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The Mysterious Twin
The Mysterious Twin
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The Mysterious Twin

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Without commenting, the housekeeper turned toward the door, and Ashley watched her broad straight back disappear into the hall. No welcome mat, for sure, on Mrs. Borsch’s part. Maybe Jill would be able to thaw the housekeeper out, Ashley thought, feeling as if she’d just flunked some kind of test.

Ashley had the baby over her shoulder, burping him when a tall, angular, gray-haired man appeared in the doorway of the nursery.

“Where do you want the bags?” His weathered face, shadowed eyes and lean cheeks lacked any hint of a smile. If anything, Joseph Borsch was more reticent than his wife.

“In the bedroom, please.” She could sort out the baby’s things later and put them away in the chest of drawers under the diapering table. “Thank you.”

He just nodded, left the luggage and then disappeared without any indication that she was any more than a chore to be finished with as soon as possible.

Carefully getting to her feet, Ashley put the sleeping baby down in the crib that had been made up with pretty bedding. Davie looked perfectly happy and contented in his new surroundings, which was more than she could say for herself. She’d never felt more out of place in her life.

When she went into the adjoining bedroom to unpack, Jill’s leather luggage looked totally unfamiliar sitting in the middle of a beautiful Asian rug. Just as the purse she’d been carrying with all of Jill’s identification felt foreign to her, Ashley had trouble identifying with the matching suitcases and cosmetic bag bearing her sister’s name.

As she hung up Jill’s wardrobe, the charade she was playing suddenly hit home. The whole idea of trying to live her sister’s life for her, even for a few days, demanded a kind of deceit that went against every grain in her body. She had always prided herself on her integrity, and something about the house and the people in it warned her that they would not take any hint of deceit lightly. She shivered as a bone-deep chill went through her.

“I could have hung those clothes up for you.”

Ashley swung around, startled to see a young woman standing only a couple of feet behind her, watching.

“Sorry if I frightened you, Mrs. Gordon. I’m Lily, ma’am.” She gave Ashley a wide, broad smile that crinkled the corners of her brown eyes. Carrot-red hair lay in a thick braid around Lily’s full face, and a scattering of freckles marched across her nose. Her white blouse and blue skirt were rather rumpled, and she nervously smoothed the folds over her ample hips. Ashley doubted if she was more than eighteen or nineteen. Her open friendliness was a surprise.

“Nice to meet you, Lily. I’m Jill.” Using her sister’s name didn’t come easily, but Ashley knew that she’d have to get used to answering to it during the next few days. “I have a feeling you’re going to be a godsend.”

“Hope so, ma’am.” Lily’s tentative smile broadened as she reached for the hanger that Ashley had in her hands, and deftly hung it beside the other clothes. As Lily’s eyes passed over the riot of colors and fancy fabrics, she murmured appreciatively, “You sure have pretty clothes.”

Ashley smothered a smile. A good sign. Jill and Lily would get along fine. Suddenly, she felt much better about the whole situation.

Ashley asked Lily about sterilizing the baby’s bottles and making more formula, and she was relieved at the easy but efficient way Lily worked to do everything Ashley asked her. They put the baby’s things away, and when Davie woke up, Lily cooed over him and deftly began to change his diaper.

Watching out of the corner of her eye, Jill was relieved to see how confidently Lily handled the infant. Not only did she seem perfectly at ease, but she seemed to enjoy herself as she chattered to Davie, telling him what a fine fellow he was, and trying to coax a smile.

“You’re very good with him, Lily,” Ashley said, wondering if she had babies of her own even though there was no sign of a wedding ring.

“My mother had eight children and I’m the oldest. There are four still at home.” Then she added, “We moved to the island a year ago from the mainland. My Da is a fisherman, and he thought he could bring in a better catch living here.” She sighed. “I sure need to keep this job.”

“I’m sure you will. A big place like this must need lots of help.”

She frowned. “There aren’t many people around for such a big place. Most of the house is shut off. It’s a funny thing, though. Even when there are people in the guest cottage, it’s off-limits to the house staff. I guess they bring their own help. Right now only Mr. Stone is living there, but none of us are allowed to go there to clean or anything.” She looked puzzled. “Sometimes I hear people coming and going in the night. Once I asked Mr. Stone about it, and he just laughed and told me not to worry my pretty head about it.” A hint of color rose in her cheeks. “He teases me sometimes, and Mrs. Borsch gets mad when he pays me any attention. I think he’s a really nice guy, don’t you?”

