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The Legend
The Legend
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The Legend

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– Put everything on the bed.

Ting did just that. Then Atanasius handed the boy a copper and, patting the guy on the head, thanked him for his work. Leaving the room, Ting was very pleased with himself. You could read it on his face.

Then Tan lit an oil lamp in order to better see what the boy brought him. Opening the first package, he found leather pants with skillfully sewn protection in the form of metal plates. Opening the second package, he found high boots in it. Having examined them better, Tan realized that these boots have several additional details that he did not discuss with the tailor. First, the toe and heel of the boot were reinforced with metal inserts. In addition, the boots had a lacing with three fasteners in the front, along the entire length of the boot and looked very solid. Tan involuntarily smiled, having received aesthetic pleasure from what he saw, and in fact it is very difficult for him to please. Then his gaze fell on the third bundle. The agreement was only about pants and boots, and he could not put his mind to what was in it. Carefully opening the package, he saw that it contained gloves, which were also reinforced with sewn metal plates for the most severe strike in hand-to-hand combat.

“I'll have to bring him a bottle of good ale,” Tan thought.

Without becoming a long wait, Atanasius proceeded to try on clothes, and not finding any flaws, he was satisfied, went downstairs to have a bite of a couple of chicken eggs and blood sausage. However, on the way to meet him, Bercy came across, who had just entered the guest house. Seeing Tan, he stretched out and was about to approach him with a marching step, but Tan, seeing this, immediately stopped him, slightly waving his lowered hand. Then he himself approached Bercy and asked why he was here. Bercy said that before tomorrow's meeting, Duke Erhard is gathering generals for an informal meeting at his estate today. So to speak, a secular evening. The general will wait for Tan at his place, so that he would attend the evening with him as a confidant. Tan rolled his eyes in displeasure, but there was no choice.

“All right, tell the general that I'll be arriving in the evening.

Bercy nodded, pressed his hand to his chest and left, and Tan sat down at the table to satisfy his hunger.


In the evening, Athanasius Mirra, in full uniform, including new clothes, stood near the general's carriage. The only thing he didn't wear from his entire arsenal was the gloves that Bert gave him. So it was accepted that a confidant should be staffed both for battle and accompany the general as his warrior at social evenings. Tan looked imposing. The local service staff looked out of the windows to look at this impressive war. The maids crowded at the windows. They winked at Tan and whispered to each other, laughing and biting their lips. And not surprisingly, Athanasius was in great shape as never before. His muscles wrapped around his arms like steel ropes. New, padded leather pants hugged his powerful thighs. He had shoulder-length light brown hair that was slightly wavy at the ends. The small bristles also added a brutal look. When the general went out, his face expressed seriousness, his lips were frowning, and frowning eyebrows stretched to the floor, but when he saw Tan, he cheered up and calmed down, because it was obvious that General Swann was nervous. Such evenings were new to him, but their attendance allowed him to acquire new acquaintances and promote his ideas among all the participants in the evening much more effectively than debates in the council. Swann knew this. Athanasius also knew this, therefore, when the general approached him, he whispered in a whisper, "General, this is like the first battle, you just need to start, and then everything will go like clockwork." Swan smiled and patted Tan on the shoulder.

– Damn, how healthy you are! I myself was not small at your age, but I can definitely say that I am far from you. I've never seen a man of your size, comparable only to a bear, be so fast. Well, okay, the general gasped, let's go to these vultures, we'll show that we are not bastard either. Then they plunged into the carriage and, a procession of a carriage and ten mounted warriors moved towards Erhard's estate.

About a quarter of an hour later, they arrived at the central doors of the estate. Erhard was an extremely influential figure and enormous funds were spent on such a house. To climb from the road to the central entrance, it was necessary to overcome a staircase with massive granite steps, which were polished to a shine. On the sides, which, flaunted the figures of lions frozen in a menacing roar. Along the way, a red carpet was laid along which servants stood with trays on which there were wine glasses with various alcoholic beverages. But Swann and Athanasius did not even look at them, stubbornly moving towards the door.

Castellan, standing not far from the door, bowed to the guests. Swann handed two invitations into his hands. After reading them, with a false smile, he bowed again to the general and gestured to the servants to open the door shutters made of gilded metal.

Moving towards the door, Tan suddenly smiled and whispered in Swann's ear. Decent generals lead women to a secular evening, and you drag a soldier in full uniform.

But, I'm a combat general, right? And the same could not help smiling.

Before entering, Svan said the phrase: – "Well, into battle …" and, without slowing down, both went inside.


