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Second Chance Courtship
Second Chance Courtship
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Second Chance Courtship

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She stepped inside as Missy sped by.

“Don’t just stand there laughing, woman, catch her!” Trey lunged again, sliding on the polished wooden floor in his socks. Then he righted himself and in a few quick steps swept the still-giggling toddler into his arms for a bear hug.

Kara couldn’t help but clap her approval of the child’s antics—and Trey’s agile performance. She should have known a cowboy, once he got the hang of it, could round up a kid as easily as a calf.

Still clutching the shopping bag, butterfly wings hammering against the wall of her stomach, she carefully wiped her boots on the rug by the door. “My mom said I did exactly the same thing in here when I was little.”

A grinning Trey approached, Missy squirming in his arms. “You lived up here?”

“From birth through preschool. This was my folks’ first place in Canyon Springs, right above their new business.”

Trey assessed the space with a critical eye. “Now that Meg’s moved out, does your mom have any plans for it?”

Uh-oh. That sounded like a more-than-casual query. She didn’t want Trey upstairs. Didn’t want him in Canyon Springs at all. Mustering a benign smile, she cut him off at the pass. “She’ll need the extra storage space for inventory expansion. Besides, as you can probably tell, it’s not that well insulated. Cold in the winter and hot in the summer.”

The dark-eyed Missy stretched out a hand to her but she pretended not to notice.

“Meg didn’t have any complaints.” He glanced toward Mary who’d wandered to the far side of the room. He took a step closer to Kara and lowered his voice, apparently wanting to make sure the little girl was out of earshot. “Don’t want to talk about this in front of Mary—”

She tensed. Was he going to call her on the carpet? Right here and now?

“—but I’ve already worn out my welcome at my little brother’s place. They’ll be moving back to the parsonage soon, so I need an office and a place to bunk. This would be just the ticket.”

“Don’t think Mom would go for that.”

The slow smile that still made Kara’s heart skip a beat surfaced. “Why not?”

She glanced at the boots standing at attention by the door. A hat nestled on a bookcase shelf, out of reach of the girls. Then looked him over. Worn jeans. Tooled leather belt with a silver buckle. Western-cut burgundy shirt unbuttoned at the collar. Just like in high school, only a more muscled, more grown-up version of the senior classmate she remembered.

“I don’t think she’d go for, you know, a cowboy type.”

“No cowboys, huh?” He pried Missy’s fingers from his earlobe, but his amused gaze didn’t leave Kara’s face. “That’s discrimination, Kara.”

“What I mean is, if Mom was looking for a renter—which she’s not—she’d be expecting a steady income. A stable tenant who’d stick around awhile.”

“Then we’re in business.” He slapped his left leg, the apparent source of the limp. “Busted myself up so many times my surgeon’s washed his hands of me. Says I’d better not get on another bronc or bull or I could end up in traction the rest of my life. I’m grounded for good. So I’m your man.”

Her breath came a little quicker. Her man? Maybe in her dreams. Unfortunately, cowboying wasn’t the only drawback to Trey Kenton. She might as well be blunt. “Mom will remember you as you were in high school.”

“Boys grow up.” A friendly but assessing gaze slid over her and a smile quirked again. “Girls do, too.”

Their gazes met. How easy it would be to fall back into that old flirtatious teenage banter they used to share. The chemistry had stood the test of time, but she couldn’t risk it.

“Well, since Mom’s not looking to rent—”

“Maybe I’ll give her a call.”

He wouldn’t, would he? She lifted the shopping bag still clutched in her hand and held it out to him. It was time to make her escape.

“I stopped off at the Warehouse and got you a few things. Breakfast cereal and a half gallon of milk. T-shirts for the girls to sleep in. Toothpaste. Toothbrushes. A comb. Razor.”

Eyes twinkling, Trey caressed Missy’s soft cheek with the back of his hand. “Noticed the girls need a shave, did you?”

