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The God of the artificial world
The God of the artificial world
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The God of the artificial world

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«Ilya, you haven’t done any exercises today,» said Sveta.

– Sorry, Light, not today. It’s time for me to go to the «Battle for Freedom!» come back.

– Ilya, don’t! I barely woke you up yesterday.

– You’ll wake me up in six hours. Or in eight.

«Are you sure you want to enter the game?»

Of course yes, stupid car!

Although, machines have long become smarter than people. I read in one of the articles that the level of artificial intelligence exceeds the average human intelligence by five times. But I don’t want to talk about sad things. Every man wants to think that he is smarter than a woman, even if she is the latest generation robot secretary.


Oak forest. The sunlight barely illuminated the ground and grass. Chilly. I hadn’t noticed before that the game also had tactile sensations. It looks like the developers recently added them. Cicadas buzzed in the distance. Frightened by me, a flock of dragonflies, huge dragonflies, rose up.

– Where are you going? – the girl asked. I started thinking about something: where did she come from here? She is the first real player I’ve met in the game.

– That’s on assignment. I’m going to the city of Technicians.

– By the way, I chose a beautiful appearance for myself! – she smiled.

– Yes, and you are simply stunning! Gorgeous! And what are you doing here yourself, in this scary forest? – I asked, and she smiled mysteriously.

– I’m not one of the timid ones! You can’t lead me astray that easily. As I understand it, on Gerber’s instructions?

– Yeah. And you too?

– Yes. I’m tired of all the twinks doing the same task! Are you new to the game?

«But there is such a thing,» I was embarrassed.

– Nothing! You’ll figure it out quickly! Come to our guild. We are the White Corsairs.

– Corsairs, you say?

I sang:

Yo-ho-ho! We are not afraid of the dead

We love mermaids, we are bottomlessly drunk.

We will be hanged – we will be finished!

But while we are alive, you are doomed!

The girl smiled.

– As I see, you are one of ours. What is your name? I’ll send an invitation.

– Eleon.

– That is great. Catch!

The player Sienna invites you to become a member of the White Corsairs guild. Accept.

– Let’s go together. Near the castle, four more should join us.

For some time we walked silently through the mysterious forest.

– Will you have an apple? – Sienna asked me.

– What? – I was dumbfounded from surprise. She threw me a small red and green ball. Oh, I already forgot what they look like. I took a bite. But the creators of the game tried their best – I will remember this sweet and sour, slightly tart taste for the rest of my life. The only time I ate apples was as a child, when my dad brought them home from work.

«Your power of magical strikes has increased by 15 units,» the inscription on the entire screen notified me.

«Almost like the real thing,» I admitted.

– I can’t even tell you anything about this. I’ve never eaten them. But, I must admit, the taste is really pleasant. And the filling with buffs is also very pleasant, agree!

– There is such a thing.

– Stop! – Sienna suddenly shouted. I looked back in the direction she indicated and saw a huge bear. – Don’t move and talk quietly. I hope he doesn’t notice us.

– Why are you so afraid of him? An ordinary mob!

– Ordinary, you say? Take a closer look at his fighting spirit!

I looked and was stunned! Four thousand! I’m a little dressed up now, and I have almost four hundred. Sienna is more fashionable – eight hundred and twenty.

– And this is not the most interesting thing! It’s not even about lives. His shield against many techniques periodically turns on. This is the guard of the technicians’ castle. The mechanical bear has incredible strength, the damage it does is simply terrible! Here, get dressed. Otherwise you’re a beggar, wearing all sorts of cast-offs.

She gave me a couple of fancy rings, pants and a shirt.

– Thank you!

– Yes, contact me! We are now in the same clan!

Once again, I note that the game is drawn simply masterfully. I was even a little embarrassed, pulling off my pants and sparkling with all the drawn charms.

– Come on, why are you, I’ll turn away if I’m so shy! – Sienna guessed my thoughts.

As soon as the kit was slightly updated, the parameters immediately doubled. In general, I found my ideal girlfriend.

The bear finally noticed us. He roared and rushed towards us.

– DONE! – without thinking, I shouted. But the yellow shock wave passed through the bear, he didn’t even bat an eyelid, he ran on. Only somewhere behind him, several trees felled by my magic fell.

– I told you – he is almost always invulnerable! Run! We will strike when the shield goes down.

The bear bit me on the leg, and now I was physically unable to run. Screamed. It hurts, though! Blood flowed down my knee. I wonder if he’s not mad?

– HILLAR! – Sienna thought faster than me. A pair of blue lilies fell on the leg, and the wound healed instantly. – Now let’s run! Faster! Don’t fall behind!

We ran, and somewhere behind us a mechanical beast was knocking down trees and howling loudly.

– Faster! Sienna shouted. – His protection fell off! Hit! DONE!

– MALLEBAR-ESSA! – I said, shooting orange sparks at the beast.

– No, we can’t handle him alone. Look, we damage him, but he recovers much faster. I told you there was no need to attract his attention.

– Who said it was just the two of us? – a voice was heard somewhere from behind the trees. Three strong gnomes with axes and a red-haired elf came out from there, all with staves at the ready.

