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The Lawman Lassoes a Family
The Lawman Lassoes a Family
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The Lawman Lassoes a Family

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“Unless I misread the story.” Lena looked at Vicki. “Are they still doing that?”

“I have no idea, honestly. I thought it was just a brief fad when it occurred, and I’m positive the state isn’t in the business of giving honorary birth certificates.”

Lena chuckled. “Well, of course it would turn out to be a Texas-sized story.”

“It’s a good one, though.” Dan smiled. “It probably even grew legs for a while.”

“It grew legs for me,” Lena said. “Now I’m wondering how many times I told that story. I may have a lot of apologizing to do.”

“Don’t bother,” said Dan. “It’s a good yarn, and apparently at least a few people must have sent for Texas dirt.”

“That much was true,” Vicki said. “A few people. Maybe occasionally someone still does it, but only for their own amusement. It doesn’t make a real difference as far as I know.”

Silence fell for a few minutes. Vicki felt uneasy. Surely she ought to have something else to contribute?

Then Dan spoke again. “I think you’ll like living here. It’s a pretty good town, as small towns go. People are friendly. We can’t keep up with a place like Austin for excitement and entertainment, but we have other advantages.”

He rose, putting aside his mug. “I’m going to go now, Lena. Vicki looks exhausted, and we all have a lot to do tomorrow.” He paused in front of Vicki. “I’m glad I finally got to meet you.”

Then he was gone, leaving the two women sitting in silence.

“Did Krys go to sleep okay?” Lena eventually asked.

“Out like a light.”

“Then I suggest you do the same, my girl. You’re starting to look pale. Need help making up your bed?”

“Only if I can’t find the sheets.”

Lena laughed. “I got spares if you need them. Let’s go and settle you.”

Vicki wondered if she’d ever feel settled again, then made up her mind that she would. Compared to the past year, this was a small challenge. Feeling better, she followed her aunt upstairs.

Chapter Two (#u1b933d6f-416a-578d-ae31-5353c873b918)

Lena was the bookkeeper for Freitag’s Mercantile. She often joked that there was little as boring in the world as a bookkeeper, unless it was a CPA. Vicki, who found her aunt anything but dull, always smiled or laughed, but she didn’t believe it. Besides, boring jobs sounded awfully good these days. For her part, until Hal’s death, she’d taught kindergarten, but there wasn’t a job available here yet.

Which was fine, she told herself as she fed Krys her breakfast, after Lena departed for a half day. Vicki wanted to spend as much time as possible with Krys, until the girl was truly settled here. In the meantime, Vicki had plenty in savings from insurance and death benefits, plus the money she and Hal had been saving toward a house. She could get by for years if necessary.

She had to deal with the present. Sitting at the table with Krys, who looked a lot perkier today, she said, “How about we set up your bedroom and playroom this morning?”

Krys tilted her head, her blue eyes bright. “Okay. I can tell you where to put everything?”

“Most of it, anyway. We’ll have to see how things fit.”

“Aunt Lena has lots of stuff.”

Vicki nodded guiltily. Lena had assured her there was ample room, and in terms of space, there was. The problem was that this house had accumulated so much over the years that the space was pretty full. With her additions, it was packed.

“We may not be able to get everything just right,” she told her daughter. “We’ll have to see where there’s room.”

Krys nodded and emptied her bowl by drinking the last of the milk from it. Vicki reached over with her napkin to wipe away a milky mustache and a few dribbles.

“Are there kids here?” her daughter asked as they headed upstairs.

“Plenty, I’m sure. Once we get some unpacking done, we’ll go look for some.”

“’Kay. I liked that man. He’s coming back, right?”

“Yes, to help with moving.” Dan Casey, another cop. Didn’t it just figure? And even in her dulled state, Vicki had noticed how attractive he was. Well, that was best buried immediately. No more cops ever, and moving on didn’t mean she was ready to dive into some relationship, anyway.

Time. She needed more time. Whoever had decided that a year was enough time for mourning evidently had never really mourned.

She pushed aside her mood and focused on enjoying Krys’s excitement. For the little girl, opening boxes and rediscovering treasures that had been steadily packed away over the past few weeks seemed to be almost like Christmas morning. Every rediscovered belonging, no matter how old or familiar, was greeted as if it were brand-new.

The child’s excitement was contagious, and Vicki joined in wholeheartedly. The bedroom was relatively easy. Lena had gotten rid of everything except a decent chest of drawers, and with Krys’s bed and the Boston rocker, all they needed to do was unpack clothes and books, and some of the stuffed animals Krys wanted in the room with her.