“Right.” Heart pounding, she handed off the bag and dragged her gaze from the firm jaw that once again showed evidence of a dusky shadow. “Snow’s still dumping, so I need to get going. Bedding’s in the chest over there. Meg said she’d washed it up. Washer and dryer behind the louvered doors.” She glanced at him again, still avoiding Missy, who now leaned forward in his arms, hands outstretched toward her. “Do you need any help with anything?”

She hoped not. But as the hostess for his overnight stay, she had to at least offer.

“No, you’ve been more than generous.” He set the bag on a nearby upholstered chair, the expression in his eyes becoming serious. Searching.

Oh, no. “Well, I’ll see you later then. Sleep tight.”

She turned toward the door, but he stepped forward to catch the upper arm of her coat sleeve.

Not now. I need to apologize. Beg his forgiveness. But not tonight. Not now.

He tugged on her sleeve and she momentarily closed her eyes, willing her heart to quiet. Even ventured a prayer. Then took a quick breath and faced him again.

He released her arm but held her gaze. “I know you need to get going, but I’m sorry Meg put you on the spot—offering the apartment without asking you first.”

“Happy to help out.” Happy? What a liar she was.

He glanced down at the floor, then back at her as if uncertain how to proceed. “Look, Kara, for whatever reason, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot at Meg’s tonight. Maybe even last night in the parking lot at Kit’s.”

She clasped her still-gloved hands. “Guess we were both caught off guard.”

He shifted Missy in his arms and thrust out a hand, his gaze penetrating hers. “What do you say then? Truce?”

Chapter Five

Now. Apologize now.

But she hesitated, her jaw tightening as their gazes held. She nibbled her lower lip, then took a ragged breath.

A truce.

“I guess it all depends.” She lifted her trembling chin.

Trey withdrew his outstretched hand, his expression uncertain. “On what?”

She swallowed. Now. Say it now. “On if you can forgive me for not coming forward after the fire. For not—”

Trey held up a hand to halt her, then nodded to Mary who was now checking out the contents of Kara’s shopping bag only a few feet away.

She’d totally forgotten about the little girl’s presence.

“Honey—” he smiled at his niece “—why don’t you trot on into the bathroom and get ready for bed? Kara’s got something in the bag for you to wear to sleep in. I’ll be in to help you in a few minutes.”

Moving to crouch down by the child and shopping bag, Kara pulled out an adult-size, pink I Love Arizona T-shirt. She’d hoped the girls would like the shimmery trim and the satin ribbon threaded along the hem, a delicate bow tied off to the side. Judging by the delight on Mary’s face when she handed it to her, she’d guessed right.

Eyes wide, Mary glanced at her uncle, then smiled at Kara with that same slow smile Trey sported. “How old are you, Kara?”

“No, Mary.” Trey shook his head at his niece. “Don’t start with that again.”

The preschooler giggled and clasped the T-shirt to her chest, her gaze intent as she took in Kara’s hair, her face. Almost as if trying to memorize her every feature. “Thank you, Kara.”

“You’re welcome.”

Then without warning the black-haired girl threw her arms around Kara for a hug. A tight one. Smelling of baby shampoo.

A warm whisper tickled Kara’s ear. “I like you.”

Kara hugged her back. “I like you, too.”

Mary pulled away, then with another giggle and a conspiratorial look at Trey she trotted off to the bathroom.

Kara stood, shaken by the genuineness of the child’s outburst of affection. Kids. She’d never had a clue around them, but Mary didn’t seem to care. Maybe she should pass out pink T-shirts more often.

She caught Trey watching her. “I don’t mind telling her how old I am. It’s not like it’s a secret.”

“Take it from me, that’s not where she was going with her question.” He grimaced. “And don’t ask.”

She laughed at the chagrined look in his eyes. “Thanks for reminding me she was there a minute ago. I’d totally forgotten. She’s so quiet.”

“Sometimes.” A smile tugged at his lips as he patted Missy’s diapered bottom. She was barely keeping her eyes open now, her head nestling into the crook of his neck. “I’ve learned the hard way that unless I want my brother and sister-in-law to get a word-for-word replay of everything I say, I’d better be alert to a miniature undercover operative in my midst.”

