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Brenda made a big deal out of sighing, and headed off to fetch a menu. Amber grinned to herself.

She checked her phone, saw no message from Milo, and logged on to the Dark Places forum. Her bandaged hands made typing difficult, but not impossible.

The Dark Princess said …

I have returned …

RetroGamer! said …

Hi Proncess


Sith0Dude said …


RetroGamer! said …

Damn typos.

Elven Queen said …

Princess!! We missed u!

Thoughts on finale?

Sith0Dude said …

Hey Elven Queen

The Dark Princess said …

Just saw it. WOW.

Though kinda knew they wouldn’t let Gideon die off so easily.

Elven Queen said …

Yeah, saw that twist coming from 3 episodes ago!

Sith0Dude said …

why is everyone ignoring me?

RetroGamer! said …

Was talking to BAC 10 minutes ago

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

There’s my girl!

The Dark Princess said …


The world is a brighter place once more!

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

How’ve u been doing? Things been sorted since last time we chatted? *fingers crossed*

The Dark Princess said …

Not really, but I’m bravely fighting my way through it!

Sith0Dude said …

ur all ignoring me

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

Made up your mind about the con yet? Full cast PLUS Annalith’s gonna be there.

Wish I could go.

Elven Queen said …

Not ignoring you, Sith0Dude.

The Dark Princess said …

Haven’t really been thinking about it, but don’t think it’ll be possible. Things are still screwy

RetroGamer! said …

Everything ok, Princess?

The Dark Princess said …

I’m fine. Life’s just weird at the moment and not looking like it’ll ever go back to normal.

Elven Queen said …

Normal is boring.

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

You back in Florida yet?

The Dark Princess said …

Furthest thing from it. Alaska! LOL

Sith0Dude said …

the north pole?

The Dark Princess said …

Alaska isn’t the north pole.

Is it?

RetroGamer! said …


Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

Penguins live in the south pole, polar bears live in the north pole. That’s the rule.

Look out your window, Princess. What do u see?

The Dark Princess said …

Cars and people. No polar bears or penguins.

Sith0Dude said …

if you can’t see penguins u must be on north pole.

penguins would be everywhere on south cuz of no natural predators.

The Dark Princess said …

I don’t think that’s right, Sith0Dude.

Sith0Dude said …

No LAND based predators I meant. But they are prey to a range of top predators in the oceans.

Some penguins can swim up to 22 mph.

They get rid of saltwater they’ve swallowed by sneezing.

Elven Queen said …

Are you googling penguin facts, Sith0Dude?

Sith0Dude said …

no. just like penguins

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

How’s Wi-Fi in Alaska, Princess?

The Dark Princess said …

Better than expected! In a cafe right now and just streamed 4 eps without a problem. Say 1 thing for those polar bears, they know their Wi-Fi!

Sith0Dude said …

Most people think penguins mate for life, but Emperor Penguins usually take a mate for one year at a time

Elven Queen said …

Shut up about penguins Sith0Dude.

The Dark Princess said …

Gotta go guys. RL has just walked in.

Balthazar’s-Arm-Candy said …

When will u be on next?

The Dark Princess said …

Hard to say, got a lot going on. Laters!

Milo sat at the table and Amber logged off the messageboard.

“The Hounds still where they’re supposed to be?” she asked.

“They are. I followed one of them when he rode around the outskirts. Every so often, he’d test the barrier. Looks like it surrounds the whole town. We would appear to be safe, but I’m heading back out this afternoon, just to make sure. What have you been doing?”

Amber couldn’t help it. She smiled. “Just chatting with my friends.”

“And how are they?”

“Good. Still reeling from the final episode of Dark Places. It was brilliant. I’d tell you about it, but I don’t want to spoil anything.”

“I’m never going to watch that show,” Milo said, beckoning Brenda over.

“You should,” said Amber. “It’s better than those westerns you like.”