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Industrial Biotransformations – Andreas Liese

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The completely revised second edition of this user-friendly and application-oriented overview of one-step biotransformations of industrial importance. Based on extensive literature and patent research, this book is unique in arranging each process in a systematic way to allow for easy comparison. All the chapters have been rewritten, with all the processes updated and more than 30 new processes added. Each set of data is accompanied by key literature citations, supported by flow sheets where available, reduced to their significant elements. In addition, an extensive index classified by substrates, products, enzymes, and companies provides direct access to each process, organized according to enzyme class. Biotechnologists, biochemists, microbiologists, process engineers and those working in the chemical and biotechnological industries will find here all the significant parameters characterizing both the biotransformation and the process.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9783527607907

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