd14ba890)Title Page (#u41381b2a-047d-5073-af7a-0aba2d4166c9)CHRISTY LOCKHART (#u36c4cbaa-c083-5a80-a48e-ed49af5a8e79)Acknowledgments (#u7a611a0a-d810-5bef-8d2a-2598b399a77c)Dedication (#uda860a3b-1d54-52b2-a74e-10801709a232)Prologue (#u66c0b05e-2749-5c8d-933a-c533c47e3393)Chapter One (#u3cd4f5d2-7ef8-5de6-8879-5c875f7d2cb5)Chapter Two (#ueeeaa904-e71b-5d58-9e0b-86b644d98196)Chapter Three (#ua39d8985-77ce-5022-86a7-3096c1f6c6be)Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

“Let’s Get This Straight, Jessica Stephens, Right Here, Right Now,”

Kurt said. “If I ever become a father, I’ll do it the old-fashioned way. Skin to naked skin. There won’t be any contracts, or doctors, or agreements.” His voice dropped a hostile octave. “If I ever have a baby, it will be the result of lovemaking, soft and sweet, hard and fast, but lovemaking, by every definition of the word.”

She paled.

“I’d be married, Jessie, and my wife would have my complete and total commitment. There would be no payment, except an emotional one. And that cost would be high. I’d demand everything she had to offer.”

Dear Reader,

April brings showers, and this month Silhouette Desire wants to shower you with six new, passionate love stories!

Cait London’s popular Blaylock family returns in our April MAN OF THE MONTH title, Blaylock’s Bride. Honorable Roman Blaylock grapples with a secret that puts him in a conflict between confiding in the woman he loves and fulfilling a last wish.

The provocative series FORTUNE’S CHILDREN: THE BRIDES continues with Leanne Banks’s The Secretary and the Millionaire, when a wealthy CEO turns to his assistant for help in caring for his little girl.

Beverly Barton’s next tale in her 3 BABIES FOR 3 BROTHERS miniseries, His Woman, His Child, shows a rugged heartbreaker transformed by the heroine’s pregnancy. Powerful sheikhs abound in Sheikh’s Ransom, the Desire debut title of Alexandra Sellers’s dramatic new series, SONS OF THE DESSERT. A marine gets a second chance at love in Colonel Daddy, continuing

Maureen Child’s popular series BACHELOR BATTALION. And in Christy Lockhart’s Let’s Have a Baby!, our BACHELORS AND BABIES selection, the hero must dissuade the heroine from going to a sperm bank and convince her to let him father her child—the old-fashioned way!

Allow Silhouette Desire to give you the ultimate indulgence—all six of these fabulous April romance books!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

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Let’s Have a Baby!

Christy Lockhart (


married her real-life hero, Jared, who proved to her that dreams really do come true. They live in Colorado with their two children, Raymond and Whitney.

Christy remembers always wanting to be a writer. She even talked her elementary school librarian into “publishing” her books. She notes always preferring romances because they’re about that special moment when dreams are possible and the future is a gift to unfold.

You can write to Christy at P.O. Box 448, Eastlake, CO 80614.

With thanks, as always,

to Pamela Johnson and Lisa Craig

for invaluable input and insight.

Also dedicated to Ray and Alice Pacheco, the best

in-laws a woman could be blessed with. Thanks for

helping me figure out what love is all about....


Columbine Crossing Courier

“Around the Town” by Miss Starr

Could our very own bookkeeper, Jessica Stephens, be knitting baby booties after work hours?

Rumor has it that Jessica was seen at the general store purchasing pink and blue yarn, knitting needles and several patterns for baby clothing. To Miss Starr’s knowledge, Jessica has no nieces or nephews, and that can only mean one thing....

I wonder who’s the lucky father? This may be Columbine Crossing’s best kept secret, besides Miss Star’s identity!

I’ll be back next week, faithful readers. Your intrepid reporter promises to bring you the name of the baby’s father.

For now, this is all the news you can use.

Miss Starr surreptitiously glanced around the post office, making sure she was alone before clipping her article from the Courier. She never kept the originals, so no one would discover who was Miss Starr’s real-life counterpart.

After patting the neat bun at her nape, she slid the newsprint into a folder, then locked it in the filing cabinet.

Mercy. Jessica Stephens? Possibly pregnant? Who would have believed it? It amazed Miss Starr that Jessica had been able to keep the bloom of true love hidden for this long.

Miss Starr frowned, wondering who the father might be. It certainly was a mystery! Her frown faded, replaced by a grin. There was little that gave her more pleasure than solving a good mystery...especially where love was concerned.

After all, having been born on Valentine’s Day some sixty years ago—she never said just how many years—she was the small mountain town’s self-appointed Cupid. Not only that, but now that Miss Starr had a newspaper column, she had an obligation to keep the town’s residents informed.

And she took her responsibilities seriously, indeed.

Moving in front of the post office’s large window, she glanced down the street toward the church.

