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Fannin's Flame
Fannin's Flame
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Fannin's Flame

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Helga got into her bed. “Thank you for surprising me with a visit. It’s a long way for you to drive. Good thing Fannin came along to rescue you.”

Kelly sighed. “Good night, Mama.”

Joy, who Kelly had been holding, jumped up beside Grandma, recognizing where peace, comfort and warmth existed. Kelly went into the sitting room of their quarters and peered out the window. Outside, she could see men—she counted six—standing around a metal barrel with a fire blazing inside it. They were warming their hands over the fire and arguing. At least they looked as if they were arguing. She turned out the room lamp, made certain she was secured behind a drape and peered out again.

Fannin appeared to be the object of much of the conversation. Everybody was talking at him, and he just nodded or shook his head. He didn’t look too happy, either. Once, she thought he glanced up at the window where she was, but then he shook his head, and she realized there was no way he could see her spying on him.

She should never have done what she did with him. She should just get up in the morning and make a graceful exit.

Her mother wouldn’t understand that at all.

One by one the brothers left the burning barrel. Only Fannin remained behind, the keeper of the flame. Kelly took a deep breath, then decided to put her conscience to rest by talking to him.

Hurrying downstairs, she slipped outside. Fannin hadn’t moved from his spot. Obviously he was deep in thought.


He raised his head. “Hey, Kelly.”

That didn’t sound promising. She stood beside him, her heart quivering inside her. “Fannin, I owe you an apology.”

He looked up. “Good. I owe you one, too.”

She didn’t think she could bear it if he said he was sorry for what happened between them. And yet, of course that’s what he was going to say. How humiliating! The trick, then, was to make her apology and get out before she could hear those words of rejection.

If there was anything she didn’t need in her life, it was for her one and only fantasy to go crashing to pieces.

“Fannin, I should have told you Helga was my mother. I should have been honest with you.”

“I would have liked to have known. Everything might have turned out differently.”

That was all the chance he was going to get at saying he was sorry for their interlude. “Fannin,” she said briskly, “I came out here under false pretenses, so I’ll leave in the morning. I’ll send someone else in my place. Someone who better fits your request. We have plenty of perky, cheery blondes with great sense of humor.” She’d go through every application if necessary to find him a perfect woman.

“Don’t bother,” he said. “I placed the order under false pretenses. I didn’t really have a job for you to do. My brothers made me feel like I couldn’t be successful with a woman, so I ordered a woman with all the perfect qualities of everything I wanted. And then you came along.”

“Well, isn’t it funny how life works out sometimes?” Kelly said brightly.

He didn’t smile, and she decided this wasn’t one of those made-to-order humor moments he’d wanted.

“I deceived you,” he said, “and I apologize. And then I took advantage of you—”

“No, no,” she said swiftly, “I took advantage of you. Clearly, I had the advantage in the advantage.”

“You did not,” he said. “You were a perfect lady. I practically dragged you off by the hair, just like my brothers said a woman liked.”

“And did you hear me complaining? Not one bit. In fact, you may have even noticed how eager I was to shed my—” Kelly stopped, realizing she didn’t want to say what she’d been about to say.

“Clothes. You didn’t shed your clothes. I distinctly remember pulling them off of you.” Fannin shook his head. “I am no gentleman.”

“Oh, but you are,” Kelly said. “Fannin, believe me, I thought you were every bit a gentleman.”

“Not to take my housekeeper’s daughter in my truck. I just hope the condom held. You know, I couldn’t see in the darkness, but it might have been dodgy.”

She frowned. “What does dodgy mean?”

“It means I couldn’t examine it in the darkness. I don’t know for certain that it held.”

“Oh.” She waved that away. “It had to. Nothing else could go wrong in this affair for me. It would be way too…corny. If you had ever told me that I would run over a dead deer, send my car into a ditch and then make love in a truck, I would have said, ‘No way.”’

“I know you would have. I took advantage of the fact that you were clearly in shock.”

“I was shocked,” Kelly murmured, “but only that you wanted me as bad as you seemed to.” The crackling blaze sucked away her words. She should have known he had been responding to goading from his brothers. “Why is there a fire in this barrel, anyway?”

“We’re burning trash.”

“This close to the house?”

“The hoses are closest here.” Fannin didn’t look up at her. “Besides, we’ve done this ten thousand times. We do it often, so the fire doesn’t get too big.”

“I see.” Rural life was clearly not something one just made up the answers to. “Hey, I’m going back inside.”

For the first time, he looked at her. “Kelly, I really am sorry that I wasn’t honest from the beginning.”

“Neither was I.”

“Yeah, but your dishonesty was a lack of information. Mine was outright deceit. You’re the perfect made-to-order woman, by the way.”

She stared at him. “I am?”

“Well, yeah. You’re happy with darts and wine, you don’t get supersqueamish about running over dead animals and you like making out in a truck. I couldn’t have asked for a better date.”

