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Cappuccino Kisses
Cappuccino Kisses
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Cappuccino Kisses

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“You just look funny, is all,” he commented as he followed her inside.

“Well, I’m fine,” Mariah replied. Or so she hoped. She glanced around the bakery for the mystery man. It was easy to find him in the crowd, because he commanded attention. She gulped. Her breath hitched and heart lurched into an excited rhythm. Damn! From across the room he was openly admiring her, and she didn’t like the way he made her feel with just one hungry gaze. Her entire being yearned for something she couldn’t quite name, didn’t want to name. Why was this man having such a profound effect on her?

* * *

Everett Myers was intrigued. Not just by the new pastry shop that had just opened, but by the beautiful siren he’d seen standing outside by the sign. Who was she? And how could he meet her?

He’d come to find out if Lillian’s was as good as the critics claimed, but as soon as he’d walked toward the group and photographer standing outside, he’d liked what he’d seen. Smooth caramel-toned skin, a pert little nose and straight honey-blond hair had Everett licking his lips. It wasn’t as if she was dressed provocatively, either. She was stylish and classic in a cream blazer over a coral top, but it was the sexy blue jean skirt hugging her behind, allowing him to make out her curves, that had him standing at attention. She had to be in the neighborhood of mid-twenties, which suited him just fine. God, what’s wrong with me? he wondered.

Deep down, he knew what. It had been a long time, too long, since he’d felt this way. Sure, she’d seen him when he approached, but since she’d reentered the establishment, she’d been doing her best to ignore him.

Everett wasn’t used to being ignored. With him being six foot two, it was impossible not to see him coming. Plus, everyone in Seattle knew who he was. The Myers Hotel chain was synonymous with luxury and class, and had been a staple in the urban community for nearly thirty years. If people didn’t know him personally, they knew of him or knew his name. He supposed that’s why he was irked that the young woman who’d caught his eye was doing her best to feign ignorance at his blatant appreciation of her.

Just at that moment, the beautiful siren turned and glanced toward him. He flashed her a smile, but she quickly looked away. Damn, had he really lost his charm? He had been off the market the last nine years. He’d married Sara, his college sweetheart, when he was only twenty-one, and their son, Everett Jr.—EJ for short—was born soon after. But five years ago a tragic accident had taken Sara’s life.

It wasn’t easy being a widowed father at the grand old age of thirty, but he was doing his best to provide a loving, stable home for EJ. Up until now, he hadn’t been eager to give EJ a new mom. Had he had opportunities? Heck, yeah! When he’d been single, Everett had often had women propositioning him, but as soon as he’d been widowed it got worse. They were all too eager to find out exactly how many zeros were in his bank account.

Or was he being too cynical? Maybe they just pitied him and felt his then three-year-old son needed a mother. And maybe EJ did back then, but Everett hadn’t had it in him to even think about marrying again. He wasn’t sure he could stand losing someone else he loved. And so he’d remained a bachelor the last five years, and quite frankly, had been content with the single life. Until now.

Determinedly, he strode over to where the gorgeous woman stood, speaking to a small group of people. She glanced up when he approached, but said nothing.

Instead, the man beside her, who had to be at least two inches taller than Everett, called out to him, “Everett Myers!” He held out his hand. “Pleasure to have you here.”

Everett had no choice but to accept the fervent handshake. “And you are?”

“Chase Drayson,” the tall man answered. “Part owner of Lillian’s.”

Everett caught the word part and looked the siren whom he’d fancied from across the room directly in the eye. Except now, standing so close to her, he found she was even more striking. “And you, would you be a part owner, as well?”

Her eyebrows furrowed. “Yes, but how could you tell?”

Everett inclined his head toward the door. “You were outside taking photos earlier, and I couldn’t help but notice you.”

His observation caused her to blush and she lowered her eyes, but that didn’t stop the tall man from continuing the conversation, even though Everett wished he would go away and give them some privacy so he could get to know her better.

“We’re all part owners,” Chase offered. “Mariah, myself and our brother, Jackson, over there,” He motioned to a man across the room surrounded by a group of young female customers sampling pastries from a platter he held.

“Mariah...” Everett let her name dangle on his lips. “It’s nice to meet you.” He offered her his hand.

Something shifted in the air between them. Something Everett hadn’t felt in a long time. Awareness. Sexual awareness of another person, but not just any person. Her. It was several moments before she finally accepted his hand with a smile. “Pleasure to meet you.”