“He seems pleasant enough,” Ashley conceded, but she wasn’t about to give him a rave review. She had the feeling he was adept at manipulating everyone, including Lily. Having her meals with Kyle Stone could turn out to be a tense affair. She’d have to watch everything she said.

ASHLEY WENT DOWNSTAIRS a few minutes before eight o’clock, following the directions that Lily had given her. “Go down the main hall, past the solarium, and turn right. There’s a small family dining room that overlooks the back garden and stone patio. A lovely spot, it is,” Lily assured. “The large dining room isn’t used unless Mr. Vandenburg is here with guests.”

She had changed her mind several times about what to wear; had been tempted to wear slacks and a summer top, but she didn’t want to embarrass herself if dressing up for dinner was expected. There was no doubt in Ashley’s mind that her sister would delight in wearing some of her nice dresses in the evening, so she’d chosen a bright red sheath with a short, tight skirt and spaghetti straps—the simplest and most colorful of all her sister’s dresses.

Even though dangling earrings were anathema to Ashley, Jill wore jewelry with everything, so she had put on a silver pair that swung easily with the turn of her head. In some ways she felt as if she were dressed for a costume party, but the excitement churning her stomach was not from joy.

Maybe Kyle Stone won’t be here for dinner. Maybe I’ll have a nice quiet dinner by myself, and I won’t have to face his inquisitive eyes.

Hope was born as she reached the small dining room, and paused for a moment in the doorway. The room was beautifully furnished in ivory and burgundy. A crystal chandelier with loops of roped glass glittered over a round table, and gold-tinted ivory chairs with burgundy velvet seats flanked the table. A mirrored buffet facing the door reflected an unfamiliar Ashley, standing there with apprehension in her rounded eyes.

When the slender man wearing a white coat and dark trousers turned around from a small bar at the end of the room, she knew her hopes were only wishful thinking.

“Good evening, Mrs. Gordon. You look lovely tonight.”

Chapter Three

Kyle had been betting with himself that Jill Gordon would show up for dinner in some sexy outfit, but he wasn’t prepared for the sudden start he experienced when he saw her in the doorway. Her honey-blond hair was swept up in a casual twist, and silver earrings glittering like moving stars framed her lovely face. As she came toward him, the soft material of her red dress rippled over long silk stockings and clung to her waist and breasts.

“Lovely,” he repeated, and tightened the hold on his glass as he greeted her. She was one sexy female.

“Thank you. I wasn’t certain whether or not I should dress for dinner, but I see that I made the right choice,” she said as she let her eyes travel over his jacket, pleated white shirt and gold cuff links. Dark eyebrows accented his dark brown eyes and a generous mouth was nicely framed with a dimpled chin and firm cheeks. He was what Jill would have called “drop-dead handsome.”

“I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make this an occasion,” he answered smoothly. “Your first night here should be treated as something special. Putting our best foot forward, so to speak.”

“Do you do that for all the new help?”

He mentally stiffened. There was a depth to her eyes that was disconcerting. The usual bland flattery wasn’t working the way he expected. Above everything else, he didn’t want to alert her to the fact that her presence here was anything beyond her duties as a nanny.

“Hugo gave instructions to make you welcome,” he said smoothly. “May I offer you a drink? I don’t want to brag but my skills as a bartender are equal to any challenge.”

For some perverse reason, Ashley remembered a popular drink the college students had touted for a while. Before she had time to think about it, she said, “How about Sex on the Beach?”

He was tempted to ask if that was an offer, but he restrained himself. This was the good-time, party girl that he’d been expecting. In a way, he was relieved. Keeping Jill Gordon happy might be easier than he thought.

He set down his Scotch and soda. “Sex on the Beach coming up. I’ll make you the best one you ever had.”

That won’t be hard, since I’ve never had one, thought Ashley, already put-out with herself for not asking for her usual daiquiri. Now she had one more thing she’d have to warn her twin about when they switched places. Asking Jill what she was drinking nowadays had never occurred to her. It would be just like Jill to say, “I never drink anything but martinis.”

