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Mail Order Mix-Up
Mail Order Mix-Up
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Mail Order Mix-Up

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“When did this advertisement appear?”

“Two weeks ago.”

“Two weeks.” He attempted to calculate precisely how many women might arrive in Singapore, for this advertisement stated that all applicants must apply in person. Why, it could be hundreds. “How many of you are there?”

One perfectly arched eyebrow lifted. “I assume you are referring to candidates for your hand, not a twin, which I do not have. In answer to your question, there are three. On this ship.”

“Including you?” Something about the idea of his brother marrying Pearl Lawson set Roland’s teeth on edge.

“As I told you, I am here to teach school.” For the briefest moment, disappointment flashed across her face before she reined it in. “Then you did place the advertisement.”

He swallowed again. “In truth, I’m not sure how it got in the newspaper.”

She snorted in disbelief. “It didn’t happen by itself. Are you or are you not Mr. Garrett Decker?”

At least on that he could speak with certainty. “I am not.”

Both her eyebrows shot up this time.

“Let me explain,” he said before she could get spitting mad again. “I am Roland Decker. My brother—my older brother—is Garrett.”

She breathed out with what looked suspiciously like relief, and a little chuckle escaped her lips. “Then you are not the one seeking a wife.”

“I am not.” But he wasn’t entirely certain his brother was, either. Surely he would have said something if that was the case.

Since Garrett had finally spotted him and was striding in their direction, they would soon have the answer. Then Roland could send the hopeful ladies off with his brother and get back to the business of courting Mr. Holmes’s patronage.

* * *

Pearl struggled to hide her relief. Mr. Decker—Roland—had proven not to be a scoundrel. She mentally reviewed all his responses on the voyage. He had answered truthfully in every instance. No treachery or deceit had been involved, though she could not imagine why he didn’t know his brother was seeking a wife, especially since the advertisement stated that all interested parties needed to inquire at the mercantile. That laborer had told her that Roland ran the store. Surely there could not be more than one general store in such a small town.

Regardless, she owed him an apology. “Please forgive me. When we heard your name and that you hailed from Singapore, we naturally assumed you were the one who sought a wife.”

“An understandable mistake. I hope it did not cause you too much trouble.”

His smile sent her insides fluttering again. She pressed a hand to her stomach. It must be a result of overindulgence at last night’s meal. She was not accustomed to such rich food. He grinned, and she realized she had not replied to whatever he had asked. She searched her mind. Oh, yes, something about troubling them.

“Not at all. Amanda will be relieved that it wasn’t you.” But not as much as I am.

“Is that so? Your friend finds me lacking as a potential husband?”

Oh, dear. Heat rose to her cheeks as she realized what she’d said. “I didn’t mean to infer that she thought you inferior in any way. Because you aren’t.” She fanned her face with her hand. “My, it’s hot in the sun.”

He ignored her discomfort. “And you know her mind on such matters?”

Now he was having fun at her expense. “Mr. Decker!”

He chuckled. “Roland, please.”

She warmed to the change of direction. “Like the valiant knight.”

A grin spread across his face. “Precisely. I aim to bring progress and prosperity to Singapore.” He swept his arms wide, encompassing the less-than-impressive array of buildings. “That is why I cannot consider marriage at this time.”

For some irrational reason, her buoying spirits plummeted. She averted her gaze and took a deep breath. After all, she could not consider marriage, either. “I understand, Mr. Decker.”


“Roland.” His name rolled off her tongue with such pleasantness that she could easily imagine saying it every day of her life. She sighed. “Too bad business and marriage are mutually exclusive propositions.”

His smile never wavered. “They might not be for some men, but I would never subject the woman I loved to such loneliness. I work long hours, Miss Lawson.”


That smile of his softened, and the blue eyes twinkled. “Pearl. It would not be fair to her.”

“Shouldn’t that be her decision?”

Once again he cocked his head in that charming manner. “You are rather an independent sort, Pearl.”

