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Aromatherapy and the Mind – Julia Lawless

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This guide offers a fascinating exploration into the realm of fragrance. It clearly explains the psychological and emotional effects of essential oils showing how they can be used to:enhance your mood • ease strain • sharpen concentration • soothe away cares • restore and refresh the spiritsWritten by a highly respected aromatherapist, this book includes:the use of perfumes, incense, aromatic plants and oils throughout history to enhance the human experiencethe psychological potential of essential oils (psycho-aromatherapy) ie. for emotional problems and stress-related conditions.A comprehensive A – Z of essential oils: their scent, key qualities, applications and methods of use and contra-indications

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008106164
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