“Here you go.” Kyle handed her a bubbling pink drink, and waited for her to take a sip.

“Mmmm,” Ashley murmured, hoping she was making the right response. The drink had a pleasant punch flavor, but she worried about how much of a kick was hidden in its sweetness.

He picked up the small pitcher that contained the remainder of her drink, and set it on the dining table where two places had been set facing each other. “Gerta will be serving in a few minutes. She knows I like to enjoy a drink before dinner. Please sit down, Jill. May I call you, Jill?” he asked as he guided in her chair.

“Yes, of course,” she said, trying to quell a nervous tightening in her stomach. How in the world could she avoid the dangerous pitfalls inherent in any idle dinner conversation when the truth must be laced with lies?

“First names seem better all around even though Hugo frowns on too much familiarity amongst the staff,” he said. “We all toe the mark when he’s around, but you know the old adage—when the cat’s away.” He took the chair opposite her. “I’m delighted to have such a vivacious dinner partner. Since we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, we might as well get better acquainted.”

Ashley tried to keep a pleasant smile on her face as she fought off a rising sense of panic. Now what? He obviously expected some entertaining table conversation. What if he started asking her questions whose answers he already knew?

Deciding offense was her own defense, she asked, “Where’d you learn to tend bar?”

Kyle set down his drink slowly. The question took him by surprise because he’d expected the conversation to totally revolve around Jill Gordon. From what he’d heard, this gal pretty much commanded the center of attention wherever she went. “A pretty dull story,” he parried. “Not the kind to interest a pretty lady.”

“Try me,” she challenged, steadily meeting his eyes over the rim of her glass.

“All right.” He leaned back in the chair. “My father had a small tavern in a New York Irish ghetto, where I grew up. We lived in a flat above the bar, and I guess I was more at home working with my pa than upstairs with my five sisters and my mother. What about you? Where’d you learn to appreciate Sex on the Beach—the drink, I mean?” he added with a flirtatious grin.

“I’ve been to a few parties,” Ashley said lightly, resenting his suggestive tone. Jill’s personal life was none of Kyle Stone’s business. He was, after all, just an employee of Hugo Vandenburg, as she was. The way he’d deftly turned the conversation back onto her made it difficult to keep the questions going in his direction. She sensed that there was a war of sorts going on between them.

“What about your family?” he prodded.

She stalled, lifting her glass to her lips again, and suddenly realized that her drink was nearly gone. Never in her life had she drunk a cocktail so fast.

“Here, let me fill that up,” Kyle said as he saw her looking at her glass. She was a drinker, all right, he thought as he took the pitcher and filled her glass again. She had downed her drink in record time. His orders were to make sure that her stay as nanny was a successful one, even if he had to pick up the slack with the children. Keeping her on the job was going to be one heck of a challenge if she were a lush. Just his luck that he’d have to put an inebriated Jill Gordon to bed her first night here. Where was Gerta with the food?

As Ashley watched him fill her glass again, she realized that in her nervousness she’d consumed the first drink much too fast. The clear thoughts she needed so desperately in order to get through this dinner without a catastrophe were already becoming fuzzy. Her sister would never forgive her if she fouled up everything the first night here. I have to keep the talk general and away from any personal revelations, she told herself. She already had the feeling that Kyle knew enough about Jill to make any conversation a minefield.

As she let her gaze wander around the room, searching for some neutral topic, she murmured, “Very nice decor.”

“Hugo renovated the whole house last winter,” Kyle said, glancing at his watch.

Ashley pretended interest in the ivory-and-burgundy floral wallpaper and framed prints of southern colonial life hung in an artistic grouping above the mirrored buffet. As her gaze moved to a corner of the room, she suddenly stiffened, blinked and stared. Were her eyes deceiving her?

“What’s the matter?” he asked, seeing her startled expression.

“That freestanding corner cabinet…”

He followed her gaze. “Yes. What’s the matter with it?”

