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Promise Of The Unicorn
Promise Of The Unicorn
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Promise Of The Unicorn

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She recoiled, almost stumbling in her haste. ‘Don’t touch me.’

He halted. The dark eyes met hers, holding them effortlessly in thrall, and to her dismay she felt a shock of totally physical desire shiver through her body. He didn’t have to touch, or even speak. The invitation was there in the way he was looking at her, and it would be easy, so fatally easy to cross the brief space which separated them, and answer that invitation with her lips, and her body.

She closed her eyes, blotting him out, rejecting him with her mind, a shudder of self disgust quivering through her.

But at least she was back in control again, and her eyes opened, unleashing at him all the scorn she could muster. She said quietly, ‘You’re despicable, and I wish with all my heart that I’d never come here.’

‘Ah, but you did,’ he said softly. ‘And the bargain between us still stands, Sophie mia.’

She said violently, ‘Well, I want no further part of it,’ and, turning, walked away out of the room and away from him, wishing that her dignity would allow her to run.

By the time the train pulled in to Bishops Wharton, Sophie was almost able to convince herself that she’d been drunk. There was no other explanation for her behaviour. She’d had that sherry, and then he’d kept topping up her glass with wine, and she wished she knew a word bad enough to call him.

She went straight round to Market Street. Miss Langton was in the shop, and she gave Sophie an indifferent nod as the shop bell tinkled.

‘He’s in the flat,’ she advised briefly. ‘Go on up.’

As Sophie obeyed, she wondered about Mark’s relationship with his aunt. As far as she could gather, each was the only relative the other had, yet there didn’t seem to be a great deal of mutual affection. And when she’d tentatively asked Mark if his aunt couldn’t lend him the money for the Jefferson partnership, he’d stared at her as if she was crazy.

‘Aunt Edwina?’ He’d laughed. ‘Darling, that glorified junk shop of hers doesn’t provide that kind of income.’

Sophie didn’t argue, but she wondered whether Mark wasn’t too dismissive of his aunt’s business. The shop was always attractive and well-stocked, and Miss Langton appeared to have a shrewd knowledge of the value of each and every item.

Mark was stretched out on the sofa, watching television, but he sat up eagerly as Sophie came in.

‘Darling.’ He drew her down to him and kissed her, his lips lingering on hers. ‘God, you look beautiful—like a million dollars.’

She smiled rather tautly, and sat down beside him. ‘While we’re on the subject of money, I went to see Angelo Marchese today.’

‘You did?’ Mark almost yelped. ‘You wonderful girl. What did he say? Is he going to help us?’

‘Up to a point.’ Sophie chose her words carefully. ‘He wants to meet you, and after that, hopefully, he’s going to talk my parents round about our marriage.’

‘Fantastic.’ Mark hugged her, his face jubilant. ‘So all I have to do is convince him I’m a solid citizen, and worth a boost in the right direction. Consider it done.’ He shook his head at her. ‘And you didn’t want to approach him.’

‘I still wish I hadn’t.’ Sophie stared down at the carpet. ‘He made a pass at me.’

‘Well, I’m not surprised,’ Mark said cheerfully. ‘You look delectable. I can hardly keep my hands off you myself,’ he added with a ferocious leer.

Sophie didn’t smile. ‘Don’t you care?’ she asked curiously.

He sighed almost impatiently. ‘Of course I care, darling, but I don’t suppose it was any big deal. You’re a member of his family now, after all. Besides, according to the papers, he has bigger fish to fry,’ he added carelessly. ‘Some dress designer woman. There was a picture of them at some nightclub last night.’ Mark slid his arm round her shoulders. ‘Now, tell me everything Marchese said.’ He paused. ‘I don’t suppose he mentioned lending you the money.’

‘No, he didn’t,’ Sophie said. ‘And I could never ask him, Mark. Please believe that.’

‘All right.’ He gave a faint shrug. ‘We’ll play it the way you want it, darling. It seems to have worked pretty well up to now. What did you do? Appeal to his better nature?’

