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Formula for Passion
Formula for Passion
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Formula for Passion

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Formula for Passion
Yahrah St. John

Can he be her everything?As the beautiful public face of her family’s legendary cosmetics empire, Courtney Adams lives a life of privilege and glamour. But her hectic schedule leaves no time for pleasure. Until her latest commercial shoot takes her to the Dominican Republic, where she meets a sexy, soul-stirring stranger… …when he’s not the man she thinks he is?Alone together in their exotic idyll, Jasper Jackson can’t get enough of the stunning Atlanta heiress. And when a family emergency sends her rushing home, he knows he can’t let her go. But what happens when Courtney discovers that her island lover is really one of Atlanta’s most powerful developers–and the son of her family’s longstanding enemy?With sabotage looming, will it be the end of two towering dynasties…or a new beginning for a man and a woman who have become everything to each other?Kimani Hotties: It’s All About Our Men An Adams Affair

Can he be her everything…

As the beautiful public face of her family’s legendary cosmetics empire, Courtney Adams lives a life of privilege and glamour. But her hectic schedule leaves no time for pleasure. Until her latest commercial shoot takes her to the Dominican Republic, where she meets a sexy, soul-stirring stranger.

…when he’s not the man she thinks he is?

Alone together in their exotic idyll, Jasper Jackson can’t get enough of the stunning Atlanta heiress. And when a family emergency sends her rushing home, he knows he can’t let her go. But what happens when Courtney discovers that her island lover is really one of Atlanta’s most powerful developers—and the son of her family’s long-standing enemy? With sabotage looming, will it be the end of two towering dynasties…or a new beginning for a man and a woman who have become everything to each other?

Jasper slid onto the barstool next to hers.

“I thought you were too busy with errands to join me.”

“I finished up early.”

“And decided to grace me with your presence? How generous of you.”

“I figured I couldn’t allow a woman as beautiful and sexy as you to sit alone at a resort bar,” Jasper replied smoothly. “The vultures would be circling.” He eyed the rest of the men at the bar who were giving him the evil eye.

“So you think I’m sexy?”

Jasper eyed her up and down. “In that dress, hell yeah.” He laughed. “But then again, you were pretty hot in those skimpy shorts and top earlier.”

She gave him a sideways glance. “I thought you hadn’t noticed.”

“I’d be dead not to.” Jasper sipped on his beer.

“So we’ve established that you find me attractive,” Courtney replied and spun around to face him. The chemistry between them was palpable. She was sure everyone else had to feel their sizzling connection. “So what now?”

There was a lot of innuendo behind Courtney’s remark, but Jasper opted to be good, for now. “How about we start with names? Mine’s Jasper. And yours?”


Jasper held up his drink. “To having a good time.”

“To a good time.” Courtney clicked her glass against his.


is the author of ten books and numerous short stories. A graduate of Hyde Park Career Academy, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Northwestern University. Her books have garnered four-star ratings from RT Book Reviews, Rawsistaz Reviewers, Romance in Color and numerous book clubs. In 2012, St. John was nominated for the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Series Romance. A member of Romance Writers of America, St. John is an avid reader of all genres. She enjoys the arts, cooking, traveling, basketball and adventure sports, but her true passion remains writing. St. John lives in sunny Orlando, the City Beautiful.

Formula for Passion

Yahrah St. John

Dedicated to Beatrice Astwood for her love and support and making me feel like a daughter.

Dear Reader,

Formula for Passion concludes the Adams Affair trilogy with Courtney Adams falling for Jasper Jackson, the son of her family’s mortal enemy.

Courtney and Jasper are strangers who embark on a no-strings-attached tryst in the Dominican Republic but soon realize love is on the menu. Life gets complicated when family loyalty seeks to supersede their romance. Expect to see Jasper’s father, Andrew Jackson of Jax Cosmetics, take center stage in the drama.

I hope you will find it a satisfying conclusion as I give closure to the Adams and Jackson feud once and for all, while you catch up on your favorite characters: Kayla and Ethan Graham and Shane and Gabrielle Adams.

Visit my website at ( for the latest updates and details on my next book, expected in spring 2013. Or contact me via email at

Warm regards,

Yahrah St. John

A heartfelt thanks to my friends and family for their faith and encouragement. My utmost gratitude to my readers for their continued loyalty. And to Freddie Blackman…for all the love and inspiration.


