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An Exciting Future
An Exciting Future
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An Exciting Future

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An Exciting Future
Owen Jones

In Daddy's Hobby, volume one, Lek met a man, Craig, who actually did come back for her, and then took her home to meet his mother. Her dreams seem to be coming true, but not everything is running as smoothly as they had both hoped, so will she wake up and be back in the nightmare she thought she had just put behind her?

In Daddy's Hobby, Craig had promised Lek an exciting future, if she threw caution to the wind and went with him, and this volume picks up the story as they are flying back from Wales.

Behind The Smile - The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand

Book Two: An Exciting Future

This second book continues Lek's story from where book one left off and covers the next few years of her life.

It gives more information about life in a rural Thai village and what is like to live there for a woman like Lek, whose mind has been expanded by working in a popular tourist city for ten years and meeting foreigners from all over the world.

The question that this book poses is whether Lek would be able to shoehorn herself back into the rigid village society that she once loved so much and will the others accept her after what she has been doing.


The second novel in the series

Behind The Smile

The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya


Owen Jones


Copyright © 2020 Owen Jones

Behind The Smile: An Exciting Future

The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya

by Owen Jones

Published by Megan Publishing Services

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The right of Owen Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

In this work of fiction, the characters, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or they are used entirely fictitiously.

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This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

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Novels in the:

Behind The Smile Series

The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya

Behind The Smile: Daddy's Hobby

Behind The Smile: An Exciting Future

Behind The Smile: Maya – Illusion

Behind The Smile: The Lady in the Tree

Behind The Smile: Stepping Stones

Behind The Smile::The Dream

Behind The Smile: The Beginning


Dedicated to my brother Rhys, without whose encouragement this book would not exist, and to all the Pattaya bar girls that he has never met.

They gave me the material that inspired this series.

Thank you one and all.

Owen Jones


March 2013


The cover girl’s name is Chalita.

Please send any queries about work to me and I will forward them to her.

Owen Jones

Look Out for the Sequel:

“Maya - Illusion”

Table of Contents

1 Starting Again

2 Settling In

3 Whither Now?

4 Baan Suay

5 A Touch of Reality

6 The Final Weeks in Pattaya

7 A Leap of Faith

8 The New House

9 Construction

10 Independence Day

11 The Little Things in Life

12 Mothers’ Day

13 Bless This House

14 The Cure for Cabin Fever

15 Another Visa

16 Bpom and Bpouy

17 A Surprise Visitor

18 Moral Support

19 Maya - Illusion

20 Wedding Plans

21 The Stag Night

22 The Village Wedding

23 The Ship Hotel

24 The Pattaya Wedding

25 The Honeymoon


Book Three: Maya –Illusion


As the wheels of the aircraft touched down on the runway at the new Bangkok International Airport called Suvarnabhumi, Craig knew that he was going to have his hands full with Lek. She suffered badly from travel sickness – it was her one big weakness, but she even got sick on the bus going to the market, so a flight of 11,500 kilometres and fifteen hours was always going to be a problem.

Lek had taken five of the green tablets which were her favourite anti-travel sickness pills. She always seemed to have about twenty of them in her bag. One tablet would make her appear a little drunk, but five made her seem like an escapee from a lunatic asylum. He had seen it on the outward flight. He looked at her sitting next to him; her eyes were glassy and she was humming something quietly to herself.

“Are we there yet?” she asked, “That was quick. Have we stopped off somewhere?”

“We’re in Thailand,” he replied a little too testily.

Craig was fifty years old and had never asked a woman to marry him so far, but he thought he might like to ask this one. She was a handful, as they say, that was to be sure, but there was also something about her that he found very special.

He didn’t like her taking those pills though, but he knew how badly affected by travel-sickness she could get. She’d had to throw up in her new crocodile skin handbag once – her pride and expensive joy – because they had gone on a short bus ride and she had forgotten to transfer all her paraphernalia into the new bag. It was either be sick in her new bag or on the floor of the bus and she would rather die than do that and lose face.

Later, she would have to be assisted like a drunk through the airport, baggage control and immigration and suffer the stern stares from the Thai officials who would assume that she had drunk too much cheap alcohol on the plane.

He was glad that she had chosen to wear long, baggy trousers.

The plan of the day was Lek’s usual one whenever anything unusual or exciting happened to her, namely to get down to ‘Daddy’s Hobby’ in Pattaya and tell her friends all about it. In fact, it didn’t have to be anything unusual at all, it was just the place where Lek felt most at home in the world. ‘Daddy’s Hobby’ was the name of the bar that Lek’s cousin owned and where he had met her. Craig didn’t mind going there one little bit. The two dozen bar girls always made a big fuss of him and Lek even encouraged them to do it.

Within a couple of hours, he’d have girls hanging off his shoulders, sitting on his lap and plying him with drinks while Lek recounted the details of her recent adventure in the UK. She should have come round a bit by then too.

Just in time to share a couple of bottles of whiskey with her ex-colleagues.

Still, it would be very pleasant and the apartment that he had booked before they had left was not far from the bar.

He was wondering whether that would be a good time to propose – in front of her friends, when she least expected it and when she would get the maximum amount of attention and admiration. It would certainly give her face a boost, not that it was flagging in Pattaya. All her friends thought she was a star - one in a million.

Craig thought so too.

However, first things first, he thought; people were starting to disembark. Craig thought it best to wait for most people to get off before he tried to coax and manhandle Lek down the aisle, so they just sat there and he tried to get her to get a grip on herself.