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Ruth Langan

O'NEIL SAGA A family driven by destiny!A Man Most Wanted Rory O'Neil was hunted by every soldier who wore an English uniform, but that would not stop his quest for revenge. A Man Most DespisedHe was hated by those who knew him as the Blackhearted O'Neil. But to those who believed in his cause, he was the only warrior brave enough to save them.A Man Most Loved AnnaClaire Thompson knew the first time she witnessed his passion that Rory was the man who would lay claim to her heart. But would the driven Rory ever return her love?

Table of Contents

Cover Page (#u1618cf4f-99b0-580c-bb7e-24b295133b4f)

Excerpt (#u9252e239-c7f1-5a8b-b634-61059416749b)

Dear Reader (#u8e4945de-f00a-5768-a384-d659dec04535)

Title Page (#u22a72a8b-59df-5013-b898-294dee3b8ab4)

About the Author (#u9778c7a8-c753-5d13-ba65-489b4989c87e)

Dedication (#u7c9c7187-4de0-56e4-84b0-fbf9efa4981a)

Prologue (#uc9201d95-ca2d-5393-b41f-2aab602bcc1e)

Chapter One (#ua3b8a1e2-67d7-5a85-bc94-c0a6a1af1ee8)

Chapter Two (#u05c81231-e47e-5ed0-91a1-2c2c1ac80d48)

Chapter Three (#u15fc89f4-b5b5-5b03-8f7b-fefb332b0fee)

Chapter Four (#u1c64bb0d-974e-5ab2-8508-d0d876640ef7)

Chapter Five (#ua561e9cc-c07f-5674-a4da-141f3bbb9b11)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Author’s Note (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

The moment her hands skimmed his flesh, Rory could feel the changes.

When her strong fingers began massaging his shoulder, his heartbeat became erratic. His breathing accelerated. His mind was swept clean of all thought save one. He wanted more. He was desperate to feel her hands touching him everywhere.

He clenched his teeth to keep from crying out. Clenched his hands into fists to keep from dragging her into his arms and taking what he wanted.

“You haven’t been moving your arm as you should,” AnnaClaire said.

“And how would you know that?”

“Because I can feel a knot of tension here.” She kneaded his flesh, and he bent his head forward slightly to give her easier access. “And here.” She pressed her thumbs over his stiff shoulder, working the flesh in firm but gentle strokes.

“Perhaps the tension is from something other than pain.”

“And what would that be?”

He sighed, as much in pleasure as frustration. “I’ll leave you to figure that one for yourself, my lady….”

Dear Reader,

Entertainment. Escape. Fantasy. These three words describe the heart of Harlequin Historicals. If you want compelling, emotional stories by some of the best writers in the field, look no further.

Ruth Langan is one of those writers. With over forty-five books to her credit, this bestselling author has made a name for herself in the world of romance fiction. We are thrilled to bring you Rory, the first book in her new medieval series, THE O’NEIL SAGA. Legendary Irish rebel Rory O’Neil has a price on his head for his attacks on English soldiers. When he is wounded in battle, he is nursed by an English noblewoman who eventually must choose between her love for Rory or her loyalty to the Queen of England. Don’t miss this heart-wrenching story!

A Father for Keeps is a heartwarming reunion romance by the talented Ana Seymour. A wealthy miner returns to Nevada to win back the woman who secretly had his child. In Robber Bride by Deborah Simmons, the third de Burgh brother, Simon, finds his true love in a runaway bride who is hiding from her despicable would-be husband.

And be sure to look for The Tender Stranger by Carolyn Davidson. In this gripping tale, a pregnant widow flees from her conniving in-laws to an isolated Colorado cabin, and later falls in love with the bounty hunter hired to bring her back East. Whatever, your tastes in reading, you’ll be sure to find a. romantic journey back to the past between the covers of a Harlequin Historical.®

Sincerely, Tracy Farrell Senior Editor

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Ruth Langan (


traces her ancestry to Scotland and Ireland. It is no surprise, then, that she feels a kinship with the characters in her historical novels.

Married to her childhood sweetheart, she has raised five children and lives in Michigan, the state where she was born and raised.

For sweet little Macey Langan Bissonnette

And her big sisters, Aubrey, Haley and Kelsey

And her proud parents, Carol and Bryon

And to Tom


Prologue (#ulink_8b65d440-ff10-5bf7-bd42-2e274b5b36a2)

Ireland, 1560

The chapel at Ballinarin, the ancestral home of the clan O’Neil, was filled to overflowing with family and friends who had come from as far as Malahide Castle in Dublin, and Bunratty Castle in Clare. The mood was festive as they prepared to witness the union of Rory O’Neil, eldest son of Gavin and Moira, and his beloved Caitlin Maguire.

In a small room at the back of the chapel Rory paced while his brother, Conor, stood by the door and watched as the last of the guests filed into pews.

“What’s keeping her?” Rory paused. Sunlight speared through a high window, turning his dark hair blue-black. He was resplendent in black breeches and shirt, with his cloak bearing the O’Neil crest tossed rakishly over his shoulder.

