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The Dating Game
The Dating Game
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The Dating Game

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The Dating Game
Shirley Jump

NOW CASTING FOR LOVE AND THE AVERAGE JILL!The Average Jill: Mattie Grant, who'd trained for a spot on a survival show but instead landed on a dating show. Mattie had never backed down from a challenge, not even one as good-looking as Bachelor #1. Really, how hard could a dating game be?The location: A lavish mansion filled with twelve bachelors hoping to win Mattie's heart and $50,000–and one man with an ulterior motive….Bachelor #1: David Bennett, an undercover reporter, needed a story. He'd wanted phony contestants and reality show gossip–until one sweet smile from Mattie changed his strategy!The rules: In this dating game, anything goes!

Mattie was going to bolt.

David needed to do some fast talking if he wanted her to stay, or his story would be dead before it even began. “The prize money is the same, you know. And you don’t have to eat bugs. Fifty thousand to the Average Jill just for suffering through all the dates and then a hundred-thousand-dollar purse for her to split if she falls in love and gets engaged at the end.”

Mattie’s eyes grew wide. For a second, David had to remember to breathe. It wasn’t fair that one woman should have eyes that captivating. “With who?”

“With me, of course.”


He cleared his throat. Whoa. That hadn’t come out as he’d intended. In fact, he hadn’t even wanted it to come out. Besides, he wasn’t here to fall in love. He wanted the story—not the girl.

Didn’t he?

Dear Reader,

What is the best gift you ever received? Chances are it came from a loved one and reflects to some degree the love you share. Or maybe the gift was something like a cruise or a trip to an exotic locale that raised the hope of finding romance and lasting love. Well, it’s no different for this month’s heroes and heroines, who will all receive special gifts that extend beyond the holiday season to provide a lifetime of happiness.

Karen Rose Smith starts off this month’s offerings with Twelfth Night Proposal (#1794)—the final installment in the SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE continuity. Set during the holidays, the hero’s love enables the plain-Jane heroine to become the glowing beauty she was always meant to be.

In The Dating Game (#1795) by Shirley Jump, a package delivered to the wrong address lands the heroine on a reality dating show. Julianna Morris writes a memorable romance with Meet Me under the Mistletoe (#1796), in which the heroine ends up giving a widower the son he “lost” when his mother died. Finally, in Donna Clayton’s stirring romance Bound by Honor (#1797), the heroine receives a “life present” when she saves the Native American hero’s life.

When you’re drawing up your New Year’s resolutions, be sure to put reading Silhouette Romance right at the top. After all, it’s the love these heroines discover that reminds us all of what truly matters most in life.

With all best wishes for the holidays and a happy and healthy 2006.

Ann Leslie Tuttle

Associate Senior Editor

The Dating Game

Shirley Jump (

To my husband, who almost went to the wrong address on our first date, and who stole my heart through letters and packages. If we’d have been smart, honey, we’d have bought stock in FedEx and UPS when we met.

For my daughter, who knows her mother has the athletic ability of a goldfish, and coached me through the soccer scenes without laughing. Finally, to all the young female athletes, who work and play hard. The boys certainly have something to contend with when the girls are on the field. Girls rock!

Books by Shirley Jump

Silhouette Romance

* (#litres_trial_promo)The Virgin’s Proposal #1641

* (#litres_trial_promo)The Bachelor’s Dare #1700

* (#litres_trial_promo)The Daddy’s Promise #1724

Her Frog Prince #1746

Kissed by Cat #1757

* (#litres_trial_promo)The Marine’s Kiss #1781

The Dating Game #1795


spends her days writing romantic comedies with sweet attitude to feed her shoe addiction and avoid housework. A wife and mother of two, her real life helps her maintain her sense of humor. She swears that if she didn’t laugh, she’d be fatally overcome by things like uncooperative llamas at birthday parties and chipmunks in the bathroom. When she isn’t writing, Shirley’s either eating or shopping. Or on a really good day, doing both at the same time.

Her first novel for Silhouette, The Virgin’s Proposal, won the Bookseller’s Best Award in 2004. Though she framed the award, it didn’t impress the kids enough to make them do the dishes more often. In fact, life as a published author is pretty much like life as it was before, except now Shirley conveniently pulls a deadline out of thin air whenever the laundry piles up.

Read excerpts, see reviews or learn more about Shirley at (

Dear Reader,

Did you ever get the wrong package delivered to your house? What if that wrong package had been delivered on purpose, and it could lead to finding your true love? That’s where this book begins, with matchmaker and deliveryman Bowden Hartman taking love matters into his own hands.

