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Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes!
Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes!
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Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes!

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At least he’d given her the money to pay for the groceries. She wasn’t sure how she would have been able to afford them if he hadn’t.

“Do you know how to get to the ranch?” he asked.

She tossed him a smile. “I’m sure I can find my way there.”

Ten minutes later, she was walking up and down the aisles of the Superette, grabbing packages and cans in record time.

Julia Tierney, who’d been working the check stand, laughed when Angie started laying items out on the conveyor belt.

“What’s so funny?” Angie asked her friend and boss.

“Girl, I haven’t seen you make such quick decisions on what to buy since that time you came running in here after that chili-pepper-eating contest with Mr. Murdock. You grabbed the first bottle of Mylanta you could find and drained it right in the middle of aisle three.”

Sometimes, when Angie didn’t have time to think about it, she could be rather decisive. And her tummy had been on fire that day.

She shook off Julia’s teasing. “I’m picking up dinner for Toby and his kids this evening. And since I’m sure everyone’s probably hungry, I don’t have time to roam the aisles, stewing about what to cook.”

Julia glanced at the items she rang up. “Pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni slices, mushrooms, ham, peppers, onions, ice cream, strawberries, instant bread mix. Looks like you’ll be having homemade pizza.”

“I figured it would be safe, especially if the kids can make their own.”

“That’s clever,” Julia said. “I couldn’t have come up with a better idea myself.”

That was quite the compliment. Julia had always dreamed of going to culinary school or maybe getting a degree in restaurant management, but when her father suffered a heart attack, she’d decided to stick close to home and help out her parents with the store. So she’d given up her dream.

However, now that her father was better, it looked as though her dreams would finally come true. When Wendy and Marcos Mendoza finally opened up The Hollows Cantina in the next month or so, Julia was going to manage it.

“Yeah, well, I’ve learned that if you can’t choose just one thing, it’s best to have plenty of options available.”

“Good idea,” Julia said, as she totaled Angie’s purchases.

“How are things going with the new restaurant?”

“Great. I love what Marcos and Wendy have envisioned, and it’s really coming together. In fact, I was going over some of the job applications we’ve gotten and saw yours. We won’t be scheduling interviews yet, but I wanted you to know that you’re at the top of the pile.”

“Thanks. That’s nice to know.” Angie helped Julia bag her purchases. “Who’s going to take over for you here?”

“My mother’s sister just retired from a cable-television company in Lubbock. So she’s going to move in with my folks and help out for a while. I think it’s all going to work out nicely.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“So tell me,” Julia said. “This thing with Toby and the kids... That’s a little intriguing.”

Only because Julia was in love with Liam, Toby’s brother. And she had stars in her eyes and thought everyone else should, too.

“We’re just friends,” Angie said.

Of course, she’d caught Toby staring at her legs a few times earlier today. And unlike a lot of other men she’d caught gawking like that, he’d seemed to be interested in more than just her appearance.

“Didn’t I once hear you say that you never liked limiting your options?” Julia asked.

Yes, that was Angie. Her father had always told her that life wasn’t an Etch A Sketch. That she ought to weigh each decision carefully, especially when it came to choosing a career—or a spouse.

Otherwise, she could find herself stuck in a really bad place.

She supposed that was why she’d never been able to settle on a college major or to find a job that interested her for very long—or a man worth making any kind of commitment to.

Angie didn’t respond to Julia’s question. Instead, she thanked Julia, took the two bags of groceries and headed for her car.

No, Toby Fortune Jones wasn’t in the running when it came to considering romantic possibilities.

But if he wasn’t an option, then what was he?

The answer came to her as she placed the pizza fixings into her car and prepared to head for the Double H Ranch.

Toby Fortune was one fine cowboy who was far too attractive for her own good.

Chapter Four (#ulink_1091b809-cd84-500f-8331-cfb643e44e7e)

After Toby finished overseeing the homework hour, he told the kids they could watch television before dinner. Then he went into the kitchen to check the pantry. It wasn’t as though his cupboards were bare. He could certainly rustle up something to add to whatever Angie planned to cook.

