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Powerful and Proud: Beneath the Veil of Paradise / In the Heat of the Spotlight / His Brand of Passion
Powerful and Proud: Beneath the Veil of Paradise / In the Heat of the Spotlight / His Brand of Passion
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Powerful and Proud: Beneath the Veil of Paradise / In the Heat of the Spotlight / His Brand of Passion

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He glanced back at the sailboat, doing an exaggerated double-take. ‘What—this?’

‘Very funny.’

‘Yep, it’s my boat.’

‘Did you sail here?’

He laughed, reluctantly, because once he might have. Not any more. He didn’t trust himself out on the sea alone. ‘No, I flew in a plane like most people. I keep the boat moored here, though.’

‘I suppose the Bryants are a big sailing family and you started at the yacht club when you were a baby.’

He heard an edge to her voice that he recognised. She hadn’t grown up rich, suspected the proverbial silver spoon. ‘More like a toddler,’ he said, shrugging. ‘Do you sail?’

Lips pressed together. ‘No.’

‘You should try it.’

She glanced at him suspiciously. ‘Why?’

‘Because it’s fun. And freeing. And I’d like to see you out on the water, your hair blowing away from your face.’ She’d look softer then, he thought. Happier too, maybe.

‘You would, huh?’

‘Yeah. I would.’

‘Well, you already told me how you felt about my haircut.’

He chuckled. ‘True. Feel free to let me know if there’s anything you don’t like about my appearance.’

She eyed him up and down deliberately, and Chase felt a lick of excitement low in his belly. He liked that slow, considering look. Millie Lang was checking him out. ‘I will,’ she said slowly, ‘but there isn’t anything yet.’

‘No?’ He felt it again, that licking flame firing him up inside. Was Millie flirting? What had changed since last night, when she’d been as sharp and jagged as a handful of splinters? When he’d let her walk away because he told himself it was better—or at least easier—that way.

And then hadn’t stopped thinking about her all night.

‘Come aboard,’ he said, and stretched out a hand. She eyed it warily, and then with a deep breath like she was about to go underwater she took it and clambered onto the boat.

It was a small sailboat, just thirty-two feet long with one cabin underneath. He’d bought it with his first bonus and sailed halfway around the world on it, back when he’d been a hotshot. Now he cruised in the shallows, like some seventy year old pensioner with a bad case of gout and a dodgy heart. No risks. No stress. No fun.

‘It’s...nice,’ Millie said, and he knew she didn’t know a thing about boats. Who cared? He liked seeing her on deck, even if her clothes were still way too wrinkle-free. Today she wore a red-and-white-striped top and crisp navy-blue capris. Very nautical. Very boring. Yet he was intrigued by the way the boat-neck of her top revealed the hard, angular line of her collarbone. He wanted to run his fingers along that ridge of bone, discover if her skin was as icily soft as it had been last night.

‘I could take you out some time,’ he said. ‘On the boat.’ Why was she here? He stepped closer to her, inhaled the scent of her, something clean and citrusy. Breathed deep.

She turned to him, her hair sweeping along her jaw, and his gaze was caught by the angles of her jaw and shoulder, hard and soft. Her top had slipped a little, and he could see the strap of her bra: beige lace. No sexy lingerie for this lady, yet he still felt himself go hard.

‘You could,’ she said slowly, and he knew she was gearing up to say something—but what?

He folded his arms, adopted a casual pose. ‘So?’

‘So what?’

‘Why are you here, Millie?’

Again that trapped look, chin tilted with defiance. This woman was all contradiction. ‘Do you mind?’

‘Not a bit.’ And that was the truth.

She turned away, rubbing her arms as if she were cold. ‘How long are you on this island, anyway?’

‘A week, give or take.’

‘You’re not sure?’

‘I’m being flexible.’

‘And then you go back to New York?’

‘That’s the plan.’ This was starting to feel like an interrogation. He didn’t mind, but he wondered what she was getting at.

‘I’ve never come across you in New York,’ she said, almost to herself, and Chase just about kept himself from rolling his eyes.

‘It’s a pretty big city.’

She turned to face him. ‘And we move in completely different circles.’

‘Seems like it.’

‘So there’s no chance we’d see each other again.’

Maybe he should start feeling offended. But he didn’t; he just felt like smiling. Laughing. Why did he enjoy her prickliness so much? ‘Is that what you’re afraid of?’

She met his gaze squarely. ‘I’d prefer it if we didn’t.’

He rubbed his jaw. ‘If that’s what you’d prefer, why are you on my boat?’

‘I meant after. After this week.’ Her words seemed heavy with meaning, but he still didn’t get it.

‘OK. I think I can manage that.’ Even if he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

‘It would be easier,’ she said, sounding almost earnest now. ‘For me.’

Now he was really confused. ‘Millie, I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

‘I know.’ She pressed her lips together, gave a decisive nod. OK, Chase thought, here it comes. ‘I’m attracted to you. You probably know that.’

