A controversial, throught-provoking and witty novel about the pursuit of perfection – the perfect appearance, relationship and life, from a young, hot talent.Sunny Weston is bright...
Can real life have a happy -ever-after? A controversial, debate-provoking novel about growing older, taking risks and living for the moment, from the author of the highly acclaimed...
A novel about cross-dressing, social apathy, and seeing the best in people, a little too late.It started when I came home and found my bloody pointless stupid bastard boyfriend, Ch...
19 декабря 1848 года
ушла из жизни Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Bronte) (родилась в 1818г.), английская писательница ("Грозовой перевал", "Душа моя не из трусливых").