As soon as they crossed the threshold, I will fight, out of nowhere, the waiters with drinks and snacks were next to them.

– General Swann, how glad I am to see you today in this hall, throwing his hands up, said Duke Erhard. Coming closer, he embraced the general, not taking his eyes off Athanasius.

– God, who is this?

“This is my confidant and the best fighter in His Majesty's army, Athanasius Mirra,” the general announced with pride.

– How wonderfully harmonious he is!

– That's right, Duke!

– Excuse me not to call me that again! In an informal setting, for you I am Erhard, and that's it! The duke said with pompous resentment.

The way Duke Erhard looked at him made Athanasius uneasy. Suddenly Erhard turned sharply away from him, as from a bored toy, and again embracing Swann, led him to get acquainted with the palace elite of Arkon. Tan stayed where he was, watching as all the gentlemen in turn shook the general's hand, smiled and courted him. But, as soon as the general left, having said a couple of words, to meet other guests of the evening, their smile immediately disappeared. He saw them, screwing up their eyes, looking with envy at the trail of the future member of the military council.

– Yes, here's the mighty of this world for you, a snake ball, and that's all, Tan thought.

Deciding to look around, he took a glass of apple juice, and began his journey to determine the escape in case of emergency. He always did this, it was his habit. “If you want to survive, you have to be ready for anything,” Tan liked to repeat. Having walked around the hall a couple of three times, he already knew on which staircase how many steps, which doors were open and which were locked, as well as the number of guards. Then Tan set to work on the servant and after a while his gaze settled on the incredible beauty of the girl who was handing out glasses of wine. Something set her apart from the rest of the maid crew. She had a slender waist, but from the shoulders and hips, he realized that the girl devotes quite a lot of time to strength exercises. She had a firm gaze that noticed all the guests in the hall. But this gaze was exclusively watching the duke. Then the girl turned her head and their eyes met. Tan smiled at her, but the girl, noticing that she had become the object of someone's attention, was immediately lost in the crowd. An attempt to find her again turned out to be even. Tan found it a bit strange, but the course of his thought process was unceremoniously interrupted by the sound of the opening of the central doors. Time seemed to have stopped, and he saw the young general and two of his guards enter the hall.

– What the fuck ?! Tan asked a question to himself.

As if having heard this question, Duke Erhard immediately climbed the stairs and, having passed a couple of steps to rise above the rest, stopped, turning to the guests.

“Ladies and gentlemen, at my invitation, we were joined by the general of the Batro corps of the army of His Majesty King Orma, an ally of His Holiness King Virgil. – Greetings, General Argos!

Argos greeted those present with a subtle nod of his head. He looked very young for such a title. Medium height. Athletic physique. With a direct and firm gaze. It was clear that he was not a bit, was not nervous and was not embarrassed by the attention to his person. Erhard then followed the same procedure as with General Swann. A little courtesy and they went to all the guests to get to know each other as a sign of respect. Athanasius did not take his eyes off them. An explosive cocktail of anger, bewilderment, disgust, and oddly enough interest was seething in him.

Having met half of the guests, Erhard and General Argos retired in some room, judging by the entire personal study of the duke, at the door of which the retinue of Argos remained.

After staying there, they left for a while, and Erhard continued to acquaint Argos with the remaining generals and board members. At the moment when General Swann's turn came, Athanasius was somewhere three steps behind him.

– General Argos, began the Duke, let me introduce you to General Swann, now a member of His Majesty's military council.

– Greetings, General! said Argos, in a calm voice. His hairless face did not produce any emotion, but it was clear that, unlike the others, he had respect for Swann. Only then did Tan notice. Eyes. They were the same as in his dreams.

– I've heard a lot about you and your successes on the battlefield. How you know how to fight, there are legends, even among our soldiers, said Argos.

Swann opened his mouth to respond with courtesy to courtesy, which was required by the protocol of ethics and diplomacy, but Athanasius was ahead of him. Slowly coming out from behind the general and not taking his eyes off Argos, he said:

– Your skills also certainly deserve attention.

Argos's face showed surprise. He immediately looked at the duke.

This confidant of the Swann general, Athanasius Mirra, was pronounced by Erhard, and his speech sparked with irritation.

– You choose the moment to attack very carefully, right?

The Wotan was silent, while it was evident that he frowned. His brow ridges slid down.

“The most favorable time is at night, when there are only unarmed men, women and children in the villages,” Athanasius growled loudly.

The guests who were nearby were silent, watching the scene.

