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– Niko, babe, are you awake?

The door opened slightly. Alice went into the room. I heard her steps.

– Uh-huh – I could only squeeze out this.

I had a sore throat as if it was scratched with small branches.

Alice sat down on the edge of the bed.

– Do you want to talk? – She asked and straightened the blanket, covering my cold feet.

I didn’t answer, just shook my head and turned to the wall.

– I know, this tree was a part of yourself. I understand your pain. But you are not a tree, you are a man. Strong, talented, with an open heart… Don’t shut yourself. You have the whole life ahead to find your special talent, your place, – Alice spoke softly, lovingly, inspiring the hope.

I turned to her. And as if it was in a haze, the image of a phoenix appeared before my eyes.

«My oak is like this bird,» – I thought. «And I can get it back.»

– Alice, do you know how much I love you? – I wheezed enthusiastically and grabbed my throat.

– I know, and now we are going to drink warm milk with honey. And then a tincture of fern flowers, – the woman shook her head and added, smiling. – I love you too, baby!

My aunt took the clothes off the back of the chair, raised an eyebrow and reproachfully looked at the hole of the pocket that was mended with staples.

– The pocket died from the grasping paws of a blackberry – I croaked in excuse.

– I see. Well, we will need to trim the claws of this blackberry! Marash will take care of it, – Alice joked while I was pulling on a shirt with a high neck. Summer has come to an end, and now the cold is not so far off. And after yesterday’s freezing rain it became fresher outside.

Before going down to the kitchen, I decided to look in my mom and sister.

– Nicholas! – Mom exclaimed happily.

Reemay was swarming around, close at her hand. I came closer to see my little sister in the sunlight. Big mustard-honey eyes looked at me curiously. A pink bow of her lips was blowing out tiny bubbles. She was no longer as wrinkled as yesterday. I bent down and involuntarily reached for her. My finger was immediately captured by a tiny hand. Mom laughed.

– Reemay is funny, isn’t she? How were you when you were a baby, – she ran her hand over the chestnut nap on her head. And with the other hand she wrapped our fingers.

I squatted down and silently looked at both. I absorbed these pleasant moments, touches, the smell of a newborn sister and autumn flowers that came from the half-open window.

– Now you have become not only an older brother, but also her protector, – my mother’s eyes smiled sadly. I looked at her questioningly.

– Sit down, dear, – she patted the blanket. I obediently sat down beside her. – It’s hard for me to talk about this. We’ve been together so little time… and now again…

She stumbled, and inside me it was as if the bowstring had been pulled, but so tight that the tension hurt all over my body.

– We’ll have to part. Last night the magic mail arrived from your father, – she glanced furtively at the blue scroll with the royal seal.

I knew it.

– Father is alive! But Ruby’s attack reduced the number of magicians. And now the king is calling all gifted ones for military training. It will last for about five years. Of course, not everyone will get into the Royal Academy of Magic in Phaeton. The rest will be assigned to regular training units. You’re enlisted in the Academy.

– But mom! I have no abilities! What if I take the place of a more talented, worthy magician? – I croaked.

Mom’s eyes widened.

– What’s the matter with you, babe? – she immediately touched my forehead.

– Well, I broke my voice yesterday. Everything is fine, – I calmed her and asked insistently.

So? I’m not a magician!

– The king promised me and your father to arrange you to study at the Academy. And he kept his word! You deserve this! And don’t say nonsense! Alice told me how quickly you remember everything, besides, you know the languages of the seven worlds very well. You don’t need to have any magical abilities to become a good diplomat. You will serve at the court of Pontiar. Father wrote that you have to come immediately to the capital.

– But… – I cleared my throat. A spasm tightened my throat.

I pulled my finger out of my sister’s tenacious hands and burst into tears.

Mom put the baby to her breast, she greedily munched, although she looked in my direction.

– You can go when your voice will return, – mother placed the child more comfortable and sighed. – And I’ll write to your father about the lightning rods. Let him be proud of his son! I will also inform him that you are now a little ill.

I winced. Tut-tut. To be proud? There is nothing to be proud of… And it would be better to keep silence about the weaknesses. I’m a man!

– Maybe you shouldn’t? – I looked at her prayerfully, but her pursed lips answered for her. I had to agree. – Okay, Mom.

