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Taming Her Tycoon
Taming Her Tycoon
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Taming Her Tycoon

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Taming Her Tycoon
Yahrah St. John

She’s the ultimate temptation.In high school, Naomi Brooks had a major crush on Lucius Knight—much like every other girl. So it’s oh so satisfying to have the sexy corporate raider eager to buy her organic products company years later. This man doesn’t know how to lose. And he’s making it clear that he wants Naomi’s business as well as her body…Even when Naomi was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, Lucius was drawn to her. Now that she’s bold, sexy, and confident, she’s even more alluring. He’s willing to play dirty to convince her that a liaison can be mutually beneficial in and out of the bedroom. But that gamble, and an explosive family secret, might cost him the only conquest that truly matters: her heart.

She’s the ultimate temptation

In high school, Naomi Brooks had a major crush on Lucius Knight—much like every other girl. So it’s oh-so-satisfying to have the sexy corporate raider eager to buy her organic-products company years later. This man doesn’t know how to lose. And he’s making it clear that he wants Naomi’s business as well as her body...

Even when Naomi was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, Lucius was drawn to her. Now that she’s bold, sexy and confident, she’s even more alluring. He’s willing to play dirty to convince her that a liaison can be mutually beneficial in and out of the bedroom. But that gamble, and an explosive family secret, might cost him the only conquest that truly matters: her heart.

“Why don’t we stop playing games? Let’s quit acting like there isn’t a mutual attraction sizzling between us.”

“There is no attraction,” Naomi threw back at him caustically.

“Don’t deny it. The chemistry has been there from the moment we met.”

“Only a rich, arrogant millionaire intent on getting his greedy hands all over my company would say that.” She rose from the chair she was seated in. “Neither I nor my company is for sale, Lucius.”

She stalked out of the lounge with as much dignity as she could muster given that he was partly right. There was something there between them. She had to be on her guard with Lucius at all times. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—fall prey to his charms like most of the women he encountered.

She was in the elevator and the doors had nearly shut when Lucius caught up to her and worked them open with his large hands before stepping inside.

They were alone in the elevator.

He walked purposely toward her, and Naomi automatically shrank back a couple of steps. But when she did, her back hit the wall—not a good position to be in with a dangerously sexy man like Lucius.

Dear Reader (#u7fa79598-b083-56f1-8de7-c5944e8e9616),

I came up with the Knights of Los Angeles series after watching the television show Empire. I loved the name Lucius and the family dynamic of brother against brother, and thus the idea for Taming Her Tycoon was born.

This book focuses on corporate raider Lucius Knight’s quest to learn his parentage. When he does, it will rock his world. All the while, Lucius has his eye on former tomboy turned businesswoman Naomi Brooks. He wants the lady and her organic-products company, but can he convince her that mixing business and pleasure would be oh-so-satisfying? The series will conclude with his brother Maximus Knight’s fight to retain his empire.

My next book, Miami After Hours, will be available June 2017. In the meantime, feel free to visit my website at ( or write me at for more info.

Best wishes,

Yahrah St. John

Taming Her Tycoon

Yahrah St. John (

YAHRAH ST. JOHN is the author of twenty-two books, fifteen of which are under Harlequin Kimani Romance. Yahrah hails from the windy city of Chicago, where she earned a bachelor of arts degree in English from Northwestern University. She currently resides in the beautiful city of sunny Orlando. Yahrah was nominated for an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award in 2011 for Two to Tango and was the winner of an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award in 2013 for A Chance with You.

St. John is a member of Romance Writers of America, but is an avid reader of all genres. She enjoys Broadway shows and concerts, reading, cooking, traveling and watching professional basketball, and she is an adventure sport enthusiast. But her true passion remains writing. For more information, please visit (

To my friends and colleagues Mary Dillard, Alana Guinard and Mica Reinhardt for providing an ear when I needed a sounding board.