He’d no more than scanned the canned goods in the pantry when he heard a car pull up. Knowing it had to be her, he went outside to greet her.

As she climbed out of the driver’s seat of a black Toyota Celica that had seen better years, let alone days, she reached into the back for the first of two eco-friendly bags. Her hair had been pulled back in a ponytail when she’d been at Redmond-Fortune Air, but it hung loose around her shoulders now—soft, glossy and teased by a light evening breeze.

She wasn’t wearing anything different—just that black skirt and white blouse. Yet tonight, for some crazy reason, he found himself a wee bit... Hell, he didn’t know what to call it—starstruck, stagestruck, dumbstruck...?

“Here. Let me help you with those.” He reached for the bags, and she handed them over.

As they headed for the house, he said, “I’m sorry for not having stuff on hand to cook. When I lived by myself, I could go weeks without grocery shopping. But since the kids have been living here, it seems like I need to restock my fridge every other day.”

She tossed him a carefree smile. “You should probably shop at one of those warehouse stores where you can buy in bulk and use a flatbed cart to haul your purchases to the checkout line.”

“If I didn’t have to drive clear to Lubbock to find one, I would. But then again, the kids wouldn’t get to come into the Superette all the time and see you.”

Toby chanced a glance at the woman walking next to him, wondering if she knew the kids weren’t the only ones who’d miss seeing her.

“The kids are fun,” she said. “I like it when they come in.”

What if he didn’t have children? Would she like it when he came in?

“Nice house,” she said, as they entered the living room, which always managed to stay tidy because there wasn’t a television set or a video game in sight. “I’ve always liked the ranch style.”

Toby slowed his steps long enough to scan the white walls, the open-beamed ceilings, the distressed hardwood floors, the stone fireplace, as well as the leather furniture. “Thanks. I’ve been meaning to add a little color, maybe some Southwestern-style pictures on the wall, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

“I’m sure the kids take up most of your free time.”

“You got that right.” He carried her purchases into the kitchen and placed the bags on the white tile countertop.

“What are we having?” he asked.

“Pizza. And just the way everyone likes it.”

“Great idea. But I’ve never told you my pizza preference.” There had to be some things even Ms. Google didn’t know, unless she was psychic.

She tossed him a breezy smile. “I’ll bet I even have your specific preference covered.”

Something told him not to take her up on any wagers or else he’d end up in some wacky competition with her, just like Mr. Murdock.

But then again, Toby had always liked a good challenge. And Angie Edwards would prove to be one heck of one—if he were to pursue her.

“Hmm,” she said, as she studied the directions on the box of instant bread-dough mix. “This might not be enough. Do you have any flour?”

“It’s in the pantry. I’ll get it. Is there anything else I can do to help?”

“You can wash the veggies, chop them up and put them in separate containers. Do you have a cutting board and knife?”

“Sure do.”

While Toby got busy on his assignments, Angie began kneading the dough. Next they sliced the pepperoni and grated the cheese. Before long, they were moving around the kitchen seamlessly, almost as if they’d worked together a hundred times.

“So let me ask you something,” Angie said.

Oh, no, here it comes, he thought. She wants to know why I keep showing up at her workplaces and inviting her to hang out with me and the kids.

“How do you do it?” she asked.

“Excuse me?”

“I couldn’t help noticing your refrigerator door. It’s plastered with papers—Kylie’s artwork, Justin’s B+ in spelling, the graph Brian created in math, not to mention that bulletin board with the YMCA flyers posted all over it. Then there’s a list of dance classes and the schedule for swim lessons. I’m amazed that a single dad is so supportive of his kids. But what really blows me away is that LEGO-themed calendar you have on the wall.”

“When I was a kid, our fridge was always covered in stuff like that. And my mom used to display all our awards and trophies throughout the house. She kept a bulletin board in the kitchen, too. Right next to the telephone. But why does the calendar surprise you?”

“Because almost every square this month is full. And just look at this list of YMCA classes. Nearly all of them are circled.”

“You think that’s too many?”

“Not for the kids. It’s great for them. But the YMCA is in Vicker’s Corners, which is a bit of a drive from the ranch. And I’m worried about you. I was an only child, with two parents. And it was all they could do to get me to school, the sitter and to any medical appointments.”

