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How to nail a job interview and stand out from other applicants
How to nail a job interview and stand out from other applicants
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How to nail a job interview and stand out from other applicants

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4) key roles played (plus a web link to the company, so that an HR manager can find out more about your working places

– putting dates in a reverse chronological order.

– using verbs without pronouns at beginning of sentences (e.g. Improved rather than I improved).

– Inserting as many key words as possible.

– Avoiding using personal pronouns

– Making your experience look both relevant and dynamic.

How to present your skills correctly

SKILLS TECHNICAL SKILLS When writing your resume, it is important to include technical skills that meet the job requirements or that you believe would be beneficial for the position you are applying for.

LANGUAGE SKILLS When you describe language skills, you can use the following terms:

– Mother tongue

– Fluent (spoken and written)

– Good working knowledge (indicating that you have enough proficiency to carry out your work)

– Scholastic (only mention if the job specifications specifically mention these languages and you believe it would increase your chances of getting the job).

To demonstrate your language skills, you can list the English examinations you have taken, such as the TOEFL exam, IELTS and other international exams

How to attract an interview’s attention by personal interests

Personal interests are crucial as they provide insights into your personality and character that may not be evident in the rest of your CV. They are unique and can give HR professionals a better understanding of who you are as a person. When mentioning your personal interests, it is important to consider the following:

1. Showcasing your social conscience: Include any voluntary or charity work you have done, as it demonstrates your commitment to helping others.

2. Highlighting leadership skills: Mention any experiences where you have been a team captain or sports trainer, as it reflects your ability to lead and motivate others.

3. Demonstrating communication skills: Include activities that require effective communication, such as public speaking or debating.

4. Fun and positive connotations: Mention hobbies that are enjoyable and have a positive impact, such as salsa dancing or playing the saxophone. Also, include interesting and creative activities like acting, pottery, or short story writing.

5. Indicating responsibility: If others consider you to be responsible, mention activities like babysitting or pet-sitting.

6. Unusual without being strange: Include unique hobbies like acrobatics, which can make you stand out without seeming odd.

Avoid mentioning common activities that most people do, such as reading or traveling.

Instead, be specific and mention your favorite books or destinations. Avoid activities that are political, religious, or contentious, such as hunting or shooting. HR professionals are interested in your ability to work in a team and your social skills.

Therefore, avoid mentioning solitary or nerdy activities like computer games or stamp collecting. Be cautious when mentioning activities that may be perceived negatively by some companies. For example, being a blood donor may require time off work for which the company has to pay you, which may not be ideal for them. Lastly, avoid mentioning activities that people tend to have strong opinions about, such as board games or role-playing games. These can be divisive and are best avoided.

How to write correct references and reference letters

REFERENCES AND REFERENCE LETTERS Including references in your CV is a common practice that allows potential employers to verify your background and learn more about your skills and personality. It is an important part of the screening process for HR professionals. To include references in your CV, make a section titled «References» at the end. List three or four individuals who can serve as your referees and provide the following information:

1. Name: Include the full name of each referee.

2. Relationship: Specify the nature of your relationship with each referee, such as a thesis tutor or internship supervisor.

3. Workplace: Mention the organization or institution where each referee is employed.

4. Email address: place the email address of each referee so that the HR person can easily contact them.

5. Website: If your referees have personal or professional websites, include the URL so that HR can gather more information about them.

Here is an example:

1. Professor Pinco Pallino (my thesis tutor), University of London Email: Website:

2. Professor Zack Madman (in whose lab I did a 3-month internship), University of Harvard Email:


Remember to inform your referees beforehand and seek their permission to include their information in your CV. Additionally, ensure that the contact details provided are accurate and up-to-date.

How to use a template for writing your CV

IT CV example for IT professions

Пример того, что должно быть в вашем резюме, если у вас мало опыта. В этом случае лучше делать акцент на ваших профессиональных качествах и сильных сторонах. Here is an example of a professional CV based on a candidate who is a recent graduate with limited experience:

Professional summary

Recent graduate with a BSc in Computer Science and Information Technology seeking an entry-level position as an IT technician. Highly motivated and skilled with an understanding of a number of different coding languages such as HTML and Python. Trained in software and hardware installation with great attention to detail and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

Work experience

3-month internship with a small IT firm in Paddington.

Learned how to fix a number of hardware and software issues.

Learned how to onboard clients and assess their needs.

Gained an understanding of how to meet tight deadlines.


in BSc Computer Science from the University of London.

Modules included: Artificial intelligence principles, software engineering principles, programming languages and practice.


Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist


Certification PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming

Skills and strengths

Advanced computer skills: During my degree, I worked as a part of a team to successfully create a teaching software application and passed all of my relevant exams with an A.

Adept understanding of programming: I earned both an HTML certification and PCAP certification. I also recently became a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.

