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Книги автора Michelle Karl

Без серии
Unknown Enemy
современные любовные романы, короткие любовные романы, история любви, женская проза, любовные испытания, повороты судьбы
THE BODYGUARDFor Professor Ginny Anderson, translating a set of ancient tablets could be the coup of her career—or more danger than she can …
THE BODYGUARDFor Professor Ginny Anderson, translating a set of ancient tablets could be the coup of her career—or more danger than she can …
REUNION ON THE RUNWhen her apartment is besieged by masked gunmen, Yasmine Browder’s convinced it’s tied to her investigation into her broth…
Unknown Enemy
THE BODYGUARDFor Professor Ginny Anderson, translating a set of ancient tablets could be the coup of her career—or more danger than she can …
THE BODYGUARDFor Professor Ginny Anderson, translating a set of ancient tablets could be the coup of her career—or more danger than she can …
Outside The Law
REUNION ON THE RUNWhen her apartment is besieged by masked gunmen, Yasmine Browder’s convinced it’s tied to her investigation into her broth…
REUNION ON THE RUNWhen her apartment is besieged by masked gunmen, Yasmine Browder’s convinced it’s tied to her investigation into her broth…