In her opinion, it had been far too long since the bells rang out for a wedding—almost two years if her memory was correct...which it most certainly was.

The town’s welcome sign wavered in the cold, early spring wind gusting from the tip of Eagle’s Peak, some 14,000 feet high. The sign listed the town’s population at 972 people. If Jessie were indeed pregnant, the sign would need to be changed to 973.

Nothing could make Miss Starr happier.


“You want me to what?“ Shock and disbelief propelled Kurt Majors to his feet.

Jessie Stephens winced, then licked her lower lip.

Jaw clenched, he stared at her, unable to believe he’d heard right.

After a shaky exhalation, Jessie bravely looked at him. “I realize this comes as a surprise to you—”

“Surprise?” he interrupted, shock now turning to anger. “Lady, surprise doesn’t come close.”

“Please, just hear me out.”

He raised his hand to stop her, but she ignored him, tipping back her chin to unflinchingly meet his gaze.

“I’ve thought about this a lot, Kurt. I know it seems sudden, but I promise you, I’ve looked at all the angles and considered all the options. This isn’t a spur of the moment decision.”

Jessie blinked several times, then hurried on. “You’re the perfect man to father my child.”

“The answer’s no, Jessie.”

“Kurt, you once told me that if I needed anything, anything, you’d be there for me, no questions asked.”

“For God’s sake, Jessie, the offer didn’t include getting you pregnant.”

She twirled her thumbs together. From years of knowing her, he recognized the nervousness in the gesture. After long moments, she looked at him again, pleading eyes connecting with the hardness of his stare.

A lesser man might have folded right then.

After stilling her motions, she spoke quietly, “I believed you were a man of your word.”

A pulse ticked in his temple. “Are you questioning my integrity?”

Wisely she took a step backward and shook her head vehemently. “No. Never.”

The fire crackled, punctuating the quiet. Jessie jumped.

“Won’t work, Jessie. I’m not into manipulation. You should know better.”

“I’m making a mess of this.” Obviously trying to gather her thoughts, she stalled for time, pushing dark blond bangs back from her forehead. “I don’t want you to think this is all about me, that I’m expecting you to do this for free.”

She’d lost her mind.

He’d always admired her bravery and the way she thought things through. That was, until right now.

The ticking in his temple became an all-out throb.

“I’m willing to do your books for the next five years at no charge if you’ll do me this one favor.”

“You’re going to pay me to get you pregnant?”

Silence thundered and tension sparked.

“I wouldn’t put it that way, exactly.”

Keeping time with the fury flashing through him, Kurt drummed his fingers on the mantel in an ominous staccato. Then, as tension tightened to a snapping point, he stopped. “How would you put it, Jessie?”

She spoke slowly, as if measuring her words. “I see it more like we’re helping each other, you know, mutual benefit.”

“Stud service for bookkeeping.” He pounded his fist on the mantel. “Nice ring to it.”

She retreated farther, until her back connected with the windowsill. The width of the ranch house’s large living room separated them, and it wasn’t enough space.

Her fingers were laced, and her knuckles had whitened. “That’s not how it is.”

He debated whether or not he should throw her out. Before he reached a decision, she plowed ahead once more, her tenacity matched only by her insanity.

“This is a smart business arrangement for you,” she insisted, her words wavering.

Tears thickened her voice. He watched her choke them back as he’d seen her do so many times in childhood.

“You’ve been paying me to do the ranch’s books for a couple of years. We both know that in order for you to grow and meet your projections, you need to hire at least one more hand. I make enough money from my other customers, so I can afford to do yours free. If you don’t have to pay me, you’ll have extra money to achieve your goals.”

“You’ve got it all figured out,” he all but snarled.

“This is perfect. Don’t you see, Kurt?”

“No, I don’t.” He started drumming his fingers again. She’d been right about one thing. She had thought through all the angles. Didn’t matter. Wrong was wrong. Nothing would make him change the moral beliefs encoded in his DNA. “Dress it up any way you want, Jessie. Disguise it and try and make it more palatable. All you want from me is stud service.”

“Okay, Kurt. If that’s what you want to call it.”

His eyes narrowed. She actually thought she could convince him to reduce the act of lovemaking to a business decision, as if bringing a baby into the world was a commodity to be bought and sold, balanced on some ledger.

Damn her and her determination.

Jessie, the girl he’d looked out for, the teen he’d protected, the woman he did volunteer work with, wanted to take their years of friendship and working together and smash them, making them something cheap and tawdry, something she could get from any man.

“Will you do it?” Her whisper was soft, hopeful. “For me?”

Fury licked at his insides, the same way the fire licked at the log it greedily consumed in the grate. “Assuming I was foolish enough to agree to this lunacy, Jessie, how did you plan on us going about the act? Inviting me over for coffee and sex?”

Color rushed into her face, then drained, leaving her pale.

“Were you planning to slip into something comfortable and asking me to join you in the bedroom? How about a glass of wine first, to settle your nerves? No, probably not. That might not be good for the baby.”