I said goodbye and left the bedroom. As I walked down to the kitchen, I pondered over the idea that haunted me. Academy, studying – everything was leading there. But I have an unfinished affair.

«I need to collect goose feathers, get some wire and pigments for paints from the hoarder Paco. I hope there is at least something left of the oak tree.» – I ruffled my bangs when I entered the kitchen, where there was a smell of mushroom pie.

– Why do you need feathers and paint? And I don’t think that you can find anything from your oak, except some coals and firebrands… – Varya took thought and wiped her hands from the flour.

– Did I say it aloud? – I shrugged my shoulders embarrassedly.

– Uh huh. Everything that you have in your mind, is on your tongue, – the cook grinned.

– Baby, let’s go to the table! – Alice commanded, placing the plates with my breakfast. Some plates, she put on a small tray, probably for mom. I plopped down on a long-legged stool and looked around at my breakfast: honey, nuts, herbal infusion, hot cakes with butter. Alice poured some milk into my mug, over which a steam was curling, and moved the plate with the mushroom pie to me.

– You will need to drink the infusion a little bit later, it hasn’t drawn yet, – she said and left with a tray.

I screwed up my eyes. The sun’s rays, which seemed to sneak into the kitchen, reflected in buckets of water. The dapples of light were dancing on the wooden ceiling and on my face. Now I didn’t feel emptiness in my soul. It had filled with something …With hope. Bliss spilled over my body. I will give my heart new memories. Yes. Now I have a little sister. I will protect her! And I will also do what I have planned…

I chewed a cake, ate a pie and drank a slightly bitter infusion of fern at one gulp. A handful of chopped nuts with honey muffled the bitterness. I thanked Varya and rushed to my room.

My wristwatch was on the table. The spheres on the dial were circling in a time dance. Soon the merchant should pass by, if, of course, he survived after the hostilities. I kissed three folded fingers, and put them to my forehead:

«Sherida, dear, help me. Let Paco have both wire and pigment for paints.»

I grabbed my work bag and hurried to the oak tree. On my way, I came across an old man Marash, who was cutting that evil blackberry bush.

– Master, where are you rushing? – he cleared his throat. – no one is chasing you.

– I have one idea… – I wheezed trying to recover my breath. A cut for your gift… – I waved and was about to run on, but was distracted by the gardener.

– Look, again the heavenly space is polluted with miasma… – Marash raised his head and sighed heavily, squinting unkindly towards the flying cargo ship. – They don’t have you… and your golden hands and priceless ideas. The city mechanics are stupid, they think only about the profit, but who will think about the people and nature? – the old man chuckled.

– If it is a fate, I will definitely fix their mechanisms, – I smiled and hurried to see Paco.

Approaching the burnt tree, I slowed down. I saw it and it took not only my breath. It was as if the soul was turned inside out and sprinkled with the ashes remaining from the carnage. I couldn’t move, my body turned to stone.

The sand has curled up into gray, bubbly chamfers that resemble frozen, bubbling water. Apparently, under the influence of lightning, the sand converted into natural glass, but of an ugly shape. The trunk of the tree was split into two unequal pieces. There was no crown left, only the largest branches. In the deepening of the oak, the wood was still smoldering. I knew I would get dirty, but I had to do it. On naughty legs, I walked over to the oak tree and hugged my friend. Leaning my cheek against a black stump, I said:

– I will give you a new life! Now you will always be nearby. Outcasts should keep together. You and I are so familiar… – it seems the tree thanked me. I didn’t see or hear, I just felt it. – You will become a bird. A phoenix risen from the ashes. We will leave home together.

I looked around. Something crunched under my foot: a solid branch, partially burnt, but quite strong. I picked it up and shook it in my hand.

– It will be a great body for a bird! Do you like it? – I asked the oak

And the oak answered: «Thank you. I will try to keep the most valuable for you…»

I’m sure it has heard every word. Breathing stopped for a moment. Heart beat so loudly that tears welled up. But I wasn’t going to cry. No. I won’t shed more tears. Wiping my wet eyes with my sleeve, I carefully put the branch into my bag.

A horse whinnying was heard behind the fence. It was Paco.

– Sherida, I put all my trust in you! – I looked up into the sky and, having said goodbye to the place of memories for the last time, ran down to the stone fence.