General Swann immediately turned to him. – These are the deeds of days gone by, he said, and began to take his friend away, turning him towards the exit.

– Maybe we should show you our skills, mister Mirra ?! pronounced Argos.

Tan stopped. The general's attempts to move him from his place did not lead to anything. He turned around. There was rage in his eyes. Clenching his hands into fists, he began to approach Argos. But Swann, catching up with Atanasius, whispered: – Come to your senses! What are you doing? And the red veil fell from his eyes. He looked at the duke, who was furious. His nostrils drew in eagerly, his eyes turned red, his lips narrowed into a barely visible line.

– I apologize! Mirra said, then turned around and headed for the exit.

–“How about a show fight before the opening of the celebrations,” Argos called after him.

Athanasius turned to face him, but did not approach, so as not to tempt fate.

“Arkon and Wotan,” he continued. What is not an excellent start to the celebration of the beginning of the great union – Our reconciliation! And, of course, demonstrations of fighting skills. As he spoke his last words, he grinned.

The duke, hurt by this impudent behavior, supported Argos. “So be it,” he said. Tomorrow, in the grand arena, before the opening of the celebration in honor of the peace and union of the states of Wotan and Arkon. A demonstration fight will take place. As far as I understand, the representative of Arkon has already been chosen, for there is no one who could compare with the inimitable Athanasius Mirra, Erhard said with an arrogant grin. Who will speak on behalf of Wotan? the duke turned to General Argos.

There was a deathly silence.

– I am!


– Athanasius! What the hell are you doing? General Swann asked him with obvious nervousness in his voice. “Forgive me, I don’t know what came over me. When I saw his eyes, it was like I was back at that time. I felt the same fear that I experienced then.

– Understand that I still have no influence on the local officials. People like the duke do not forgive such disrespectful behavior. You made a scene at his house! In his presence.

Athanasius was silent, completely lost in his thoughts. He just looked at the fire in General Swann's fireplace and recalled the horror from his childhood. Time has stopped for him.

– You must understand, continued Swann, I'm not worried about what you will do, this guy, on the contrary, breathed out Swan, I'm afraid that after you, he will be carried out of the circle on a stretcher.

– So what? Tan spoke indifferently, not taking his eyes off the fire.

– And then, Svan said sadly, that he is the son of King Orm.

Tan looked up, and in his eyes was read the gravity of what had happened.

– So, you will immediately pack your things and leave the city. I will say that you have recovered with my urgent report to the leadership of the Marne Corps and …

Tan interrupted him without listening to his friend's proposal. – I'll perform tomorrow!

– What the devil !? Didn't you hear me now !?

– I heard everything perfectly. But I will stay and take this fight. All my life I have been trying to forget my past. But in truth, I always knew that I could not escape from it, it is part of me. I became what I became. You can't change me. And tomorrow this arrogant bastard will get his. And then … Come what may.


He was nervous, putting on the last piece of his combat suit. These were the gloves Bert had given him. The morning was frosty. The air was damp and cold. Through the window opening, he looked at the sky, which was covered with clouds. They replaced each other and became darker and darker. – Yeah, not the best weather to start the holiday, Tan thought. – It looks like the rain is inevitable. But that didn't really bother him. He fought in much worse weather conditions. And now he was ready. But something did not give rest. He probably guessed that his fate would not remain the same anymore. He sat and thought about his mother. He remembered her last words, her farewell look, and a wild longing for her burst into his soul.

His thoughts were interrupted by a man in a long robe, apparently one of the organizers of the celebration. With great respect, he turned to Tan: "Mr. Mirra, it's time to get out." After these words, Tan stood up. He went over to the scabbard lying on the table and pulled out a sword. His comrade-in-arms, as always, was magnificent, sharpened and polished. Do not enter the circle yet, not yet entering the arena of the amphitheater, he heard the rumble of the crowd through the walls. Tan did not know how many people were there, but he guessed that a huge number of people would come to such an event. When the gigantic shutters opened in front of him, he suddenly remembered how General Swann had come to him a couple of hours ago. Before leaving for his seat on the balcony of the large arena, Swann hugged him, smiling slightly. However, Tan felt his close friend was nervous. In response, he also smiled and they both silently looked into each other's eyes for a while. Out of habit, he slapped Tan on the shoulder and said: – Don't hit him too hard, okay ?! Then he laughed and withdrew into the darkness of the corridor.

There he smiled, remembering this, and moved through the invisible wall that separated him from the crowd.

