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Essentials of Western Veterinary Acupuncture – Samantha Lindley

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The field of pain research is rapidly expanding in both human and veterinary medicine, and has helped increase our understanding of acupuncture. However, many are still highly sceptical about the use of acupuncture and prefer for it to remain far from orthodox veterinary practice. This book seeks to challenge common misgivings by showing how veterinary acupuncture works (for small and large animals), and why it should be established as an orthodox form of treatment. Written from a Western approach, rather than a traditional Chinese Medicine approach, it explains the background and history of acupuncture and includes key information on safety aspects, understanding pain and how acupuncture can help, practical aspects such as types of needles and methods of restraint, and related techniques. Not intended as a techniques manual, this book is a preparatory text for those considering taking an acupuncture course and those wishing to gain a solid understanding of the subject.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781405172318

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