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Crime and Social Policy – Hazel Kemshall

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Crime and Social Policy provides an invaluable examination of the relationship between social policy and crime. It draws on recent empirical research to offer important insights into the impact of current social policy trends on the lives of offenders. Provides an invaluable examination of the critical relationship between social policy and crime management Includes illuminating case studies on the impact of social policies on offenders Reviews current social policy trends and their influence on crime causation, crime rates, and crime management Discusses the role for social policy in promoting more effective reintegration of offenders into the community Draws on recent empirical research ranging from youth crime, anti-social behaviour, ‘problematic families’, and social security fraud The collection offers important insights into the impact of current social policy trends on the lives of offenders

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118509845

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