Female orgasm (Питер Хоуп)

Female orgasm (Питер Хоуп)
Автор: Питер Хоуп
Жанр: книги по психологиихобби / увлечениясекс / секс-руководствасемейная психологияруководства по сексусексуальное здоровьепсихология, мотивациядом, дачасекс и отношениякниги для чтения на английском языкеженская сексуальность
Язык: Русский
Размер: 799016 Кб
Издательство: SelfPub
Полная версия:
Описание книги:
In the book "Female orgasm. The best guide" describes in detail 11 types of female orgasm and techniques for achieving full satisfaction of a partner, including the technique of squirt. 9 ways to help a partner achieve orgasm are described. 4 tips are given to women who can't enjoy it - how to fix it. And 20 poses are described by a man from behind for a bright female orgasm. After reading the book, there is a passionate desire to apply knowledge in practice and see your woman satisfied and satisfied!