He walked to the center of the circle to an approving noise, looking around, and marveled at the scale of the amphitheater. It seemed to the spectators that a whole army had gathered. He saw that all the seats, both standing and sitting, were taken. Representatives of all classes were here. Common people were shouting, having fun, everyone was in high spirits. But suddenly, on the opposite side of the circle, the shutters of the doors also began to open. At that moment, Tan stopped hearing the crowd. In the depths of the opening that had opened, there was impenetrable darkness, and he saw Argos emerge from it. Dressed in all black, he approached our hero with a confident gait. Coming closer, Tan noticed that he had never seen such strange protection in his life. She was whole from foot to neck. Tan did not notice a single seam or a single rope on it. The material did not look like metal hidden under the skin, but rather like wet clay. The torso was made in the shape of a human body. The armor had thickening on the arms and legs. In the area of the ribs, a round sign with unknown runes and lines that crossed each other was distinguished. The only thing that differed from monolithic armor was the traditional Voton schenti.

Before each of his battles, he saw excitement and fear in the eyes of the enemy. Lack of confidence in their abilities. But now everything was different, it seemed to him that Argos was even slightly grinning and the corners of his lips were raised. Suddenly, a horn sounded shrilly throughout the amphitheater, announcing the beginning of a week-long celebration. The man who spoke into the large brass megaphone happily announced that King Virgil and Duke Erhard are now present in the large arena. After a speech of eulogy addressed to His Majesty, the Duke took the floor as he walked out to the edge of the royal balcony. He also began to congratulate the people and praise the world, then introduced the two participants in the battle, saying that, before the start of the celebration, a demonstration battle would be fought between two representatives of the once warring races. In which blows to the head with a sword are prohibited.

Tan had already taken a fighting stance, but then Erhard said: – And at the end of my speech, I am proud and with great pleasure, I present to you, our guest, King Orm. The doors to the royal box opened, and King Orme walked into the balcony, dressed in beautiful black robes with gold embroidery.

I was dumbfounded there. His mouth opened involuntarily. He just couldn't believe what he was seeing. Before his gaze, the face of the past has just appeared. Next to King Virgil, smiling, stood the one who killed the inhabitants of his village 30 years ago. Someone who is involved in the death of his parents. His face has aged slightly. Combat clothes changed to royal ones, but it was him. Orm sat down on a chair next to the king and the duke bellowed: "Let the battle begin!"…


I fight after the last words of Erhard, drums sounded like thunder. Their sound was picked up by the harp, and some kind of wind instruments.

Athanasius came to his senses only after an attempt by Argos to strike from above. Tan, withdrew from the line of attack, pushing the corps back, and now all his attention was riveted on Argos. Argos made a couple of preparatory actions and struck with lightning speed from the bottom up. Tan repulsed his sword with a backhand, but immediately the opponent tried to make a stab in the stomach, turning on its own axis. Although it was difficult, Tan left the line of attack, but Argos did not yield and continued to test the strength of Athanasius's defense. The fighters moved in so much music. The crowd rejoiced at the confrontation they saw. King Orm did not leave a smile, with pleasure, and King Virgil, on the contrary, was focused, because his fighter was still only defending himself.

Tan had sweat on his face, but his eye was still hard. His few counterattacks, choked with the speed of the movements of Argos. Never before had he found himself in such a difficult situation. To say that Tan was surprised is to say nothing. It seemed that all this time, in battle, in no way affected the prince. He was fresh, breathing evenly, unlike Tan, who was already greedily sucking in air through his nostrils. Argos' attacks were accompanied by a smirk on his haughty face.

But Tan was experienced and intelligent. He noticed even minor things. And once again, when Argos tried to strike with a jab in the area of his chest, Tan took the body to the side and with all his might struck in the right side of Argos, who was strengthened by the gloves presented to him. And what was his surprise that from the blow Argos did not even frown, and Tan felt as if he had smashed against the wall. – Your mother, what the hell was spinning in the head of our hero. What the hell is this armor made of? Tan managed to catch Argos several more times. He hit other parts of his body, but the effect was the same.

It seems that, and Argos did not meet a rival like Tan. It was evident that intermittent swallowing of air had replaced his calm, moderate breathing. Tan stared into his eyes, he stared back. Faint memories of the past appeared in Athanasius's head, and after the prince's rough attack with the sword and then the body, Tan fell to the ground, being on his knee. It was as if a horse had hit him. Her breath caught. Moisture and coldness settled in his lungs. Tan could not resist and had to clear his throat. Argos walked around him in circles, and no trace of his smile remained. Then, with a vicious grin, he raised his sword and slashed with superhuman speed, aiming at the head. The people gasped! No one would have been able to react. No one. But Tan, managed to give the body movement forward, and dived under the right arm of Argos, while pushing off the ground with his foot. He aimed his left fist at his jaw. Argos tried to dodge, but Athanasius was so quick that he was able to hit the prince and hit on a tangent. However, this was enough for Argos to lose his balance and fall, dropping his sword.

