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Easy Vegan Cooking: Over 350 delicious recipes for every ocassion
Easy Vegan Cooking: Over 350 delicious recipes for every ocassion
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Easy Vegan Cooking: Over 350 delicious recipes for every ocassion

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–½ cup creamed coconut 140ml/


pt/½ cup very hot water (or to taste) as required sweetening

1) Grate the creamed coconut into a liquidizer or jar. Add the hot water and sweetening and liquidize or shake until the coconut has completely dissolved. Chill in the refrigerator. This can be made as a pouring cream or as a thick cream. It will thicken up when chilled so always make it a bit thinner than desired.

One product which vegans previously thought they had to do without was yogurt, but in fact the lactobacillus bulgaricus which so loves cows’ milk is equally keen on soya (soy) milk, and soya yogurt is delicious. Without paying attention to the extravagant ‘health’ claims for yogurt, I would still urge vegans to include this in their diet. A high-fibre vegan diet is not necessarily the easiest thing for a delicate digestion to adjust to, and the friendly bacteria in soya yogurt can make a big difference. Most of the vegan yogurts now available in Britain are long-life ones which means that though they may taste pleasant and be a reasonable source of protein, they are not ‘live’ and therefore will have no beneficial effects on the intestinal flora. The exceptions are the French and Belgian brands Sojasun and Proramel.

However, it is very easy to make soya yogurt at home. Sojasun unflavoured yogurt can be used as a starter or a dried ferment may be purchased at a health food store (but read the ingredients before buying – not all are vegan). Any soya milk can be used, even, surprisingly, the unsweetened ones. A yogurt maker is not necessary: I have always used a wide-rimmed thermos flask. Heat the milk to lukewarm, mix in the starter or ferment and leave for several hours. The yogurt can be used as a starter for the next batch and so on. The first batch is not usually that good, but it gets progressively better, and when it is at its best I usually freeze a little to be used as a starter later.

It is now well known that animal fats are not good for human beings, and however much the dairy industry attempts to disguise the fact, butter is an animal fat. Annoyingly, most supermarket ‘vegetable’ margarines still contain unnecessary dairy derivatives, but the own-brand ‘soya margarine’ found at many of them (and in the USA corn oil margarine) are vegan, and all of the health food store brands are 100 per cent vegetable. Most of them are soft margarines. but Tomor (available also in Jewish delicatessens) is more similar in texture to butter and is the one I prefer for pastry. Vitaquell is the only unsalted one I know of in the UK, and I use it for spreading on bread.

Cheese was originally just a way of using extra cows’ milk, but it has become so much a part of the western diet that the lack of it can be felt keenly. However, cheese can as easily (and as ‘naturally’) be made from soya (soy) and other vegetable sources as from animal ones. There is an increasing number of vegan hard cheeses available in health food stores in Britain. By using one of these cheeses, soya (soy) milk, and. if necessary, vegan egg substitute, it is possible to make a facsimile of any of the popular British savoury dairy dishes. (Apart from the Soymage brand, American soy cheeses unfortunately tend to contain casein and are not therefore vegan.) There are vegan cheese spreads which can also be used in cooking, as well as soft cheeses and cream cheeses, and even ‘sour cream’. A great boon is a vegan Parmesan-style cheese which can be used to good effect on pasta dishes. Nutritional yeast can also add a mildly ‘cheesey’ flavour to various dishes.

Alternatively, any of the following can be made at home.

Soya Flour Cheese

Equal quantities of soya (soy) flour

and vegan margarine

Yeast extract to taste

1) Melt the margarine, add the flour and yeast extract and mix well.

2) Pour on to a greased tin and refrigerate until required. If a soft margarine is used then the resulting ‘cheese’ is easy to spread. If Tomor margarine is used then the ‘cheese’ can be sliced for sandwiches or grated and sprinkled over a hot savoury to be grilled (broiled) or baked.

Pimento ‘Cheese’ Spread

115g/4 oz/


cup cashew nuts 1 tin (200g/8 oz) pimentos 1 tbs sesame seeds 1 tsp nutritional yeast ½ tsp onion salt 4 tbs vegetable oil 2 tsp lemon juice

1) Grind the cashews and sesame seeds finely in a liquidizer.

2) Add the pimentos (including the juice) and the rest of the ingredients and blend thoroughly.

Yogurt Cheese

Place some thick soya yogurt in a square of muslin or cheesecloth and tie securely; hang the muslin or cheesecloth over a tap to drip for several hours or overnight, then refrigerate. This is a soft cheese similar to a cream cheese texture.

Cashew Cottage Cheese

Cover some cashew nuts with lukewarm water. Leave undisturbed in a warm spot for three or four days. Drain off the liquid and grind the fermented cashews in a mouli or grinder. (A liquidizer can be used, but the texture will be different.) Use with salads, particularly those with fruit.