She had heard that sentiment before. She was too outspoken, too insistent, too independent. That’s why men walked away after their first meeting. Roland would, too, though for different reasons. “I consider independence a virtue.”

He let loose a great burst of laughter. “Do you turn everything on its head?”

“Only things that need turning about. An independent woman can take care of herself while providing all that her family needs.”

“Is there no room for a man to assist her?”

Her stomach fluttered alarmingly. He could not seriously want a relationship with her, not after stating he would not marry anyone.

She touched a hand to her hot cheek. “Of course. If he is committed to her.”

His gaze narrowed. “I see.”

She dropped her hand as her silly hopes deflated. What had she thought would happen? He was a confirmed bachelor. She could not marry without losing her new position.

“First and foremost, Mr. Decker, I am a schoolteacher.”

Roland stiffened and bowed ever so slightly. “And I am a businessman with duties waiting.”

Her gaze sought Amanda, who waited on the dock with their carpetbags and the other two bride hopefuls. It had taken a stern warning to keep Fiona at bay, but Louise had gratefully accepted her help sorting this out. All three women watched intently. Fiona clutched the handle of her fine parasol. Louise pressed a book to her chest. Amanda nibbled on her lower lip. In Pearl’s estimation, Amanda was the loveliest by far, but none of them could predict what a man might think.

“Good day, Miss Lawson.” Her companion bowed to take his leave.


He halted and gave her an inquiring look.

She took a deep breath. “Might you introduce us to your brother?”

* * *

Something about Pearl captivated Roland. Maybe it was the determined set of her chin or the flash of fire in her eyes. Maybe it was the way she protected her friend or took charge in difficult situations. She wasn’t afraid. Except perhaps of him. He’d noticed the pleasant flush of her cheeks and didn’t think for a minute that it had anything to do with the sun. Rather, he’d been relieved to learn that she not only wasn’t answering the advertisement for a wife, but also accepted his statement that he would not marry.

She had a good head on her shoulders and would make a fine teacher.

Once he’d introduced her to Garrett, he asked her to tell her friends to wait a moment. He must warn his brother before unleashing the women on him. Pearl gave him a peculiar look before returning to them. She didn’t trust him. He probably deserved that. If he’d been the object of the women’s attention, he would have run back on the ship and headed for the next port. Garrett, on the other hand, needed a wife. And Roland needed to determine if his brother had placed the advertisement.

Garrett gazed at Pearl’s retreating back. “Seems like a decent schoolteacher.”

“The children will like her.” Roland had to settle that point before he got to the next. “I had ample time to talk with her aboard ship. She will do well. But there’s another matter we need to discuss, and we haven’t much time.”

In fact, the three bride hopefuls were staring at him as Pearl talked. It wouldn’t take long before they realized Garrett was the object of their hopes. He doubted even Pearl could hold them back then.

“No investors?” Garrett asked.

Roland shook his head. “That’s not it. I’ve brought Edward Holmes to look over the project site and layout of the land.” A second urgent thought occurred to him. “In fact, I’m hoping you can join us. He will be impressed by your work. I could convince him that you should be the factory manager.”

“Manager?” Garrett’s brow creased as if the job was the worst he could imagine.

“Added responsibility comes with additional wages.”

Garrett scowled. “If I told you once, I told you a thousand times. I’m not interested in managing anything. I like to work with my hands.”

“Mr. Decker!” The fiery Fiona O’Keefe interjected herself into their discussion without waiting for introductions.

Roland shouldn’t have expected less. After all, she had done the same with him. This time, her attention centered on Garrett, whose ordinarily ruddy complexion grew even more so at the sight of the elegantly dressed redhead. As usual, Roland’s brother was at a loss for words.

“Garrett, may I introduce Miss Fiona O’Keefe.” Roland gestured to the redhead and then proceeded to introduce the other women. His gaze drifted to Pearl, who hung outside the ring of anxious women, but she was scanning the town.

Garrett cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable. “Pleased to meet you, ladies.” He managed to look each one in the eye but showed no sign of particular interest in any of them. “What brings you to town?”