The playroom turned into a bigger challenge. It already contained a narrow bed, a chest and a bureau. Vicki moved the bed over against the wall, thinking that she could probably cover it with pillows and a spread, and turn it into a daybed. Krys slowed down a little, having to decide where each and every toy should go.

Vicki didn’t rush her. They weren’t going anywhere soon, and the child might as well enjoy whatever control she could over a life that had changed so drastically.

It amazed Vicki anew the number of toys Krys had, even though she herself had packed them. She and Hal had tried never to overindulge their daughter, but during the past year that had gone out the window. So often one of Hal’s colleagues would stop by bearing a gift. It was well-meant, but now Krys had way too many toys.

But she had refused to part with a single one, and Vicki hadn’t had the heart to disagree with her. Krys had lost too much, the move was a huge change, and if she needed every one of those toys for comfort, then they came along.

By noon, when Lena returned, they were only halfway through the unpacking, and Vicki suspected that Krys was dawdling a little. Getting tired or getting overwhelmed? She couldn’t really tell, and the child didn’t have the self-awareness yet to define why she was slowing down.

“Lunchtime,” Lena called up from the foot of the stairs.

Krys seemed glad of the break and hurried down. Vicki took a little longer, freshening a bit in the bathroom and wishing she had a window into her daughter’s head. Even teaching kindergarten, she sometimes found youngsters this age to be inscrutable mysteries. You could tell when something was wrong, but you couldn’t always find out what the problem was.

Krys wanted her leftover hamburger, and seemed to enjoy it even after a trip through the microwave. Lena and Vicki ate ham on rye.

“Dan called this morning. He got a half day, too, and should be over soon. I guess I need to figure out what I want moved where.”


Her aunt shook her head. “No. Don’t say it. I made most of the decisions already, once you agreed to come. Vicki, believe me, I wouldn’t have kept pestering you to come here if I thought it was going to be inconvenient.”


“Hush. We’re both going to do some adapting. It’s not a major crisis.”

Vicki wasn’t entirely certain about that, but decided to let it go unless a crisis blew up on its own.

When Dan arrived, Vicki and Krystal were pretty much relegated to the front porch swing. Lena wanted to label items that needed to be moved according to where she wanted them, and Dan accompanied her, taking notes to determine how much help he’d need.

“I could hire some people,” Vicki said at one point.

Dan merely gave her a wry look. “Don’t offend me.”

How was she supposed to take that? All she knew was that a big handsome man was moving in on her life. Her attraction to him made her feel a bit uneasy, and she quickly squashed it. Krystal yawned and curled up on the swing with her head in her mother’s lap. That effectively put Vicki out of the action.

It was a perfect day, however. A gentle breeze blew, and the temperature was somewhere in the midseventies. For a Texan it felt like spring, but this was summer in Wyoming. With her hand resting on Krystal’s shoulder, Vicki pushed the swing gently and decided to accept her exile from all the doings inside.

It was Lena’s house, and it would be handled Lena’s way.

* * *

It was nearly four when Dan emerged and went around the corner to the garage. He returned a few minutes later with two folding lawn chairs and set them on the porch. Lena appeared a little while later with a pitcher of lemonade and glasses full of ice on a tray. Krystal barely stirred. Evidently she was worn-out, whether from all the activity earlier, from the trip or from the changes, Vicki couldn’t guess. She let her daughter sleep on.

“Okay,” said Lena. “That’s half the battle done.”

“Which half?” asked Vicki.

“Everything’s labeled that I want gone. Some for basement storage, but a lot for the garage.” She grinned. “I’m going to have a big garage sale. Gawd, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

Dan laughed quietly. “You should have told me.”

“I dither sometimes. Like I said, this place feels like the Winston Family Museum. Anyway, Vicki, I want you to go through. If you see any furniture I’ve labeled that you like, then let me know. I want the house to please you, too.”

Vicki opened her mouth, then snapped it closed.

Dan flashed her an attractive grin. “Don’t argue with Lena. There’s no winning.”

“I’m beginning to realize that.”

He glanced out toward the street. “We need to turn in that rental truck and get your car off the tow trolley.”

“There’s supposed to be someplace here in town,” Vicki said.

“On the west side. I can show you.”

At that moment, Krystal sat up. The instant she saw Dan, her face lit up.