The sound of water running in the bathroom sink echoed into the expanse of the room. Outside the Warehouse, wind buffeted. Ice crystals pecked at the windows. A floorboard creaked.



They both stopped. He nodded toward her. “Ladies first.”

Please God, get me through this.

“I’m sorry for not telling everyone that you were watching movies with me that night. That you were nowhere near the Logan property when it caught on fire. When I heard you’d been accused, arrested—” She took a ragged breath, voice quavering as her tear-filled eyes sought his. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Already did, darlin’,” his low voice assured her. “A long time ago.”

She stared at him. Not comprehending the kindness reflected in his eyes. Wasn’t this where he was supposed to pull out his cell phone and dial 911? Report her for withholding evidence in a criminal case?

“I knew you were scared.” His words washed over her in a reassuring wave. “Understood why you didn’t want anyone to know you were with me. Especially your mom.”

“I’m so sorry.” But not for the reasons he thought. There was so much more to the story of that night that he didn’t know. So much more that she couldn’t tell. “If I could go back, as I’ve done ten thousand times in my mind, I’d do it all over again. But right, this time. I hate myself for what you had to go through.”

“No need for that.” His eyes grew thoughtful as if mentally traveling back in time. “I admit juvenile detention wasn’t any fun. Or the unending community service projects. Or summer school so I could get my diploma. But I know now it could have been worse.”

She tilted her head, hanging on his every word. “How could it have been worse?”

“I could have been eighteen, not just shy of it,” he continued. “It could have been national forest service property instead of Duffy Logan’s, a forgiving church member. And my dad could have been the town drunk instead of a respected pastor.”

She clenched her fists in an effort to warm ice-cold fingers. To stop their trembling. “Why didn’t you rat me out? Make me come forward?”

He hadn’t attempted to contact her in the days after his arrest. Not once.

“I knew you were mad at me, you know, for—” He swallowed. Glanced away.

“Having the guts to say no?” Heat burned her cheeks as the memory flared. How he’d responded to her kisses. At first. Then the look on his face when she made that inappropriate proposal. How he’d stepped back. Held her at arms’ length. Apologized for getting carried away. Left without another word.

Don’t deny his assumption. Let him think you sold him out to retain driving privileges and peace with your mom. Sold him out for childish revenge.

“It’s all in the past.” Gentle eyes echoed his smile. “Let’s leave it there.”

Wonder filled her. “Thank you.”

Missy moved restlessly in his arms, and Kara took a step toward the door. She needed to get away. Come to terms with what had just transpired. At long last she’d apologized. And he’d forgiven. “I’d better let you get the girls to bed. But—”

There was one more thing she needed to know.

He shushed the little girl, who was beginning to fuss. “Yeah?”

“You never liked this town, even before the fire. Why did you come back?”

He took a breath. “Guess you might call it unfinished business.”

She shook her head, not following his train of thought.

“Injury sidelined me from the rodeo circuit. Then I was hired to relaunch the Logan facility. Planned to get in and get out.”

How was that old business? Restoring the place he’d been accused of torching?

“Reyna’s been dogging me to stay on. To settle down here. A few months ago I’d have said no way.” He gazed down at Missy cuddled in his arms. “But the place grows on you, you know? And with Missy and Mary… Well, I’ve decided to clear my name and call Canyon Springs home.”

Her heart jolted. “How are you going to do that? Nobody’s going to listen to me at this late date. Believe that I’m your alibi.”

“You’re right. And I won’t ask you to do that. This isn’t your battle. It’s mine.”

“Then how?”

“I have to prove myself to the community. That I’m a man of integrity. A man to be trusted.” He glanced down at the again-dozing Missy. “You see, Kara, you’re not the only person who didn’t come forward. Someone else knows I didn’t set that fire.”

Kara’s fists clenched in her pockets.

“One other person knows, because they started it. Left my cigarette lighter there. And I intend to find out who that person is.”

“He’s what?”

Kara clutched her mother’s arm as she helped her to the house’s back door after church on Sunday. She’d hardly slept at all last night. No wonder, after Trey’s bombshell. But surely she misunderstood what her mom said.