He sets his sights on Mattie Grant, a soccer coach who has everything but love on her mind when she signs up for a reality survival show. Bowden has other plans for her, though, and sends her to a completely different show—a dating game that’s about to change her life and that of jaded reporter-turned-bachelor David Bennett.

The story just proves one thing—you never know when that package might lead you to love!


Chapter One (#u55fe2187-395b-5fab-af94-d3d8273bb264)

Chapter Two (#u9d07330e-8a65-593c-ab1b-5383a7412bbb)

Chapter Three (#u41f55d42-51e6-523d-8ebd-05b7f532279a)

Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)


On Monday morning Bowden Hartman toyed with the envelope in his hands and considered breaking every rule that went with the hideous olive-green uniform he wore. Well, not every rule. Just a couple of the more important ones.

The front of the envelope made no bones about his mission. “Overnight delivery, by 10:00 a.m.,” blared the red banner. A quick, on-time delivery—his specialty, and what they paid him to do every day at Speedy Delivery Services.

Okay, he’d make the overnight delivery. Just not this letter to this person.

He knew better than to mess with the packages, of course. But when had he ever followed the rules, rather than what his instincts told him was right?

Not very often. That was, indeed, what made his life fun and kept this job from being unbearable.

He didn’t need to work—not since he’d inherited the rest of the Hartman fortune. But since his father’s death two years ago, Bowden had found he liked to work, especially jobs where people were glad to see him and he got to indulge his bad habit of meddling in other people’s lives.

Especially their love lives. If there was anything Bowden Hartman liked to see, it was a happy ending.

“You got lucky, Hartman,” one of his co-workers, Jimmy Landry, said from across the room, hoisting a coffee mug in tribute. “What I wouldn’t give to be delivering that letter today.”

“Which one?”

“The one to the hot woman who’s going to be on the Love and the Average Jill reality show. I heard they got the former Miss Indiana. Bet she gives you a kiss for bringing that by.” Jimmy flipped him a thumbs-up. “I know I’ll be tuning in every night to see that girl, er, show.”

Bowden glanced again at the envelope in his palm. It was, as he already knew, addressed to Tiffany Barrett, Miss Indiana of two years ago. Across from him sat stacks of other envelopes meant for the rest of that show’s and another show’s contestants, many of which were in the pile for his route. Some were going to the bachelors who’d been chosen to go on the show with her and compete for the “average” Jill, the newest star in Lawford, Indiana’s, Channel Ten nightly seven-o’clock lineup. Other letters were designated for the outdoors-loving competitors of Survival of the Fittest, the second reality show Lawford Channel Ten was debuting this week.

The executive producer of the show had come in himself at five yesterday, handed over the envelopes, noting which ones were for chosen contestants on each show—and therefore had to be delivered, and which ones were for the rejects. He’d also given everyone explicit directions not to peek at or leak the information, or he’d have their heads on a platter.

Well, he hadn’t actually said “heads” or mentioned “platter.” He’d used other—and worse—potential consequences for leaking the news. The other men in the office had steered clear of the envelopes, guarding all protruding body parts that might come anywhere near the piles.

Bowden hadn’t said a word but hadn’t followed the producer’s demands, either. He’d peeked. He’d then been up half the night concocting a plan.

Bowden picked up another letter slated for his route, this one for Survival of the Fittest. Part of a big blitz, the producer had said, to up the ratings for the local TV station by debuting two knock-off reality shows the same week.

This letter was marked for Mattie Grant, who lived in the historic Pierpont Apartments downtown, one of the first stops on Bowden’s route. A nice woman, though in need of a change. He’d met her several times over the year he’d worked here, when he’d delivered special cleats or a shipment of customized shirts for the young girls’ soccer league she coached.

They’d chatted for a few minutes last week while he’d dropped off her latest delivery. She’d let it slip that she’d auditioned for the survival show. In his hand, he knew, was her letter telling her she’d been accepted as one of the contestants.

He weighed the two letters, one in each palm, Mattie’s against the one for Miss Indiana. The idea he’d had last night returned. He shouldn’t. If he ever got caught, it would be a sure way to get fired.

Ah, to hell with the consequences. Bowden Hartman believed firmly that breaking the rules was a whole lot more fun than following them.

Chapter One

Mattie Grant was prepared for anything. Mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds. Fires with all the durability of tissues, drinking water with enough germs to contaminate a small rodent colony.

She could handle all of it. And win.

She had, after all, trained for competing on Survival of the Fittest with the dedication usually only seen in marathon runners. Reading books, practicing fire building, studying native flora and fauna. She had the art of survival down pat. In a jungle, a woodland, even a cave, she’d be fine.

What she was not prepared for, however, was a lavish mansion with a manicured lawn and a butler waiting at the door.