“I have to admit, it’s tough sometimes.”

She crossed her arms, as if she was going to scold him, but she smiled and her eyes sparkled in mirth. “Toby, you’re doing it to yourself. It’s only April, and you have them in swim lessons? It’s not even summer vacation yet.”

“I know, but Justin can’t swim. And he wants to go to camp in June. So I figured we’d better get started on those lessons so I won’t have to worry about him.” Toby shrugged and added, “Besides, I don’t mind running them around. They’ve had it rough ever since their mom died. And they’ve missed out on a lot of things—like parents and a happy home. I just want them to see what it’s like to have a normal family life.”

“I think that’s wonderful. So don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for them. And I think it’s awesome that you’re providing them with so many opportunities, especially when you’re the only one available to drive them back and forth. It’s just that I know how much you must be sacrificing, and I’m not even talking about the cost of those activities.”

Toby thought about the old beat-up car sitting in his driveway and the fixer-upper granny flat in which she lived. Apparently money was an issue for her.

He was pretty sure that Angie couldn’t care less about his family’s financial situation—or rather, the wealth most folks seemed to think they had by way of their rich relations. But he had reason to believe her mother didn’t feel the same way.

So just in case he’d misread Angie, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to let it be known that if a woman was looking for a wealthy “catch,” she wouldn’t find him living on the Double H Ranch.

“I want the kids to stay busy, even if that keeps me hopping. I hired a foreman early on to take on a lot of my work and responsibilities, which put another strain on the finances, especially since the Double H doesn’t bring in that kind of money yet. So I’ve had to scrimp in other ways.”

“Yes,” she said. “I know.”

He cocked his head slightly. So he’d been right? She was not only smart, but a psychic, too? No, that couldn’t be right.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

She pointed to the bag of flour on the counter, which he’d picked up at the Superette because it was half the price of the name brand.

“Oh. You mean because I bargain-shop.”

She laughed. “You didn’t get a deal. That flour is too inferior for any proper baking, and it was aging on the shelf. So the price was discounted, but it still isn’t selling—except to people who don’t know anything about cooking.”

“Oh, yeah? It seems to work well enough.” Toby reached into the bag, grabbed a handful of flour and blew the mound directly into her pretty little upturned face. “See? It’s light and airy.”

“Oh, you...” Angie sputtered through the white dust covering her lower face, then quickly picked up a mushroom she’d been chopping and threw it directly between his eyes.

The vegetable struck him dead center. He laughed, and she reached into the bag of flour—no doubt wanting to dust his face a ghostly white, just as hers was.

He grabbed her wrist to stop her, and she twisted, trying to pull free. Then, as their eyes met, she stopped. He stopped. For a moment, everything stopped—time, breathing, heartbeats....

No, not heartbeats. He could feel her pulse pounding in her wrist, under his fingertips.

Their gazes remained locked, and something passed between them. Before he could figure out just what the heck it was, Kylie ran into the kitchen, breaking the tension, as well as the silence.

When she spotted Angie, her eyes widened. “What happened to your face? It’s a great big mess.”

“I know.” Angie laughed.

So did Toby. “She might be a champ at playing Ms. Pac-Man, but she’s no match for Mr. Ranch-Man.”

“Cute,” Angie said. “Very cute.”

He tossed her the dish towel closest to him. She caught it, then walked to the sink, dampened it and wiped off her face.

“Is dinner ready yet?” Kylie asked.

“Almost, honey.” Angie grabbed a slice of Kylie’s favorite American cheese. “Snack on this and I’ll call you guys in just a couple of minutes.”

“Okay.” Kylie took the cheese, then dashed out of the kitchen and back to the family room.

Deciding to get their earlier conversation back on track, Toby said, “Actually, just to set the record straight, the Horseback Hollow Fortunes aren’t rich like our cousins from Red Rock, Atlanta or the U.K. So taking on the kids did put me in a financial bind at first, but not for long. Someone apparently wanted to help out and donated money to cover those expenses and then some.”

“That’s amazing. What a generous gift.”