‘I don’t think he has one,’ Sophie said bitterly. ‘No, I—I reminded him that he’d been kind to me when I was a child—that’s all.’

He grinned. ‘Well, it was certainly enough.’

More than enough, Sophie thought bitterly. It disturbed her that Mark seemed to have failed to understand her feelings in all this. He regarded the events of the day as some kind of unqualified triumph, as if all their difficulties had been swept away in one fell swoop.

Sophie, however, was far from sure about this. She had no doubt that Angelo could persuade her stepfather to do almost anything he chose—if he wished, but he had made no actual guarantees.

She said slowly, ‘Mark, perhaps it would be safer not to hope for too much.’

‘Nonsense,’ Mark said briskly. ‘Can’t you see, darling, that just to meet someone of Angelo Marchese’s stature is the biggest break I’ve ever had. It’s the kind of chance I’ve dreamed of.’

Sophie gave him an uneasy glance. ‘Still, maybe it would be better not to say anything yet to Craig Jefferson.’

He shrugged. ‘Probably not.’ He smiled at her. ‘Who knows? If I play my cards right, maybe I won’t need Jeffersons any more anyway.’

Her alarm deepened. ‘What do you mean?’

He sighed. ‘Oh, come on, Sophie. If it comes to a choice between Jeffersons and—say—the Marchese bank, then it’s no contest. Even you must be able to see that.’

‘But there is no choice,’ Sophie protested, beginning to feel desperate. Mark seemed to be disappearing out of sight suddenly.

‘Not yet. But then I haven’t met your cousin.’ Mark said almost absently. ‘When and where is this meet to take place? Should I ring the bank? Make an appointment?’

Sophie sighed. ‘No—you’ll meet him at my parents’ anniversary party. And he’s not my cousin,’ she added sharply.

He gave her an indulgent smile. ‘Don’t quibble, sweetheart. And do cheer up. After all, this is exactly what we wanted.’

‘It’s what you wanted certainly,’ Sophie said coolly. She rose, smoothing a non-existent crease in her skirt with hands that shook a little. ‘I just hope we don’t live to regret it.’

She felt no happier on the night of the anniversary party itself. She’d been on edge all day, but trying to hide it as she helped Barbara and Mrs Curzon the housekeeper to complete the final touches.

She was dreading the moment when she would have to face Angelo again. The memory of that shameful kiss he had inflicted on her was still strong, and she was unable either to laugh it off as unimportant, or shrug it away as experience. In fact, she was in danger of becoming obsessive about it, she told herself. And the most galling reflection was that Angelo would undoubtedly be highly amused if he knew of her heartsearchings over such a triviality.

She was in her room when his car swept up the drive. She caught a glimpse of the chauffeur opening the back of the Rolls, and his dark figure emerging, before whisking herself away from the window. The last thing she wanted was for him to look up and catch her peeping at him like a schoolgirl.

She took all the time in the world to bathe and dress for the party, timing her descent to the drawing room to coincide with Mark’s arrival.

She took a long look in the mirror, and nodded with qualified approval. The new dress in white chiffon with its draped Grecian bodice and floating skirt was becoming, and she hoped her hair, piled into a carefully casual top-knot gave her some added sophistication.

Mark was standing before the appletree-log fire which had been kindled on the drawing room’s wide hearth. He looked unfamiliar in the formality of his dinner jacket, and endearingly apprehensive as he glanced towards the door. Sophie went into his arms like a homing bird, lifting her mouth for his kiss.

‘God, you look beautiful,’ he said huskily.

She smiled up at him. ‘We aim to please,’ she whispered teasingly.

He swallowed. ‘Is he here?’

She nodded. ‘He arrived about a couple of hours ago,’ she said neutrally.

‘Has he said anything?’

Sophie bit her lip. ‘I—er I haven’t seen him yet,’ she offered rather weakly. ‘I was upstairs when he arrived and …’

Mark groaned. ‘I suppose you’re avoiding him,’ he accused. ‘Sophie, for heaven’s sake. We need to be nice to the man, and that includes you.’