Roland groaned. That meant his brother either did not place the advertisement or had forgotten about it. Unfortunately, Roland had not had time to tell Garrett what to expect. Judging by the expression on Fiona’s face, he would soon feel the wrath of four upset women if Roland didn’t step in.

“Now, ladies, shouldn’t you settle in at the hotel or boardinghouse before we get down to business?”

“Business?” Garrett questioned, so obviously perplexed that Roland pitied him.

“We most certainly will not,” Fiona stated. “We have come all the way from New York in answer to this.” She waved the advertisement in front of Garrett’s nose. “And we expect an answer.”

Roland’s brother blanched. “An answer to what?”

This was going in a terrible direction, and to make matters worse, Holmes had drawn close enough to overhear the entire discussion. If this went the way Roland expected, his brother would lose the goodwill of four women, and Roland would lose an investor.

“Now, now,” he said calmly. “You can’t expect my brother to make a decision without getting to know each of you.”

“A decision on what?” Garrett asked.

But Roland had managed to quiet the fire in Fiona O’Keefe’s eyes.

Her anger subsided. “I suppose you’re right. When do you want to begin getting to know us? At dinner this afternoon?”

“Uh, uh,” Garrett stammered, backing away.

Roland noticed Pearl’s expressive lips begin to tilt upward. He might be able to save both his project and his brother. “Supper would be better. If you ladies agree, we would be delighted to invite you all to supper tonight.”

“We would?” Garrett said.

“Yes, we would.” If nothing else, it would give the women their first glimpse of the children—a detail not mentioned in the advertisement. “The invitation extends to you, too, Miss Lawson. Shall we say six o’clock? I shall personally escort all of you from your lodgings.”

Pearl nodded slightly. “We will be at the boardinghouse.”

Amanda and Louise Smythe drank in his words without question.

Fiona O’Keefe relented. “Very well, then, we shall see you tonight at the boardinghouse.” She turned her gaze back to Garrett. “But I expect a decision soon, Mr. Decker.”

“Decision on what?” Garrett choked out.

Roland motioned for his brother to stop, but he must not have noticed, for he plowed right on.

“I can’t see what decision I could make that would affect you ladies.”

Fiona O’Keefe twirled her parasol and cast Garrett a provocative smile. “Why, which one of us will become your wife, of course.”

Chapter Four (#ulink_7983bff3-8cae-5fa8-a1f3-0aca0f4090ac)

“What will we do?” Amanda blurted once they’d reached the sanctity of their room in the boardinghouse.

Pearl scanned the sparse furnishings. “We will have to share the bed, just like in the orphanage.” She pulled open each of the four drawers in the bureau. Though battered, it was clean and free of insects. “There’s more than enough room for our belongings, and our Sunday dresses can hang on the pegs. I will have to do all my planning for classes at the school, but that’s neither here nor there. Yes. We will make do.”

“I didn’t mean that. I meant for tonight. With all of us together, how will I ever make a good impression?”

Pearl settled beside her friend on the rather lumpy mattress, which at least felt like a feather tick rather than straw or horsehair. “You can’t help but make a good impression. My concern is if Garrett Decker made a favorable impression on you.”

Amanda blushed and picked at a thread on her skirt. “He is rather different from his brother, isn’t he?”

“In looks, yes, but we mustn’t judge a man on looks alone.”

“Of course not.” Still, Amanda scrunched her face. “He didn’t seem at all pleased to see us.”

Pearl had noticed that. Rather than answer Fiona’s direct question, he had hurried off on the pretense of needing to return to work at the mill. The glare he’d shot at Roland hadn’t escaped her notice, either. He did not think much of inviting the four ladies to sup with them. She was a little leery, too. Bringing all of them together at once meant just one thing.

“I fear we will be put to the test tonight.”

Amanda blanched. “Will he ask us questions? What should I say about the Chatsworths...and Hugh?”

“Nothing. It’s none of their business.”

“But it would be if we married.”