It was difficult to know what to call this chapter because eating habits differ within the English-speaking world. In Britain, scones and muffins would be eaten in the afternoon, while in America they are eaten in the morning – as are pancakes, waffles and pastries, most of which the British would eat as dessert. I have put all such dishes in this chapter.

Quick and Easy Coffee Cake

In Britain something called a coffee cake will be flavoured with coffee, but Americans have adopted this kind of cake from the Continent, i.e. it is a cake served with coffee. It is not as sweet as the cakes in Chapter 17 (#u1ced288d-4158-57b8-8fab-24b715bf08da), and it is best served warm.

Cake225g/½ lb/2 cups wholewheat flour Pinch sea salt 4 tsp baking powder 3 tbs raw cane sugar 2 tbs vegan margarine, melted 285ml/½ pt/1½ cups soya (soy) milk

Topping 3 tbs wholewheat flour 4 tbs raw cane sugar 3 tsp ground cinnamon 55g/2 oz/


cup vegan margarine

1) In a bowl combine the flour for the cake ingredients, salt, baking powder and sugar. Stir in the melted margarine and milk.

2) In a small bowl combine the topping flour, sugar and cinnamon. Rub in the margarine.

3) Pour the batter into a cake tin and spread the topping over it. Bake at 400°F/200°C/Gas Mark 6 for about half an hour. Serve warm, split and spread with additional margarine.

Apple Coffee Cake


55g/2 oz/


cup raw cane sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 30g/ 1 oz/2 tbs vegan margarine 3 tbs wholewheat flour


225g/½ lb/2 cups wholelwheat flour

Pinch sea salt

4 tsp baking powder

½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)

55g/2 oz/


cup raw cane sugar 285ml/½ pt/1


cups soya milk 4 tbs vegetable oil 340g/¾ lb apples

1) Mix the topping ingredients in a small bowl until crumbly and set aside.

2) Mix the flour, salt, baking powder, soda and sugar in a bowl. Stir in the milk and oil. Spoon into a greased pan.

3) Peel, core and slice the apples. Press them on top of the batter. Sprinkle with the topping.

4) Bake at 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4 for about half an hour.


This is a fairly conventional waffle recipe but of course without the unnecessary eggs. Serve the waffles with maple syrup.

225g/½ lb/2 cups wholewheat flour

1½ tsp baking powder

Pinch sea salt

425ml/¾ pt/2 cups soya (soy) milk

4 tbs vegetable oil

Optional As required chopped pecans

1) Place the flour in a large mixing bowl and add the baking powder and salt.

2) Gently stir in the milk and oil (and pecans if using). Prepare on a waffle iron.

Oat and Cashew Waffles

This more unusual waffle recipe, which requires no raising agent, is still best served with maple syrup.

225g/½ lb/2 cups rolled oats

85g/3 oz/½ Cup cashews

Pinch sea salt

1 tbs vegetable ol

225ml/8 fl oz/1 cup water

1) Put the oats and cashews in a liquidizer and grind. Add the salt, oil and water and blend thoroughly.

2) Pour the batter in a waffle iron and leave for a few minutes until cooked.

Hot Cakes

I used to think this kind of pancake originated in the U.S.A. until I discovered ‘Scotch’ pancakes, which I think are similar. These are served piping hot, with maple syrup.

225g/½ lb/2 cups wholewheat flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) Pinch sea salt 170g/6 oz/


cup soya (soy) yogurt 225ml/8 fl oz/1 cup water 2 tbs vegetable oil

1) Mix the flour, baking powder, soda and salt in a bowl. Add the yogurt, water and oil, and stir briefly.

2) Fry the hot cakes in a heated frying pan or griddle, flipping them over when done on one side.

American-style Muffins

Nowadays American muffins are almost as sweet as cake, but in their original form they were only slightly sweetened and served with jam. This recipe makes about 2 dozen small muffins or a dozen large ones.

225g/½ lb/2 cups wholewheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)

Pinch sea salt

1–2 tbs raw cane sugar

3 tbs vegan margarine

425ml/¾ pt/2 cups soya (soy) yogurt

1) Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.

2) Melt the margarine (I often do this in the muffin tins in the oven, thereby greasing them at the same time). Add it to the dry ingredients along with the yogurt. Stir the mixture until it is a smooth batter.

3) Pour the batter into greased muffin tins and bake at 425°F/225°C/Gas Mark 7 for 15–20 minutes.


For breakfast, tea or dessert fill these with jam. They can also be used for savoury pancakes.

170g/6 oz/1½ cups wholewheat flour

3 tbs soya (soy) flour

1 tsp baking powder