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Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing – Michael Lieberman

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A Thorough Update of the Industry Classic on Principles of Plasma Processing The first edition of Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, published over a decade ago, was lauded for its complete treatment of both basic plasma physics and industrial plasma processing, quickly becoming the primary reference for students and professionals. The Second Edition has been carefully updated and revised to reflect recent developments in the field and to further clarify the presentation of basic principles. Along with in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of plasma physics and chemistry, the authors apply basic theory to plasma discharges, including calculations of plasma parameters and the scaling of plasma parameters with control parameters. New and expanded topics include: * Updated cross sections * Diffusion and diffusion solutions * Generalized Bohm criteria * Expanded treatment of dc sheaths * Langmuir probes in time-varying fields * Electronegative discharges * Pulsed power discharges * Dual frequency discharges * High-density rf sheaths and ion energy distributions * Hysteresis and instabilities * Helicon discharges * Hollow cathode discharges * Ionized physical vapor deposition * Differential substrate charging With new chapters on dusty plasmas and the kinetic theory of discharges, graduate students and researchers in the field of plasma processing should find this new edition more valuable than ever.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471724247

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