“It looks in perfect condition,” she answered without thinking as her eyes swept over the dark walnut wood. The only time she’d seen one like it was in the textbook she used to teach about life in the colonial period. The cabinet’s fluted pilasters and classical moldings revealed the close relationship between cabinetwork and architecture that was observed in the colonies as early as 1715. There was no doubt in Ashley’s mind that this was a museum piece. She opened her mouth to share this wonderful discovery and then realized from the look on his face that she’d stepped into quicksand. “My aunt had one like that,” she lied.

“Are you interested in antique furniture, Jill?” he asked with a rather mocking smile. “Mr. Vandenburg has a hobby of buying up old estates, you know.”

“No, I didn’t,” she answered truthfully. This was a surprise. From what Jill had said, Ashley hadn’t expected the wealthy man to be a collector.

“You’ll probably find quite a few pieces in the house, as well as old china and porcelain,” he said casually.

“Nice hobby,” she answered in what she hoped was a matter-of-fact tone that would hide her excitement. No telling what treasures the man had picked up if this lovely walnut cupboard was any indication of his tastes, she thought. Her historical studies had created an insatiable passion for beautiful antiques. Maybe she’d have a chance to see some of them before she and Jill switched places. Thinking about her twin brought Ashley up short. She knew it would be out of character for Jill to be interested in “old things.” In fact, she knew what her sister’s response to all of this would be.

“I bet they’re worth a lot of money,” Ashley said.

Kyle smiled. Money. For a few minutes there, her interest in the old cupboard had thrown him an unexpected curve. The pretty lady’s interest in an old cupboard didn’t fit in with the profile that he’d been given. Now, he knew her interest was centered on cold, hard cash.

“I guess there’s a market for that stuff,” he agreed, deciding he’d have to make sure that they kept temptation out of her way. Money was money, and he didn’t want her lifting any gold snuff boxes or rare coins. He knew she was financially stressed, and he’d seen the light of interest in her eyes when he told her about Hugo’s penchant for antiques. Yes, indeed, this gal was going to require a lot more attention than he’d been led to believe. Hugo would have his neck for sure if something happened to even one of his prize acquisitions.

At that moment Gerta came in with the dinner trays. The maid looked harried, and Kyle wondered if her uncle, the cook, had been at her again. Hugo had brought a distant relative of his, Hendrick Heinz, from Germany to cook for him, and Gerta, the cook’s niece, had come along, too. She was a very plain woman in her thirties, and Kyle had decided that she had a personality as colorless as her looks. The only time Gerta showed any animation was when she was fighting with her uncle, and the kitchen rocked as they spewed a volley of German curses at each other. Kyle had learned to give them a wide berth, leaving Mrs. Borsch to deal with the volatile pair. The only saving grace were the wonderful meals that the bombastic Hendrick prepared.

“Thank you, Gerta,” Kyle said, as she began to place covered dishes on the table. Then he smiled at Ashley, “You’re in for a treat. I’ll guarantee that you’ve never tasted better cooking anywhere. The menu is always varied, even when Hugo is gone. I hope you’re not watching that slim figure of yours so much you don’t enjoy good food.”

As his eyes lingered a moment on her tight-fitting dress, Ashley felt a spurt of irritation. Why did she have the feeling he was constantly baiting her?

“Oh, is that a problem for you?” she answered, looking at him with what she hoped was wide-eyed innocence. “Luckily, I’m able to eat whatever I want without worrying. I suppose some people have problems with over-eating.”

As Gerta placed a steaming bowl of lobster bisque in front of her, Ashley smiled at the maid, but she kept her head lowered and avoided any eye contact as she moved around the table.

“Wine?” Kyle offered as he took an iced bottle out of a wine bucket and reached for her goblet.

“No, thank you,” Ashley said quickly. She was still feeling the effects of her first drink, and was determined to keep her mind clear for the match of wits they were playing. “I’d prefer a cup of coffee with dinner,” she said.

“Yes, of course,” Kyle said, surprised. “Coffee for the lady, Gerta.” He saw then that she hadn’t touched her second drink.

Dinner wasn’t going at all the way he had imagined. He’d been prepared for a light flirtation on her part, accompanied by a lot of superficial chitchat. He was getting all kinds of mixed vibes from her. A deep uneasiness began to gnaw at him. What if she wasn’t the fluffy-headed yuppie that he’d been led to believe? That could complicate matters with frightening consequences. Maybe Jill Gordon had a hidden agenda of her own in coming here?