‘Fine,’ she said tautly. ‘Just how nice would you like me to be? I’m sure he’ll meet me more than halfway.’

‘Darling,’ he said patiently. ‘You’re very innocent in many ways. Are you sure you didn’t just—misinterpret an avuncular gesture?’

‘Perfectly,’ Sophie said. ‘Any uncle who behaved like that could end up in court.’

He gave her a coaxing smile. ‘My poor love, you sound as if you had quite a shock. But you’re quite safe. I’ll take care of you.’

It was what she wanted to hear, and as his arms closed round her again, she melted eagerly against him, closing her mind to everything but the realisation that this was Mark who she loved and who loved her …

From the doorway, Angelo said drily, ‘La disturbo? Am I disturbing you?’

Mark released her hurriedly, and Sophie stepped back, her face flaming, avoiding Angelo’s ironic gaze as he came slowly across the room towards them.

He said coolly, ‘Allow me to introduce myself. I am Angelo Marchese, and I think you must be the young man Sophie intends to marry.’

‘I’m Mark Langton, yes.’ While they shook hands, Sophie sought to recover her composure.

‘I must apologise for my thoughtless intrusion,’ Angelo was saying pleasantly. ‘But I did not expect to find the drawing room occupied. Sono molto dispiacente.’

Mark said eagerly, ‘It really doesn’t matter. After all, the main purpose of my being here is to meet you.’

Angelo’s eyes rested on his meditatively. ‘As you say,’ he agreed. ‘Perhaps we could further our acquaintance over a drink? Sophie—will you act as hostess for us. I’ll have whisky with ice if you please.’

‘And with soda for me,’ Mark put in, and Sophie noted irritably that his tone was almost deferential.

She said expressionlessly, ‘Of course’ and went off to get the drinks. When she returned Mark was in full spate about Craig Jefferson’s company and the amazing opportunity for investment it presented, while Angelo listened with courteous interest. Mark broke off almost reluctantly to accept the drink she handed him.

Angelo lifted his glass to her. ‘You are an enchantment to the eyes, mia cara,’ he said softly. He looked at her empty hands. ‘You don’t drink with us. Not even a sherry—or perhaps—a glass of wine?’

Sophie shook her head, her eyes meeting his unflinchingly. ‘I don’t think alcohol agrees with me,’ she said.

Angelo’s eyes narrowed mockingly, but he made no reply, and at that moment John and Barbara came into the room, Barbara exclaiming distractedly because they had not been the first downstairs.

After that, the evening seemed to merge into a blur for Sophie. At the dinner table, she was nowhere near either Mark or Angelo and couldn’t hear what, if anything, they were saying to each other.

And when the meal was over, she had to do the dutiful rounds of the other guests before she could ask her mother tentatively if she knew where Mark was.

Barbara frowned. ‘He and Angelo seem to be smoking cigars in the conservatory,’ she said tartly. ‘I hope that young man doesn’t mean to be a nuisance and monopolise Angelo for the remainder of the evening. He seems to be following him about, and as he’s your guest, it’s up to you to see that he behaves. I don’t want Angelo to be annoyed.’

‘Oh, God forbid,’ Sophie’s chin lifted. ‘It doesn’t occur to you, Mother, that they might have mutual interests to discuss this evening?’

Mrs Marchese gave her a dry look. ‘Frankly, no, darling. Now please rescue Angelo. After all, he comes down here to relax.’

‘Oh, really?’ Sophie was openly sarcastic. ‘I thought he had Signora Vanni for that.’

Barbara’s expression was scandalised. ‘Sophie—that is no concern of yours.’

Sophie shrugged wearily. ‘Of course not. I’m sorry. I’ll—go and break up the smoking party.’

But as she moved along the covered walk to the conservatory, Mark was already coming to meet her, his face alight, and his eyes gleaming with excitement.

‘There you are.’ He grabbed her arm, bruising the flesh. ‘I’ve got to talk to you.’