Her mother was right. These men were too wild for her. “Um, thanks, Fannin. Guess that’s all the time we have for apologies now. Think I’ll turn in so I can get up bright and early—”

His hand shot out to catch her arm. She held her breath as his gaze burned into hers. “So, when were you going to confess to being a virgin?”

Chapter Four

If there was anything Fannin was angry about—and he didn’t have much to be angry about because he’d deceived her just as much as she’d deceived him—it was that Kelly obviously hadn’t planned to tell him about her virginity, which she’d allowed him to take as if it didn’t matter to her.

It damn sure mattered to him.

“It just wasn’t in my repertoire of conversation,” Kelly said. “It’s not in the short list of things to say after sex, Fannin.”

“I want to know why. Why did you do that? Are you husband-hunting? Did my order seem too convenient?”

“You’d be the last man I’d marry,” she snapped back. “Really. Do you think my mother would approve of you?”

He frowned and let go of her arm. “So why did you do it?”

“Look. There wasn’t a reason. I just wanted to. I won’t bill you, if that’s what you’re worried about. That would just be too weird, wouldn’t it?”

Rubbing his hand over his chin, he considered the firecracker redhead in front of him. She looked mad enough to ignite a barrel fire of her own. “Do you like me?”

“I did for about five minutes,” she said. “That feeling has swiftly passed.”

This was the moment where he should turn aloof and act like a Cro-Magnon man descendant. She had her reasons for what she’d done; clearly she didn’t intend to reveal them to him. It bothered him, not knowing that underlying reason.

Because he really, really wanted to do the whole thing over again. Only this time, not in his truck but in a bed, where he could see every inch of that glorious body.

Too bad that wasn’t going to happen.

“What are you looking at me like that for?” she asked stiffly.

“I just can’t believe you’re Helga’s daughter.” What bad luck—the first woman he’d been attracted to in forever, and she was the daughter of the woman he was supposed to get off the ranch!

“Well, I am. Now you know.”

Mason pulled up in his truck, reminding Fannin of the unpleasant conversation he had to have with his brother. A matter which wouldn’t endear him to Kelly, that was for certain.

“Mason, can I talk to you a minute?”

Mason slammed his truck door and ambled over. “Hi,” he said to Kelly.

“This is Kelly Stone, Helga’s daughter,” Fannin said.

“Helga’s daughter. Well, welcome to the ranch! I didn’t know you were coming out.” Mason beamed. “Helga’s really worked out for us.”

Kelly gave Fannin a very wry glance. Fannin shrugged.

“Are you here for the holidays?” Mason asked. “We’d love for you to stay.”

“She’s here for a short visit,” Fannin said quickly. “Kelly’s got a very busy schedule.”

Kelly blinked at Fannin’s tone. He couldn’t have said any more plainly how he felt about her presence at the ranch.

“Well, that’s a shame. With Christmas being next weekend, things are really going to be hopping around here. And I’m sure your mother would love to have her daughter here with her. Everybody wants their loved ones around at Christmas.”

Kelly saw Mason’s gaze flicker, ever so quickly, to the house on the adjoining land. Mimi’s house. Kelly’s heart turned over inside her. “Well, I’m going to turn in,” she said. “Good night, Fannin. It’s nice to meet you, Mason.”

Mason tipped his hat to her. “Pleasure’s mine.”

Kelly walked away, making it inside the doors and toward the stairwell before Fannin’s voice stopped her.

“It’s about Helga, Mason. They’ve asked me to talk to you about her.”

The window was open in the kitchen, cracked to let cool air in and probably to let the cooking smells out. Helga had always said she didn’t like to smell food after it had been cooked and eaten. Kelly crept close to the window.

“They don’t want Helga to be the housekeeper anymore.”

“Tough. They don’t live here. I do. And as far as I can remember, they come here every night to eat in the main kitchen with barely a word of complaint.”

“They do complain, just not in your hearing. Look, Mason, the truth is, we’ve all been tiptoeing around this for a year. Helga isn’t the one who put the curtains up, she’s not the one who held everything together during the big storm. The Lonely Hearts ladies did all that.” Fannin took a deep breath. “Mason, you’re not going to want to get this wake-up call, but Mimi hired Helga to keep you from hiring a housekeeper you might fall for.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Kelly shivered, realizing she was eavesdropping on a highly personal disagreement. She excused herself by thinking the best thing she could do was to protect her mother—and to do that, she needed to know the score.

“What are you talking about, Fannin?” Mason asked.

“The first woman to come in this house was Annabelle and her baby, Emmie. Mimi panicked, realizing that a sweet young housekeeper with a ready-made family might be all it took for her to lose you forever. So she hired Helga. To keep you, you know, fed and taken care of. So you wouldn’t feel lonely. And you know what, Mason? It’s worked.”


“Have you had any real dates? Have you gone out with anyone? What do you do all day? Moon after Mimi, who’s gone on with her life, if you haven’t noticed. And eat Helga’s cooking.”

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