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The vampire in my heart. Everyone bow down before me
The vampire in my heart. Everyone bow down before me
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The vampire in my heart. Everyone bow down before me

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– You lied where you are from. I never knew it.

– But besides that, he lied?

– Not

– That’s what I’m saying, trust me.

– All right, I’ll go with you. I love you, you fool. Even though you’re so smart. But you didn’t fully understand me. – She said and hugged me. A vampire from another world. In the human body. I resisted the urge to reach under her dress and bring her to orgasm. And the second desire to rip it off. How can I tear up my own gift to her. I put it off for three months. The most expensive dress in the village. Everything for your beloved. – I’m going to pack my things. But who’s left to run the store? Mom is a good salesperson. But the manager of it is not important.

– I have an option. Our Kirk.

– He’s your enemy. You fought him because of me since childhood. He also works in a nearby shop. He won’t come to you.

– I can convince. – I laughed as before with my evil laugh.

– I don’t like it when you laugh like that. You are downright evil. Although I know you are kind. When poor Rita had no money for cold potions, you gave them to her. And there are many such cases. You are kind.

– Yes. I never thought about it. We need to help the sick, that’s all.

– Do you think the winter will be cold this year? Take a coat or not.

– Take all. I will put them in the void.

– What kind of emptiness?

– Here look. – I put the plate in the void. She just disappeared. – My new ability. I can store things there. – I got it back.

– Wonderful ability. You are so wonderful to me. There is so little magic in the world. And you are so strong in it. Ira kissed me on the cheek. Puffy lips. Jasmine immediately remembered his three thousand and second wife. She had the same lips. No wonder she’s a mermaid.

Chapter 3 Shop

The street was crowded. We have a big village. In its prime. The fair is coming soon, so we have a lot of guests from the city. Lots of foreigners. Orcs with their fangs and jolly drunken gnomes walk about in pairs. Like at home. And many other races. The fairies came to participate in the rat race. Beautiful elves are walking around looking for their next husband. Here we are at our store. The sign is interesting. The snake wraps around the potion bottle. I came up with the design of the snake myself. Now that my memories have returned, I recognize the symbol. This is the sign of my sanitary troops. How interesting, residual memories. I looked across the street. This is Kirk’s shop. Alex’s Potion Shop. Alex is his uncle.

– Ira, go talk to mom Tamara. I’ll go to Kirk. – I hugged her. She was embarrassed. Let him get used to it. In the city, you need to marry her quickly. In the first temple of Light. To my goddess of evil Berry. And have her long and tender.

– Ok, darling. You have become so sweet. Like a different person. But I like it. You’ve learned how to deal with ladies. She kissed me on the cheek and left. I followed her with my eyes. Juicy thighs. My harpy wife had these. How are my wives doing? My harem? Many wanted to take my throne. Maybe someone succeeded. But I don’t want to go back. This is my new world. I’ll start over. Although the goddess may want to bring me back. All her will.

Went to Kirk’s shop. Behind the counter stood a young guy with a scar on his left cheek. The left eye did not close completely. A trail of my anger. I hit him when he stuck with Ira at fifteen. The impudent man spread his hands. After that, we never spoke. He was afraid of me all this time. Although he boasted before everyone in the village that he would take revenge.

– You showed up. Look into my eyes. I should have punched you myself. Ira would be mine.

– I’m glad to see you too. It’s good that you are alone. – I went close to him. Looked down. Even though we were the same height. – I need you. You will be the manager of my shop.

– Why all of a sudden. – He said interested. His salary is small in his uncle’s shop. After all, there is little income. Most of them are bought from me. He has it by mistake or when my shop is closed for lunch.

– I’m leaving for adventurers with Ira. You will be good workers. You are a talented leader.

Why don’t you put Tamara in charge?

– She can’t handle it.

– That’s how. I have conditions. You should get on your knees and ask me to be the manager. He slyly looked at me. Then he pointed his fingers at his eye. – And apologize for the eye of the beast.

«Then you’ll be the manager?»