Chapter 1 (#ub7809c8c-6cc9-565b-993f-e9cbee7e75e0)

Chapter 2 (#uf532ea4e-c5d8-5e01-ae24-a019974dff7e)

Chapter 3 (#u2dbcac3c-14d7-5860-aadd-d0cbce8d6ee6)

Chapter 4 (#ub51af05a-440f-506b-8493-9ca9a06b4241)

Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 1

“A trip to the Dominican Republic? Sounds fabulous!” Courtney Adams was overjoyed at the prospect of leaving the chilly January weather of Atlanta. As a spokesmodel for Adams Cosmetics, she really did have better perks than her older sister, Kayla, the CEO, and brother, Shane Adams, vice president and head chemist. She’d been in Milan for New Year’s Eve for a fashion show, and now no more than two weeks later, she was off to the Caribbean.

“This is not a vacation, Courtney,” said her brother-in-law, Ethan Graham, part owner of Adams Cosmetics. “You would be there for Bliss’s new campaign.” Bliss was the company’s third fragrance.

“I’m well aware of that.” They’d all been summoned to the conference room for a mandatory board meeting. It was a new-year, new-start sort of thing. “I’m just saying that it’s a welcome change after all the drama with Ecstasy’s debut.” Ecstasy was their previous perfume that, thanks to the machinations of their competitor Jax Cosmetics, had a rocky start in the marketplace. But in the end, Ecstasy’s revenues surpassed the knockoff Jax Cosmetics had produced.

“We’re looking to capture the clean, modern and oceanic quality to Bliss,” Shane added. “And what better way than on the beach? Gabrielle and I—” he smiled over at his fiancée, who’d joined Adams Cosmetics last year “—went

there a month ago and we were so impressed that we thought it would be the perfect location for the ad campaign. And once they saw the pictures, Kayla and Ethan agreed.”

“Well, I’m there,” Courtney responded. “When do I leave?”

“Myra is finalizing your travel arrangements,” Kayla said. She’d just finished feeding her five-month-old son, Alexander, and returned from the employee day-care center.

“We’d like you to leave by the end of the week.”

“You’ll love Sea Breeze Resorts,” Gabrielle said. “Shane and I found the resort to be first class. The staff is so warm and friendly you’ll hate to leave.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Courtney replied. She needed a break from all the lovey-dovey in the air. First Kayla and Ethan had gotten married over a year ago and then Shane and Gabby had gotten engaged. And although she’d orchestrated her brother’s union, she still felt like the odd man out. Her mother, Elizabeth, was in full mother-hen mode and eager to fix Courtney up with any number of eligible Atlanta bachelors. It was time for her to make like a ghost.

“I’m so excited for this trip,” Courtney told Kayla once their meeting adjourned. “I need to get away.”

“You have been a little restless these days,” Kayla noted. Courtney was usually full speed on all cylinders, but since Ecstasy’s campaign had died down, it had been quiet on the home front. Her little sister had seemed content helping plan Shane and Gabrielle’s wedding, but Kayla knew better. Courtney craved excitement.

“I’ve been still for too long,” Courtney agreed. “I’m used to having too much to do and now I don’t have enough.”

“Are you looking for more responsibility in the company?” Kayla inquired.

Courtney nodded. “I can only survive on my looks for so long. I mean, I’m already past my prime in model years. I’m twenty-seven.”

“Well, we’d love to have you take a bigger role here. You’re not just a pretty face to me. With your marketing degree, you’re a real asset to AC.”

Courtney smiled broadly. It was nice hearing those words from Kayla. She’d always wanted her big sister’s approval, but sometimes that was hard to come by. Kayla had always been very focused on her studies and learning the business, while Courtney had been about having fun and being carefree. It was getting long past time that she started acting like an adult and not an adolescent model.

“Why don’t you get whatever it is out of your system?” Kayla replied. “And when you get back, be ready to get down to business.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

* * *

“What is going on, Mark?” Jasper Cartwright asked his head of development that same morning in his office at Sea Breeze Resorts in Punta Cana. He’d just reviewed the report from the lender’s inspector on his second hotel in the Dominican Republic, Palace at Punta Cana, which was currently under construction, and seen that work wasn’t as far along as he’d hoped on the project. To make matters worse, he didn’t like the materials the construction company was using. Yet they had passed the bank’s inspection. But even if the bank that had lent him the money was satisfied, Jasper wasn’t. In his gut he felt something was amiss at the construction site.

“I thought you’d vetted this crew out?” Jasper asked from behind his desk.

