First published as Johnson’s Life of London, now released with new material following Jubilee and Olympic celebrations in 2012. This updated history of London shows that the ingenu...
Seventy-Two Virgins is a comic political novel, with similar appeal to Stephen Fry or Ben Elton, written by one of Britain's most popular politicians. It is Boris Johnson’s first n...
Written and illustrated by Boris JohnsonThe nicest kids you ever sawWere Jim and Molly Albacore…Alas for Molly and Jim, Their lives were not entirely cushy: Their parents were so v...
He comes, he sees, he plays with the gadgets…Boris Johnson has been behind the wheel of some of the world’s fastest, most luxurious cars. He’s taken the Jaguar XKR-R for a spin aro...
22 декабря 1937 года
появился на свет Эдуард Николаевич Успенский, замечательный русский писатель, автор популярных сказок "Крокодил Гена и его друзья" (1966г.), "Чебурашка и его друзья" (1970г.), "Дядя Федор, пес и кот" (1974г.).