– Yes, only then. He smiled triumphantly. He knew very well that I wouldn’t do that. But he didn’t know one thing. For the sake of my goddess, I am Akbash, the lord of the world of vampires, ready for anything. Raguel in me howled with hatred. He fought against it. But the vampire lord was stronger.

– Forgive me Kirk for the eye and become a manager in my shop. – I got on my knees. It’s not a problem for me. In another life, I bowed my knees many times to get what I wanted. The ladies especially liked it. Although then they were already on their knees. And not always alone.

– Well, you’re a psycho. He was clearly in shock. Even his voice shook. – I’ll be the manager. I’ll start tomorrow. I’ll talk to the owner. Uncle will let me go. Anyway, I’m not making any money.

– Excellent – I said, getting to my feet, I said. Tomorrow I won’t be in town anymore. Take care of Tamara. She is a stubborn lady. If you want, you can marry her. She is still in her prime. Can give birth to you. She is thirty-seven. Of course kids can be ugly. Although maybe they will go to their mother.

– Oh, you’re a bastard. – My new manager shouted after me. In vain he so I wish him well. I would have credited Tamara myself.

Went to my shop. The sign is hanging. Closed. Although the opening time Apparently the conversation didn’t work out. Tamara’s cries were heard throughout the street. I entered the bell treacherously rang.

– I forbid you to leave. Tamara shouted at the whole store. You won’t go to town with him. I’m still your mom. Even though he doesn’t take me for it. I am responsible for you. Even if you are adults.

– Beautiful lady Tamara. You are just as beautiful. Just like when we first met. – I didn’t lie. Age has not distorted her natural beauty. Only in the corners of the lips there were folds, but this gave her a special gloss. In vain Kirk refuses.

– So glad. How I missed your speeches, as on the first day. Then you forgot everything. You were such a sweet boy. And he became a handsome man. – She hugged me.

– I love you like a mother-in-law. Mother.

– You called me mom. You haven’t called me that in a long time. How I loved my daughter. Tamara put her hands on her luxurious chest. Too bad I didn’t peep on her in the bath. Missed a lot.

– Mom, what are you doing? Snapped right off. He is my future husband. Don’t approach him. – Ira said evil. Shoulder-length hair. So I would squeeze it. Cutie. Black hair suits her better than yellow. My new hair dye works wonders. Especially if she will only be with them on her naked body.

– What look do you have. Directly languid. – Said the experienced Tamara. «I understand why you are taking your daughter to the city. But at least get married in the temple before that. She hugged her daughter, who blushed all over.

– Don’t hesitate mom. In the first church, I will take her as a wife.

– Then I agree to let you go. Here is my blessing. She kissed her daughter on the forehead, then came up and kissed me on the forehead. The smell of her perfume and body was pleasant to me. Don’t hurt my daughter. – She said in my ear. «And then I’ll cut off all the wealth.» And I’ll make you eat it. You know me, I can do it.

– Yes mom. I swallowed the lump in my throat. She has a domineering personality. She could be a good harem caretaker. – Send me income to the bank «Granty» in my name. I can shoot them every month. If there are problems, write a letter to the bank or the adventurers guild. We’ll be there right away. And watch out for Kirk, he’s your new manager.

We quickly left the store. Leaving screaming Tamara behind the counter. She obviously didn’t like the idea of working with Kirk. We exchanged glances with the bride. My future wife. We love each other so much. I looked around to remember the village. The image of the village with the villagers pleased the mind.

– Goodbye my village life. Meet the life of an adventurer.

How have you changed since yesterday? I feel with you like behind a stone wall. You are so reliable. Strong. I’m drawn to you. – Ira came up and kissed me passionately. With tongue. Her hands dug into my ass. Then she took her hands and placed them on her juicy breasts. She has changed too.

– We need to stop this. I gave my word to your mother and I will fulfill it. – The most difficult words in my life. No wonder she’s attracted to me. I have experience of love with thousands of women. The ladies love this.

The road is not close to the city. But we were having fun. They often stopped and kissed. The road is big. Wagons full of goods and slaves passed through it. Straw and cattle. Next to us were other wanderers. The old and the young.