A current of electricity passed between them at the slight touch, but then, as if Everett had imagined it, it was gone.

“What brings you by our little establishment?” Chase inquired.

Everett breathed in deeply. Clearly, her brother wasn’t getting the hint that he wanted to be alone with his sister, so he needed to be blunt. “Perhaps I can explain to Mariah?” he asked, holding out his arm. “As she gives me a tour?”

Chase glanced at his sister and then back at Everett, and understanding finally dawned. “Oh, of course, I’ll go mingle with the other guests. Have fun, sis.” He gave her wink as he strode away.

Everett sighed. Thankfully, they were alone. “So—” he grasped her delicate hand and slid it in the crook of his arm “—Mariah Drayson, what’s your role here at Lillian’s?” he asked, as she led him around the bakery.

When she glanced up at him with those brilliant brown eyes, Everett’s stomach flip-flopped.

“I’m not only part owner, but head baker, as well.” Mariah walked over to one of the tables holding a spread of pastries, muffins and scones. She reached for a petite orange scone and offered it to him.

“Really?” He arched an eyebrow as he accepted it. When he took a bite it was so moist and delicious, he couldn’t help but groan out loud.

She blushed at his near-sexual response. “Does that surprise you?”

His brow furrowed. “Hmm. I guess so. You don’t strike me as the domesticated type.”

“That’s because you don’t know me,” Mariah responded.

“I’d like to remedy that,” Everett replied smoothly as he drew closer to her. “How about sharing a meal with me sometime?” Had he really just asked her out, with no preamble or finesse? He hoped she would say yes.

Chapter 2 (#ulink_7003ecd8-e748-5f7e-8f6d-4bab75e32939)

Mariah coughed audibly. Had she heard him correctly? Had this impossibly gorgeous man with sexy dimples just asked her out? Her chest expanded as she responded to his close proximity. She could feel the heady attraction between them as her heart thumped loudly in her chest. It was as if he was magnetically pulling her toward him. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” Everett said with a smile, as he reached for another piece of heaven on that platter. He popped it in his mouth and chewed as he watched her intently. He was clearly waiting on an answer.

“I—I can’t,” she finally answered. Awareness of him prickled across her skin and made her uncomfortable.

“Why not?”

“Are you always this persistent?”

“When someone is trying to avoid me, I am.”

“And I’m trying to avoid you?”

He smiled. “You know you are. And there’s no need. I don’t bite.”

Mariah wasn’t so sure about that. Everett Myers looked like just the sort of man she should steer clear of. He radiated a sexual magnetism so potent that she shifted, restless on her feet.

“I’m waiting,” he said, folding his arms across his amazingly broad chest. His voice was slow and seductive.

Mariah couldn’t help but notice how defined he was. With his football player physique, he looked as if he spent a great amount of time at the gym, pumping iron. Everett Myers was sinfully sexy and he smelled equally divine. His cologne, spicy and woodsy, was tantalizing her senses, so much so that she had to step away.

“I’ve only been divorced a short time and I’m not ready to jump back into the dating pool.”

His eyes followed her every movement. “That’s too bad, but perhaps you’ll change your mind.”

“I doubt that.”

“If you can’t tell, I’m pretty persistent,” Everett replied.

“I’ve noticed. You ran my poor brother off with that look you gave him.”

Everett grinned unabashedly. “Did I? I just wanted some time alone with you.”

“I’m sorry to have wasted your time, since I’m not on the market. But my pastries are,” Mariah replied, “and you seem to like the scones. Can I get a variety box for you to take home? We have orange, lemon, triple berry and blueberry. Or perhaps something chocolate? Like an éclair?”

“Ah, the lady is changing the subject,” Everett said, as she moved away from him toward the register.

She gave him her friendliest smile. “I’m starting a new business, Mr. Myers, and my focus has to be on making it a success.”

He nodded. “I can appreciate that.”

She frowned.

“No, I can,” he declared. “Ensuring that my family’s legacy continues is important to me, since my father left running the hotels to me.”

“Omigod!” Mariah clapped her hand to her mouth. “You’re Everett Myers.”

He adjusted his tie and smiled with his eyes as she realized exactly who he was. “That’s right.”

“Of Myers Hotels,” Mariah finished, as understanding dawned. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...”

“Would that have changed your answer?”


“Dating me?”

Mariah snorted. “No, it wouldn’t.”