He lifted one shoulder in a shrug that could mean anything. He didn’t want to ruin this moment by agreeing or disagreeing; he just wanted her to keep talking.

‘And I think you’re attracted to me. Sort of.’

She looked so pathetically and yet endearingly vulnerable that Chase had to keep himself from reaching for her. What he would do when he had her in his arms, he wasn’t completely sure. He did know one thing. ‘I’m attracted to you, Millie. More than I’d ever expect.’

She let out a short laugh. ‘Because I’m not your usual type.’

‘No, you’re not. Does that matter?’ He wasn’t even sure what he was asking. Where was she going with this conversation?

‘No, I don’t think it does.’ She didn’t sound completely sure.

‘But, trust me, I am.’ If she risked a glance downwards, she’d know.

‘Well. Good.’

‘Glad we’re on the same page.’

She let out a breath and looked straight in his eyes. Vulnerability and strength, hard and soft. ‘I hope we are.’

‘Maybe we’d find out if you clued me into where this conversation is going.’

‘Fine.’ She took a deep breath, plunged. ‘I want to sleep with you.’

CHAPTER FOUR (#u05679086-c80e-5dc4-ba86-e2c794dd1af8)

TO HIS credit, Chase’s jaw didn’t drop. He didn’t laugh or raise his eyebrows or even blink. He just stared at her, expressionless, and Millie felt herself flush.

She’d decided on the straightforward approach because, really, what else could she do? She didn’t flirt. She couldn’t play the seductress, and in any case she knew instinctively that Chase would see through any gauzy ploys. No, all she had was a straight shot, and she’d fired it. Direct hit.

‘OK,’ Chase finally said, letting out a breath. ‘That’s...good to know.’

She gave a shaky huff of laughter. ‘I’m glad you think so.’

He rubbed his jaw, the movement inherently sexy. She could see the rippling muscled six-pack of his abs, the glint of sun on his stubble, his strong arms and lean fingers. Yes, she was definitely attracted to him. ‘So,’ he said. ‘What brought this about?’

Of course he’d start asking questions. Most guys would take what she said at face value and drop their pants. Not Chase. She should have realised this wasn’t going to be simple.

She shifted her weight, tried to act at least somewhat nonchalant. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Why me?’

‘You’re here, you’re interested and I’m attracted to you.’

He arched an eyebrow. ‘I take it this isn’t your normal behaviour?’

She swallowed, kept his stare. ‘No, not exactly.’

‘So why now?’

How much truth to tell? She decided to fire another straight shot. ‘Look, I don’t want to get into messy details. This isn’t about emotion, or getting to know each other, or anything like that.’

‘I appreciate your candour.’

‘Good.’ She felt that flush creep back. This had seemed like such a good idea last night, when she couldn’t forget how much she’d wanted him to kiss her. When having a fling with Chase Bryant had seemed like the perfect way to move on from the spectres of her failed life. To forget, at least for a little while.

From here it wasn’t looking so good.

‘So?’ she finally prompted, a definite edge to her voice.

‘Well, I’m flattered.’ Chase leaned over the boat to haul in some kind of rope. Millie waited, everything inside her tensing. He straightened, tossing the rope into a neat coil on the deck. ‘But I’m not that easy a lay.’

She blinked, tried desperately to arrange her face into some sort of blankness. ‘Oh? You could have fooled me.’

He looked almost amused. ‘Now what gave you the impression that I was a man-whore, Miss Scary?’

‘I didn’t mean that.’ Her face, Millie suspected, was bright red. ‘I only meant you asked me out last night and so you must’

‘Open?’ Now he really seemed amused.

‘To a—a no-strings type of...’ She trailed off, unwilling to put any of it in words. Affair? Fling? Relationship?

‘Thing?’ Chase supplied helpfully, and she nodded, bizarrely grateful.

‘Yes. Thing.’

‘Interesting.’ He reached for another rope, and Millie felt the boat rock under her feet.

‘So do you think you could give me your answer?’ she asked, trying not to sound impatient. Or desperate.

‘An answer,’ Chase mused, and Millie gritted her teeth. He was tormenting her. On purpose.

‘Yes, Chase. An answer.’

‘As to whether I’ll sleep with you.’

She heard the grinding screech as she gritted her teeth even harder. ‘Yes.’

He smiled as he coiled another rope on the deck. ‘The short answer is yes.’

She let out a quick, silent breath. ‘And the long answer?’

‘We’ll do it on my terms.’

He turned to her, completely relaxed, utterly in control. Millie felt her heart flip over in her chest. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant sensation. So, Chase would sleep with her. She would sleep with him. They would have sex.

Her body tingled. Her heart hammered and her mouth dried. Just what she had started here? And how would it finish?

‘Relax, Millie. I’m not about to drop my pants.’

Even if that was what she’d wanted from him originally: a simple, quick, easy transaction. Now she didn’t know what she wanted. She swallowed, tried to ease the dryness in her throat.

‘So what are your terms?’