Who killed Napoleon? Were the witches of Salem high on LSD? What do maggots on a body tell us about the time of death? In his unique, engaging style, Brian Kaye tells the story of...
Fractal geometry is revolutionizing the descriptive mathematics of applied materials systems. Rather than presenting a mathematical treatise, Brian Kaye demonstrates the power of f...
Exciting reading for anyone with a curious mind! 'Walking one day by a golf course in Wisconsin, I was startled to hear a sharp bang as a golf ball narrowly missed my head and hit...
Characterization of fine particles is a difficult task! A large number of industries deal with materials in powder form. The properties of these powders depend on their particle si...
24 ноября 1870 года
ушел из жизни Граф Лотреамон (comte de Lautreamont), французский прозаик и поэт, поздний романтик, предтеча символизма и сюрреализма (р. 1846).