Cover (#ud08f1fa4-8677-515e-9bcf-cca49f0ca45b)

Back Cover Text (#u052c79b3-52c1-53b6-991e-4f94bd4a5795)

Introduction (#ubca56fec-2678-59de-8ff5-882d4e6bb15b)

Dear Reader (#u1cca9d37-71b0-5a51-9a46-d3c3ca143055)

Title Page (#uc4832cc9-d7fa-5842-ae18-c6598b26d5ad)

About the Author (#u0f453b36-ecb7-53ad-919d-25cdc7a70bb8)

Dedication (#u5e623205-a444-55d8-8e9d-2dee3fcf5327)

Chapter 1 (#u3181e6a9-31fa-5b36-a6a9-5a96d0a5894c)

Chapter 2 (#udf0f4670-abb8-52f0-a30f-74f8be6a02f4)

Chapter 3 (#ueecb2e15-1932-5e3a-8302-db94019653b2)

Chapter 4 (#uf276c4fd-0196-5268-97a3-d5f4f9dda073)

Chapter 5 (#u3c2c3d03-4fe0-52ce-98f3-7caf1a9225f5)

Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 1 (#u7fa79598-b083-56f1-8de7-c5944e8e9616)

“I want Brooks and Johnson,” Lucius Knight told his lawyer and best friend, Adam Powell, as the two sparred in the boxing ring of their favorite gym on a Wednesday afternoon. It was one of Lucius’s favorite pastimes when he needed to blow off some steam, and today was one of those days.

“I know. I’ve been acquiring the shares like you asked, but why?” Adam inquired as he squared off against his six-foot-two friend.

Lucius put his gloves down and looked him in the eye. “Does it matter? I want it.”

“Yeah, it does,” Adam said. “I’ve never seen you so focused on a company before. Why is it so important to you?”

Lucius couldn’t tell Adam the real reason he was interested in Brooks and Johnson, an organic retail company, was its cofounder Naomi Brooks. Known for his playboy lifestyle, Lucius hadn’t been able to settle for anyone or anything, let alone a woman. But Naomi Brooks was different. He liked her story. She was a no-nonsense type of woman, a real do-gooder who not only believed in what she was selling—organic products that ranged from shampoos and conditioners to body lotion—but had also become successful in her own right. Who would have thought that the nerdy sophomore with the boyish figure and acne problems who followed him around during his senior year in high school would someday turn her basement business into a national success story?

Lucius understood that kind of determination.

Because he’d done the same thing. A reformed bad boy turned businessman, Lucius had experienced a chaotic relationship with his mother and had chosen to live with his grandmother in the Rose Park neighborhood of Long Beach.

Adjusting to the neighborhood and being a loner hadn’t been easy for Lucius. He’d rebelled and gotten into trouble often in school. Eventually, he’d met Adam, and a friendship that would last decades had been formed. Lucius had gone on to obtain an MBA before investing in his first business venture, an up-and-coming technology firm. The gamble paid off, and he’d made his first million before he was thirty. And thanks to his shrewd sense for recognizing opportunities, he’d formed Knight International and was now a wealthy tycoon with holdings across multiple industries.

“Hey, hey.” Adam waved a gloved hand in front of Lucius, jolting him from looking back down memory lane.

“You do that again and you’ll get knocked out,” Lucius joked, effectively ending their conversation about Brooks and Johnson.

“I doubt that.” Adam gave him a jab in the side. “Who do you think taught you how to fight?”

Lucius answered with a blow of his own to Adam’s middle. “You did. But as in the stories of old, sometimes the student becomes the teacher.”

Adam laughed heartily. “We’ll see about that.”

The two men continued to spar for another hour before they finally took a break. The gym along Santa Fe Avenue was starting to fill up with locals, which signaled it was time for Lucius to roll. Even though he still liked coming to the old neighborhood because it reminded him of days gone past, Lucius also knew the hundred he’d paid to the kid outside to watch his Bentley to ensure no one would scratch it wouldn’t last too much longer.

“How about a beer?” Adam said as they jumped down from the ring and walked toward the benches where their gym bags were.

Lucius smiled as he reached for a towel to wipe the perspiration from his forehead. “After a shower, you’re on.”

* * *

“Kelsey, whatever you’re cooking up smells wonderful,” Naomi Brooks said from her bar stool as she watched her business partner and best friend, Kelsey Johnson, stir a fragrant concoction on the stove of her four-bedroom home in Belmont Shore that afternoon.

Kelsey shrugged her shoulders, tossing her blond curls. “It just kind of came to me. I’ve been stirring this pot for an hour trying to get the consistency just right.”