Please note that none of the companies, institutions or organizations mentioned in this article are affiliated with Indeed.

How to write a CV for an IT specialist

Наиболее используемый хронологический формат, как правило, безотказен для организации информации в вашем резюме. Рекрутеры предпочитают его, т.к. это наиболее простой способ ознакомиться с вашей трудовой деятельностью, перечисленной в обратном порядке от самых последних к самым ранним датам.

Но, если вы являетесь самозанятым ИТ-специалистом и занимаетесь независимой работой, возможно, вы захотите рассмотреть функциональный формат резюме. Оно поможет вам выделить ваши наиболее сильные стороны в соответствии с проектами. Гибридные (комбинированные) форматы резюме – еще один универсальный вариант, включающий как хронологические, так и функциональные элементы.

Мы собираемся рассмотреть все элементы резюме с примерами, которые вы можете использовать.

1. Краткое резюме ИТ-специалиста

Как и в большинстве типов резюме, лучше всего включить в свое резюме краткое содержание. Если вы взглянете на примеры резюме, то увидите, что сверху обычно появляется короткий абзац, в котором кратко излагается все резюме.

Краткое содержание резюме – еще один отличный способ выделить ваше резюме. Профессиональное резюме должно быть емким, по существу и детализированным.

Независимо от того, есть у вас реальный опыт работы в IT-индустрии или нет, вы все равно можете составить резюме, указав свои цели, навыки и сертификаты.

При написании профессионального резюме не забудьте составить его таким образом, чтобы оно показывало, что вы идеально подходите для этой работы. Покажите, что вы действительно специалист в области технической поддержки.

For a fresh IT graduate, here’s an example of a professional summary.

A. S. Computer Information Technology graduate seeking an IT specialist position in Max Software Solutions, Inc. High level of knowledge in IT security and IT support systems with specialty certifications as Help Desk Technician and Internet Security Specialist. Completed 360 hours Internship Program with Min Software Solutions, Inc.

You can try this type of professional summary if you already have some work experience.

CDP, CISSP and CCIE certified IT professional with experience in maintaining Mac OS, MS-Windows, and Ubuntu computer systems. 5+ years of experience as Internet Security Manager and trained 30+ staff members. Successfully launched Zeus E-Commerce Co’s largest computer security software which resulted in faster and safer operating systems for employees and customers.

2. Советы, как выделить раздел "Трудовой стаж"

Большинство компаний ищут ИТ-специалистов с опытом работы. Если у вас еще нет официального опыта работы, начните создавать свое портфолио и совершенствовать свои навыки прямо сейчас.

Поскольку большинство компаний, ориентированных на технологии, в значительной степени полагаются на свой ИТ-персонал, вы должны быть готовы к работе в конкурентной среде. В ней нет места ошибкам. Поэтому методы проб и ошибок в этой отрасли не сработают. Одна упущенная деталь может привести к огромной проблеме, которая, в свою очередь, может повлиять на весь бизнес и его клиентов.

Выделите свой трудовой стаж в резюме. Расскажите о своем опыте, компаниях, с которыми вы работали, и положительных результатах, которых вы добились в работе.

Делайте акцент на том опыте, который имеет отношение к вакансии.

Кроме того, вы должны постоянно совершенствоваться и обновлять знания. Поскольку инновации в технологиях происходят изо дня в день, то, чему вы научились 5 лет назад, сегодня может оказаться бесполезным. Поэтому будьте уверены, что вы обновляете свои знания и продолжаете учиться каждый день.

Совет: Используйте релевантные ключевые слова и словосочетания в своем резюме, чтобы оно отображалось в поиске, когда менеджеры по найму ищут конкретные навыки или опыт.

При написании вашего опыта работы укажите название компании и ее местонахождение, а также даты, когда вы с ними работали. Добавьте также свои основные задачи, ключевые показатели эффективности и достижения.

Вот пример:

IT Support Team Leader

ABC International, Inc., Sacramento, CA

January 2019-Present

Managed major internet and software security for the executive department

Trained 50+ Junior IT support specialists

Managed a team of 10 Senior IT support specialists

Network and hardware troubleshooting

Eliminated security breaches by updating software versions and installing new software when necessary.

Calculated system capacity for new server installation for 300+ desktop computers

Senior IT Support Technician

XYZ Company, Los Angeles, CA

September 2015-January 2019

Promoted to Senior IT Support Technician from Junior Position 1 year from hiring date

Trained 20+ Junior IT support technicians and specialists

Preferred IT support personnel of XYZ Company’s CEO and top executives

Responded to [Type] customers experiencing connectivity issues and provided step-by-step instructions to resolve issues including rebooting hardware.

Internet and software security management

Eliminated security breaches by updating software versions and installing new software when necessary.

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