Sophie detached herself, rubbing her arm ruefully. ‘Is this private enough?’ she asked, indicating the long cane seat which stood against the wall.

‘Yes, of course.’ He said down with her. ‘Sophie, you’re all wrong about Angelo Marchese. He couldn’t have been nicer to me. He thinks, like me, that Craig’s offer is the chance of a lifetime.’ He paused, drawing breath. ‘He says that I have ambition, and he likes that,’ he disclosed with a kind of awe. ‘He wants to get to know me better—discuss my future in more depth—his own words.’ He took both her hands in his. ‘Sophie, he’s invited both of us to stay with him on this private island he has. He wants us to join him there at the end of the month.’ He paused again. ‘What do you think of that?’

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. ‘Angelo has invited you—us to Avirenze? I don’t believe it.’

‘Why not?’ Mark’s tone held a touch of aggression. ‘I just told you—we got on well together.’ He grinned. ‘And I have the distinct impression he means to make me an offer himself.’

‘An offer you can’t refuse?’ Sophie asked with a kind of desperate flippancy, then sobered. ‘Mark—do we have to accept this invitation?’

‘Of course we do.’ He stared at her as if she was mad. ‘A millionaire’s hideout near Capri—that’s fantasy stuff, and I’m not missing out. It’s different for you,’ he added a shade peevishly. ‘I suppose you’ve been there a dozen times already.’

‘No,’ she said. ‘I never have. My parents go each year, but they were always invited during term time.’ She gave a wry smile. ‘I can understand why, I suppose. I was enough of a brat to have started asking embarrassing questions about why Angelo was there with a different lady each time.’

‘Was he?’

Sophie’s brows lifted. ‘You sound envious,’ she accused with a smile in her voice.

But Mark didn’t seem to hear the smile. He said flatly, ‘Don’t be ridiculous. Is this why you don’t want to go to Avirenze? Because of some silly childhood embargo?’

She shook her head. ‘Of course not. But I don’t understand this invitation, and I can’t really believe it’s all as simple and friendly as you seem to think.’ She took a breath. ‘What it boils down to is—I don’t like Angelo, and I don’t trust him either.’

‘Oh for God’s sake, you’re letting your prejudices run away with you,’ Mark said irritably. ‘This is important to me, Sophie, and important to my career. Hell, after we’re married, we’ll have to entertain clients, and you’re not going to like them all, but you’re going to have to behave as if you do. Well, start practising with your cousin Angelo.’

‘Angelo is not my cousin,’ Sophie reminded him wearily. ‘And he’s not noted for his philanthropy either.’

Mark shrugged. ‘He agreed to help you when you asked him, didn’t he,’ he demanded unarguably. ‘Anyway, I don’t know what you’re complaining about. A couple of weeks in the sun off the coast of Italy. Where’s the harm in that?’

The harm, Sophie thought, was Angelo—the shadow in that sun. But it was clearly pointless pursuing any such argument with Mark. She’d seen Angelo’s charm in operation before, and although she was immune, Mark was bound to be flattered by the attention he was receiving.

She said quietly, ‘If you’re really set on going, I suppose I must agree.’

‘Sophie—don’t act like a martyr,’ he appealed with an irritated groan. ‘This could be a turning point in our lives.’ He kissed her. ‘It will be wonderful,’ he whispered. ‘I know it will.’

She made herself smile, return his kiss, but the warmth of his lips did little to dispel the chill of unease within her—the chill that reminded her that the Marchese family had been manipulating people since the time of the Doges of Venice.

The party didn’t break up until nearly three in the morning. It had been a great success, and people were leaving with obvious reluctance.

Mark was among the first to go. ‘I don’t want to out-stay my welcome,’ he murmured as he kissed her goodbye. ‘After all, I want your family to like me.’

Sophie was troubled, however, as she made her way back to the drawing room. John and Barbara had been little more than civil all evening, and she could imagine their reaction when they learned Mark was going to Avirenze. If Angelo’s ploy was to force Mark into their company, then it clearly wasn’t going to work, and so she would tell him.