“In your condition—” Naomi eyed Kelsey’s growing belly “—you don’t need the extra exertion. Plus, we have a development team that handles new creations for us.”

Kelsey turned from the stove to face Naomi. “I’m only six months pregnant, not completely fragile. And I kind of miss the days when it was just the two of us toiling away on our new business.”

Naomi nodded. She remembered those days, too. How could she forget? She and Kelsey had had the bright idea of starting an organic-products business eight years ago due to the sensitive skin and allergies they had in common. Naomi had suffered terribly in high school with bad acne. It had just been a notion, but soon they were in the kitchen testing out their ideas. Their parents had thought they were crazy. They’d just received their four-year liberal arts degrees and now their daughters wanted to start a new business with no experience?

They’d shown them.

Naomi and Kelsey had researched the hell out of the organic industry and slowly started building their brand. They initially sold candles, shower gels and bubble baths from Kelsey’s apartment. Word of mouth about their little business began to spread in the local community, especially when they began attending farmer’s markets. Soon, they were expanding to include shampoos and conditioners. And once their business hit a stride, they could no longer make their products out of Kelsey’s apartment. There had been some serious discussion about the next steps for their growing business. They’d also decided that selling online rather than going retail was the best way to promote and market their products.

It worked.

Their online presence had quadrupled their sales, causing the need for an office and a manufacturer who could distribute their growing product line. Once they’d topped several hundred million in revenue, they’d moved forward with an IPO and gone public, putting 49 percent of their shares on the open market but retaining 51 percent. It was important that they maintained majority interest in their company.

Naomi glanced at Kelsey. It was hard to believe just how far they’d come. “It was just the two of us for a long time,” she finally commented wistfully. But times had changed. Especially when Kelsey had two miscarriages and had a difficult pregnancy with her first child, Bella. Since then, Kelsey had opted to work from home, only coming into the office when needed.

“I know.” Kelsey stirred the concoction in the pot. “But having this second baby is making me reevaluate things and think about what’s more important.”

Naomi frowned. She didn’t like where this conversation was going. “What do you mean?”

Kelsey sighed heavily. “I’m thinking about whether I want to stay in the business.”

Naomi jumped off her bar stool and walked over to Kelsey at the stove. “Why? I don’t understand? Where is this coming from? Is Owen putting pressure on you to quit?”

Kelsey stepped away. “He would rather I focus on our growing family and he has encouraged me to sell. He thinks the stress of pregnancy and working full-time has taken a toll on my body. And he’s right, to a degree, but I’m torn. Brooks and Johnson means a lot to me, but...” Her voice trailed off.

“But what?”

“I don’t know. It’s just not the same anymore like when we first started out. Some of the joy has gone out of it.”

“Because we’re successful?” Naomi inquired. “It’s what we’ve always wanted, what we worked so hard for.” She turned away and walked over to the sink and grabbed both sides with her hands. “Or at least I thought so.”

Several seconds later, she felt Kelsey’s hands on her shoulders. “Don’t be mad, okay? I’m just being honest and telling you how I feel. Just like I did when I first met you and saw you needed a little help in the beauty department.”

Naomi chuckled and turned around to stare at Kelsey. At five foot four, Kelsey’s petite figure was still recognizable even though she was expecting, due to a regime of vegan food, yoga and Pilates. “Don’t sugarcoat it now. I believe you called me a hot mess.”

Both women laughed.

“Well, you were,” Kelsey responded with a grin. “You had acne and you wore your hair in a ponytail, and the clothes...” She snorted. “You were straight out of the ’90s. You wore those baggy jeans and plaid shirts. It was no wonder you couldn’t get a date.”

Naomi rolled her eyes.

“Now look at you.” Kelsey eyed Naomi’s figure up and down. “Your skin is clear and bright from using the proper facial products. And you finally listened to me telling you relaxers were killing your good hair, so it looks healthy now.”

Naomi fingered the soft spiral curls that reached her shoulders and complemented her long face. She’d fought Kelsey in the beginning about going natural, but the look suited her. Though it had taken some practice and a good stylist to learn how to work her natural curls into coil and twist styles, she’d mastered it. “Yeah well, I’ll give you that one.”

“And?” Kelsey countered. “Look at your clothes? We finally found your style—bohemian chic.”