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Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ. Устная речь
Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ. Устная речь
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Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ. Устная речь

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Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ. Устная речь
Лариса Кузнецова

Устная речь ЕГЭ по английскому языку в третьем задании предполагает быстрые ответы на вопросы диктора. Пособие предлагает возможные вопросы, а также ответы диктора и ученика по двадцати темам. Темы – самые популярные. Поможет учащимся с ответами на вопросы.

Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ

Устная речь

Лариса Кузнецова

© Лариса Кузнецова, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-0139-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

©Кузнецова Л. М., 2024




Interviewer: I suppose you’ll agree that a modern human being should be many-sided and well-educated. What do you think of architecture?

Student: As for me, I like art and especially architecture. You shouldn’t go to the museum; you just can walk along the streets enjoying music in stone as someone said. Architecture can influence people’s moods and emotions. Great buildings can evoke emotions as works of art usually do.


Interviewer: What are your favourite architectural styles and why?

Student: I think I’m a great admirer of a gothic style. My parents love France and always take me to travel around it. France is one of the cradles of a Gothic style. When I first saw Notre Dame de Paris, I understood what real art is. Notre Dame de Paris is a perfect harmony. Some people like to discuss its architectural advantages. I just admire its towers, its open work rosettes, its unique vaults, its statues.


Interviewer: Have you ever considered pursuing a career in architecture or design?

Student: To my mind, a profession of an architect is very important. All people live in houses and architects have to work much to make a project and calculations. The house must be safe, many-functional and comfortable. It’s rather difficult to work at its design.


Interviewer: Do you think it’s important for cities to preserve historical and architectural heritage?

Student: In my opinion, we must take care of old buildings and preserve them. They are the witnesses of the past. Not only books and papers can tell us about the past but also the buildings. We can see the places where our ancestors lived. All people who want to have future must know their history.


Interviewer: What architectural masterpiece would you like to visit?

Student: I assume that there are a lot of architectural wonders but there is a town that we can call an architectural wonder and masterpiece. It’s Venice. I dream of visiting this town on water, it’s palaces and canals, cathedrals and churches. Besides, St. Paul’s Cathedral is a place which attract me too much.



Interviewer: How many books have you read in your life?

Student: As for me, I’ve read many books in my life. I’m a book lover. Reading is my main hobby. A good book is my best friend. I like many genres of literature: classical literature, detective stories, biographies, popular scientific literature. To tell the truth, I prefer good literature in any genre.


I.: Do you read books only on school programme?

S.: In my opinion, reading books only on school programme restricts my demands on literature of many genres as school programme literature assume mainly classical books. I read books of many genres and prefer international authors. This way I learn a lot of interesting things about people all over world, about their traditions and way of life. British writers impress me most of all. Charles Dickens is my favourite writer and I consider him to be one of the most modern authors though he lived two centuries ago. Human relationship is a sphere of people’s lives which changes little.


I.: What famous Russian writers do you know? Have you read books by them?

S.: As for me, I’m a good student and like and respect Russian writers. My favourite Russian writers are Dostoyevsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekov and Belyayev. At school we study one of their masterpieces in detail. I read other works by them and enjoy this process greatly. I’m fond of Checkov’s stories. They are intriguing and full of humour. «The Horse’s surname» made me laugh for a long time.


I.: Do you read books in English?

S.: To my mind, each person must know at least one foreign language. I learn English. I have been learning it for 10 years. It’s obvious that I read books in English. In junior classes I read adapted stories. Now I can read English books in original. Detective stories by Agatha Christie are the most attractive for me. I have been learning French for two years and want to read books by French authors in original.


I.: Have you ever lent books to your friends?

S.: I suppose, so. Once I lent one of my favourite books to my friend. One month has passed. My friend didn’t give me it back. I asked him to return the book. He appeared not to have read the book yet because he hadn’t had enough time to read it. I asked him why he had taken the book if he hadn’t got time to read it. He didn’t know what to answer. In six months, he returned the book. Since that time, I haven’t borrowed my books. You may say I’m greedy. Books are something personal and close for me as well as letters for example.



Interviewer: Is the choice of a future career difficult for you? Why?

Student: To my mind, the choice of future career isn’t difficult for me. I have always wanted to be an interpreter. I am fond of foreign languages, especially English. In future I’m planning to learn at least 3 foreign languages, not only European ones, but also Asian languages. I’d like to read books by Edgar Poe. His stories are very mysterious and exciting.