He let out a full and masculine laugh. “I guess I’m a bit rusty, as I have been out of practice.”

“Better luck next time.”

He took a step backward. “Are you saying that I might have the opportunity to redeem myself and get another chance with you?”

“N-no. No.” Mariah shook her head. “You misunderstood me.”

“Did I?”

“Y-yes.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Are you always this infuriating?”

“Only with you.” He smiled.

Mariah let out a deep sigh. “You should really work on accepting the word no.”

“Oh, I can,” Everett said. “But I don’t think that’s why you turned me down.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you’re afraid,” he said, searching her eyes. “Because you felt the sparks between us as much as I did, but you’re too afraid to act on it yet. And that’s fine. I can wait. I’m a patient man when it comes to getting what I want.”

“Why, of all the arrogant things—”

He pointed to the display. “I’ll definitely have some of those delicious crumpets you fed me earlier.”

He gave her a wink and Mariah’s stomach lurched. Resisting Everett Myers was not going to be easy. But for her own peace of mind she knew she would have to, because her poor heart could not withstand being broken again.

* * *

After Everett Myers walked away with his box of pastries, Mariah was perplexed. How was it that he could sense her unease in such a short time? Usually she kept her emotions in check, so much so that even her family didn’t know what was she thinking or feeling. Why? Because she was always looking out for their needs above her own. Even though she was the youngest, Mariah had always taken care of her older brothers. She’d been wired that way.

It had annoyed her ex-husband that she was so selfless. He’d always tell her to do more for herself, and she had. The one thing she’d always wanted was a baby. So when they’d had trouble conceiving early on in their marriage, she’d done everything in her power to ensure their success.

She’d spent three of the five years of their marriage in the pursuit of parenthood—a chase that went nowhere. At first she’d been unconcerned by her inability to conceive, but as each month passed, Mariah became further discouraged. When the doctor finally suggested aggressive fertility treatments, Rich hadn’t been on board. He’d told Mariah he would be happy if it was just the two of them, but she’d always dreamed of motherhood and hadn’t been willing to throw in the towel. The treatments caused a strain on her marriage, however, and Mariah didn’t exactly help the situation by quitting her high-stress job for her phantom baby.

Instead, she’d watched everything she ate, even gave up caffeine and alcohol, as the doctors instructed. But nothing worked. Eventually Rich had had enough and told her their marriage was over. She’d thrown adoption on the table, but he had long ago given up on them, and they decided to separate amicably. Rich had even agreed to pay alimony, which had allowed Mariah to contribute her share of the bakery start-up.

“Mariah, there you are,” Belinda Drayson-Jones said when she found her hiding behind the register. “You’ve been a hard woman to catch up with today.”

“I’m sorry, cuz,” Mariah said as she watched Everett interact with Chase, who couldn’t resist stopping the hotelier before he could exit the bakery. Mariah was sure Chase was trying to pick his brain about some business deal, because her brother was all about the numbers.

Her cousin glanced behind her to find the object of Mariah’s attention. “I’m not,” she responded. “If that’s who had you occupied.”

Mariah blinked and returned her attention to Belinda. She was happy that her cousin had flown from Chicago for the grand opening of the bakery. They’d grown close during her marriage, when Mariah and Rich had lived in Chicago. “What did you say?”

Belinda chuckled. “Someone is sure infatuated. Who is that?”

“Just a guy who asked me out.”

“Did he? And what was your answer?” she asked, leaning forward with eager interest.

“I told him no, of course,” Mariah answered, stepping from behind the counter, even though she couldn’t help hazarding a glance at Everett. When she did, she caught him staring at her, too, so she quickly looked away. “You know I’m not ready to jump into dating. It’s only been a year since Rich and I separated.”

“True,” Belinda said. “But if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit your marriage was over well before then and was just limping along.”

Mariah frowned deeply. “Thanks a lot, Belinda.”

“I’m not trying to hurt you, baby girl.” Her cousin reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze, “But you know I speak the truth.”

“I suppose, but it’s hard to hear nonetheless.”

Belinda nodded. “I know. But it’s time you start your life over, Mariah. You can’t continue looking back at the past.”

“How can I not, when my past could affect my future?” Mariah asked, as she watched Everett Myers leave Lillian’s.

“Because marriages fail every day.” Belinda fell silent for several long moments before saying. “Let me ask you something. Would you have left Rich if he hadn’t left you?”

Mariah shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t.”