Vicki felt her heart sink. This could turn out to be bad. Another cop. Damn, why couldn’t she escape cops?

“Go deal with it,” Lena said. “Krystal can help me with a few things after she finishes her lemonade.”

Krystal beamed.

* * *

While Vicki went inside the rental place to turn in the vehicle, Dan unhooked her car and rolled it off the trolley. It took him only a minute to reconnect her lights properly, then he leaned against the side of the truck to wait for her.

He had the distinct impression he was pushing himself into territory where he wasn’t wanted. Why, he didn’t know. It was something in Vicki’s demeanor. Not that it really mattered. He wasn’t going to stop helping Lena, and even if Vicki didn’t want him around, he felt a duty to Krystal. That girl’s daddy had been a cop, and he felt obligated to at least keep an eye on her and step up where he could.

If Vicki would allow him to.

He folded his arms and crossed his legs at the ankles, letting the afternoon sun bathe him with warmth. He knew a little about grieving. He’d lost his wife to cancer five years ago, and he still sometimes missed her so much he wondered if he could stand it. That might be what he was sensing in Vicki.

It had been only a little more than a year for her. A year was an infinity in terms of pain, but short in terms of recovering. The woman was probably a walking raw nerve ending.

He still wondered at her decision to come here. Oh, he’d been listening to Lena suggest it for months now, and knew it was what his neighbor had hoped for, but what about Vicki? She had left behind her support network, her friends, her home. And so had Krystal. Why? He’d never felt the least desire to leave Conard City after Callie’s death. Yeah, he’d eventually bought a house, but that hadn’t deprived him of anything. He and Callie had been living in one of the apartments near the college, and they’d always planned to buy their own place. He’d felt as if he was fulfilling the dream for both of them.

But it was entirely different for Vicki. And for Krystal. He kept coming back to that little girl and wondering if this were best for her. Of course, Vicki was her mother and must have had her reasons, must have determined this complete severing would benefit her in the long run.

Maybe it would. Krystal had been three when her daddy died. She probably hardly remembered him. She wouldn’t remember all that much about being four, either. Dan sure couldn’t. But she would remember this move.

At least he didn’t have a kid to worry about, so those were shoes that didn’t fit him even temporarily. He and Callie had wanted kids, though. When they found out why they couldn’t, it had been too late for Callie.

Hell. He uncrossed his ankles, straightened and scuffed his foot at the dirt. He didn’t want to run down this road again, but Vicki’s situation was reminding him. Funny how he thought he’d moved on, until something reared up to remind him he hadn’t moved as far as he thought he had.

The smart thing to do might just be to stay away, unless Lena needed him. Keep his hard-won equilibrium in place. But then he thought of Krystal, a cop’s little girl, and Vicki, a cop’s widow, and he knew it wasn’t in him to stay away.

A decent human being would help however he could. But for a cop it went beyond that. The family took care of its own, and Vicki and her daughter were family.

Simplistic, maybe, but every cop counted on that kind of support for his or her family when something bad happened.

He looked up at the sound of footsteps, and saw Vicki approaching from the office. Today she wore jeans again, but this time with a T-shirt emblazoned with the Alamo. Texan through and through, he thought, smiling faintly.

The smile she gave him looked brittle. “All done.”

He gestured to the car. “All ready.”


He hesitated a beat, then said, “I can walk back, if you like.”

Her expression turned quizzical. “Why should you do that?”

“You might be feeling a little overwhelmed.”

Her blue eyes widened a shade, then she shook her head. “Hop in, cowboy. I’m going to feel overwhelmed for a while.”

So he climbed into her little Toyota while she started the engine. It was a tight fit, but he didn’t want to push the seat back. Adjusting the car for himself struck him as an intrusion.

“Give yourself some leg room,” she said as she turned the car and drove toward the street.

She was observant. Reaching for the lever, he pushed the seat back. He sought a way into conversation that wouldn’t come out wrong. “Is this a big adventure for Krystal?”

“So far she seems to be reacting that way. This morning was like Christmas as she was unpacking her toys. And I need to find her some friends soon.”

“There’s a park just a couple blocks from the house. Swings, monkey bars, slides, sandbox. That might be a good starting point.”

“Thanks. I’ll take her there.”

Okay, then. As a cop he had become fairly good at hearing what wasn’t said. She hadn’t asked him to show her the park. She didn’t want him to. Vicki Templeton was setting boundaries wherever she could.