– Paco! – I croaked, my voice was still weak, although the warm milk and fern did their job perfectly. – You arrived!

He also was glad to see me. Smiling with a toothless mouth, the hoarder was leading the short horse by the bridle.

– Lodesco. I see it’s a whole homestead. You are lucky, Sherida is kind to your family. The villages nearby were less fortunate. Unfortunately, there are also casualties. Elven healers will save the rest. Since when do you start to wait for me? It has always been the other way around, – he stopped at the gate, throwing the bridle over the horse’s back. – And what do you need so urgently?

He folded busily his arms.

– I am glad you’re in good health. It’s a pity that Ruby does not understand how much destruction and pain it brings. Well! I’ll show them how to behave to magicians who have honor and dignity!

– What’s happened with your voice, freckled green? Is it breaking, or what? – the merchant grinned mildly.

I winced, but didn’t explain anything.

– Paco. I need steel wire and a red pigment, possibly yellow as well. Do you have it? – I hoped strongly in the assistance of the Goddess.

– I have a wire, but the dyes … – Paco thought, and I tensed. – I can deliver pigments in a week.

– In a week later, it will be too late. I will no longer be here, – I answered sadly.

– Sorry, I can’t help you then, – He really regretted it. He took out the wire and handed it to me. – Here you have. This is a gift; haven’t you had a birthday recently?

– Um—hum. Thank you so much! I need it for a very important affair, – I accepted gratefully the gift.

– Where are you going? Far away?

– To the capital, to study – I sighed.

The old man scratched his nose.

– I heard that magicians from ten years of age are called up for military training, and the Royal Academy is not an exception. Our enemies are awake. Many of our people died. The new army will be raised. Only… – Paco hesitated. – You’re not a magician. What will they teach you there?

– I will be a diplomat.

Paco raised his eyebrow.

– It’s a pity you haven’t reveal your talent. You are a good mechanic. Well, of course, negotiating with people – it’s a necessary business. I’m also partly a diplomat, you need to be able to find a common language with buyers.

The merchant tilted his chin in a funny way, simulating to be a very important person. But when I saw his toothless mouth, I burst out laughing.

– Paco, I’m sorry! And thanks for the encouragement. You know, although I will study at the academy, I will not abandon my skills of mechanic. After all, Alice gave me a set of tools, I will take them with me and in my free time I will tinker. Everything is magical now. Nobody fixes what is broken. And here I am. What if I come in handy at the academy?

– You will come in handy. You have golden hands.

– And I have a present for you too! – I took the watch off my wrist and put it on Paco’s hand. – Do you know how to use it?

– It’s a watch! – the old man twisted it. – But a dress-watch. Does it work without magic?

– Yes. But you need to wind up the spring every day so that it doesn’t stop.

– Oh, thanks! This is a marvelous gift! – the old man blinked and closed his eyes, trying to hide the sentimentality. But I knew how he felt. He was deeply moved. – You… In the capital, in the main market, look for a small shop that says «Nedos’s Chest». You will find it in the streets. My cousin holds this shop. He also sells all sorts of junk. I will write him a letter so that he won’t offend you. Nedos – is a foxlike, he knows how to fool people. But what can he do? In the capital, the people are greedy, everyone wants goods for free. But he will not deceive you and will find everything what you need. I promise! Well, that’s all, be healthy! Study well! And don’t forget the old man Paco.

– I won’t forget! See you! – I hugged the merchant goodbye.

I went home upset. Not all phoenix ingredients were clinking in the bag.

I saw Dinah from afar. She was plucking a goose. I suppose she’ll cook it for dinner. Oh! Coming closer, I asked:

– Dinah, save me the largest feathers. I need them.

– How many?

– Ha… Many – I answered thoughtfully and walked to the door.

On the right, in the vegetable garden, grandfather Marash was weeding the beets. Apparently, no one knew about my upcoming departure. They behave as usual. Or maybe they don’t care. I was in their life, and soon I will leave. Big deal. What is special about me? Dina called me:

– And what about your mood? Who messed it up in the morning?

I came to my senses:

– Oh. I need a paint, but the merchant Paco didn’t have it.

– A paint? And for what? What colors? Dinah lifted her head and brushed back a streak of hair that had strayed from her braid.