I.: Who and what can help you in choosing your future career?

S.: In my opinion, parents and teachers can help me in choosing future career. Nowadays there are a lot of TV programmes and internet sources talking about different professions. My elder friends can share their feelings about their careers, also. I’m very glad that we have an opportunity to visit our local business centre where people of different professions tell us about their job.


I.: What did you want to become when you were seven?

S.: As for me, I wanted to become a game player when I was seven. I was absolutely absorbed into games and played them from morning till night. At school I didn’t have much time to play games but wanted to make computer games myself and tried to design one. Also, I dreamt of choosing a profession of a businessman. I have always wanted to be a boss. Then I thought about being a policeman because policeman are brave and help people.


I.: What personality traits are needed to become successful?

S.: I suppose it’s very important to achieve success in your career. You need to be persistent and hardworking to be successful. You should have great attention to details. I also suppose that you should be well-educated. That’s why you will have to learn a lot to use your knowledge in your job. Sometimes you will have to forget about rest and entertainment. Besides, you will need good luck and patience.


I.: Would you prefer to do something that brings you money or pleasure? Why?

S.: I believe that only the job which makes you happy is the right career choice. When your job makes you get up early in the morning and come back late at night, you are a person who has made the right choice. From project to project you are wholly absorbed into creative atmosphere. In the end you can see the result of your intensive work and you are satisfied with it. Surely, money is also a very important factor but not the main one. A clever person can achieve a career he tends to and the money he wants.



Interviewer: What household chores are you responsible for?

Student: Well, I’m responsible for loading and unloading the dishwasher. Besides, I have to dust the surfaces. Moreover, my duty is to water plants. Sometimes my Mum asks me to go shopping and buy some food. I also go for a walk with my dog but I don’t think it’s household chores. I like my dog and walk with it with great pleasure.


I: What housework did you have to do when you were a child?

S: So, when I was a kid, I had to vacuum clean the floors. Our flat is rather big and it took me half an hour or more to do it. To be honest, I used to hate it because it’s so boring and monotonous. I also had to make my bed.


I: Do you think it is important for children to do jobs around the house? Why /why not?

S: I suppose it is very important to do jobs around the house. First, this skill will make children more independent. Also, the ability to cook, to wash clothes and tidy rooms will help them in future. Parents try to learn their children to be disciplined and keep everything in order. When there is mess around you, it’s impossible to find things you need and it takes you much time to do it. For instance, I didn’t like to clean my room and have always had great mess around me. I couldn’t find my textbook. That’s why I didn’t do my homework and had unsatisfactory marks. My father had a serious talk with me and we began to clean my room together. I thought that at the age of ten it is shame to do it and told my father that I would clean my room myself. Since that time, I have been doing my chores unconditionally.


I: Do you think people in your country will do more or less housework in the future? Why?

S: I believe people will do less homework in the future. More and more modern appliances, which can make our life easier, appear. I hope robots will do all household chores instead of men. Artificial intellect is being spread in all spheres of our life. Soon people will do what they like and robots will do all the work. People will only control artificial intellect and the rest of the time they will travel a lot, paint, draw, sing songs, knit and do many other thins they have dreamt of doing before.


I: Should parents pay their children for doing housework chores? Why? /Why not

S: I think, parents shouldn’t pay their children for doing housework. Children are members of the family and all members of the family should contribute to your sweet home. Children should do everything to keep their place in order. Every person in the family should have her/his duties and be able to organize her/his time and space. It’s out of the question to pay for housework chores. People live together and take of their home together.



Interviewer: Do you like being outside? Where do you like going?

Student: To tell the truth, I am fond of being outside. Blue sky and green woods make me happy and merry. I am fond of being outside in any weather, when it’s raining or stormy, when it’s hot or cold. I suppose, there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. I like going to picturesque places in Russia. I often visit mountains, valleys, seaside. A very special adventure is discovering caves. In summer it’s nice to gather berries and mushrooms, to swim in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. In winter I ski, skate and even fish.


I.: Are you concerned about environmental pollution? What type of pollution could be dealt with first?

S.: As for me, I am concerned about environmental pollution because our life becomes harder and harder in the places with a lot of plants and factories which pollute atmosphere. People suffer from many diseases, and even new hardly-cured diseases occur. There are main types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. I assume that air pollution is the most dangerous type of pollution cause we breathe in polluted air which can be the reason of many diseases.

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