“I did,” Mark returned. “They were highly recommended by several local businesses.”

“And did they use subpar materials on their build-outs too?” Jasper asked testily.

Mark appeared to be offended by Jasper’s tone. He’d always taken his job very seriously and clearly didn’t like the implication. “You don’t know that for sure.”

“Don’t forget I used to work in construction,” Jasper said. “I’ve done it all, from helping pour concrete to framing the walls to painting. It appears they are using inferior materials from what was drawn on the architectural plans. I want them off the site.”

“We can’t do that, Jasper. You signed a contract. You would stand to lose millions.”

“I’ve lost faith in this general contractor.”

“Then perhaps you should become more involved with the construction from here on out.” Over the years, Jasper had allowed Mark to take the lead with this project.

Jasper rubbed his jaw. Mark had a point, and it gave him a crazy idea. Perhaps it was time to get his hands dirty again. Usually he would have been there himself, overseeing things, but he’d had to take a step back when his mother, Abigail, had taken a spill on the steps of her farmhouse in Marietta, Georgia. He’d gone back to the States for a couple of weeks so he could spend some time with her. He’d hired a private nurse to help with her rehabilitation, and she was progressing smoothly.

But now was clearly the time to jump back in. This prime piece of property had fallen into his lap and he couldn’t afford to have it wasted because of bad construction. He needed to be more hands-on, and what better way than to go to the construction company and pose as a laborer or better yet a foreman? He could use his background to get hired, which would give him a way of seeing exactly what was going on on-site. Of course, he ran the risk of the general contractor recognizing who he was. But throughout, Mark had been the face of the project, and Jasper had been behind the scenes. He should be able to get by without anyone being the wiser.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” Jasper stated.

* * *

“What makes you tick, Ms. Adams?” the reporter with the Atlanta Star asked when he visited the Adams family estate to interview Courtney for the cover of their next magazine. The issue was going to focus on the top thirty under thirty in Atlanta business.

When he’d arrived with a photographer, Courtney had been ready for him. She’d already called ahead to make sure Viola, AC’s makeup stylist, was present, because she had to be camera ready and look her absolute best. Her stylist had picked out several different outfits for her to be photographed in. The first was a cream pantsuit with a plunging neckline and the final one was a white, one-shoulder evening gown with a front slit that showed off one toned thigh.

It was increasingly becoming a chore getting all dolled up for the press. As much as Courtney loved the fame, she was ready for a change. The photographer shot Courtney in several areas of the estate, in her bedroom facing her cheval mirror, in the gardens and by the pool. When they were done, they returned to the living room where Victor, their butler, had sweet tea and lemon cake waiting on the coffee table.

“You have it all—fame, wealth and beauty. The world is your oyster. What more could you want?” The reporter set the tape recorder on the coffee table.

“I am pretty lucky,” Courtney said, touching her chest. “But let me tell you that fame is fleeting. There will be another pretty face to take my place soon enough.”

“I don’t know about that,” the reporter commented, leaning back against the sofa. “You’ve dominated the Atlanta scene for over a decade and are always seen in New York, Paris and Milan.”

He was right about that. Courtney had loved the spotlight. It was as if she was born to be there, but all good things must come to end. “True, but I guess that dovetails into your other comment. Wealth. I’ve cultivated my fame to help brand my family’s cosmetics company. It’s not for personal gain. I’d like to think I’ve played a part in the company’s success.”

“I would say so. If you hadn’t been in the limelight, no one would know Adams Cosmetics. Which brings me to my next question. For twenty years, Adams Cosmetics was a boutique firm catering to a specific clientele. What has it been like merging with such a corporate Goliath like Graham International?”

Courtney smiled soberly. “It was an adjustment for all of us, but we’ve acclimated. And now we’re bigger and stronger than ever.” It had taken a long time for Courtney to feel comfortable with Kayla and Ethan running the company. She’d been none too pleased when her brother-in-law had tried replacing her with Noelle Warner, an actress. Who also happened to be his ex-girlfriend. It was doomed from the start. “We’ve introduced new products in our cosmetics line, revamped our skin-care line and introduced two new fragrances, Hypnotic and Ecstasy. And we have another on the way.”

“Sounds like you’re a busy lady,” he said. “How is your love life faring? I mean with your good looks, men must be bountiful.”

Courtney skated by his question and said, “I think I get my good looks from my mother, Elizabeth. She’s absolutely stunning.”

“Did you inherit those famous green eyes from her?”