«Young people, where are we heading?» – An old dwarf with a hoarse voice approached us on the road. He clearly appreciated us. Poor gnome. In old leather armor and with daggers. Clearly a former warrior. A long stick helped him walk. The left leg was lame.

– We are going to the city of Beru

– Me too. They are recruiting for the army. The war is said to start. And a big one. With monsters from portals. They say they pay well and accept everyone. My name is Verut.

– I’m Ira and this is Ragu. Nice to meet you.

– Are you newlyweds? I saw you hugging under the tree.

Here’s the old one. Spied on us. We didn’t hide much though.

– No, but we’ll get married soon. He is so patient. Ira said cheerfully. What makes her so funny. All my wives in the vampire world were virgins. I didn’t take any others.

– You can come with me. I won’t give up company. The road here is not calm, there are bandits. Maybe magical beasts will attack. Gotta stick together. I know many stories. And although I am old, I am a noble warrior in the past. Although he was wounded in the war with the orcs. There were hard times. The family died from illness. The village was flooded. So he went to the city. Well, what will you take as a companion?

– Do you mind dear? – Ira hugged me and kissed my ear. Then she said softly. «I’ll take it in your mouth later.» Your finger. little finger. She laughed at my red face.

– No I do not mind. He seems like a reliable gnome. I said without believing him. But if the bride wants company, I don’t mind. Moreover, the little finger is not the only thing that will fit into her beautiful mouth.

We went together. Occasionally carriages or riders passed by. But the road is deserted. Verut knew a lot about the world. He told jokes. Sometimes shared amorous adventures. Ira was very amused by these stories. The beautiful ladies in his stories were clearly fiction. Although the brothels here can serve anyone who pays. It’s a shame I didn’t go to them before. Was a fool. But that’s in the past.

– We need to go to the spring. He’s around the corner. – Said the dwarf and led us over the ravine.

Bandits came out behind the ravine. I knew they were here. They could not bypass such a bread place.

– Whom this time brought «hoarse». Again ragamuffins from the road. – Said the big troll in the armor of the magic turtle. «They don’t even have things. They go light. There is nothing to steal. Although the girl is beautiful. Maybe we’ll use it ourselves and sell it to a brothel. But remember, I’m the first dwarf. He smiled grimly. A fly flew out of my ear. You can see a lot of them inside, the stench oozed out of it. Racial effect nasty aura. – A guy needs to finish. He is not fit for slavery. Painfully puny. This one will die in the galleys. So boy you’re gonna die now. He smiled at me, baring his toothy mouth. – We’re doing you a favor. You wouldn’t have lived in the galleys for a week. But he would become a sea wife for sailors. He served in the galleys. We were often sent these. How we had fun with them. Really guys?

Twenty fellows of different races nodded in unison. Someone raised their sabers into the air. Who whistled. And one elf winked at me.

– I’m scared Rag. – Ira said hiding behind me.

«You will pay for frightening my fiancee. She will be the mother of my children. And give me heavenly pleasures. You will die today.

– That’s a fool. Doesn’t understand the world at all. I finally decided to show off in front of the lady. Well, let’s attack. We will even give in. True guys. – The leader was clearly in the mood to have fun. He liked everything. A sense of superiority overwhelmed him.

– So be it.

I took out the empty vials of poison. Strong poison. From another world. With such potions, I poisoned the enemies by dissolving their arms and legs. During interrogations, the very thing is like a deterrent in the villages, if someone rebels. I threw it at the leader. His face stopped smiling. And melted, like his ugly skull. Everyone fussed. The bandits obviously did not expect this. The rest of the bottles I threw quickly. They began to melt. Screams of pain deafened the clearing.

– Well, uncle dwarf. I left you for dessert.

I pulled out another vial. Yellow. Threw at him. The dwarf shook, began to decrease and turned into a small rat.

– What have you done to me? – Said the rat in a thin voice.

– You became a rat. Three days will pass and you will no longer be able to speak. And you will be a vile creature until the end of your life. Even though you’ve been a rat all your life. Get out of here before I crush you.