“You needn’t worry that she’s changed her mind, Rory. The lass has loved you since she was old enough to know her own mind. Just be patient.”

“Damn your patience.”

Conor grinned. “Aye, that was never one of your virtues, Rory. But give the lass time to make herself beautiful for her husband.”

“Nothing could make Caitlin more beautiful than she already is. And why should I be patient? I’ve waited a lifetime for this day.”

“Aye. It seems like you’ve been in love with her forever.”

“Since I was ten and two.” He flashed the smile that had caused maidens from Derry to Cork to dream of snagging his attention. But Rory O’Neil had eyes for only one maiden. “I was born for her alone. I tell you, Conor, this day my life will be complete.” He lowered his voice. “Did I tell you that I slipped over to see her last night? I told her I couldn’t wait until today. I wanted to lie with her.”

Conor threw back his head and roared. “Don’t let Friar Malone hear of this.”

“It wouldn’t matter. She refused. She said she wanted to wait for her wedding night. It was to be her special gift to her husband.” He grinned. “Husband. I like the sound of that.”

“And with all this love stored up, I’m sure your wedding night will be one to remember.”

Both brothers turned as the door was thrust in and a slender lass in a gown of pink gossamer hurried inside.

“I was afraid I’d be too late.”

“Too late for what, Briana?” Rory couldn’t help grinning at the sight of his little sister. Her waist-length hair, the color of flame, was wind-tossed. Her cheeks were bright with color. From the sound of her breathing, he could tell she’d just run the entire distance from the keep to the chapel. All her young life she’d been running to keep up with her two older brothers.

“Too late to kiss my brother before he left me for good.”

“You talk as though I’m going away. Caitlin and I will be living right here on the grounds of Ballinarin.”

“Aye. But you’ll be a husband.” She dimpled, and the two brothers knew she’d overheard at least some of their conversation. But it would go no further. Briana could always be counted on to keep a secret. “And in no time, seeing the way you two look at each other, you’ll be a father as well. And you’ll have no time for a sister.”

Rory drew her close and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’ll always have time for you, Briana. And you can come over every day and help Caitlin with the wee ones.”

“Just how many are you planning to have?”

“At least a dozen. All the lads will be handsome like their father, and all the lasses will have dark hair like their mother, and skin as fair as the crystal water in the River Shannon, and so beautiful that I’ll have to lock them up to keep the local lads from stealing them all away.”

Conor and Briana burst into gales of laughter.

“That’s what I like about you, Rory. When you dream,” his brother said with a laugh, “they’re always such grand dreams. Let’s just hope it isn’t the other way around. After all, your sons could be small and delicate like their mother, and your daughters could all be giants like you.”

“Not a chance. They’ll.” He paused at the sound of a commotion in the chapel and gave a smile of relief. “Finally. I was beginning to think—” At the sudden chorus of shouting voices his smile dissolved.

He hurried from the room, followed by his brother and sister.

A lad of six or seven, clothes torn and bloodied, stood gesturing wildly. “English soldiers. More than a dozen of them.”

Rory’s heart nearly stopped as he shouldered his way through the guests. He recognized the lad as a son of Caitlin’s eldest brother. He knelt down, caught him by the shoulders. “Where are the others, Innis?”

“By the bend in the road.” The boy’s eyes were wide with pain and shock. “My da fell on top of me, pinning me to the ground. All I could do was watch. They’re all dead, Rory.”

“No!” Rory’s voice echoed through the chapel as he released the boy and jumped to his feet, pushing and shoving through the stunned crowd.

Outside he grasped the reins of the first horse he spotted and leapt onto its back, urging it into a gallop. He could hear the sounds of other horses following behind, but he never looked back.

He followed the bog road until he came to the bend. Even before he got there, he could hear the strange, eerie silence. No birds sang. No creatures moved. It was as though the entire land was holding its breath.

And then he saw them. The mass of bodies. Animal as well as human. The ground ran red with their blood. The horses had died where they’d fallen, with lances through the neck or heart. The men had fought a fierce battle. Many lay, face up, still holding their swords. But the worst savagery had been inflicted upon the women.

Rory saw the flutter of white. Caitlin’s bridal gown.

It was the only way he could identify her. He picked his way through the carnage and knelt beside her. The gown had been cut away, except for one sleeve that still clung to her wrist. From the marks on her body he could see that she’d been brutalized before her throat had been cut so violently her head had nearly been severed from her body.

With a cry of pain and rage he gathered her against him and buried his face in her bloody hair. His body shook with great, wrenching sobs that spoke of a heart shattered beyond repair.

“Rory. God in heaven, Rory.” Conor was the first to find him. He could do no more than weep as he stood, watching his brother silently rage against the horror of it.

As the others arrived, Gavin O’Neil strode through the carnage to stand over his firstborn son. His voice shook with raw emotion. “The lad, Innis, says the leader was called Tilden by the others. Tall, brawny, with yellow hair and a face disfigured by a scar that ran from his left eye to his jaw. ‘Twill not be an easy face to hide.”