– Still! Bran! Robert! Marie! I’m so glad to see you! White Corsairs assembled! Full party! Watch out, machine!

The bear looked at us all and growled loudly. He ran towards me, and I barely had time to jump to the side.

– Get ready! Sienna shouted. – Now his shield will fall off! – she seemed to be the leader.

– MALLEBAR! – we shouted in one voice, without saying a word. Six orange lightning bolts flew towards the beast, and the brotherhood reception turned into a bird blazing with orange flames, which began to scratch its eyes. Literally a few seconds passed, and the bear had five hundred units of morale left.

– Oh, and a tenacious creature, after all! – Still said. – With this technique you can burn half a district! And he just went to lick his wounds.

Blue butterflies were again flying around the bear, which meant that it was useless to beat the animal. We scattered to make it more difficult for the enemy to kill everyone.

– Try not to die! – Sienna shouted as she ran. – If anything happens, I’ll pick it up! Just a spawn point a few kilometers away! We won’t wait for anyone.

As soon as these words were said, the not at all friendly bear knocked down first Still, and then me. It’s not a positive feeling at all – as if someone poured fire instead of blood. I fell to the ground, and the inscription shone above me:

«Your first death! But don’t despair – maybe Fate will give you another chance?»

When the shield fell, the guys used another volley, which finished off the bear. He fell to the ground and the steel body rang.

– HILLAR-HILLARUS-EN! Marie and Sienna said almost simultaneously. Still and I were enveloped in a blue fog. All my bones ached, an unpleasant tingling current ran through my body, but I was alive again and stood firmly on my own two feet.

– Okay, now let’s go inside. Just be quiet! The main thing is not to be noticed! – Sienna commanded again. We followed her into a stone cave.


We found ourselves in a huge hall made of steel. There were robots walking around here and there. And there were many people in black cloaks with hoods.

– Something is wrong this time! There’s something I don’t like! Sienna said.

– What exactly? – Robert asked.

– Look around! Where do so many conquests come from? Here, our opponents should only be their main and one of their assistants. And here there are more conquest soldiers than technicians! And this is in their own hometown! Okay, let’s see what happens next. Why not lose the task because of a couple of dozen creeps?

In the center of the hall stood a gray-haired man in military uniform.

– Dirk! You have one last chance! Tell me the secret of your weapon, and I will give you life! Otherwise, tomorrow you will face the gallows.

– General Haber! – in the voice of the head of the conquests one could read undisguised joy. «I need my staff for this.» I’ll tell you a secret.

– Bring in the staff! – the general commanded. – Just remember! No nonsense. A hundred crossbows of my robots are aimed at you. One move that seems suspicious to them can riddled you right through!

– Yes, General, I understand that very well. Let’s get the staff already!

Dirk grabbed the weapon he brought.

– Shoot only at the target! – the general shouted to him. – I want to know your secrets too! We technicians have always envied magicians who had technology that was inaccessible to us. But now the injustice will be eliminated!

– There is no secret. A few words can do a lot. HEYMO! SAMPT! – Dirk’s body was now protected by a blue dome. He burst into hysterical laughter and turned to Haber.

– I told you – shoot only at the target! – the general shouted in fear. «I’ll order you to be riddled with bullets – then you’ll see!» You’ll laugh then!

– Take a risk! I don’t mind at all.

– Kill him! – and the order was immediately carried out by several dozen robots. Crossbow arrows flew towards Dirk. But they hit the blue shield barrier and fell to the floor. The head of the conquests laughed again.

– KISHI! – he said, and the green snake from his staff gnawed the throat of the leader of the technicians. – All my faithful servants, remember! From now on, no one can resist the will of a true conquest!

All the players from the enemy clan took off their hoods and began to beat the robots one by one.

– I told you – this time everything is completely wrong! Previously, Dirk simply gave a task to one of his servants. And now he can get out of captivity! Looks like the game creators have come up with some new update! Let’s try not to let the conquests finish their plans! At the same time, everything together is a shield! On the count of three! Once! Two! Three!

– SAMPT! – we all shouted together. Usually the bubble covered only one person. But now the big blue dome covered us all at once.

– Look, just what kind of people they are! – said one of the guys who was the first to notice us. – And without security. Sienna, it’s not too late to change your mind and go over to the side of the conquests. And this proposal applies to you too.

The inscription appeared in front of me again on the entire screen.

«Change camp» Refuse.

– You shouldn’t be doing that, guys! From this day on, the conquests will be on horseback.

– Fuck you, Hyde! – Sienna spat in the guy’s face in anger.

– You shouldn’t be doing that. I offered it from the bottom of my heart. I have loved you for many years now!

– Repeat again?

Hyde whispered something. I couldn’t even make out the words. It’s a pity – the spell is spectacular, I wouldn’t mind adding it to your panel either. Five snake heads appeared from his staff at once. They looked like the Hydra in the old Olympus stories. And, unlike a regular killing spell, they did not disappear immediately after being cast, but continued to penetrate our defenses. The PVP in this game is thought out very well. Crowd against crowd, real battles.

– DONE! – I shouted my favorite phrase, and the yellow blow flew towards the enemy.

– NAYEN! – Hyde retorted.