– I’ll get my revenge. – The rat, shouting something with its thin voice, ran into the grass.

– Honey, I was so scared. You are so brave. – Ira began to cry and began to kiss my face.

– They’re just bandits. They are nothing. There are many dangers in the world. And there are things that are much scarier than them. Although you, my dear, have nothing to fear because I’m there.

We kissed. Long sincerely. We are one. I ran my hand through her hair. How I love her. Urgently to the temple.

Chapter 4 A Nice Town with Big Problems

The city of Beru met us with a three-meter stone wall and two drunken centaur guards.

– Purpose of arrival? the old guard asked hiccuping. The armor was all smeared with mud and stank of vomit. That there is absolutely no one to go to the guards except them?

We came to be adventurers. – I said politely. These types are looking for a reason to fight. But I don’t need it. I want to settle down here and find out the purpose of the assignment from Yagodka.

– A. – He disgustingly spat at my feet. Good thing I didn’t get my new shoes dirty. – You’re going to war. The country needs recruits. – Thirty coppers tax on. On the. What will we collect the company tax for? – He turned to the third guard, a man who was lying in a puddle with pigs. I didn’t notice it right away. I mistook him for a pig and was not much mistaken.

– I’m hungover. The commander raised his face. – No way to fix the road. That will be more honest. And when you get the money Chizhik. Go to the store. Buy me a remedy for longing.

– You heard the commander. The roads are bad and need to be fixed. Drive money.

– Good. – I gave him money, and we went to the city.

We walked for several minutes. Ira was clearly unhappy and said.

Why did you pay them? Entrance to the city should be free. Has always been.

– I couldn’t wait for our wedding. Time in the dungeon would be the worst punishment for me. Therefore, we immediately run to the temple.

– You are my sweety. Let’s go soon.

We went around the city. Dirt and poverty. Decayed houses. However, everything is as usual. Just like in any other city. If a siege begins, these areas of the city will burn first and therefore wealthy citizens lived behind the second wall. We entered it half an hour later. There we already saw luxurious stone houses and shops. Shops and taverns. Open air restaurants. Kingdom flags are everywhere. Purple dragon and its rider. How tasteless. It would be nice to burn this place and drink his blood. But then.

We got to the temple. The beggars crowded at his entrance and begged for alms. They were not allowed inside by several young monks with clubs. How interesting. It was beautiful inside. The frescoes depicted Yagodka as a lovely girl gathering herbs. «Probably an aphrodisiac for orgies collects» I thought. Crowds of worshipers were on their knees asking for God’s mercy. This goddess herself loves to kneel with her mouth open. A young boy in a white hoodie approached us. Hair in a bun. Not even ten. Servant. Parents left here in the temple and lives. Several of the same orphans were running around here.

– You came to pray to the goddess Light. Entrance has recently become paid three silver – He said and circled us with a gesture of the religion of Light. I had such novices in my cities. Donated blood voluntarily. But there were no syringe marks. Too bad it looks delicious.

– No, we want to get married. – I saw that he grimaced. – And today. Right now. How much does it cost?

– It is up to the Archbishop to decide. Come with me.

The boy took us around the temple. Through the rows of people on their knees. In the corner stood a bald-headed man with a magician’s staff and a white robe with gold threads. A large white hat hung comically from the god’s left. Here is such a fashion. The abdomen is clearly beer and warts. Maybe from a shameful illness. He is no stranger to worldly pleasures.

– Archbishop Brahms, these two want to marry here.

No, we don’t do weddings. Trouble in the country. A maximum of a week and then not the fact that I will hold the ceremony.

– I insist. I’ll pay well. There is money.

– Good good. Grisha go I’ll figure it out myself. – The archbishop is clearly happy with the hack. He saw expensive clothes on me and thinks to cash in on me

Tamara, Ira, and I used to often go to the city for services. Now this seems funny to me. It’s strange, I haven’t seen it before. He took us to his office and said when we sat down on chairs. He remained on his feet.