She parked her Jeep out front and considered the address on the letter she’d received via Speedy Delivery Services that morning. Bowden, her regular delivery man, had waited for her to open the envelope because he knew how much she wanted this chance at the Survival contest. Once he’d seen the look on her face, he’d offered a congratulations, told her good luck and bid her goodbye.

But she didn’t need good luck. She had skill, and during her twenty-six years Mattie had learned skill was what counted, not money, not connections, not beauty. On the field and in the game of life.

She glanced again at the opulent home, sitting like a gem in the early-July sunshine. It had to have at least twenty rooms, all behind a stone facade with great white columns flanking the front steps. This was the right street and number, but as far away from what Mattie considered roughing it as life could be.

Maybe she had to do publicity photos first or something. She’d seen CBS pull that on their contestants once. She wouldn’t put it past the Lawford, Indiana, network to do the same.

She got out of the car, strode up the granite steps and raised the bronze knocker, lowering it twice against the matching plate. A moment later an older man wearing a black suit opened the massive eight-foot oak door.

“I’m here for the TV show,” Mattie said, holding up the letter, her voice more question than declaration. This so didn’t feel right.

The butler, tall, slim and gray, didn’t blink. Or even seem to breathe. In fact, if she hadn’t seen his hand twitch a little on the door frame, she’d suspect he was one of Madame Tussaud’s best. “Right this way, ma’am.” He stepped back and waved her into the house.

“This can’t be right,” Mattie said, entering the ornate marble foyer. A crystal chandelier hung over them, the cut glass reflecting like a constellation in the sudden burst of outdoor light. “I’m here for Survival of the Fittest. This looks more like Day Camp for the Rich.”

The butler merely walked down the hall without answering her. Mattie considered leaving. If this was the right place, though, and it was some kind of trick to throw her off guard before the real Survival contest started, then she might disqualify herself by walking away.

“So, do you have a lot of Girl Scout campouts here?” she asked as she hurried down the hall to catch up, looking around for hidden cameras.

“Excuse me, ma’am?”

“You know, sitting around the fire, singing “Kumbaya” and eating s’mores? Or is this more the place people go for serious mall withdrawal?”

“Uh, no, ma’am. We have none of that here at the James Estate,” the butler said, without a hint of humor in his voice. He cast a glance over his shoulder at her flip-flops and khaki shorts, not bothering to hide his look of disdain for her attire. Apparently, guests who weren’t properly clothed weren’t allowed very far into the house because he stopped at the first room on the right, a fancy-dancy parlor well suited for a poodle, and led her inside.

“Please have a seat,” the butler said, gesturing toward an ornate love seat with some curlicue fabric on it. She knew there was a name for the pattern—a name she’d never bothered to learn, much to the consternation of her mother, who thought living well was the only way to live.

Mattie, who’d spent her life with scraped knees and grass-stained socks, believed in playing hard and winning well. Curlicue fabrics didn’t fit into that equation.

The butler cleared his throat. Mattie regarded the chair. It looked more like dollhouse furniture than people furniture. Still, the butler seemed convinced it would make a suitable seat.

“May I take your, ah, bag, ma’am?” He eyed her Lands’ End backpack with a little confusion. She’d be willing to place odds on the number of people who came into a house like this ready for outdoor adventures.

“I’ll keep it with me, thanks.” On the other network’s show, Mattie had seen what happened to people who made the mistake of giving up their stuff. They ended up stuck on some island with nothing while their smarter competitors remained fully equipped. That wasn’t going to happen to her. She intended to win, and if that meant keeping her backpack away from the mortician over there, so be it.

She tucked it on the floor beside her feet and lowered herself to the love seat. No matter what it was called, the chair certainly didn’t hold a lot of love for her rear end. The seat felt stiff and uncomfortable, as if it was layered with concrete beneath the fabric. She hoped she wouldn’t be here long. Mattie Grant was about as well suited for an environment like this as a cheetah was for a cat carrier.

The butler backed out of the room, shutting the double doors without a sound. Mattie fished out the letter again from her back pocket. The single piece of stationery from the Lawford television station was simple and to the point, telling her she’d been selected as a contestant on their new reality show. The letter hadn’t been very detailed, which she’d expected. When she’d gone to the tryouts for Survival of the Fittest, the producers had warned her they’d keep as much information secret as possible, but still…

This letter was taking subterfuge to a whole new level. It said little more than “Congratulations on being selected as a contestant on Lawford Channel Ten’s newest reality show,” the address to which she was supposed to report and the day, Tuesday. Nothing else specific at all, except the prize money amount.

Fifty thousand dollars.

“Fifty thousand dollars.” Even aloud, the number sounded huge. She needed that money. She had to win. Even if it meant putting up with this environment for a while before she got to the place where she felt most at home—the great outdoors.