The rain began to drizzle. Athanasius glanced at the royal box. King Orme was darker than the night. There was such rage in his eyes that it seemed that he could kill at a distance. His gaze slowly moved from his son to his rival. The same damn look, Tan thought.

Argos noticed that Tan was completely infatuated with his father. He quickly raised his sword and struck as quickly as he could. Tan only managed to substitute his sword. The blow was so powerful that the vibration of the collision of the swords raced throughout the body. Then another blow, and another. On the final blow, Tan put his sword mechanically, without even seeing it. There was a clang, and Athanasius's sword shattered.

The music stopped. The entire amphitheater fell silent. There was silence. The rain began to pour in full force.

– Ufffff, gasped Argos, not taking his eyes off Thane. They looked at each other for a while, then Argos spoke: – Do you think this is the end? he said with hatred. – You're wrong! After these words, he threw his sword aside. “You disgraced me in front of my father. Get up motherfucker! Tan barely got up, leaning on his knee, seeing off his comrade on the last journey, the fragments of which were strewn across the circle.

Quickly closing the distance, the prince struck with his right then left hand. Tan staggered backward, covering his head with his hands. At that moment, two severe blows to the body flew to him. Tan counterattacked, but in vain. A barrage of blows rained down his face and body. Each blow felt like a hammer blow. My head was buzzing. My ears were ringing. In the eyes of an impenetrable veil. Only a few seconds separated Tana from unconsciousness. He swayed like a leaf in the wind, but still standing. Blood ran down his battered face. Everything seemed to freeze and at that moment, Tan received a blow to the head with an insane force.

He fell, no longer to the ground, but into the arms of darkness, and only the sound of erupting water from heaven connected him with reality!

Chapter 3 (New Friend)

Tan barely opened his eyes. The light was blinding to him. He grimaced in pain. And even the very contraction of the muscles on the face caused pain. He groaned slightly. How his face hurt.

Seeing that Tan woke up, the hospital's nurse immediately ran up to him and, putting her hands on her shoulders, quietly but affirmatively said: "You cannot get up, Mr. Mirra." You have a severe concussion, as well as a dislocated lower jaw, bruised ribs and kidneys. Tan made a heart-rending sound again.

– Where I am? He asked with a shiver in his swollen lips.

– You're in the hospital. You were brought here after the battle. Do you remember?

Tan was silent as if trying to remember what had happened in the past couple of days. He tried to collect all the books on the shelves in his library of the mind, which was smashed by Prince Argos. Then he sat up. His head was spinning.

“He’s stubborn,” said the sister, and forcibly pushed him back to the hospital bed. You only make it worse.

– I have to talk to General Swann, with the last of his strength Tan mumbled, after which he lost consciousness.


His father was sitting at a table in a huge oak armchair. On his right hand stood a servant, head bowed. And his back was guarded by two armed soldiers, the best of the best in their field. Dinner was already served with various dishes and treats. In the middle of the table there was a beautiful composition of berries and fruits, around which jugs of wine were dancing in an intricate pattern. Most of the candles were extinguished. Twilight has always been his father's companion. Flames leapt from a nearby fireplace, and the crackling of a burning tree echoed from the high walls of the castle. It was a hunting room with various trophies hanging on the wall. The muzzles of the slain beasts with glass eyes looked down on the arriving guest.

– Leave us! The king ordered and in one second they were left alone. He wiped his lips with a napkin, tossing it casually on the table. Then he got up and walked over to his son. Anger was what filled his eyes. Coming close and not looking away, he punched Argos' face with the back of his hand. From the blow on the prince's face, the skin turned red and a small bleeding scratch formed from the ring.

Argos opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word, Orm interrupted him: "I don't need any excuses from you now," he bellowed. Then he turned away and walked over to the fireplace, looking at the fire for a while.

–How could this have happened? without taking his eyes off the bewitching beauty of the flame, he asked.

– With all due respect, father, one way or another, I won! I showed them all what is the strongest race on earth!

– Anyway?! Turning slowly, he asked. An ordinary man, with ordinary weapons and ordinary protection, almost kicked your royal ass! You were wearing "Isar", your mother! And you dare to say something !?