“Delicious soup,” Ashley murmured, and when the main course of medaillons of veal with creamed asparagus and sautéed sugar snap peas was served, she didn’t have to pretend to enjoy the delicious meal.

Her dinner partner had fallen strangely silent, and Ashley began to relax. She didn’t know how she was going to manage it, but she wasn’t going to put herself through this every evening. Using the baby or the children as an excuse, she’d keep her distance from Mr. Stone and make some other arrangement for dinner. Jill could handle the situation any way she wanted, but Ashley wasn’t up to any more games of cat-and-mouse.

When they had finished a mouthwatering cappuccino truffle for dessert, Ashley wiped her mouth with the linen napkin and said, “You were right. The dinner was wonderful. I’d like to thank the cook personally.”

“No,” Kyle said, quickly rising to his feet before she did. “Not a good idea. I mean, Hendrick is rather temperamental. Almost everyone in the house views his kitchen as enemy territory. I give him a wide berth. Just tell Mrs. Borsch and she’ll pass along the compliment.”

Ashley frowned. “It sounds as if you’re not one of his favorite people.”

“Let’s say I’ve lost a few skirmishes.” He came around the table and slipped her chair back. “I’ll see you upstairs.”

As she stood up, his warm breath touched her neck and a teasing scent of a spicy cologne teased her nostrils. His nearness was unsettling, and she wished that he’d forget about being the polite host and let her go back to her room by herself—if she could find it.

As they started down the long main hall past several closed doors, Ashley asked, “Which room is the library? I thought I’d take a quick look around and see what I might use with Pamela and Benny tomorrow. According to the schedule Mrs. Borsch gave me, I have to keep them busy in the library until noon.”

“It’s right off the music room,” he said as he stopped in front of a set of double doors. He opened them, reached inside and flipped on a light to reveal a high ceiling and floor-to-ceiling bookcases lining the walls.

Ashley’s eyes widened as they entered the spacious room. It was filled with myriad books and tastefully furnished with small reading tables, comfortable chairs and brown leather couches. A modern computer stood on a desk in one corner.

“You look surprised,” Kyle said with an edge of amusement at Ashley’s obvious stunned reaction.

“I have to confess that I didn’t expect such a complete library,” she admitted.

Was the room just for show, or did Hugo Vandenburg have as much interest in reading as he did in sports? Somehow Ashley hadn’t pictured the wealthy game owner as an intellectual. Jill had given her the impression that Vandenburg was a hard-nosed businessman who had little interest in anything but a winning team, and a good return on his investment.

Kyle walked over to a library table where some books and boxes were stacked. “Here are some schoolbooks and supplies which Pamela and Benny’s mother left for them. She was concerned that they were missing their usual summer educational program, and she wasn’t happy about them spending the summer here.”

“The children don’t seem very happy about it, either,” Ashley commented, thoughtfully. “I wonder why the decision was made to leave them here?”

Kyle didn’t like the way the conversation was going. This kind of questioning could backfire if he gave the wrong answers. “It was their grandfather’s idea,” he offered with a slight shrug. “I guess he wanted to spend more time with them.”

“But does he? I mean, does he spend more time with them when they’re here?”

“When he can,” Kyle answered vaguely. “I imagine Hugo will want a report from you from time to time about the children’s studies,” he said, deliberately stretching the truth. Hugo had told him not to worry about anything but keeping her and the kids occupied, but Kyle suddenly decided it might be better if she concentrated on their studies rather than asking questions that might prove dangerous to everyone. “Benny and Pamela can probably tell you what subjects their mother wants them to study.”

As she fingered through the schoolbooks, he studied her expression, but he couldn’t tell how she was reacting to the challenge of teaching. He wouldn’t be surprised if neither of the kids opened a book while they were holed up in the library for two hours every day. The schedule was one that the children’s mother had insisted upon. Hugo hadn’t cared one way or the other, but had agreed in order to get his way.

“The music room is there,” he said, pointing to an archway at the far end of the library. “Would you like to see it?”

She nodded. “Yes, please.”

As he turned on the lights, he decided that it was a good bet that Jill Gordon and the kids would spend more time in the music room listening to CDs than in the library, reading.